The Bringer of Wrath

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The Bringer of Wrath Page 24

by A. E. Via

Wrath’s laugh was sinister. “No apologies needed. That’s like being sorry for being beautiful.” He wove his thick fingers into Bell’s hair and held their faces close. “Feel better now, little bird? Wolf says it’s time to go.”

  “Yes.” Bell smiled slowly. Hell, he wanted to hate that nickname, but the way Wrath said it in that tortured, throaty growl, made him love it. “But, what’s going on out there?”

  “The people gathering mean no harm, they have grievances. But Wolf thinks a crowd of desperate people can become unsafe, and I agree.”

  “What do their grievances have to do with us and our dinner?” Bell knew they wouldn’t get any answers continuing to sit there. Damnit, he hated to leave when they’d been having such a nice experience. Then Wrath’s instantaneous appearance had Bell wanting to end the date in another traditional way. “How else can I summon you, besides with anger, Wrath? How can I call for my Ira tonight?”

  Bell felt the temperature between them rise.

  Wick bounded from his large desk in his and Justice’s office when Bell exploded through the door with Alek close behind.

  “Bell, calm down.” Alek said in his rumbling bass. “I’m sure none of what happened was Wick’s fault.”

  Bell ignored that statement. “Wick what in the hell is going on? Alek and I were practically ambushed coming out of dinner.”

  “It’s nothing to be worked up about. I believe we’ve contained the situation for the most part. The Lord Protector went with some guards to inspect a coven in Portland. He should be back in a moment now.” Wick said checking his watch. “I’m sorry we didn’t have time to brief you sooner. But, we didn’t think it wise to disrupt your mating again.”

  “Disrupt it for what? What situation?” Bell bit out. “Just say what’s going on now, Wick. Is there news on Alessandro?”

  Wick stopped short, standing in front of him. “I would never hold that back from you. I know finding him is high priority. But, this has to do with your mate’s heroic stunt he pulled earlier this week by running into a burning building in front of dozens of people.”

  Alek sat on the worn black leather couch and rested his elbows on his knees. Bell had to stop himself from staring at how well Alek’s thighs filled out his jeans. Damn, he really pulled off the sexy, mountain man look with all that scruff and wavy, deep-mahogany and silver hair. He had to glance away from him in order to focus on why he was upset.

  “I apologize for being late,” Ramon said, by way of greeting when he came into Wick’s office, leaving five of the guards standing just outside the door. “I had to reprimand Covell. He’s been demoted, my Lord. I take full responsibility for his negligence.”

  “It’s okay, Ramon.” Bell went and sat next to Alek, not liking the miserable expression he’d worn since they made their way through the small throng of sad people.

  “What happened?” Wick asked.

  “At first we were enjoying the night so much that we didn’t pay attention to the whispers and stares once we sat down. But, as a crowd began to form outside, it was hard to miss. There were vampires, shifters, and humans there. We couldn’t stand in the lot and listen long because some of the more desperate ones started to grab for us. They were jerking on Alek’s arm, and tugging on my coat. It got… scary. We wanted to do something, but it was too many and they were practically stepping on each other and bowling people over to get closer. I addressed them the best I could but it was getting out of order. I informed them that new polices were being implemented and that they should go to their coven leaders, their alphas, or their loved ones for more support. But, I’m afraid these individuals may’ve already reached their last resort. When Covell finally got the vehicle through the parking lot, we jumped in as fast as we could.

  “What were some of them saying?” Ramon asked.

  Bell closed his eyes in dismay. “One female vampire who clawed at my hand said that her life mate had been missing for six months. Another said she and her beloved were homeless. Also, I heard from a shifter that his little brother was being abused by his alpha. A female shifter says her alpha forces some of the omegas in heat to lay with him… sometimes against their will.” Bell pressed his fist against his forehead. “There were humans too. An elderly woman said her building is being terrorized by vampires at night and she’s afraid to sleep.”

  Wick walked in a wide circle with his hands on hips, his chin resting on his chest. “I knows there’s still much to be done. We’ve been so consumed with defending against uprisings that other areas of concern have been overlooked.”

  “Not anymore,” Bell said sternly. “Our people need help, Chadwick. So do Alek’s. And because we’ve been neglecting the order of the covens, things have gotten bad. Now, they’re turning to us again.”

  “We can’t do a million things at once, Bell. Your job is to oversee the elders of the covens, ensure they’re doing right by their followers. If any of their members are having a problem then that’s where they should be seeking help. I’ll need you to find out which coven leaders are no longer performing to the standards held by my rule.”

  “I will be doing that,” Bell confirmed.

  “Then it means you’ll have to end your obsession to exact revenge on Alessandro Giuliani. I fully need your head in the position as the Lord High and to trust when I say I have all resources at my disposal still hunting for the traitor who tried to kill you.”

  Bell had to admit Wick was good. He knew Bell well enough to know this would be the perfect opportunity to get him re-focused on the real priority. The reason fate had led them both to a shifter’s land high in the freezing mountains of western Maine. For the prophesy. They should only be focused on reuniting their people to live in harmony once again.

  “Where is my brother? He needs to know about this immediately.” Alek clutched Bell’s hand, and he could feel the effect those grievances had on his cherished’s compassionate heart. “An alpha… forcing Omegas is unheard of. It’s one of the highest moral crimes we have. No wonder a shifter of that size would be in a parking lot at eleven at night, practically crawling towards a vampire to touch his hand. Completely humble.”

  “Justice went with your brothers to a burial at the Saratoga mountain pack. They’re choosing a new alpha so he won’t be back until the morning.” Wick sat in one of the armchairs positioned around an oval center table. “What’s with Omegas that makes it so immoral to take them against their will versus anyone else? I’m just curious, because it’s despicable no matter what.”

  “Of course. But, Omegas are wolves born with a completely submissive spirit. Their aura brings peace to any habitat they’re in. If an omega is born into a pack, it’s usually a major celebration. They’re highly favored and adored. They never get angry, they can’t. They’re never rude or selfish, or any of the other things we have to work at not to be. Most alphas favor mating with them because of their passive nature and the way an Omega’s wolf eases the stress of their position. But, no alpha should…”

  “Are there only female omegas?” Ramon asked.

  “Mostly. Every now and then there’ll be a male born… and he’d be treated like royalty. But an alpha wouldn’t want to mate a male omega because he can’t give him any pups.”

  “I see.” Wick nodded. “I’ll make sure this is the first issue on the agenda tomorrow morning. And second will be Bell’s selection for a Lord of Arms. You need someone to manage your security, Belleron. Especially after what happened tonight.”

  Bell pulled at his torn lapel and the now fraying hem of his sweater. His friend may have a point. He was going to start forming committees, then visiting covens as soon as possible. He’d never get anything accomplished if he was met with that kind of chaos whenever he went out. “I understand. We’ll have to brainstorm heavily on that, because I still have no one to recommend.”

  “Wolf can protect you himself,” Alek said.

  Wick interjected before Bell could. “I know you can protect Bell when the two of you are together,
Alek, but what about when you’re not? As you can see, it’s impossible for Justice to be with me at all times. Sometimes we’ll go a couple nights without falling asleep together. It’s called life. You two will see soon enough.”

  “I may be able to find some senior lieutenants in the guard interested in the promotion,” Ramon stated.

  “Well, no one has come forward yet. I won’t have anyone forced into this position, Lord Vega.” Bell stood, taking Alek’s hand. “The person who’ll stand as my guard has to come to me willingly.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ramon said, then he was gone.

  “You still have some evening left, Bell. Go home. Tomorrow’s another day,” Wick told him, kissing his cheek.

  He’d taken his time with his grooming while Alek got a small fire going in the bedroom fireplace. His beloved hadn’t said much on the way back to his cabin, and he hadn’t instigated any more touching. Bell was unsure if Alek was in the mood to take their minds off the needs of their people for now and salvage the rest of their night or not. He set his brush on the countertop and slowly approached Alek lying on the far side of the bed. He was about to remove his robe but didn’t want to be presumptuous.

  He slid up against Alek’s muscular back and kissed him at the top of his spine. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  “Just thinking how I’m going to fix this,” Alek grumbled.

  “You don’t have to fix it all in one night, and you don’t have to do it alone.”

  Alek kissed Bell’s palm when he placed it on his chest. “I know.” Alek started to work his way out of Bell’s hug.

  “Where are you going?” Bell sighed.

  “Bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  Bell laid flat on his stomach. Bloody hell. He tucked his hair behind his ear and buried his nose in the spot Alek had been lying in. His body reacted to the scent of his mate’s soap and the natural outdoors. Mmmm. He turned to stare at the fire as the flames started to dwindle after a several minutes. Alek was taking a while. Bell must’ve got lost in the smell of burning wood and the flickering of the embers, because he startled when the fire suddenly blazed back to life.

  He tried to catch his breath when he saw a dark, striking figure standing across the room, most of his body hidden from the fire’s illumination. Bell glanced towards the flames then back to the corner of the bedroom. His voice was husky when he whispered, “If you knew how much I needed you, you’d come to me now, Ira.”

  “I’m here,” Wrath said, his baritone so much richer and deeper. “Your alpha is curled around Wolf, sleeping. The cries of the wounded are toxic to a compassionate heart.”

  “Thank you,” Bell whispered. This was what he was going to have to get accustomed to. But, it somehow felt as if Alek, Wolf and Wrath were the ones in sync with him. Bell needed tonight too.

  “I’ve been working on something for you.”

  Bell watched as Wrath walked past the fireplace, the flames licking up as if to touch him. Bell swallowed thickly. “Something for me?”

  “Yes. Your touch is so special… I wanted to touch you back.”

  Hell yes! Wrath could put his hands anywhere he wanted. Bell’s tongue caught in his throat when Wrath stood at the foot of the bed and extended one hand in his direction. He couldn’t believe his eyes as Wrath manipulated his heat into a simmering ball of energy and sent it floating in Bell’s direction. “Oh my god.” The first bite of heat that touched his leg sent a shock of bliss straight up his spine. Wrath slowly rotated his hand in another direction and created a second mass of waves and sent that one gliding through the air and landing on Bell’s throat. “Ohhhh.” Bell moaned when the energy slithered over his chest and right across his nipple. His dick hardened to full girth and peeked from beneath his robe.

  “I see this feels good to you, Belleron.” Wrath’s eyes glowed brighter than the fire. “You look enticing riding my waves. They’re not only generated for pain. For you, little bird, I can make them give pleasure.”

  “Only for me?” Bell liked the sound of that. He stared down his body, struggling to catch his breath as the energy moved beneath his robe.

  “Yes,” Wrath said, stirring the magic down his stomach to his groin. “Would you like to be touched here?”

  Bell arched his back when a blanket of heat, as hot as Wrath’s breath covered his leaking head. He grabbed his dick, wanting the sensation to stay right there. “Fuck, Ira. Yes. Touch me more.”

  Wrath laughed cunningly. “I like you swearing in my name.”

  “Come here. I want you in bed with me… on top of me,” Bell confessed. The swathes of erotic energy were no longer enough. He wanted Wrath’s touch marking his skin.

  Wrath climbed onto the bed stalking over to him. “Tell me what you want. I’ve never done this, Belleron. With anyone. No one has wanted me this way.”

  “I do. I want you so badly, every part of me.” The heatwaves vanished, and Bell waited for Wrath’s hands to replace them. He wanted to be overwhelmed by his power and divinity. Wanted Wrath to pound it into him. Bell started to squirm when his robe was pulled open. He was speechless, helpless. He used their link and sent Wrath an image of him letting all that brawn rest on top of him. Then he wanted to get lost in that beautiful gaze while he entered him and took him with a level of passion and virility that only a god could possess. He took a sharp inhale, his nostrils flaring when the smell of Wrath’s thick arousal consumed the room. He felt that rigid shaft dripping—wasting—all that delicious slickness along his thigh.

  Wrath groaned and did as Bell had shown him so vividly in his mind, dropping all his weight onto him. “You have such wicked wants, beautiful mate. How do I satisfy them all?”

  “Don’t think about it.” Bell wrapped his arms around Wrath and held him flush against him. “Yes, like this. Cover me.”

  Wrath naturally fell between his spread legs, his long cock nudging his sac. His slick lubrication dripping between his cheeks. Wrath caressed his face and Bell had an urge to kiss those full lips. He showed his cherished an image of them embracing, and his tongue sliding into his mouth and searching out his flavor.

  The fire roared inside the fireplace and Bell rocked his hips up to encourage Wrath’s thrusts. “You like the way that sounds, don’t you? You want my mouth on you.”

  “Yes,” Wrath answered, in a gruff voice.

  Bell didn’t have far to go before his lips were on Wrath’s, his tongue already probing for him to open his panting mouth wider. He couldn’t control his sense of urgency, feeling that broad, slick head push into his hole. “Unngh,” Bell moaned. “Right there… please, right there.”

  Wrath caught on quick. He worked his hips in sync with Bell’s, while accepting his tongue and stroking it inquiringly with his own.

  “Mmm. Yes, give me your tongue, Ira,” Bell begged.

  Wrath held Bell’s face in his hands and shoved his thick, long tongue so deep inside his mouth that Bell almost choked. He pulled away breathless and gasping for air.

  Wrath frowned, “Was that wrong?”

  “No. No,” Bell said, winded. “I just wasn’t expecting so… so much. You taste really good.”

  Wrath’s smirk and the way the flames in his eyes burned a smoldering burnt orange had Bell reaching between them and guiding Wrath farther inside. The first thing Bell felt was the stretch and burn and he stilled, wanting that feeling of exquisite pain to last forever, but as always it faded far too soon. Wrath’s eyes were wild with either amazement or overwhelming pleasure… perhaps both as he sank in the rest of the way with one deep thrust.

  Bell arched off the mattress at the same time Wrath’s back bowed into a ‘C’, pressing his forehead against Bell’s sternum. He was stretched fuller than ever, and the way Wrath’s curved shaft grazed insistently over his spot he knew this was also going to be the fastest loving as well. With his mouth open and his neck bared, Bell began to snap his hips harder, meeting Wrath’s thrust, their pelvises coming together almost angrily.

  His growl was sexy when he asked, “Gods, Bell. Is it supposed to feel like this?”

  NO! Bell had never in his life felt anything close to the frenzy Wrath was working him into. The throbbing in his cock, trapped between their sweaty bodies, had never been so essential to relieve. What they were doing was only possible between them. And he had to be honest, “No, Ira. This is me and you. I can only feel like this with you.”

  Wrath appeared to like the sound of that. He grabbed the back of one of Bell’s knees and held it out farther, driving his cock in and out at another angle. The sweltering temperature of Wrath’s dick was unbelievable. Bell couldn’t keep his hips still as he bucked and chased Wrath’s mouth. Wanting his tongue and his dick taking him deeper. Wrath’s blissed-out expression on his dark, handsome face, yanked Bell’s orgasm from him before he was ready. Groaning miserably, he couldn’t fight it. Long streams of his come spread between them, and Bell fell limp, surrendering to it all. His mouth dropped open on a silent scream and his head lolled to the side.

  Bell felt a thunderous pulsing in his throat. He tried to clear the haze from his vision, not wanting to miss Wrath when he came inside of him. Bell stared in fascination when the inferno in Wrath’s eye consumed the outer layers, and the fire blazing in the fireplace roared out of control as the flames licked up the pretty gray and brown stones.

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Bell whispered over and over when his cock spasmed again and dripped more come into his navel.

  “Yes. Praise me, Belleron,” Wrath rumbled. He thrust a few more times then slammed all the way into Bell’s warm, over-stimulated channel. Wrath’s full lips started to tremble and glow almost the same color as his eyes. “You are mine. I’m going to kiss you, Belleron.”

  Bell wanted more of those soul-searching kisses. He stayed in his position, his heart beating madly, his cock soft and twitching against his thigh. His lids grew heavy and a keening wail left his throat at the first wave of slick, hot fluid flooding his insides. Next, Wrath cupped Bell behind his neck and rose onto his knees, taking Bell’s pliant body with him. As Bell’s head hung to the side, Wrath tenderly tucked his strip of white hair behind his ear then leaned in and pressed his lips firmly above his collarbone.


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