The Secret Seduction of Lady Eliza

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The Secret Seduction of Lady Eliza Page 19

by Bethany Sefchick

  Without waiting for his coachman to do more than open the door, Nicholas leapt to the ground with not much effort, earning a sharp intake of breath from two young debutantes who were also alighting from their carriage at the same time. He might regret that particular action in the morning, given his already aching body, but for the moment, he was intent on providing all of London with a good show.

  Then, with all due haste, he strode into the theater to seek out the Framingham's private box. Nicholas would escort Eliza, along with Lord Underhill from their box to his. At least that was the plan for the evening. He had hoped to return from his business in Cheapside earlier in the day, but a nosy man at a gaming hell had required dispatching before Nicholas could depart for his home in Mayfair. It was simply a pity that dealing with the man in question had required fisticuffs, but then that was why Nicholas kept up his membership at Gentleman Jackson's. It always paid to be prepared.

  As they were at the absolute height of the season, the theater lobby was a complete crush and it took Nicholas far longer to wend his way through the crowd than he had anticipated. When he finally managed to reach the staircase, Eliza and her brother were nowhere in sight. Not that he thought they would be necessarily but he had hoped. He had endured enough struggles today. Could nothing go his way?

  By the time he reached the private boxes, the house lights were beginning to dim and he knew he had to hurry to find the Framingham box. Most of the curtains were already closed and in all truth, he had very little idea which box specifically he was looking for. Nicholas didn't frequent the theater much but when he did, he used his own box. After all, he was a duke. Why would he go elsewhere?

  Finally, he saw Lord Underhill's no-longer-quite-so-bald head and hurried in that direction, pleased that he had finally located Eliza in this mad crush of people. However his smile quickly turned to a frown when he realized that Stephen was disappearing down the hall. Alone. No Eliza in sight.

  Her brother did at least seem to have a true care for Eliza's reputation. So why was he leaving her alone in a crowded theater full of men seeking to ruin young ladies of good reputation just for sport? For this theater, as favored by society as it might be at the moment, was also renowned for its various alcoves and hidden nooks and crannies. More than one young debutante had found herself in a sad and sorry state after a night here with an inattentive chaperone.

  And when Nicholas spotted the very lecherous Lord Horace Manfield, the Viscount Northrup, heading in the direction of the Framingham box, he very nearly lost his mind, his vision going so red that it was difficult to see clearly. In fact, Nicholas couldn't recall being this angry since he had learned Ellie was to be married off to the elderly Lord Berkshire. And even then, perhaps, not this completely furious.

  The viscount's nose was still a bit swollen and purple, a gift from Lord Lachlan McKenna, the Marquess of Hallstone, a few weeks previous, but that did not seem to bother the viscount in the least as he parted the curtains to the box with a feral gleam in his eyes. On that fateful night, Northrup had been attempting to abduct Lady Diana so that he might ruin her and claim her dowry in order to restore his fortunes. One would think the man had learned his lesson, but apparently not. Nicholas had no doubt that the man had now set his sights upon Eliza, thinking her weak and an easy mark now that Stephen had returned to turn her world upside down.

  As quickly as he was able, Nicholas made his way to the theater box, cursing Underhill for leaving his sister unprotected. Perhaps he wasn't the true viscount after all, for no gentleman of honor would leave his innocent sister unprotected in a den of vipers like a Drury Lane theater.

  When Nicholas reached the box, he paused, wanting to make certain he knew what sort of situation he was getting himself into before he made his presence known. He had a feeling that it was time to play The Bloody Duke again. Even though he had just decided earlier that it might be a good idea not to cause quite so much of ruckus.

  However when he heard Lord Northrup's thoroughly disgusting comments, Nicholas quickly changed his mind. The Bloody Duke was definitely about to make an appearance. And this time, he might actually kill someone.

  In her mind, Eliza was silently cursing her brother for leaving her alone. She had been a bit faint from the heat upon entering the theater and he had gone in search of some cold refreshment, fearing for her health. It had been a sweet gesture and in truth, Eliza had assumed that she would be fine for a few moments. After all, this was a public theater and she was in an open box where all and sundry could see her. She was in plain view. What could possibly happen?

  Then, when Lord Northrup appeared, she remembered very well what could happen. This man had almost ruined Diana several weeks ago and only Lord Hallstone's quick thinking had prevented her friend from being wed to this monster who, rumor had it, killed his wives when they could not provide him with an heir. In this case, Eliza's spying had proven that rumor to be true. And she had no intention of becoming the fourth Lady Northrup. Or to die at his hand like the previous three.

  Still, propriety forced her to rise when the man parted the curtain of the box and dip into a curtsey. "Lord Northrup. It is good to see you." Actually, it wasn't, but she couldn't really say such a thing. It would be unspeakably rude. Even if it was the truth.

  In return, the man bowed, but it was clear he was looking more at her breasts - which were rather on display in the tight claret-colored gown she had chosen in hopes of seducing Nicholas - than at her face. "Lady Eliza. The pleasure is all mine, I can assure you."

  Eliza knew she could make polite chit-chat and invite the man to sit. But she didn't want to do so. If she gave the viscount even a little bit of leeway, he would take more. More to the point, Eliza was not Diana. She did not feel compelled to be the perfect society lady and the height of propriety. She never had before so why should she begin now?

  "May I help you with something, my lord?" she asked, using a touch more respect in her tone than she did with Nicholas. After all, she used the "my lord" title simply to annoy the duke. She doubted Lord Northrup would find the humor in such a thing the way Nicholas did.

  A muscle twitched in Northrup's face and Eliza felt a chill of unease snake up her spine. "Is that the way you wish to go about things, my lady?" He inclined his head. "As you like." He took a step towards her. It was a small step, but a bit menacing nonetheless. "I understand that after years among the wallflowers, you are now amenable to courting. Which means you are amenable to marriage. I'm certain that the return of your brother now means a great deal of changes for you, which is why you are being forced to find a husband. And I, as it happens, am looking for a new wife."

  Wanting to make certain that all of society present could see her clearly, even as the house lights began to dim, Eliza took a step backwards towards the balcony. "I am not certain where you have received your information, my lord, but I can assure you that you are mistaken. My family is not forcing me to wed. I only announced my public courtship with Lord Candlewood after great consideration. There is reason to celebrate in my family now, what with the return of my brother, Lord Underhill." She decided that it might help her to remind this man that she had brother who was also a peer as well. "And now that my family has emerged fully from the darkness of mourning, there was no reason to keep our courtship a secret any longer."

  "So you mean to wed The Bloody Duke?" Northrup almost laughed, but somehow managed to keep himself in check. "You? The Spinster Deaver?" He smiled and his eyes glinted nastily. "Nae. While I do not know what game he plays, I am certain that a bloody boring chit like you could ever hold his attention for long. Not after he bedded a woman like the lusty Lady Berkshire. Now there was a chit who knew her way about a bedroom."

  Eliza's own anger spiked and she took a step towards Northrup. "My relationship with Lord Candlewood is none of your concern and I would ask you politely to leave my family's box before I have you tossed out!"

  She was surprised and taken more than a little off guard when Nort
hrup reached out and grasped her wrist. "If it's a tumble you want, I'll give you that and more. I'll wed you, which is more than your duke is likely to do. I'll take you with me now if it suits you."

  "Or you could release the lady and keep your hand attached to your body." There, in the doorway, framed by the flickering light of the hallway, was Nicholas. And he was every inch The Bloody Duke of legend. For a moment, he simply stood there, his arms crossed over his massive chest, studying Northrup as if he was an insect pinned to a specimen board. "Or not. Really, the choice is up to you, Northrup. But be quick in deciding. I am rather interested in seeing the play this evening." Then he yawned, as if he was utterly and completely bored out of his mind.

  Eliza had seen this particular act of Nicholas' before. Except that tonight, she didn't think it was an act. At least not all of it. He was too sharp, too observant. His body fairly hummed with tension and there was a murderous look in his eyes that she had not noticed before.

  When Northrup didn't reply, Nicholas pushed away from the doorframe and took a step into the box, his big, hulking body filling almost every inch of available space. "Do not make me call you out, Northrup." The duke's voice was deadly calm and cold. So cold that Eliza felt the chill in her very bones. "I should hate to ruin such a splendid season with a duel. Blood does not come out of boots quite as well as one would hope. And I really don't think my valet would relish the challenge again anytime soon." Then he cocked his head, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

  "She is eligible to be courted!" Northrup protested. "After all, she is being seen in public with you!" There was, of course, no debate about what "she" the viscount was referring to.

  Nicholas appeared to pull a loose string from his gloves, though given his impeccable tailoring, that was unlikely. "Yes, but I am me." Then he looked up, his brown eyes so dark they were almost black. "And you? Well, you are you and very lucky you are not in Newgate at present." Nicholas brushed at an imaginary piece of lint on his sleeve. "That can be arranged, you know. Rather easily, I would think. The silence of servants is a bit more expensive these days, I'm afraid." He clucked his tongue. "Pity that, but it is the way of the world, I fear. Nothing is as inexpensive as it used to be, as I am certain you well know."

  "I will not be chased off! She is an eligible prize and I mean to claim her!" A vein throbbed in Northrup's temple and Eliza could tell the man was on the verge of losing his temper. That would be a very bad thing indeed.

  It was time for her to intervene. "Lord Northrup," she offered, "while I am flattered by your attentions, I am afraid that my heart belongs to Lord Candlewood. No other man will suit me."

  "I will have you!" The viscount was no longer whispering and a fair number of heads were turning in their direction, the play now just beginning far below them. "After all, you cannot truly believe that a man like The Bloody Duke will actually wed you. Or be faithful to you!"

  "And I will have your lying, filthy head on a pike. Or your worthless body dead on a dueling field if you speak to the lady in that manner again. Or even dare to breathe the same air as she!" This time, there was nothing cynical in Nicholas' actions, especially when he gripped the viscount's lapels and gave him a hard shake. His actions were pure, unfettered anger. But beneath it all, there was a bone-chilling calm, one that said without words that Nicholas was more than capable of making good on his threat. "You choose." Those last two words were hissed from between Nicholas' tightly clenched teeth.

  And suddenly, Eliza watched the color drain from Northrup's face. As if he finally understood that he had pushed The Bloody Duke too far. And that the duke was more than just legend and reputation. That he was something more. Something very, very dangerous. And in that moment, Eliza saw a side of Nicholas she had been unaware of before. It did not frighten her. Though perhaps it should have.

  " are serious," the viscount squeaked as Nicholas shook him once more before releasing him, dropping Northrup to the floor so hard that the man stumbled backwards into a chair. "About her."

  "About her, yes. I am very serious. Deadly serious, in fact." In the near dark, Nicholas' eyes glittered maliciously, but there was a passion there as well, and in her heart, Eliza knew that this was the night. Tonight she would finally taste passion. "Now be gone, vermin, before I do something that I might likely regret." This his lips flattened into a grim line. "Or not regret. I am of two minds on the issue at the moment."

  The very moment Nicholas moved away from the box's entrance, the viscount scurried away as quickly as he could, disappearing down the corridor without looking back even once. Very few men escaped such an encounter with The Bloody Duke unscathed. Eliza knew Northrup should consider himself very lucky indeed.

  Then she turned back to Nicholas and she saw the way he was breathing, his chest rising and falling rapidly, the thick, corded muscles in his neck quivering. "Now," he fairly growled. "I need you now, Izzy. No more delays."

  A bolt of desire shot through her, her body coming alive at that single word. "Yes," she whispered. "Now."

  Footsteps echoing distantly in the hallway behind them alerted them both to another presence. Most likely Underhill, Nicholas decided. Too late to defend Eliza's honor but early enough to get in the way of his plans for the evening.

  Gently, he shoved her in the opposite direction, knowing that her slippers would not make nearly as much sound as she departed. "Go. Wait in my carriage out front. I shall deal with your brother. I will be along momentarily."

  Thankfully, Eliza did not hesitate. Instead, she hurried off, her dark-hued gown blending into the darkness. The footsteps drew closer and from the scent of bergamot and sage, Nicholas knew it was Stephen. Some things about the man never changed. Including his preference of scents.

  Straightening the lapels on his evening coat, Nicholas drew in a deep breath and centered himself, finding the calm deep inside of his soul that had served him so well over the years. He was about to lie to a man who may or may not have once been his best friend in an attempt to have an evening alone to seduce the man's sister. Even The Bloody Duke had a bit of trouble with that one.

  Then, he thought of Eliza, her long, lush body with just the right amount of curves and the way it had tasted that night at the Evanston's ball. He remembered the way she flushed as she became aroused and the way she trembled in his arms. And his resolve strengthened. He could not wait any longer. And so he prepared to tell one of the greatest lies of his life - conscience be damned.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The carriage ride seemed to last forever. As promised, Eliza had been waiting for him when he opened the door, the single diamond teardrop around her neck sparkling in the dim light from the carriage's only sconce. For a moment, Nicholas considered dousing the light completely and simply having his way with her right there in the carriage. However, he also could not in good conscience allow her first experience with pleasure to come in a private coach in the middle of a London street. It was too gauche and debauched, even for him.

  Instead they rode in silence, watching each other through heavily lidded eyes, anticipation building between them. He could see the way her gaze traced the cut of his coat and he imagined that she must be wondering what lay beneath, especially given the way her pulse fluttered within the delicate column of her throat.

  A throat that he would very much like to kiss at the moment, if only he was certain that he would be able to restrain himself.

  Even if Nicholas was not seducing Eliza this evening, it had still been a very long time since he had lain with a woman. Well, a long time for him anyway. In truth, a fortnight might as well have been an eternity. He was unaccustomed to going without for so long and he fairly ached to find his release. And he would have it tonight. With her. And for some reason that made him ache all the more - even though she was most certainly not the most beautiful woman he had ever bedded. Or the most experienced by any stretch of the imagination.

  He could not say why he had this strong and powe
rful of a reaction to Eliza, other than quite possibly because she was not afraid of him. She saw both The Bloody Duke as well as Nicholas Rosemont inside of him, and she was apparently not bothered by either side of his nature. That was rare. Some women, such as his old mistress Adelphie, adored his rougher side, the legend of The Bloody Duke more of an attraction for them than just Nicholas had ever been or would be. The same, he supposed, was likely true of Gianna Vienetti as well. Still others, such as the insipid chits that Julia had constantly trotted out before him on numerous occasions adored the idea of wedding a wealthy and powerful duke, but trembled in sheer terror at the idea of having to bed a man whose ruthless reputation - not to mention renowned appetites in the bedchamber - was unequaled in all of England.

  But not Eliza. She had never feared him. Not once. Not even when he was at his worst. Or his best, depending on how one looked at the situation. And that, he decided, made her far more appealing than any woman who had come before her. Even Ellie.

  By the time they reached his residence, Nicholas' skin felt too tight and his cock too hard. Without preamble, he snatched Eliza's hand the moment the carriage rolled to a stop in the mews behind his town home and jumped down from the carriage, her in his arms. In truth, she could have weighed a thousand stone but he would have found her light as a feather. And in the very darkest heart of the night, he whisked her into his residence by way of the servants' entrance so that no harm might befall her reputation. Well, at least not yet anyway.

  Eliza was nearly breathless as Nicholas lifted her from the carriage and carried her into his lavish home. She knew what was about to happen but for some reason, she had thought it would be more...well...cold was the word she supposed that she was looking for. Then again, Nicholas had promised her a seduction and so far, that was exactly what she was receiving. While she admittedly had no experience with the art of seduction everything certainly felt right. Especially when Nicholas shifted her in his arms as he mounted the stairs and she could feel the hard evidence of his desire pressing against her.


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