The Secret Seduction of Lady Eliza

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The Secret Seduction of Lady Eliza Page 21

by Bethany Sefchick

  And he didn't, sliding inside of her in one smooth move, her body so wet and ready for him that he glided in far easier than she had anticipated. When his cock met her maidenhead, he hesitated only a moment, flexing his hips briefly. Then, he was through and she knew a small moment of pain. But then that, too, passed and she felt nothing but a pleasant fullness that she could not even begin to describe.

  "I will make it good for you, Izzy. I swear." Nicholas heard her sharp intake of breath as he took her virginity. In truth, he didn't bed many virgins, but for Eliza, he would make an exception. Always. And more than anything, he wanted to prove to her that there was pleasure to be had in what they were about to do.

  Slowly, he withdrew from her body almost to the crown of his cock, earning him a whimper from her in the process. But when he slid back inside of her warm, willing body, she graced him with a sigh of delight and contentment.

  "Yes." That single word nearly caused him to spill himself that very second. "Oh, Nick!" With each stroke, he could feel her pleasure mounting, her body tightening around his. That only made him move all the faster until he found the perfect rhythm, the one that seemed to bring her the most pleasure and him the most exquisite sort of pain.

  She kissed him.

  Eliza knew she should not, that he would most likely not appreciate it, as this was not a romantic sort of affair. But he did not seem to mind, much to her surprise. Instead, she seemed to spur him on, his hips flexing and moving so quickly that with each stroke, she thought she might fly apart. He pushed her higher and higher, closer to the edge of some unknown precipice. His mouth devouring hers in the process. His hands caressing her body. He dug his fingers into her hips, holding her down, urging her to take all that he had to give. And take she did.

  She cried and whimpered, the pleasure so exquisite that it felt as if she might die from it where she lay. She arched up, begging for something, though she did not know what, relishing the feel of her tight, hard nipples being abraded by his chest hair, the overly sensitive tips sending still more pleasure to her core until she felt her body begin to tremble and quake. But she still could not reach it, this unnamed thing that she yearned for.

  Nicholas was close. So very close. He had known that it wouldn't take long. Eliza was so tight and he was so ready for her. But she was not there yet. She had not yet mastered the art of simply letting go and allowing herself to fly free. With each hard thrust, he brought her closer to the edge but she would not let herself go.

  Reaching between them, Nicholas slid a single finger down across her stomach until he reached that secret little nub. Perhaps he should have made her come for him first, before he entered her. That might have made it easier. But there was no turning back now. With his finger, he rubbed that spot, gently at first and then harder as her hips continued to buck.

  "Come for me, Izzy," he whispered in her ear, biting down on the sensitive lobe and eliciting yet another cry of passion. "I want to see you fly for me."

  "Yes, Nick! Oh yes!" Eliza wanted that too. Desperately.

  Then, with one final stroke, Eliza arched her back and did exactly what Nicholas requested. She let go, the waves of pleasure crashing down around her. And when he closed his eyes and followed a moment later, they both knew what it was truly like to fly.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They made love so many more times throughout the night that both of them lost track of the true number of times they came together. Each time, Nicholas swore it would be the last, fearing that he was hurting Eliza, or that she was already far too sore. Instead, she always smiled and welcomed him with open arms. And she never refused him.

  He, in turn, taught her that there was more than one way to pleasure each other. The first time he kissed her intimately, he thought she might swoon but she learned of the delights such an action could offer quickly enough. The next time they mated, she was brave enough to taste him, nearly driving him to the very edge of his sanity. Though she might not have been exceptionally skilled, she was exceedingly enthusiastic and when she gazed at him with that questioning turquoise stare, he found that there was nothing he could deny her. Nor did he want to.

  Finally, they fell asleep in the early morning hours, the darkness thick and heavy as the rain that had threatened the previous day finally moved in overnight. Once, Nicholas awoke to the sound of the rain splattering against the thick panes of glass in his bedchamber, but he quickly laid back down when he saw Eliza's soft arms reaching for him again, reminding him that dawn was still hours away yet.

  And sleep he did. In fact, Nicholas could not remember ever sleeping so well. In general, he tossed and turned most nights, his mind always working, seeking to order the facts he had collected throughout the previous day. Trying to make the puzzle pieces fit, be it attempting to discern where Madame Philotes obtained her girls or what nobleman might need to be reminded not to trifle with Prinny's mistresses. On the occasions that Nicholas resorted to violence, those images haunted him in his dreams, though fortunately they were fewer and father between these days than they had once been.

  But in the early days? It was safe to say that Nicholas had spilled more blood in the name of the Crown than he would have liked. And that was something that was a bit more difficult to live with.

  On this night, however, he slept soundly, the lithe form of Eliza tucked by his side. Content, he did not rouse again until a thin stream of sunlight filtered through a crack in the drapes. And only then because he heard something rattle.

  Blinking awake, Nicholas was shocked to see Drayton standing in the doorway to his bedchamber. Then he glanced at the still slumbering Eliza and felt cold fear snake down his spine. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Not even a squeak. For the first time in recent memory, The Bloody Duke was speechless.

  In general, Nicholas did not like to appear this much of a cad in front of his staff. Especially not Drayton or his butler, Randolph, both of whom had been with him since the early days of his dukedom at Seldon Park. Yet the presence of Lady Eliza in his bed could not be explained away so easily. He wasn't even certain how he would try. However Eliza's presence in Nicholas' bed was clearly the last thing on Drayton's mind. Much to Nicholas' relief.

  "Someone to see you, my lord." Drayton's eyes strayed to the just-now-waking form of Lady Eliza, but he said nothing. Merely pressed his lips into a firm line. "Two, actually. A Lord Chillton and a Lord Raynecourt." Then he raised an eyebrow, as if questioning whether or not Nicholas was in any shape to receive them.

  "Frost and Rayne." He frowned. "This is not good in the least. Show them into my study. I shall be there shortly."

  Drayton bowed stiffly. "And Miss Deaver?"

  Damn. How late was it anyway, Nicholas wondered.

  "It is half eleven in the morning, your grace," Drayton supplied, as if knowing what information his employer would ask for next. He cleared his throat. "After learning from young Timothy what sort of fallacy you told last evening in order to spend the night in her company, I took the liberty of sending 'round a note to her family." He shook his snowy white head and made a clucking noise. "Nasty business, this rescinding of permission to wed. Bad form on Lord Hathaway's part, if I do say so myself." Then the valet raised a second eyebrow. "Though given the news in the Town Tattler this morning, I am certain that Miss Deaver will see Miss Reynolds through the entire affair rather nicely."

  Nicholas winced, feeling more than a little guilty. It was one thing for him to lie, but another to ask his staff to do so as well. Still, he was thankful for their intervention. He was also thankful that while out in Cheapside yesterday, he had happened upon a choice bit of news, namely that Lord Hathaway was on his way to visit Lord Selby to officially revoke his approval for Selby's marriage to Hathaway's sister, Lady Sophia. Who just happened to be one of Eliza's best friends.

  It had been rather convenient, especially as it gave Eliza a perfect excuse not to return home to the Framingham household the previous night. Though Nicholas h
ad hoped to return her in the early morning hours so that no one would spy the two of them together in his carriage - the one with the completely recognizable Candlewood crest on the side.

  Except that they had both overslept by a good bit, which had forced Drayton - and most likely Randolph, as well - to lie for him. And for Eliza.

  "Thank you, Drayton." To Nicholas' surprise, that came from Eliza. She was awake and clutching the sheet tightly to her chest. She was also clearly extremely embarrassed, but also ever the lady. Though her cheeks were flushed a delightful pink, she still held her head high as if she was finely dressed and in a proper drawing room. "I am assuming that there is some sort of conveyance available to return me to my home?"

  To Nicholas' shock, the valet nodded almost eagerly. "Of course, my lady." Then...he bowed! Of all the things, Drayton bowed! To a naked Eliza in Nicholas' bed! The sheer cheek of the man!

  "Your family has been informed that when Lady Sophia became even more despondent after she learned you were about to leave the theater that you agreed to spend the night with her. To ease her suffering. Your family heartily approves of your selfless actions, by the way. I am given to understand from one of the downstairs maids at Hathaway House that Miss Reynolds has not emerged from her room since late last evening and was asking for you." He raised that eyebrow again. "Might I suggest that you dress and return home, also announcing that you plan to return to offer the girl further comfort?"

  Then Drayton smiled at Eliza. The bloody proper man smiled at her! Kindly! As if he enjoyed her presence in his master's bedchambers.

  The man had never approved when Nicholas had brought a woman home. Not even the Widow Makely, who was among the most celebrated women in all of England. And considered quite a good catch for some peer, as she was also rumored to be the perfect hostess with impeccable bloodlines and important connections.

  Yet Drayton hadn't cared for the other woman, making his distaste for the lush widow quite plain. But the man did seem to like Eliza. Very much so. And that left Nicholas feeling a little peculiar inside.

  When the valet finally departed, Nicholas turned back to Eliza. "I am sorry, Izzy. I never meant to place you in this situation."

  But rather than being either embarrassed to be caught out by the staff in bed or cross with Nicholas for allowing such a thing to happen in the first place, like Drayton, Eliza smiled. "I am fine, Nick. Truly." She inclined her head. "Yes, I am embarrassed. What lady of breeding would not be? But what's done is done. I am certainly not the first woman to be seen here, after all, and I, undoubtedly, will also not be the last."

  "But you are different," Nicholas protested, not realizing until now how much it would bother him to have deflowered Eliza without the propriety of marriage. He was a rake and occasionally a rogue. He was never a cad or a scoundrel. At least, not until now. And that shamed him. Far more than he had anticipated. However, he could also not understand why that was. And that bothered him far more.

  "And I am a big girl, Nicholas," Eliza reminded him gently. "I made my choice. I knew what I was about when I left the theater with you last night." She shrugged. "And after this season, I might not return to Town at all. I might see if I can remain at Langton Abby." She rose and picked up her gown from where it had been tossed but a few short hours ago. "I am old, Nick. A spinster. And when we part, when this business with Stephen is concluded, I will be viewed as damaged goods. You know this. And deep inside, so did I when I accepted your proposal."

  He frowned. "Are you telling me good-bye? Is that what this is?" Gads, the chit was maddening! One night in his bed and she was leaving him already? That made no bloody sense! None at all!

  Then she laughed, much to his annoyance. "No, Nick. I am not saying good-bye." Then she blushed and he saw the old Eliza emerge from behind the face of this new, vixen-ish woman that he did not know at all. "I am simply saying that I had already been considering retiring to the country for some time now, though I did not think it necessary to inform you of my plans."

  "You were wrong," he growled, crawling across the large bed towards her like a jungle cat. "For the moment at least, we are lovers. Not to mention partners in crime so to speak, at least where your brother's identity is concerned. Therefore, whatever you do concerns me. I want to know what you plan for your future. Always."

  A brief thrill shot through Eliza at Nicholas' words but she quickly tamped it down. This was not about love and emotions. This was about seduction and power. And, in truth, she was not nearly ready to be done with this either. Whatever this was. She had asked to be seduced and he had done so - admirably. But she wasn't quite ready for her lessons in the art of pleasure to be over just yet either.

  She had no illusions that Nicholas would ever love her. But he did desire her. And she still craved that feeling more than she had realized.

  That was why she had decided to be so bold in both speech and action this morning. So unlike her. After all, given his experience, that was likely what Nicholas would expect of her. He would expect a cool, detached lady of sophistication who could handle an uncomplicated affair. Not to mention being discovered by the staff in his bed. So that was precisely what he would receive from her. Even if inside, Eliza was completely and utterly terrified. And more than a little mortified.

  "Very well," she agreed briskly, not wanting to over-think the situation, and she saw his face immediately relax a bit. "Just remember, Nick, that when we part, there is not a man of good standing who will find me appealing as a wife. Not that they ever did before. I am simply being practical and pragmatic." She tilted her head. "I thought those were two of the traits you liked best about me. That I was not as flighty as other females. Besides, I would think that my departure would please you. No more false courting. No more shows of untrue affection. You don't want to be betrothed or wedded, so my leaving for the country should please you."

  Nicholas didn't know what to say to her words. All he knew was that his head hurt. And there were two men waiting for him in his study. Men who most likely had important news for him.

  However he was not about to leave Eliza without extracting a promise from her.

  Springing from the bed, he marched around to the other side before grasping the sheet she wore in his hands and giving it a good, solid tug. It fell away easily. She gave a short gasp of indignation but Nicholas swallowed it with his kiss, crushing his mouth to hers and demanding her surrender.

  Eliza hesitated for a moment before sighing in submission and arching against him, rubbing herself over the length of his body like a cat starving for affection. When he shoved his tongue inside of her mouth, she did not fight him but rather opened for him, giving all that he demanded and more.

  "You will stay until the end of the Season proper, Izzy!" he demanded between kisses, his mouth still hot and hungry as he nipped at her throat. He would have thought he would have had his fill of her the night before. Apparently not. "You will not leave! I forbid it!"

  It was on the tip of Eliza's tongue to argue with him. To remind him that she did not and would not fall for his Bloody Duke act. But she could not bring herself to do so. After all they had done last night, Nicholas still wanted her. He still desired her in his bed. There was no possible way she could deny him when that was precisely what she craved as well. Nor would she deny herself.

  "I will not leave, Nicholas," she whispered into his ear, her fingers fanning through his thick hair as he devoured her, his mouth hot and urgent on every bit of skin he could reach. "I promise."

  "Good!" There was as much threat as joy in that single word, but Eliza did not ponder it overly much. Instead, she allowed Nicholas to lead her back to the bed. And it was a good hour before she was in any sort of state to even think about getting dressed again. She would have stayed precisely where she was even longer, but Nicholas had company. Though from her perspective, as he suckled so delightfully at her already aching breasts, the company could go hang for all she cared.

  Chapter Sixteen

>   When Eliza finally departed a little over an hour later - and after another tumble in the sheets - Nicholas somehow managed to gather himself well enough to stumble downstairs into his study where Frost and Rayne were still waiting for him. Bugger that.

  "Gads, man!" Frost exclaimed when Nicholas finally pushed open the heavy oak doors and stumbled through, his cravat barely tied and his jacket rumpled. "What the hell happened to you?"

  Rayne however merely graced Nicholas with a knowing look. "Lady Eliza, I'd wager, is what happened to him."

  "I'd watch your tongue if I were you, Rayne," Nicholas snapped, reaching for a decanter on the sideboard and pouring himself a healthy dose of scotch. "Lest you find it cut out of your head for insolence."

  That only made the other man laugh, the sound ricocheting through Nicholas' head like buckshot. No wonder he preferred the company of females most of the time. These two were blithering dolts, to be certain.

  Unlike either Radcliffe or the newly returned Underhill, Nicholas had not known Rayne or Frost for nearly as long a period of time. He had met them in this final years at Eton, and they rubbed along together well enough. They also were kind enough to overlook the sad state of the Candlewood coffers back then, never making Nicholas feel the least bit inferior because his family was not nearly as wealthy as theirs were.

  They had also proven extremely loyal to him over the years. Yes, Frost could, on occasion, be something of an idiot, but when necessary, he had keen insights and was nearly impossible to beat at cards or any other sort of game of chance. He was also almost as good of a shot as Nicholas himself. The viscount also had a taste for the ladies and was not quite as choosy as Nicholas, frequenting brothels such as Lycosura as often as some men changed socks.

  The earl on the other hand was a quiet man, often seeming more scholarly than his friends. However, Nicholas knew that beneath the placid surface, lurked a man of great intelligence and even more deadly skill with a wide array of weaponry. Foolish was the man - or woman - who underestimated Rayne, thinking him a dullard who was only interested in Italian Renaissance artwork and the occasional whore in his bed.


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