Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet

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Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet Page 7

by Hayley Faiman

  It’s like he can just order me to come and my body throws up the white flag, coming on command.

  “Pierce,” I cry out.

  “Yes, fuck yes, take my come, baby girl,” he roars as he releases inside of me.

  I am a boneless pile of flesh as I collapse onto the bed. He soon follows, his weight heavy against my back with his cock still inside of me.

  “Sweetest cunt I ever been inside, sugar,” he murmurs against my shoulder before he places a gentle kiss there.

  “We should talk,” I say breathlessly.

  Pierce grunts before he slides out of me and rolls to the side, his back propped against the headboard.

  “C’mere,” he murmurs, holding out his arms.

  I do as he asks. I cuddle into his warm, hard body, lying my head on his chest while I wrap my arm around his middle.

  “So, I’m going to sell my car and get something more affordable. I make okay money, but not a ton. I can work as much overtime as possible until the baby gets here, but I’m sure I won’t be able to afford daycare afterward for overtime, so I’ll have to cut that out.

  “Hopefully, I’ll be able to save enough from now until the time I’m due that I’ll be okay,” I babble as I begin with my plan. Pierce squeezes and shakes me a bit rough.

  “Can it, babe,” he barks harshly. I wrench my head back to look at him in the eyes.

  “Excuse me?” I ask bitchily.

  “You ain’t sellin’ that sweet ride and you ain’t workin’ your pregnant ass to the bone. You got a man now, and I take care of what’s mine. Namely, you and my baby,” he declares.

  “Pierce, if I had a cheaper car, I could save even more money. The overtime would just be until the baby is born,” I try to defend. He shuts me up with a hard kiss.

  “Gonna help out in every way I can, including financially. First, we’re gonna get you outta that small as fuck pad you’re livin’ in. Baby needs a room. Then whatever you need, I’ll buy it for you. Your income will be just that, yours. You pay for nothin’ except whatever it is girls wanna spend their dough on,” he announces. I blink before my mouth falls open.

  “What?” I breathe, unbelieving.

  “New place and a man who pays your bills, babe,” he consolidates. I continue to gape up at him.

  “Seriously?” I ask in awe.

  “Babe, the fuck you thought I meant when I said I was gonna do right by you?” he asks.

  It suddenly hits me that all this is because of the baby. Though, that thought should have been the first to cross my mind, but I was still basking in my orgasm induced haze.

  “Because of the baby?” I ask, feeling insecure and stupid all at the same time.

  Of course he’s taking care of me solely for the baby. We’ve only seen each other a handful of times.

  I need to get it together.

  “Partly because of the baby, and partly because I like you. I wanna see where this goes. Thought I fucked up for good and wouldn’t be seeing you again. Hated that feeling. Wanted more of you, more of that sassy assed mouth of yours, and more of that goddamned perfect cunt,” he volunteers as his hand slides behind my neck, gently holding me, like he did the afternoon we met.

  “You’re an asshole and sweet all at the same time,” I mutter as a tear falls from my eye, landing on his chest.

  “Baby girl,” he mumbles. His head dips down and he places a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “I’m just hormonal,” I offer as an excuse for my tear.

  “Yeah, I got that, sugar. Let’s get some food in you and get you home. You shouldn’t be hangin’ around this shithole,” he says. I bite my tongue.

  I want to ask him about Katie Powell and her mouth being near his cock. I want to ask him about the other women I saw, but I don’t. We aren’t really much of anything yet.

  Sure, he feels the need to care for me and he wants to get to know me better, but I’m under no illusion that this is some insta-love, committed relationship we have happening between us.

  Pierce and I take a quick shower in his attached bathroom and, once again, I am impressed by his cleanliness.

  I want to ask him why he’s so clean; he’s nothing that I have been imagining on that front. I don’t, I’m too busy following him downstairs and through what I now know is a common room—a bar and a party place.

  Bodies are passed out everywhere. Most are naked or in various stages of undress, and my eyes widen as I take it all in.

  “Don’t get used to seeing this shit, Kent,” he mumbles as we step outside of the building.

  “Why?” I ask, digging my keys out of my purse.

  Once I have them in my hand, Pierce wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me into his body.

  I look up and am captured by his gray eyes as his other hand wraps around the side of my neck. His head dips so that his lips are a hairsbreadth away from mine.

  “My woman, my baby mama, ain’t gonna be anywhere near these dirty bastards. You’re mine. I don’t share well, and I don’t want nobody lookin’ either. I had my way, I’d lock your pretty ass up and nobody would be able to see all that is you.”

  My breath hitches at his disturbingly beautiful words and I feel tears well up in my eyes, again. No man has ever felt that way about me—ever.

  It’s creepy, but it’s equally lovely.

  “Pierce,” I sigh before I lean in and take his lips with mine.

  They’re soft and warm, and when his tongue slides out, I open to let him into my mouth as I melt. I melt into him, and for him, all at the same time.

  “Now, let’s get the fuck outta here so I can feed my babies,” he grunts.

  I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips. Pierce tells me which restaurant to go to and informs me that he’ll follow me there on his bike. I don’t ask questions, I just drive, in a complete lover’s daze.

  I want him.

  I want everything he’s promising me.

  I want this dream to be a reality.

  I just hope and pray that it will be.

  Chapter Seven


  The diner is busy for a Saturday morning, and I am feeling a bit disheveled and uncomfortable in yesterday’s clothes, looking exactly like the classic walk-of-shamer that I am. I look around, praying I don’t see anybody that I know.

  I’m relieved when I find that I don’t know a single soul in the room. Pierce wraps his hand around my waist from behind and places a kiss on my cheek before he murmurs to the hostess that we need a table for two—in the back.

  “Why in the back?” I ask as the hostess gathers plastic menus and two napkin rolled sets of silverware.

  “I don’t like people behind me, ever,” he grunts before taking my hand and leading me toward our table.

  “Specials today are eggs, potatoes, bacon, and pancakes with a side of me if you’re interested, again,” the hostess suggests with a wink once we have sat down.

  Pierce is sitting across from me, his hand wrapped around mine lying across the table. I cannot believe.



  I feel my face heat with anger and I tighten my hand in his. I open my mouth to say something but the little bitch walks away.

  Naturally, I turn my anger toward him, the man who seriously brought me to a diner where he fucked the whore of a hostess.

  “Don’t,” he warns.

  It doesn’t matter. I narrow my eyes on his and take a deep breath just as the infuriating man speaks first.

  “One thing you gotta know. I’ve fucked a lot of bitches, Kentlee. Nothin’ can be done about that. It’s life. You can’t go gettin’ pissed off every time one of them says something. This is one of the reasons you won’t ever be at the clubhouse,” he informs me. My eyes widen.

  “What are all the reasons I won’t be there, Pierce?” I ask.

  Taking my hand from his, I crossing my arms over my chest. I’m ready to throw a bitch fit. I’m ready for a fight.

  “I already told you the fi
rst reason, I don’t want my brothers getting any ideas about you—at all. Secondly, the shit that goes down there, the whores, the drugs, and the booze. You don’t need to be around any of it while you’re knocked up,” he states casually.

  I look down at my lap and try to hold my emotions together. I can’t. My first tear spills over at the thoughts of him being around all those things, especially what he refers to as the whores.

  “So, you want me to stay home and be oblivious to what you’re doing while you’re down there. Then you want me to just accept you into my bed after you sober up?” I ask as I look up at him, my tears falling from my eyes uncontrollably.

  I’m so angry that I’m crying, but I can’t help myself. The thought of him fucking women he so loosely refers to as whores and then coming home to me, it makes me miserably sad and uncontrollably angry.

  “I say I’d be fuckin’ anyone else?” he asks harshly. I shake my head. “You’re mine, Kentlee. You keep giving me what I want and I won’t go lookin’ for cheap, easy pussy. I’ll come home to you, to my sweet cunt.”


  I scrunch my nose and wonder why I’m flattered by his grotesque words. He’s rough and his no bullshit attitude is real. He’s giving it to me straight.

  I may not know much about Pierce Duhart, but I do know that he can be sweet, if you can read through the gruff, the rough with the coarseness of his words. I have a feeling I’m one of the only people in the world to get his brand of sweet, too.

  He wants me. In his own crass way, this is him offering me what he can give me. It’s up to me to decide if it’s enough. Is what he’s offering enough for me? Can I live with him being down there in that environment and then coming home to me?

  “You’re a pig,” I grumble as the waitress walks up to take our order.

  Pierce throws his head back in laugher. I try not to look at the infuriating man, but I can’t help myself. His smile, his laugh—he’s intoxicating.

  Once we’ve ordered, a silence falls between us. I want to know everything about him, but I fear he’s closed off.

  We hardly know each other, and yet we’re making plans for a future together.

  It feels oddly comfortable to be with him, our physical connection is spectacular, but conversing with him—it’s frightening to me.

  “You only got the one teenie-bopper, Barbie sister?” he asks, finally breaking our silence.

  “No, I have an older brother, too. Connellee. He’s in medical school,” I offer as I cut a piece of pancake and shove it into my mouth—fuck, carbs… so damn good.

  “Medical school?” he chokes.

  “Yeah. My dad’s a doctor. Connellee’s been on that path since he was born. My sister, Brentlee, and I weren’t ever really encouraged in school. We were told to marry someone who would take care of us. Brentlee’s followed through, she’s marrying a lawyer, but I wanted to do my own thing. Take care of myself. I guess that’s all over with now, right?” I ask, looking up at him, unable to stop babbling.

  “Class, one hundred percent,” he mumbles.

  I don’t understand.

  “I don’t know about all that,” I grumble.

  Pierce takes my hand with his own and squeezes it.

  “You’re classy, babe, no way around it. Born and bred to be with someone a fuck’ve a lot better than me,” he says before taking a drink of his coffee.

  I look down at my empty plate and sigh. His own brand of sweet. I open my mouth to respond to him but the waitress appears and gives him the check, along with her number.

  “Seriously?” I ask, loud enough for the bitch to hear me.

  She turns and just grins at me before she shakes her ass as she continues to walk away.

  “Gotta let that shit slide, sugar,” he mutters as I wiggle out of the booth.

  “Thirsty, dirty bitches,” I mumble.

  I am awarded with a laugh from Pierce as he slides his arm around me, pressing his hand around my lower back.

  “You get enough to eat, baby girl?” he asks as his other hand rests on my stomach for a beat. The gesture is so touching I have to hold the tears back, again.

  “Yeah,” I breathe as we step up to my car.

  “I’ll follow you home so you can rest today. You’re the real estate girl; there anything worth lookin’ at for us to rent that’s a bit bigger?” he asks.

  I suck in my lips. He’s serious. Last night, he was totally serious. I blink once and then I smile.

  “Yeah, we can go over budget and stuff when we get to my place. Thank you, Pierce. Thank you for really wanting to do this,” I praise as I shove my face into his neck and my arms around his waist, hugging him close.

  “Baby girl, never gonna lie to you, sugar. What I say, I’ll deliver,” he promises as one hand wraps around my waist and the other sifts through my hair.

  A few minutes later, I am in in my car and driving toward my little house with Pierce behind me.

  Once we pull into my driveway, I get out and go straight to the door. I’m tired—exhausted, really.

  I need to change my clothes and actually put on panties, since he ruined mine the night before. I am a mixture of excited and nervous about everything that is happening so quickly.

  Last month, I would have laughed in anyone’s face if they said this is the turn my life was going to take.

  Pierce walks in, locking the door behind him before he begins to stalk toward me. I hold up my hands to stop him, to slow him down, but it doesn’t work.

  His hands wrap around my ass as he picks me up—mid-stride. He carries me into my bedroom and without a word, I am dropped onto my bed as his body slowly lowers over me, his lips pressing to mine.

  “Don’t want any other bitches, Kentlee,” he groans.

  One of his hands slides up the inside of my shirt and wrenches down the cup of my bra.

  I moan when his thumb glides across my nipple before he pinches and tugs it gently.

  “Pierce, please,” I beg.

  I need more. I need him inside of me. It feels like he hasn’t been there in weeks, the need is so strong.

  I’ve turned into this hormonal, horny, sluttastic girl and I don’t even care. Suddenly, I’m not longer exhausted. Instead, I’m horny as all hell.

  “Need you to understand, Kentlee. No other bitches. No matter where I go, or what’s happening. You don’t need to worry about that from me,” he grunts as I unbuckle his pants and wrap my hand around his hard cock.

  He went commando. I can’t even begin to think about how fucking hot that is right now.

  “Okay. Only me, Pierce. I understand,” I whisper breathlessly. I have never been as wound up as I have been around this man.

  “I’m going to take you every way I can, Kentlee. You’re mine,” he grinds out before he wrenches my jeans down my legs. “This,” he cups my center before he plunges two fingers inside of me. “It’s mine. My woman, my cunt, my baby, all fucking mine.” His head slants as he kisses me, removing his fingers to plunge his cock inside of me to the root.

  I whimper, unable to form words as he fucks me, hard—his eyes focused on mine, so clear, it is as if I can see inside of him. He wants this. He wants me and he wants us.

  I dive my fingers into his shaggy hair and hold on to him, my eyes never breaking from his. His grunts and my whimpers fill the silence of the room.

  When I come, it is looking into his eyes. He follows shortly, doing the same. His lazily slides in and out of me after his climax, and then he places a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Mine,” he murmurs quietly before he slides out of me and wraps me in his arms.

  I should go clean up. I should do about a million different things, but with this man’s strong arms wrapped around me from behind, his warm body nestled next to mine, I can’t do anything but let the exhaustion swallow me up.

  I am safe.

  In his arms, with him in my bed, nothing can hurt me.

  He’s more than I ever thought possible and I don’t even
know him yet.


  She sleeps.

  Pure fuckin’ beauty, and she’s mine.

  There is no way I can let the bad part of my life touch her.

  Kentlee is good, so good, and I can’t corrupt her–not like that.

  She’ll never know about the way this life is.

  Kentlee isn’t Old Lady material, not that’d I’d ever have one. She’s not strong enough.

  I can see it in her eyes.

  She needs someone to take care of her, and I’ll do that. I’ll be hers and she’ll be mine, but I can’t declare her as anyone to the club.

  No way in fuck could she deal with the shit Old Lady’s deal with. My mama was strong and she was tough. She dealt, but I don’t see those traits in Kentlee. She’s soft, sweet, and pure. I’m going to keep her for myself, and to myself.

  My phone starts ringing in my jeans, and I break away from her sleeping form to answer it.


  “What’s up?” I ask, knowing that it must be something big if he’s calling me right now.

  “Got a problem with the shipment to Canada, brother. The club says they’re having issues with the Mexican Cartel there. They need muscle—they need backup. The shipments are getting intercepted by the Cartel and the club hasn’t been able to make their deliveries. The Aryan’s are pissed,” Torch explains on a hiss.

  “I fuckin’ hate the Aryan’s. I don’t know why that deal was ever made in the first place,” I grumble, walking into Kentlee’s living room.

  “Money talks, brother,” Torch sighs.

  I know he feels the same way about those racist fucks.

  “So they want us to come up to Canada, guns hot, full force, to protect their shipments? Do they not understand the word incognito?” I ask, not expecting an answer.

  “You know them. They don’t give a fuck. They just want their shit. Douchebags,” Torch answers.

  I stretch my neck from side-to-side, trying to relieve the tension I feel building.

  “We try one more shipment, the one going out next month, on a different route. If it’s intercepted, then we come in and make ourselves fucking known,” I explain.


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