Sword and Mirror

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Sword and Mirror Page 20

by Kate Grove

  “Yes, it is,” Katsuo said, looking at her, before glancing up at the silver orb in the sky.

  They sat in comfortable silence, moongazing, until he felt Ciara’s head land on his shoulder. He glanced at her, trying to figure out if she was asleep, and she wrapped her arms around his.

  “Umeshu?” he offered.

  She shook her head and inched closer. “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Are you—?”

  “What? Sober?” She chuckled. “I am.”

  She squeezed his arm before letting go, and he immediately missed her warmth at his side. Ciara looked at him, sheepish.

  “Maybe a bit tipsy, not knowing personal boundaries.” She looked away, feeling awkward.

  Katsuo placed the umeshu bottle on the floor and leaned toward her. He put his hand on her cheek and gently turned her to face him. Darkness surrounded them as clouds blocked the moonlight again. There was just enough light for them to see each other’s eyes.

  Purple and golden gazes locked, and he heard Ciara’s breath hitch.

  “You, of all people, don’t need to worry about that.”

  He leaned in but stopped a hair’s breadth from Ciara’s lips. He was going to do it properly this time.

  She glanced down at his lips then back to his mesmerizing eyes. She swore her heart skipped a beat as she moved in for the kiss. Katsuo’s hand slid to the back of Ciara’s neck as he drew her closer, and her arms wound around his shoulders. For the first time in years, she let go of her worries and let herself get lost in the sensation.

  The kiss only lasted a moment, but she felt safe and cherished in Katsuo’s embrace and stayed there even after their lips had separated. He rested his forehead against hers, his eyes closed. Ciara’s heart swelled with joy.

  She felt as if she could take on the whole world, no matter what may come, if Katsuo was by her side. It was a foreign feeling for her, and just as she was about to draw back, Katsuo opened his eyes, his golden gaze capturing her.

  Moonlight shone on them, and a cool breeze swept through the courtyard, but they sat there, unmoving. Ciara felt as if she could admire his eyes for eternity and still not have her fill of them. The wind picked up, and this time, it carried the chill of late autumn with it. She shivered.

  “Come,” Katsuo picked her up, eliciting a squeal from Ciara.


  “I don’t want you to catch a cold,” he said, “and you’re still healing.”

  “I’m fine,” she insisted but wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “The alcohol dulled the ache. It wasn’t that painful anyway.”

  Katsuo raised an eyebrow in question.

  “It doesn’t hurt when—” Ciara cut herself short, embarrassed as she realized where her thoughts had wandered.

  “Finish what you’ve started. I’m eager to hear,” Katsuo replied, leaning in and planting a kiss on her forehead.

  Ciara stayed silent as he carried her through the winding corridors. Finally, she admitted in a whisper, “It doesn’t hurt when I’m in your arms.”

  She sighed and covered her face behind her hand. “Wait. That came out wrong.”

  She felt him chuckle at that.

  “You worry about the most peculiar things,” he said. She peeked at him from between her fingers as Katsuo glanced down at her and his gaze softened. “That’s another thing I like about you.”

  “You like me,” Ciara said, as if forgetting they were kissing just minutes ago.

  “I thought that was obvious by now,” he said, making her blush. She swatted at his shoulder, and he adjusted his hold on her, making her grip his shoulders stronger.

  “Relax, I’m not going to drop you.”

  “Are you sure? I’m not that light.”

  “You are as light as a feather to me,” he replied.

  “Are you saying you’re strong or that I’m light?”

  “As I said, you worry about the most peculiar things,” Katsuo repeated as he slid the door open with his foot. “Why can’t it be both?”

  “Both, huh?” Ciara murmured, lost in thought for a moment. Katsuo gently put her down on her feet. She looked around, disoriented, before she realized they were in Katsuo’s room. He touched her arms and looked her in the eye.


  “Spend the night with me.”

  Ciara’s breath hitched. She knew very well what he was referring to. He waited patiently while she decided on her answer. She adored him, and the attraction was undeniable between them. They both wanted this. But would she dare make the jump to trust him? To place her heart in his hands and trust him not to crush it?

  She hardly felt his hands on her arms, and she was reminded of how safe she had felt when he embraced her. How confident he was holding her. The thought that she might not get another chance to be with him squeezed her chest. Ciara’s heart skipped a beat as she realized her soul had already made the choice. She smiled up at Katsuo and kissed his cheek before circling him and heading toward the door to shut it.

  Katsuo froze on the spot and hung his head as soon as he heard the door slide shut. So that was it. He was so enamored by her he forgot his role in their arrangement. What was he thinking, desiring her when she so clearly stated, repeatedly that she wasn’t going to—

  Unexpectedly, graceful arms embraced him from behind, and he glanced back, surprised. Ciara smiled at him, a rosy blush spreading on her cheeks.

  “It was drafty,” she said, squeezing him for a moment. Katsuo turned around and stroked her face. His hand lingered on her cheek, and she leaned into the touch, closing her eyes for a moment.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “It seems I must elaborate,” Ciara replied with a cheeky smile. She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him with all the passion she dared.

  With Katsuo as a partner, it didn’t take long for Ciara to let go of insecurities and show him how much she loved him. I love him, she realized just when Katsuo planted small kisses on her neck. Joy bloomed in her soul as she embraced him with all her heart.


  Ciara woke up fully rested. For the first time in more than a week, the nightmares avoided her, and she curled into the warmth beside her. She sighed, content to just be where she was.

  She wanted to stay in bed for a little longer, but her brain kicked in, and she quickly realized something was different from usual. She cracked one eye open. It was still dark, but she could make out Katsuo’s silhouette. Her hand rested on his chest, which rose with every breath he took. Carefully, she retreated her hand and looked at his face.

  His features were relaxed as he slept peacefully. She admired him and suddenly wished his proposal was real. Even if she had to stay in this foreign land and time, if she was with Katsuo, it wouldn’t be so bad. In the end, the fake engagement only depended on whether they made it real. She was afraid to bring it up to him and decided to enjoy for the time being what she could. It’s pointless to worry about tomorrow.

  Katsuo sighed and turned in his sleep, momentarily showing her his back. Ciara’s gaze was drawn to the long scar on his back. She had noticed it right away the first time she had seen him shirtless. This time, she let her fingers trace the scar. It had healed as much as it could considering how deep it must have been when he received it. She wondered if he collected it in a battle and what happened.

  He shivered at her slight touch, and she stopped for a moment. But the mystery of it held her interest, and she ran her hand along the entire length of the scar. Her hand was at Katsuo’s shoulder blade when he suddenly moved and captured her wrist.

  Ciara found herself laying on her back, Katsuo hovering over her. His golden eyes flashed in the darkness, and he looked at her with an angry expression. She made herself smaller but stood his gaze.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t want to wake you up… or upset you.”

  It looked as if he was battling with something before he let himself relax and rolled back to his side of the futon. He was breathing hard as he sta
red up at the ceiling. Ciara wasn’t sure what made him react this way. Had her actions brought up bad memories?

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated, curling into his side. She gently laid her head on his chest, waiting for him to calm down.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked after a while.


  Ciara hardly registered his light touch on her wrist.

  “Oh, it’s fine. You didn’t hurt me,” she reassured him. “Did I?”

  “Did you what?” He looked at her, puzzled.

  “Did I hurt you?” she asked, cocking her head to the side. At least they were talking, that was a good sign.

  He quickly shook his head.

  “No. It’s just, I was… unprepared.” He grimaced as he said that.


  “Please stop. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  She didn’t look convinced, and he sat up, cradling her in his arms and giving her a sweet kiss.

  “Okay, that was convincing,” She chuckled and moved around a little to get into a more comfortable position. “Can I—” Ciara stopped before she could finish the question.

  “Go on. Ask me anything.”

  “I’m just curious what happened,” she admitted then quickly reassured him, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to!”

  Katsuo let out a heavy sigh.

  “It’s okay. Don’t force yourself,” she said, backpedaling. What was she thinking, ruining a perfect moment like that?

  “No, I’ll tell you,” he decided. “You have a right to know.”

  Ciara looked at him, interested why he thought so but too curious about the story of the scar to interrupt him now that he was talking. Katsuo gathered his thoughts as he held her in his arms.

  “I was married once. For not even a day.” He paused.

  “What happened?” Ciara asked in a whisper.

  “On our wedding night, I was attacked,” Katsuo confessed, and Ciara gasped. He continued, “Kikyō attacked me and gave me this scar.”

  Ciara immediately hugged him.

  “I had no idea!” she said, clinging to him. His arms closed around her. “I’m sorry, Katsuo!”

  “It happened a long time ago. Still, the scar reminded me ever since then. For some reason, it refuses to heal.”

  Ciara thought this wouldn’t be the best time to comment on how deep it must have been back then. She squeezed him tighter, and Katsuo adjusted his position awkwardly.

  “Ah, careful.”

  “Does it still hurt?” Ciara drew back quickly.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he said with tenseness in his voice. “Stop moving around.”

  It took a few seconds for Ciara’s brain to process what he was referring to.

  “Oh. Oh.” Her eyebrows rose, and she couldn’t help the smug smile. She leaned closer to him. “I don’t think you mean it.”

  “I do.”

  “No, you don’t,” Ciara confidently stated and met his lips with her own, making Katsuo growl.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, woman,” he said before he kissed her back.

  Ciara awoke to the sound of someone quietly moving around and carefully rummaging in the room. Katsuo’s heat from beside her was gone, and she reluctantly opened her eyes. She saw him pulling on his shirt.

  “Where are you going so early?” Ciara asked, stealing a glance through the window. The sun had just probably risen over the Eastern horizon.

  “Ohayō,” he greeted her with a small smile.

  “Good morning to you, too,” Ciara said as she sat up and gathered the sheets around her shoulders. It was getting chilly in the morning. “So?”

  “To answer your question, I’m going to train.”

  “At the pagoda?”


  Ciara contemplated for a moment.

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Katsuo looked at her surprised.

  “I’ll keep out of your way, I promise,” she said, standing up. “I’ve been neglecting my yoga exercises, and it would be nice to do them at the pagoda. That’s all.”

  Or just do something together before the illusion of last night dissipates, she added mentally.

  “Sure, come,” Katsuo replied. Ciara smiled at him then turned around to look for her yukata. “Give me a sec, I’ll be right back!” she said, dressing and running out the door.


  Katsuo looked at Ciara amusement as she ran around the room, gathering pieces of clothing, quickly putting on her yukata the wrong way, then rushing out the door. She was like a windstorm.

  He chuckled as he retrieved his sword. His gaze landed on the dagger on the table. He still hadn’t figured out where to put it now that it was banned from under his pillow. Katsuo held it up, contemplating. It was strange how he felt the need to have it nearby for a decade, and now, it didn’t even occur to him to put it back after Ciara demanded he got rid of it.

  That seemed like a lifetime ago.

  He placed the dagger on the top of the cupboard, next to the basket filled with the balls, and headed over to Ciara’s room to fetch her. They didn’t speak much on their way to the pagoda, but Katsuo didn’t mind. Soon, they came across a group of training soldiers. Takeru was up and about, energetic as always, as if last night’s drinking had never happened.

  “Good morning, brother, Ciara!” He bowed a little when he saw them. The soldiers greeted them with a loud shout and a deep bow. Ciara fidgeted next to Katsuo. He noticed that she rarely liked the attention.

  “Morning,” Katsuo returned. “I see you’re already refreshed and have started the day.”

  “You know me,” Takeru beamed at him.

  Ciara mumbled something under her breath and both brothers turned to her.

  “What was that?” Katsuo asked, leaning close.

  “I said it’s unnatural. How can you be so cheerful this early in the morning?” she asked.

  “You’re up, too, aren’t you?”

  “I am on my feet, yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m fully awake,” she explained. Takeru looked at her puzzled.

  “I don’t understand. How can you be up but not awake?”

  “It’s magic!” Ciara stage-whispered, and everybody froze. She looked around, her eyebrows creasing. “It was just a joke.”

  There was an awkward silence until Takeru laughed.

  “Haha, foreigners!” With that, the soldiers’ stance relaxed, and they went back to practicing their moves. Takeru sent a look to Katsuo before he started his walk among the rows of soldiers to instruct them.

  Katsuo put a hand on the small of Ciara’s back and guided her through the courtyard.

  “Do you often joke about magic where you come from?” he asked. He sounded curious, but his voice was strained.

  “Well, sometimes. Most people think it’s not real. They think science explains everything,” Ciara replied. “Why? That was a weird reaction back there.”

  She was reminded that she was in another time period. Just how could she forget? Thank gods it was Japan and not Europe in the Middle Ages. She wouldn’t have lasted a minute there.

  “Common folk are superstitious,” Katsuo explained. “They believe magic exists and give respect to those who have it. But is also comes with fear. Those who wield magic have power over those who don’t. So even if they’re respected, they can never really become part of a community. That’s why you shouldn’t joke about it.”

  “Hmm…” Ciara pondered over his words. “What about you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  They were just passing the guard standing on the path to the pagoda. After a brief exchange of greetings, Ciara elaborated.

  “You said ‘common folk’ and were talking about them in third person. That makes me think that you might have different views on the matter?”

  A small smile appeared in the corner of Katsuo’s mouth. She was perceptive, maybe a bit too much for her own good.

  “I am a dai
myō,” he said, thinking it was a sufficient explanation, but seeing Ciara’s confused face, he added, “Just as people who wield magic, we, too, have power over people’s fate.”

  “Does that mean you’re okay with someone having magic?”

  “It means I can understand the burden.”

  Katsuo debated how much to tell her. He didn’t fear magic because most human magic didn’t work on him. He had to be careful with the magic youkai wielded, however.

  “Okay, whatever,” Ciara shook herself. “It’s still too early to philosophize about such things. I haven’t had my oolong, yet.”

  “You should’ve told me sooner.”

  “Ah, it’s okay. I can manage until breakfast,” Ciara waved. “If I can’t and fall asleep, I trust you to take care of me.”

  “As you wish, my lady,” Katsuo replied with a smile.

  “I wanted to let you know that I’m leaving today,” Yuki said during breakfast. Katsuo put his chopsticks down and looked at her. She caught his glance. “Don’t be so surprised, boy. I told you I’d wait until Takeru gets back.”

  “But today is Benzaiten’s festival!”

  It was Yuki’s turn to look surprised.

  “Oh, right.”

  “You won’t miss the celebrations in Her honor, will you?” Katsuo asked.

  Ciara and Takeru was listening to the conversation, curious.

  “You are right,” Yuki said. “I can’t miss it. Of course, I’ll attend.”

  Now that it was settled, Takeru went back to his meal. Katsuo, however, was not finished.

  “What are your plans for today?” he asked Yuki.

  “Preparing for the journey. Why?”

  “Then would you come to my office after breakfast? There’s something I need to ask you.

  “Sure,” Yuki nodded. If she was surprised by his request, she didn’t show it.

  Not long after breakfast, Katsuo and Yuki sat down at the table in his office. He poured tea for both of them.


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