Lifting the Curse, Part I: A New Dawn

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Lifting the Curse, Part I: A New Dawn Page 1

by Konstantine






  Copyright © 2015 by Con Marinopoulos, writing as Konstantine. All Rights Reserved worldwide under the Berne Convention. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Cover art background by Dina Kole. Text by Konstantine with Zachary Dedmon.

  The right of Con Marinopoulos, writing under the pen name Konstantine, to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this eBook to anyone else.

  In this work of fiction, the characters, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or they are used fictitiously. No harm is intended on their good name. In cases where fictitious embellishments are made about living persons, it is intended solely as a good natured, comical tribute of said persons and in no way is it meant to harm their good name and reputation.

  This book is dedicated to those brave, maverick souls that have the courage to stand out from the crowd and speak Truth, no matter the consequences…

  To those who fight for what they know in their hearts to be right despite being trapped in an unjust world gone mad…

  This book is for all the Rainbow Warriors…

  When the Earth is dying there shall arise a new tribe of all colors and all creeds. This tribe shall be called the Warriors of the Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words.

  – Native American Hopi Prophesy





  This is not like the typical acknowledgments lists you see in other books. Then again, this is not your typical novel and I actually take pride in that fact. This book was not written to give me fortune and fame (though I do not doubt it will give me these things one day, as a nice side bonus!), but because it had to be written to convey a much needed message to the world.

  First and foremost, I would like to thank the great Archangels, Michael and Metatron, for choosing me as a vehicle through which to write this amazing fantasy saga for the ages. While this may seem like a controversial, even “crazy”, statement to make, I care not what people might think of it, because the truth about the Higher Realms and Dimensions needs to finally start gaining wider acceptance in the mainstream. As I said above: I did not put this book out to become rich or to win some popularity contest, hence the ideas in it will not be watered down just to fit in with the current norm. And, while we’re on the Archangel subject, many readers with a developed Intuition, and who already have a prior interest in the topics discussed in the book, will readily recognize the novel has a feel of a channelled work. They will, no doubt, perceive that the underlying themes behind the veneer of the fictional adventure story ring true –uncannily so. For those who don’t know, by the way, Archangel Metatron is the one who oversees that great repository of Cosmic History known as the Book of Life or Akashic Records.

  As far as the more “corporeal realms” are concerned now, there are a few people I wish to thank, though not nearly as many as other first time authors usually do because, frankly, I received next to zero support from people while going through the, often soul-destroying, ten year odyssey of putting this book together. I actually had to cut myself off from the great majority of “family” and “friends” in order to find the peace of mind and space needed to work on the book.

  The person I feel most compelled to mention first is the lovely, talented and ever-helpful Dina Kole, who gladly offered to design the book cover/s for me, without asking for anything in return. The cover you now see resulted after my initial suggestion for her, around mid-2014, to make something based on the Sigillum Dei (or Sigil of Ameth), which, after much consideration, was the symbol I’d finally settled on to use for all the franchise’s branding. Also, my fellow Libran Warrior Mystic, Zachary Dedmon, who came in at the last minute, seemingly out of “nowhere”, and helped me to polish the heading text. Headings that, having been originally created using my ingenious, patented, “paste-some-cool-looking-Wordart-text-into-a-photo-using-Microsoft-paint” technique,

  looked quite horrible! And, of course, Rowan Lefwyn, who, in addition to some great grammar tips, also gave me crucial developmental editing advice. Having worked as an editor, as well as being an author of similarly themed fantasy books herself, she understood what I was trying to do. Since all these FB friends were eager to help me free of charge, the best way I can return the favor at the moment is to help them get more exposure, hence the hyperlinks provided.

  And last, but certainly not least, the dozens and dozens of fantastic people I’ve met online, through that most magickal of rabbit holes, collectively known as Alternative News/Truther Facebook Groups. These great souls have supported me because they understood what I was really trying to do with this book and with the saga as a whole. You all know who you are and I’d like you to know that, without your support in the past year or so, this book would not be what it is today, nor would it have come out as soon as it has. In fact, the extensive re-writes I did between early ‘14 and now resulted in loosely basing more than one character in the saga on real people I know through the aforementioned online communities.

  I love you guys!


  Melbourne, Australia

  April 2015


  In seven suns and seven moons

  The Slayer brought the Dark Ones’ doom

  In crimson flames their Empire burned

  Black ashes filled Earth Mother’s urn

  A fate foretold in scrolls of yonder

  Yet blind they were to heed the omens

  Their web of power millennia old

  A bitter truth Man couldn’t behold

  And were it not for the Guardian’s battle

  The slaves would but remain as cattle

  No man had such great power to see

  Deep in the heart of villainy

  The battle fought was hard and long

  Yet Man emerged robust and strong

  For breaking down the evil spell

  Was no small task as history tells

  The tyranny brought to its knees

  In light of day for all to see

  The ones who lived the tale to tell

  Forever would his name extol

  For he who smashed the Demons’ schemes

  Was the greatest one who’d ever been


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