All Eyes on Gunz 3

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All Eyes on Gunz 3 Page 12

by Warren Holloway

  “Agent Miles, we’re all doing things for our country. However, is what you’re doing worth the trouble you’re putting yourself into? Our country was built on scandal and deception. If you turn over the wrong stone, you could affect a lot of people.”

  “What about the dead agents? What about their families? The public humiliation of having Agent Johnson killed on national television? America wants these answers, and I took an oath to give them to them.”

  “Be wise of your decisions, because it could lead to the death of your pretty little family. Oh, that’s a nice photo of your family you have on your desk.”

  After hearing the anonymous voice’s last words, Agent Miles quickly stood up. He wanted to know where the guy was. He had to be close to know what was on his desk.

  “Is he in the building?” Agent Miles questioned.

  “Calm down, Agent Miles. If I wanted to hurt you, you would be dead already. I’m a skilled and trained assassin. I want you to have a seat and listen to me.”

  Agent Miles turned around and looked out of the window at the surrounding buildings. Nothing.

  “How did you know I was standing up?”

  “I have you in my sights.”

  Agent Miles quickly ducked down as his heart leapt into his throat. He feared the worst would come to him before he was able to expose the truth.

  The sniper fired a round into the office from his location. The .50-caliber slug pierced the window and into the photo of his family on the desk.

  “Agent Miles, take a look at the photo on your desk. Next time it won’t be a picture. It’ll be you if you keep digging for information.”

  The call ended, which left him to his thoughts and the magnitude of the situation. Right then he knew the sniper could have easily taken him out before he even answered the phone. He just wanted to get his attention. The sniper’s rifle was the new carbon-compound sniper rifle equipped with Teflon-piercing bullets designed for high altitudes and high-velocity performance.

  Agent Miles now feared for his family’s life, yet he still wanted to pursue this to get resolve for the agents that had lost their lives trying to expose the situation.

  He composed himself before calling Director Davenport to make him aware of what just had taken place.

  He ordered twenty-four-hour surveillance on Agent Miles’s home.

  “Did you get that package I sent to your office?” Mike said.

  “Yes, sir, I was getting into it when the call came through.”

  “Okay, finish reading it. You’ll more than likely discover more on this situation, and then we’ll talk about this face-to-face.”

  After the call ended, Miles read over the content sent to him. He stayed an hour over the time he would normally have been at the office, trying to discover more information. He also came up with a new plan instead of meeting with the director, because he did not want to risk being followed like the first time.

  Agent Miles left the Federal building and headed uptown toward his old neighborhood. He was going to a local bar that he remembered trying to sneak into with his friends while growing up. He knew he was being watched by a higher government, and if they came into the hood, he would notice them faster. Besides, people like that wouldn’t come into a bar like this and blend in. They would stand out all the way.

  Agent Miles tucked a typed letter with the government seal on it inside of an envelope.

  Once inside the bar, he noticed someone from when he was a child.

  “Jason Miles, is that you over there?” the guy sitting in the corner asked when he saw him come through the door.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Floyd. I’ve been busy working, so you or the city don’t see much of me these days. What are you up to?”

  “I’m still in the navy. I’m E7 now.”

  Agent Miles pulled his old friend to the side. He wanted to discuss more pressing matters with the letter he had brought into the bar.

  “Listen, Floyd, I need you to handle something for me.”

  “What do you need me to do?”

  He pulled out the paper that explained to him what it was and the content of it, so he would be careful making the delivery to the news station.

  “I can do this for you, Jason, but it’s going to cost you a beer.”

  “I can at least do that for you; in fact, grab two beers on me,” he said before placing twenty dollars on the counter.

  Floyd drank the beers and then made his way to the news station to deliver the letter. About fifteen minutes later, Agent Miles slipped out of the bar to make his way home to the suburbs outside of the city.

  When he pulled up, he saw the agents sitting out in front of his house. He walked over to them when he got out of his car.

  “Hey, guys, thank you for doing this. If you’re thirsty or hungry, just let me know.”

  “Your wife fed us already,” they responded.

  “All right. Take care, and no dosing off out here,” he said, trying to be funny while making his way into the house.

  As soon as he entered, he was greeted by his beautiful wife and daughter.

  “Babe, thanks for feeding the guys.”

  “This isn’t the first time we’ve been through this. Those

  men are away from their families, so I figured they would need to be fed instead of eating fast food,” his wife said, hoping that another agent’s wife would do same for her man if it came to it. “Jason, why are they here now?” she asked.

  “Deborah, you know I really can’t talk about stuff like this. Something came up at work, so my superiors suggested the surveillance,” he responded, not wanting to tell her details to prevent her from being scared.

  He also really did not know if his house was being watched or monitored from within.

  After he settled in, he sat in the living room while his wife brought a plate into him that she had cooked for dinner. His daughter snuggled beside him and watched the television. He tuned into the news and saw the reporter reveal the information that he gave to his buddy Floyd.

  “We now have proof and more evidence to come explain-ing the deaths of Agents Johnson and Ross and CIA Operative O’Neil. Our sources say that this is a cover-up to protect those involved in the Rakman Hussein escape, the well-known terrorist who seemed to have America’s elite officials backing him. I know America wants answers to all of their questions, and we here at News 27 will bring it to you as it unfolds. I thank the people who passed this on to us. I’m Lisa Brokowski here at ABC 27 News. Tune in tonight for more on this unfolding conspiracy and the men behind it.”

  Agent Miles turned the channel and put on the Cartoon Network so his daughter could watch it.

  Meanwhile back over at the ABC 27 News, Lisa Broko-wski heard from her boss, who was unaware of the special news delivery.

  “What the hell was that about? Who gave you permission to relay sensitive information like that without facts?”

  “Sir, I’m doing my job here and relaying the news that people tune in for daily. Besides, what I said is true. Look at this certified letter with the FBI seal.”

  “Where did you get this from?”

  “When I find out who it is, I may let you in, sir. I don’t want to spook the person. It’s clear this person isn’t doing this for a reward. He just wants to be loyal to the American people. You want the same answers as America.”

  After the conversation ended, she made her way out to her

  car. As she prepared to step inside, she was approached by a man in all-white fatigues who blended in with the winter snowfall.

  “Ms. Brokowski, where did this information come from you just relayed on live TV?”

  “A source dropped it off,” she responded, not knowing what else to say to the strange man coming toward her.

  However, she quickly realized he was not there to rob her.

  “I advise you the next time your source gives you something, to dispose of it, because you will be held accountable for your accusations made about Rakman Hussein,
the fallen agents, and our government. You wouldn’t want to lose your job, life, or pretty family you have waiting on you to come home,” he said as he walked away and blended back into the snowy night.

  Meanwhile, back on the other side of the city, Agent Miles was in his house snuggling with his wife, after his daughter had fallen asleep on the love seat. Jason and his wife, Deborah, were sharing an intimate moment kissing with passion as he felt the stress of the day lift off him while in the presence of his wife. As they continued becoming closer in passion, the power in the house went out making it dark in the house.

  “Oh yeah, baby, the darkness is adding to this sexy moment we’re having,” Jason chuckled.

  “Let’s stay focused on this instead of worrying about turning on the power, because I want all of your energy to be used with me,” she said while kissing on him and caressing his body with love.

  He started laughing at his wife’s sense of humor. His laughter halted when he heard movement and then saw a muzzle flashing from a weapon being discharged. Instantly, the flash turned to darkness as he and his family were hit with tranquilizer darts, knocking them unconscious, all done with trained precision and stealth movement.


  EARLY THE NEXT morning, the agents outside of Agent Miles’s house were also coming around after being hit with tranquilizer darts themselves. Each pulled the darts out that had lodged into their flesh. They immediately reached out to Director Davenport to make him aware of what had taken place. Mike relayed the information from his agents to Tony Ridge, the Director of Homeland Security, since this was clearly a matter of national security. Tony was familiar with the slain agents; however, if another one was killed in the line of duty in regard to this matter, it would be a breach of homeland security. So, he promised that he would get to the bottom of this for Mike Davenport.

  ~ ~ ~

  Meanwhile at a disclosed location, Agent Miles was just coming to after being sent into unconsciousness from the tranquilizer dart. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was on a cold concrete floor in a sealed dark room. He could barely see his hands in front of him. Suddenly an extremely bright fluorescent light turned on that blinded him, especially going from pitch black to sun bright with no shades. He now realized what had taken place; however, his main concern was his wife and daughter. He could deal with whatever they imposed on him.

  “Where is my family?” he yelled out while standing in front of the two-way mirror that was built into the wall. He even started banging on the four-inch-thick glass, but to no avail. Those on the other side could not hear him, but they could see him. A voice came over the intercom that got his attention.

  “Agent Miles, you don’t seem to understand the magnitude of this situation you’re putting yourself and your family through. Your arrangement with the reporter was not good. It has caused a chain reaction, so you have a choice to make. You can live and see your family again, but you must resign from the bureau. If you fail to do this today, then you’ll never see your family again. We will end your career for you,” the voice over the intercom ended, which allowed him to hear his wife speaking to their daughter and assuring her that everything was going to be okay. “She’s in another secured room. The choice is yours, Agent Miles.”

  Before he could respond, he could hear a hissing sound, so he turned around only to see reddish smoke being pumped into the room. He instantly panicked thinking it was poison.

  “Okay! I’ll do it! Just don’t hurt my family!” he pleaded, feeling helpless.

  The gas quickly filled the room and knocked him unconscious again.

  ~ ~ ~

  Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, Tony Ridge met with Mike Davenport outside the Washington Monument to discuss security matters. Tony knew that asking around to agencies would put him in a tight spot, because it would stir up tension between them. At the same time, he did not want men acting rogue against the nation either.

  “Mike, you have my word I’ll use all of my resources to track down as much information as needed to expose all of this. If anything else comes up with you in the meantime, let me know, and I’ll do what I can.”

  “You’ll be the first call I make, Tony. We need to get to the bottom of this.”

  After the two men finished talking, they parted ways and looked around to make sure they were not being watched or followed. Each knew the seriousness of the situation and how lives could be lost in the blink of an eye.

  ~ ~ ~

  Meanwhile back in Harrisburg, Agent Miles woke up again for the second time that morning. This time he was at home on the couch minus his family. Once he gathered himself, he reached out to Director Davenport to make him aware of what had just taken place.

  “Agent Miles, are you and your family okay?”

  “I’m okay, but they still have my family. I’ll be in the office in a little bit,” Agent Miles said, with his voice breaking up. “They got my baby girl, too.”

  The agent on the other end did not know what to say to Agent Miles, having all of this on his heart and mind with these people taking him and his family. Agent Miles angrily hung up the phone and then looked around the house. He felt as if they were watching him.

  “I want my family back!” he yelled out, feeling as if he was losing it.

  Agent Miles showed up twenty minutes later at the Federal building looking defeated, and rightfully so. He felt shame as if he was selling out the bureau by quitting his job, and not being able to pursue his passion. He also felt weak that he was unable to protect his family. When he broke the news to his co-workers about him resigning and the reason behind it, they all tried to talk to him out of it, especially after seeing him break down full of emotion.

  “They have my family, and I can’t do anything about it!” he said, with his voice broken and full of pain.

  “We’re going to make ‘em pay, Jason, and we’ll get your family back,” the agent in the room said, trying to make him feel better.

  The agents that were hit with the tranquilizer darts also felt as if they were to blame that this had happened, because they believed they should have seen the men coming. Little did they know, the elite group of trained men never allowed anyone to see them until it was too late.


  IN UPTOWN HARRISBURG, Ms. Anderson was just getting back from dropping off her grandsons at school at 9:17 a.m. when she entered her home singing “Glory.” She could feel the spirit of God inside her. But she suddenly halted her stride into the living room when she saw something that took her by surprise.

  “Jesus, tell me my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me,” she said, looking and blinking her eyes before placing her hand over her heart.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Tommy, is that really you?”

  “Yes, Mom, it’s really me. I can explain.”

  “Well, whose ashes do I have right there?” she asked, pointing to the mantel.

  Yes, I’m back, America! You muthafuckas really counted me out. Like a wise man once told me, “The greatest illusion is deception. I fooled the world including you, thanks to some powerful people.”

  “You probably have a bunch of cigarette ashes.”

  “Why would these people make me think my only child was dead and gone?” she asked with a face full of disbelief.

  “I wanted to tell you, Mom,” he said as he stood up from the couch and walked over to embrace his mother in love. “I love you, Mom,” he added before pulling back from the hug. “Legally, I was dead because my heart stopped long enough to be pronounced dead, until they took my body from the prison to a disclosed location. There they injected me with adrenaline and a few shocks from the defibrillator to revive me.”

  She still couldn’t believe it as she squeezed him to see if he was real.

  “I can’t believe it. God really does work in mysterious ways,” she said while looking at her son as if he was a miracle in the flesh.

  “How are my boys doing?”

  “I just took them to
school. They’re doing fine. Even better when they see you. I tried explaining to them about you being dead, but they just couldn’t accept it or didn’t believe it. Now I see why.”

  “Thank you for everything, Mom. What’s going on with my houses?”

  “I have the keys, but I haven’t been there since Shari and her mother were killed.”

  “Let me get the keys to that house. I left something behind over there.”

  Tommy Guns had close to $2 million stashed in that crib. Money he made over the years. Now with him being a free man with fake credentials, the money would allow him to move around with ease.

  “Mom, do you want to leave the city and state? I got close to $2 million in cash at the house.”

  “What are you doing with that much money in cash? You better be glad I didn’t sell any of those houses.”

  “I’ve been saving it for a long time—for times like now.”

  “Let me think about it, son. All this stuff is just happening so fast. I need to collect my thoughts and pray on it. First, I’m going to thank God for not taking you away so soon.”

  “Alright, Mom, just remember not to let anyone know that I’m alive. I’ll stay in contact and send you money for you and the kids.”

  He gave her another hug and allowed her to really see that he was alive.

  “Tommy, please stay out of trouble, Son.”

  “I will, Mom.”

  He hopped into his old laying-low Chrysler Concord that blended in. He then made his way over to the house to secure his money before leaving the state.

  Tommy Guns had an open mind about the drug game now since the people who wanted him alive had bigger plans for him, or at least that was what he was hoping. He just needed to stay low until he got the call from those people. Right now, America thought he was dead, which gave him the greatest freedom of all—not even existing.

  To be continued . . .

  Part 4 Now Available

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