Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs Book 1)

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Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs Book 1) Page 5

by Michelle Heard

  And that damn nickname!

  I scowl at him and threaten, “Call me little bean one more time.”

  Hunter grins at me, and I hate that he’s so damn attractive you can’t help but notice.

  I grab a pair of gloves and head guard and try to calm down while putting the gear on.

  When we’re both ready, and I face Hunter, his grin only widens into a sexy as hell smirk. “Game on, Little Bean.”


  I dart forward and deliver a couple of punches before bouncing away from him. “Come on, Chargill. You’re making this way too easy for me.”

  He taps me lightly on my shoulder, which has my eyes rolling. “Stop playing around,” I grind the words out.

  Hunter shoots forward and wrapping an arm around my waist, he tries to sweep my feet from under me, but I’m prepared and acting fast, I reverse the move on him, dropping him to the ground.

  He lets out a bark of laughter and climbs back to his feet. “How was your first day of classes?”

  The question catches me off guard, and for a moment, I blink at him until I realize he’s trying to make small talk. “We’re only here to spar, Chargill. Don’t pretend to be interested in my life.”

  Tilting his head to the side, a serious look tightens his features. “What makes you think I’m pretending?”

  I shrug even though anger bubbles to the surface. “You couldn’t have cared less two years ago, so now shouldn’t matter as well.” Done with this sparring session, I strip off the gear.

  Grabbing my towel and water bottle, I walk away, so I don’t do something that will attract everyone in the gym’s attention.

  Before I can reach the exit, Hunter catches up to me, and the moment we’re outside the building, he grabs hold of my hand and drags me off to the side. “I didn’t care?” he bites the question out. “It’s because I fucking cared that I stopped you.”

  Raising my chin, I cross my arms over my chest and meet his glare with my own heated one. “You could’ve fooled me. My relationship with Brady had nothing to do with you. You shouldn’t have stuck your nose in my business and –”

  “There was no way in hell I was going to let you have sex at sixteen!” he practically barks at me.

  “My almost having sex is not the problem,” I bite out. “What happened when you took Brady home?”

  I just want the truth. I want to know what Hunter did to Brady.

  I need to know.

  Hunter takes a step closer, and I have to lift my chin higher to keep eye contact. He clenches his jaw, and anger ripples off him in waves, clashing against my own.

  “How many times do I have to say it?” he growls. “I didn’t do anything to Brady. I dropped him off and went home.”

  “Liar,” I hiss. My emotions become an overwhelming whirlpool of anger and hurt.

  Hunter glares at me for a moment, and I can see the emotions warring on his face as he struggles to reign in his own anger. Slowly a defeated look shadows his features, and then he throws his hands in the air. “God knows I’ve tried, but no more. We’re done.”

  As he starts to walk away from me, I yell, “We’re not done until I get my revenge.”

  Not even looking back, he growls, “Whatever, Daniels.”

  It takes a moment to realize Hunter didn’t call me Jade, or bean, or little bean.

  Just Daniels.

  Uncertainty creeps into my mind, but I’m too angry to pay it any attention and mutter, “Right. Whatever, Chargill.”

  Chapter 6


  It’s only been three days since we started classes, and I’m ready for this year to be over.

  Making my way to the restaurant for dinner, my irritation grows with every damn girl that tries to get my attention. It usually wouldn’t bother me, but today I have zero patience left for the female species after my fight with Jade.

  “Hunter!” My jaw clenches at the sound of Jessica Atwood’s overly sweet voice.

  Not slowing down, I hear Jessica’s heels slapping against the cobbled stone path as she tries to catch up with me. Grabbing hold of my arm, she darts in front of me.

  Coming to a stop, I give her an aggravated look.

  She doesn’t let go of my arm as she flips her hair back while a pretentious smile forms on her face. “Have dinner with me.”

  I suck in a deep breath, so I don’t shrug her off with a curse. Instead, I pull my arm free and move to walk around her while bluntly uttering, “No.”

  Not getting the message, Jessica falls into step next to me. “You need to eat, don’t you?”

  “Not with you,” I mutter.

  Taking hold of my arm for a second time, she tries to pull me to a stop again, but I yank away from her and give her a dark glare. “Fucking stop already. I’m not interested in you, woman.”

  Hurt flashes across her perfect features.

  Too perfect.

  When everything around you is perfect, you gain an appreciation for flawed things because it adds balance to your life.

  “You don’t have to be so mean, Hunter,” she chastises while quickly glancing around to see if anyone else heard what I said to her.

  I’ve dealt with her kind enough to know if you give them an inch, there’s no getting rid of them. Also, Mom would slap me into a new damn blood group if I ever get involved with the likes of Jessica.

  Knowing I have to be as fucking clear as daylight with this woman, I lock eyes with her. “I’m not a social ladder. Find another guy to help you get to the top because it sure as hell won’t be me.” I turn to continue walking, then pause. “Another thing, don’t ever touch me again or pretend we move in the same circle.”

  Done with her, I stalk to the damn restaurant even though I don’t have any appetite.

  Doing my best to ignore the wave of whispers my presence causes as I enter the establishment, I make my way to our reserved tables and sit down next to Jase, who’s already busy scarfing down a pizza.

  “You sure you’re not related to Uncle Lake?” I ask. Uncle Lake and Jase will eat anyone under the table.

  Jase just smirks at me then asks, “Why do you look like you’re about to kill someone?”

  “Fucking women,” I grumble.

  A waiter appears next to me, and I order a whiskey.

  “No food?” Jase asks when the waiter leaves.

  I reach over and grab a slice of pizza just so he’ll shut up.

  “Good boy,” the fucker croons.

  I glare at him. “You tired of living?”

  Jase lets out a chuckle while picking up another slice, and I watch him obliterate it in seconds before he says, “You love me too much to kill me.”

  “Don’t push your luck,” I warn, and then unable to keep my face stoic any longer, a grin pulls at my lips. Even though we banter a lot about killing each other, Jase knows I’d die for him.

  Kao and Noah join us just as the waiter brings my drink.

  “I’ll have one of those,” Noah orders, then he lets out a sigh.

  “Shit day?” I ask before I take a sip from the tumbler.

  “You have no idea,” Noah mutters. He looks at me for a couple of seconds then says, “We need to have all the freshmen go to an induction course on stay the fuck away from Noah, Kao, Hunter, and Jase.”

  “Hey,” Jase jumps in. “Leave me out of your cock-blocking mission.”

  “Don’t you get tired of the girls?” Noah asks while shaking his head.

  Jase grins, “I have the stamina of a thoroughbred stallion.”

  I let out a bark of laughter. “Stallion, my ass.”

  Kao looks over a menu while asking, “Does that mean the lot of you aren’t taking dates to the ball?”

  Just thinking of the ball, I pull a disgusted face.

  Jase picks up a napkin and wipes his mouth. “I’m going with Mila.”

  Kao lets out a burst of amused laughter. “Does Mila know this?”

  “Do I know what?” Mila suddenly asks.

  My head snaps up, and seeing that Jade is with the girls, I glare at the tumbler of whiskey in front of me, so I don’t have to acknowledge her presence as she takes a seat across from me.

  “You’re going to the ball with me,” Jase states as if Mila has no choice in the matter.

  “Like hell,” Mila grumbles.

  Jase glances around the table. “Do any of you have dates, besides Kao?”

  “Nope,” Fallon lets the word pop from her lips.

  Hana and Jade shake their heads where Noah and I just stare at Jase.

  Jase grins at Mila. “That means we’re going in a group, aka you’re going with me.”

  Mila gives Jase a disgruntled look before she picks up a menu.

  When the waiter comes to take the new orders, I stare at the amber liquid in front of me, contemplating whether I should leave.

  Feeling eyes on me, my gaze lifts until they collide with Jade’s brown ones.

  Not breaking eye contact, I finish what’s left of my whiskey, then get up. “You coming?” I ask Jase as I begin to turn away from the table.

  “Don’t leave on my account,” Jade says, her tone daring me to stay.

  A hundred comebacks race through my mind, but every one of them will only show Jade that I care. Instead, I give her a cold look before leaving the restaurant.

  Jase quickly follows behind me. “Things still bad between you and Jade?”

  I let out a huff of air. “Bad is the understatement of the fucking year. I’m done trying with her.”

  We walk in silence for a minute, then Jase asks, “Really? How are you going to handle being around her then?”

  “Like I handle any other girl.”

  With zero patience and a shitload of disdain.

  “Ouch.” Jase gives me a worried look. “You don’t think that’s overkill? We’re talking about Jade. She’s one of us.”

  “She decided our friendship was over long before I did. Why should I treat her as one of us, when she clearly doesn’t give a fuck about me?”

  “Shit.” Jase throws his arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry it came to this. I was hoping you and Jade would be able to deal with the past once you were living under the same roof.”

  “So much for hoping, right?”

  “Yeah, right.”

  When we get to the suite, I go to shower and not in the mood to run into Jade again, I decide to work on one of my assignments until I’m tired enough to sleep.

  A couple of hours later, I yawn as I close my laptop. I tuck it back in my bag for tomorrow’s class then crawl under the covers. I’m just about to switch off the light when my door opens, and Fallon and Hana come creeping into my room with their pillows tucked under their arms.

  “Hey,” I whisper as I scoot to the middle of the bed to make space for the girls.

  Fallon climbs in on my right and Hana on my left, and then they snuggle up to my sides.

  “Jade told us you had another fight,” Fallon whispers as she reaches over to the lamp, turning it off.


  “Are you okay?” Hana asks softly.

  I don’t know why the girls bother bringing pillows when they always end up using my arms to sleep on anyway.

  “I’ll be okay,” I answer Hana.

  “Love you, Hunter,” Fallon whispers sleepily.

  “In this life and the next,” Hana adds.

  “Love you, too.”

  I lie awake as the girls drift off to sleep. Having them with me always helps. Ever since we were little, we used to sleep in the same bed whenever our families got together for a visit or going away on vacations. Our families share a bond that most blood-related relatives don’t even have – loyalty, undying love, and a fierce protectiveness toward each other.

  Even though they’re asleep, I still whisper, “Thanks for always being there for me when I need you most.”


  Being up at the crack of dawn, I open my door, so I can go get some coffee. When Hunter’s door slowly creeks open, I freeze but seeing Fallon and Hana sneak out, I grin at them.

  Walking to the kitchen, I ask, “You want some coffee?”

  “Oh God, please,” Fallon mumbles, still half asleep.

  “Why did I agree to help with the preparations for the ball?” Hana complains, her eyes hardly open.

  “Cause you love me.”

  I chuckle at their conversation while I begin to make our coffees. I know Fallon and Hana are really close with Hunter, and if they were forced to choose between him and me, they’d rush to his side in a heartbeat. It’s just the way things work in our circle. Even though Noah and Kao are friends with Hunter, they’d choose me.

  And that’s why I haven’t lost my shit with Hunter. He’s been super cold toward me since our fight, but I won’t let it get to me.

  I carry the mugs over to the living room and sit down on the couch with my own. After taking a sip, I ask, “How are the preparations going? The ball’s only in three weeks. Why do you have to get up so early?”

  “Because it’s the only time the committee can meet. This year they want to go with a theme.” Fallon pulls a face that has me chuckling.

  “Black and white is so overdone,” Hana complains.

  “Yeah, and masked balls,” Fallon adds.

  “Every theme has been done to death,” I mutter before bringing my mug to my lips. I swallow the warm liquid down, then grin. “You could go with bitches and playboys. That would fit right in on campus.”

  Fallon snorts. “Can you imagine the committee's reaction if I propose that?”

  “It would be hilarious.”

  After a minute of silence, Fallon says, “What about rainbows? My dad always calls my mom his rainbow, and I love it. If we make that the theme, we can at least wear any color we want to.”

  I get up and smile at Fallon. “I love the idea.”

  Hana looks excited as she agrees, “Yeah, we just need to convince the other girls.”

  A slight frown forms on my forehead. “Fallon, you’re the heir to the Reyes group. You don’t need to convince anyone of anything.”

  She scrunches her nose. “I hate using my family name to get my way.”

  When her coffee is finished, I reach over and take her mug. “Yeah, but at the end of the day, you represent your family. Don’t let people walk over you.”

  She thinks over my words, then agrees, “You’re right. I’ll just tell them we’re going with a rainbow theme.”

  “Thank God,” Hana sighs. “That will save us from having to listen to them argue for an hour.”

  Chuckling, I go rinse the mugs so I can get to the gym.

  I’m just about to leave the suite when Hunter comes out of his room. He’s dressed in a pair of shorts and a vest. I dislike shorts but on Hunter… damn him for being so hot.

  Scowling at myself, I stare at Hunter while trying to figure out why I find him so attractive compared to the other guys. Yeah, I know my friends are good-looking, but with Hunter, it’s different.

  Your heart’s beating faster because he infuriates you so much.

  He catches me staring at him, and tilting his head to the left, he says, “Wow, that’s a nice shade of bitch you’re wearing today.”

  Deciding not to ruin everyone’s day with another fight, I bite my tongue and roll my eyes at him. “Not today, Satan. Not today.”

  Knowing that Hunter will be going to the gym, I follow the path to the woods behind the campus, and I fall into a steady pace as I jog.

  I wonder how long Hunter is going to keep lying about what happened that night. With the trees and shrubbery swallowing me, my thoughts turn to the last time I saw Brady.

  Two Years Ago…

  My heart pounds a mile a minute as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

  Wearing my favorite summer dress, I’ve taken extra care with my appearance. I’ve even foregone my usual boots for a pair of sandals.

  Tonight is the night.

  The thought makes my h
eartbeat speed up until it feels like it might jump right out of my chest.

  Brady and I have been best friends since our first day of school, but things changed a year ago when we turned fifteen. I can’t believe we’ve been dating for a year already.

  Brady was my first kiss… my first and only love. We’ve talked about having sex for a while now, and I’m ready to take the next step with him.

  But first, we have to go to Jase’s birthday party.

  Picking up the present I got for Jase, I leave my room. When I take the stairs down, I hear Dad laughing, but the moment I walk into the living room, the smile drops from his face.

  His brows furrow. “Why are you wearing a dress?”

  I roll my eyes and let out a sigh. “’Cause it’s normal for girls to wear dresses, Daddy.”

  I notice how Mom tries to hide a smile by covering her mouth with her hand, but my cousins, Ryker and Mila, don’t even bother as they grin because Dad’s being his usual overprotective self.

  “Yeah, but it shows your legs,” Dad grumbles, and it has Ryker chuckling. Dad gives him a dark scowl, “Does Logan let Mila go out looking like that?”

  Ryker shrugs. “My father doesn’t have much of a choice in what Mila wears, because whatever Mom says goes in our household.”

  Dad shakes his head, then looks at Mom. “Are you okay with Jade wearing that dress?”

  Mom clears her throat and smiles at me. “I think Jade looks beautiful.”

  It only makes the look on Dad’s face darken. “I’m not going to win, am I?”

  I shake my head and walking to the chair he’s sitting on, I place my hand on his shoulder and press a kiss to his cheek. “Daddy, just tell me I look pretty. It’s not like I’m going to a club. I’ll be with the group at Jase’s house, so you have nothing to worry about.”

  My group of friends consists of my cousins and family friends. We’re a tight-knit group of sixteen kids who grew up together.

  Dad lets out a hopeless sigh. “As long as you and Brady don’t go sneaking off.”

  Sometimes Dad’s sixth sense is scary.

  “Daddy,” I begin to worry I somehow gave away that I plan on losing my virginity tonight. I hope none of my emotions show on my face as I say, “You know Brady is sweet and caring.”


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