Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs Book 1)

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Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs Book 1) Page 10

by Michelle Heard

  Same sad lines tugging at his smile.

  It’s a battle to keep a smile around my trembling lips, and as Colton begins to walk away, it falters as I remember my question about Hunter. “Colton,” I call out, needing to ask him what part Hunter played in Brady’s suicide.

  He glances back over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

  “What happened when Hunter dropped Brady off at home? Did Brady say anything?”

  Colton thinks back and shakes his head. “Nothing happened. It was nice of Hunter to give Brady a ride home, though.”

  My mouth dries up at his answer. “So, Hunter didn’t fight with Brady?” I ask to make sure.

  Again, Colton shakes his head. “Not at all. Why? Did something happen at the party to make you think Hunter would pick a fight with Brady?”

  “He walked in on us where we were alone in a bedroom,” I explain.

  “Brady mentioned that, but he wasn’t upset about it. Truth be told, he was relieved because he didn’t have to tell you about our dad.”

  Frowning, I ask, “So Brady would’ve told me about the abuse if we weren’t interrupted?”

  “No, Jade.” Colton gives me a sympathetic smile. “Brady couldn’t tell you, and it was killing him. He didn’t want you to look at him with pity.”

  I nod as my heart takes a final blow. “I understand.”

  “Look after yourself, Jade.”

  “You too.” I watch Colton walk away and let wave after wave of heartache crash over me.

  Brady was hurting so much, and I never saw it. How could I be so blind? My mind turns to Hunter, and the blood drains from my face.

  I blamed him for so long, and he was telling the truth.

  Oh, my God.

  I ruined our friendship over something that was never Hunter’s fault.


  I just lost another fifty dollars to Jase, but seeing how excited he gets when he wins has me agreeing to the bets.

  “The blonde woman’s going to kick ass,” Jase says, his eyes glued to the TV.

  “Hunter’s already lost two hundred dollars. Shouldn’t you guys stop now?” Fallon asks from where she’s sitting by the kitchen counter, having a yogurt.

  I wink at her, then joke, “He’s on a mission to drain my bank account. There’s no stopping Jase now.”

  “You bet your ass,” Jase hollers as the blonde woman gets an answer right. “Yasss, mamma. Show them how it’s done.”

  Fallon points at me with her spoon. “You’re creating a gambling addict.”

  I let out a bark of laughter, and I’m just about to tease her when the front door opens, and Jade walks in. I only glance at her for a split-second, and her presence instantly puts a damper on my good mood.

  Whenever I see her around the suite or on campus, I’m reminded of the damn kiss and how it felt to hold her in my arms. But seeing as I’m still dealing with the emotions myself, I haven’t pushed Jade to talk about what happened.

  “Are you okay?” Fallon asks. It makes my head snap back to Jade, and it’s only then I see her red-rimmed eyes and how pale her face is.

  Jade’s stunned-looking gaze meets mine, and she opens her mouth, but no words come out.

  Jase switches the TV off and rises to his feet, a concerned look chasing away the glow of fun he had. I also get up as Fallon walks closer to Jade, asking, “Jade, what’s wrong?”

  Jade moves her gaze to Fallon, then back to me, and it makes apprehension grow inside of me.

  Please, God, let it not be serious.

  I’ve just sent up the silent prayer when Jade says, “I-I met with Colton Lawson.”

  “I didn’t know you were meeting with him today,” Fallon exclaims. “How did it go? Did you get any answers?”

  Jade nods, her eyes never leaving mine. “He told me why Brady committed suicide.” Tension ripples through my body, tightening all my muscles as I wait for the blow. “They were abused by Mr. Lawson.” A sharp breath prevents her from talking, and she tears her eyes away from me, looking at Fallon. “Brady was being abused, and I didn’t even know. How did I not see the signs? What kind of girlfriend does that make me?”

  Fallon closes the distance between them and hugs Jade. “I’m so sorry, Jade. It’s just awful.”

  Jade shakes her head as she pulls away. “I saw the pain on Colton’s face. How could I not see it on Brady’s?” Fallon wraps her arm around Jade’s waist to offer her comfort.

  When Jade brings her eyes back to me, there’s no hatred or anger shining from them, and it’s only then her words hit me.

  Jade has finally learned the reason for Brady’s suicide.

  But I still need to hear her say it. I watch her swallow hard, and her voice is hoarse as she admits, “I’m so sorry, Hunter. I’m sorry for blaming you. I thought… I really thought… I…”

  My mouth sets into a hard line, and the months of anger I’ve been suppressing bubbles to the surface like an erupting volcano. What happened to Brady is tragic, but damn, I waited two fucking years for an apology, and that’s all she has to say?

  Months of fighting, of heartbreak, of unfairness, blast through me, leaving me feeling exasperated and outraged.

  Seeing the regret on Jade’s face does nothing to make me feel better. “I’m so sorry,” she repeats the empty words.

  “So Brady’s old man is responsible for him committing suicide?” Jase asks.

  “Yes, he was verbally abusive and broke Brady and Colton down. Colton got angry that night and left Brady to face Mr. Lawson alone. Things got bad, and I guess Brady couldn’t handle it anymore,” Jade tells us what she knows. “It’s horrible and so tragic. I should’ve known something was wrong. I should’ve been there for Brady.”

  Tears spill over her cheeks, and she gives me a pleading look. “Hunter… I…”

  Jade first needs to deal with her grief before we talk about everything. I deserve more than a half-assed apology for all the times she’s lashed out at me and disrespected me.

  I shake my head and walk toward my room, not wanting to say anything I’ll end up regretting.

  “Hunter, please,” she calls out as I reach my door, and it makes me pause for a moment. “I’m so sorry I blamed you.”

  I let out a breath then do my best to ignore her sob as I step into my room. Jase is right behind me, and he shuts the door to give us some privacy.

  “Fuck,” he lets out on a sigh. “Finally, we know the truth.”

  Swinging around, my eyes lock on him as anger rages through me. “I always knew the truth! What? Now I have to pretend nothing happened the past two years and go back to the way things were? Fuck that.”

  Jase’s expression sobers in an instant, and he closes the distance between us. “I didn’t say that.”

  A frown darkens my forehead as I shake my head in disbelief. “What the fuck was that? An apology?” I begin to stalk up and down the width of my room, needing to release my emotions in some way.

  “This whole situation sucks,” Jase muses. “It just fucking sucks.”

  “Two fucking years!” The shout rips from me, and my breaths come faster. “She fucking attacked me every opportunity she got.”

  Sadness washes over Jase’s features, and stepping in front of me to stop my pacing, he places his hands on my shoulders. “You have all the right to be angry. Let it out.”

  I shake my head, and my face is torn with the loss I’ve suffered, the torment I had to just bare, the blame I had to carry.

  I shut my eyes for a moment, but they snap open when I hear the sound of my door clicking open. My eyes lock on Jade as she steps into my private space, and I grind the words out, “Get out. Now is not the fucking time.”

  “Hunter.” Her voice is cautiously soft as she gives me a pleading look. “Can we please talk about it.” I shake my head, but she must have a death wish because she doesn’t back down. “I’m sorry I blamed you. I shouldn’t have accused you.”

  “Jade, not now,” Jase says, knowing the thunderous expr
ession tightening my features means not to fuck with me.

  “I just want to apologize,” she says, her face filled with panic and guilt.

  My eyes burn into Jade’s as I slowly close the distance between us. I lift my hand and pressing against her shoulder, I shove her out of my room. “Mine was never good enough for you. There’s no way in hell I’ll ever accept yours.”

  I slam the door shut and make sure to lock it this time before I suck in a lungful of air.

  I gave her time when she didn’t deserve any. I let her take her anger out on me even though I did nothing wrong. I always thought when Jade learned the truth of that night, we would be able to go back to how things were between us.

  But I was wrong.

  There’s nothing to go back to. Jade made sure of that.

  Chapter 12


  The immediate rage I felt at hearing why Brady committed suicide has subsided, leaving me feeling wronged and … just fucking drained.

  It’s been two days since Jade’s so-called apology. I don’t know if Jase or Fallon spoke with her because she’s giving me my space.

  Fallon and Hana have been working on getting everything ready for the ball tonight. Every year we have the function to welcome the students. It’s actually just a get together so students can get to know each other, but the girls use it as an excuse to dress up.

  The last thing I’m in the mood for is to be social tonight. I stare at the jacket lying on my bed and zone out as my thoughts return to the past.

  ‘I hate you, and I wish it was you instead of Brady.’

  Jade’s words have become like a whip, lashing at the scars she’s left in her wake.

  ‘Don’t ever call me again. You lost that right when Brady killed himself because of you. I hate you, Hunter Chargill.’

  I can’t even remember how many times she said she hated me. Or the number of times she wished I had died instead of Brady.

  I have no words for how I feel. The closest I can get to the rampant feelings swamping me is tormented. Before the truth came out, I got frustrated whenever we fought, but now all the accusations and cruel words flash through my mind, taunting me. It infuriates me, stoking my anger.

  ‘I’ll never forgive you, Hunter. Someday I’m going to make you pay. I don’t know how or when, but I promise you, you’ll pay for what you’ve done to Brady.’

  I let out a bitter chuckle as I reach for the jacket. Shrugging it on, I mumble, “Now it’s your turn to pay, Jade.”

  I check my reflection in the mirror and stare at the furious expression on my face. I’ve never been good at hiding my feelings. Letting out a tired sigh, I straighten the jacket then walk over to my dresser so I can grab my Rolex. Strapping it on, I look at the closed door and mutter, “It’s going to be a long fucking night.”

  Knowing there’s no way of getting out of attending the ball, I stalk to the door and yank it open. I force myself to not glance at Jade’s door and walk to the living room. Jase and Noah are already sitting on the couch, ready for the evening.

  “Looking good guys,” Mila says as she comes up behind me.

  I go to take a seat on one of the open sofas and smile at Mila. “Red really suits you. You look beautiful, Mila.”

  She grins at my compliment, and when her eyes dart to Jase, I glance at my friend. His lips are parted, and there’s a mixture of wonder and heat in his stunned expression.

  Clearing his throat, he blinks a couple of times, then mutters, “Yeah, you don’t look too bad.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Mila snubs him.

  “Mila, can you help me with my necklace?” Fallon asks as she walks into the open space.

  Kao is right behind her. “I’ll help.” He takes the delicate piece of jewelry and moves in front of her.

  My eyebrows slowly rise as I watch Kao tenderly brush her hair to the side before he leans into her. He clasps the necklace in place, and I swear everyone is holding their breaths when he pauses with his cheek pressing against Fallon’s.

  Then he pulls back, and his eyes glide over the silver dress, which fits her perfectly. “You look breathtaking, Fallon.”

  Fallon’s eyes drop from his, and she brings a hand up, fiddling with the single diamond resting on her neckline. “Thanks, Kao.” A nervous smile, which is a rare sight when it comes to Fallon, graces her lips. “You almost look like an adult in the suit.”

  She darts around him and makes a beeline for me. I scoot closer to the armrest to make space for Fallon right before she plops down on the sofa. I can feel the tension coming off her in waves and rest my arm behind her on the couch.

  She gives me a thankful look, then jokes, “There’s still time to back out of going to the ball.”

  I let out a chuckle. “After all your and Hana’s hard work, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “My zip is stuck,” Hana complains while she tries to reach behind her.

  “Let me get it,” Jade suddenly says from behind Hana as she walks into the living room. For a second time tonight, I hold my breath as my eyes scan over the light blue silk dress Jade’s wearing. She’s curled the tips of her ginger strands, and it makes the auburn in her hair pop out more.

  She looks stunning, but hell will freeze over before I give her a compliment.

  Jade fiddles with Hana’s zip, and then gets it to go up. “There you go.” She grins at Hana. “You look so pretty in pale pink. That’s one color I’m allergic to with my red hair.”

  “Thanks, my friend.” Hana glances over everyone then says, “Well, we’re all ready. Let's go.”

  I rise to my feet and hold my hand out to Fallon to help her up then wait for her to walk ahead. When we reach Hana, she hooks her arm through Fallon’s and says, “Oooh, the guys are going to go gaga over you tonight.”

  “They better not. I’ll have Jade throat punch them all,” Fallon jokes.

  Jase falls in next to me, and we leave the suite with Kao, Noah, Mila, and Jade somewhere behind us.

  It’s a habit we learned at a young age — Fallon at the head with Hana in the middle, and then Jase and I behind them. Dad once explained to me it’s because we always have to form a united front, and it’s Jase and my duty to protect the girls at all cost.


  Fallon asked me to give Hunter some time before talking to him about what happened, but damn it’s hard.

  After Colton came to see me, I was distraught over what happened to him and Brady. Now I’m left with regret.

  A shit load of regret.

  Knowing I failed Brady is something I’ll just have to learn to live with, and I’ve come to realize there can never be any closure when it comes to a loved one taking their own life.

  And then there’s Hunter.

  I’m angry with myself for screwing up so badly. I’ve been going over the week of Brady’s passing, trying to remember what made me think Hunter was to blame. But I’ve got nothing.

  My only defense is that I was a grief-stricken sixteen-year-old. Because I was upset with Hunter for interrupting Brady and me, I latched onto that anger.

  But it’s no excuse.

  Walking next to Mila, my eyes are glued to Hunter’s broad back.

  Regret is actually an understatement for what I feel. I’ve single-handedly destroyed a friendship that meant the world to me. I was cruel and, at times, downright vile toward Hunter, and the fact that he never lashed out against me goes to show what an amazing person he really is.

  An amazing person who I pushed away every damn chance I got.

  Ashamed for my awful behavior, I know I have to do everything in my power to try to make things right between us.

  Even if it takes two years to fix things between Hunter and me. I’ll do anything I have to.

  I deserve his anger because, at the end of the day, I hurt and insulted Hunter in the worst way possible.

  When we walk into the hall, Mila and I head straight for our table while Fallon, Hana, Jase, and Hunter do their rounds at the
tables to welcome all the students.

  My gaze follows Hunter. He stops by Jessica Atwood and her posse of friends’ table, and I frown when she says something to him with a rueful smile. My frown only deepens when she holds out her hand to him, and Hunter actually shakes it before moving onto the next table.

  “Did you see that?” I ask Mila.

  “Yep.” She places her elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand. “Looks like Jessica apologized to Hunter.”

  I give Mila a what-the-hell look. “She must be afraid of being kicked out after what happened to Melinda.”

  “Serves them right. Hopefully, it put them all in their place.” Then Mila turns her head to Kao. “What happened to you and Summer coming together to this thing?”

  Kao shrugs. “After the incident with Melinda, I thought it would be best to keep my distance from that group of girls. Besides, I’m hoping to dance with Fallon.”

  My eyebrows pop up. “Yeah? You’re finally going to ask her to date you instead of eyeing her from a distance?”

  Kao shakes his head, a sad smile tugging at his lips. “No, I just want to have one dance with her.”

  “You should tell her how you feel,” Mila says.

  Kao just shakes his head while his eyes drift to Fallon as she crosses the floor toward our table. “Let’s drop the topic.”

  Fallon stops by the side of the table and pins Kao with a look that’s filled with bravery. “Kao, will you please open the dance floor with me?”

  Surprise flutters over his face, but he’s up and walking toward her in a split-second, and it makes me struggle to not laugh.

  I watch as he takes hold of her hand and leads her over to the floor. Their eyes lock as violin strings fill the air, and I feel the intensity all the way from where I’m sitting.

  “You know, this is where Uncle Falcon and Aunty Layla’s relationship started,” Jase comments as he comes to stand behind Mila while Secrets by One Republic plays. “Maybe it’s a good thing for Fallon and Kao.”

  “That would be awesome,” I say, glancing up at Jase.


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