Blood Rite

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Blood Rite Page 19

by Sarah Black

  “It sure as hell wasn’t you.” I roll my hand. “Take me to your leader.”

  Aja stifles a laugh while the robed king cocks a hip with a brow raised. “Leader?”

  “What she’s trying to ask is who do you report to? We need to find someone from House Cain.” Aja picks an invisible piece of lint off of her leopard print tank.

  “You found him.” Again with that cocky grin.

  “What’s your name?” I shouldn’t, but for some reason I get the feeling this vamp really is the bottom of the totem pole. He wouldn’t have a clue as to who attacked me.

  Even though I’m getting the impression that we really are dealing with a rogue vampire and not a house affiliated one.


  I squint my eyes at him. A vampire named Mark. Why that of all things seems unreasonable is beyond me. “Okay, Mark, who’s your boss?”

  He sighs and his shoulders slump. “You really want me to bring you to Lazarus?”

  “I really want you to bring me to Lazarus.”

  “Fine, but for the record I’m only doing this because there are cameras everywhere, and he said if you show up to bring you down.” He spins on a slippered foot, almost losing his balance.

  “Wait.” I grab his robe, nearly pulling one side off his shoulder. “You don’t even know who I am, so how does this Lazarus know who I am?”

  Aja grips my arm, the tension in her body vibrating. I don’t look because I can feel the power that just entered the dingy convenient store. It calls to me like a drug. My little fangs pulse and saliva pools in my mouth.

  I’m feeling more vampire than a damn vampire.

  “Because anything that interests my dear cousin interests me.” The voice pulses into the room, a taste of the being that lurks in the shadows. His power rolls over me, teasing my nerves. Taunting my addiction with the hum in his blood.

  So much power runs through his body. Power I can use, I could make them all fall to their feet before me.

  Worship me.

  A pinch to my bruised hip snaps me out of it.

  A low chuckle sounds. “I see the interest now. You hide the power that lurks beneath your skin. I can smell it, almost taste its sweet pull. You would be nothing more than heroin to him. To any of us.”

  I blow out a breath, backing into Aja. Mark, not Mark, rests behind a faux counter with his head resting in his palm.

  “You’d be right about that.”

  “Tell me, what brings a mage and a shifter into my territory?” My eyes catch on a shadow lurking by the bathrooms. My head jerks to the side, seeing for the first time a tall man with inky dark hair slicked back into a low ponytail.

  Eyes catch the light just right, eyes that look so very much like Valentino’s it takes me by surprise.

  “I’m no mage,” I correct him, rolling the word on my tongue. Tasting it and testing how it feels there.

  He steps further into the light, his jeans sitting low on his hips, a dark black t-shit stretching across his broad chest. I swallow back the desire his appearance brings. Remembering that this house of vampires stems from anger. They thrive on it. Feed on it.

  “These dime store magicians that call themselves witches pale in comparison to the power that thumps in your veins.” He doesn’t smile, nor does he flinch. His lips move but with no emotion. Either he keeps it completely on lockdown or he is void of feeling.

  I don’t know which holds a shadow of truth.

  “That doesn’t make me a mage.”

  “No? Let’s think about history, shall we?” Too quickly, he lunges at me, brushing Aja away so that his hands hold my arms in a vise. His body hovers over mine. That long ponytail sweeps over one shoulder to fall between us. “You, my dear, are a direct descendant of the one true witch. A creature without a curse. Witch is the curse. Mage is the truth.”

  His body flies backward into the coolers and glass shatters, raining down upon us. My eyes close and I sink in upon myself to shelter my body from the inevitable cuts. The world stops as the last of the shards tinkle to the ground. A grip on my forearm pulls me upward and back from the blurs that move far too fast. Shelves clatter to the dirty tile while ancient soda machines tumble, their old and forgotten liquid spilling onto the floor.

  “We need to go.” Aja pulls me back.

  “We can’t leave yet, I didn’t get my answer.”

  “You don’t understand, girl. Any second now, Lazarus will declare war on his cousin. You cannot be here.” Again, she pulls me backward.

  “How do you even know it’s Valentino?”

  She gives me a look that screams at me not to ask stupid questions. She’s right. It was a stupid question.

  Because I can feel the difference between the two vampires. I can feel the blood within them singing of ancient magic. The curse that pumps through them. I could take it from them. Pull it out with barely more than a breath. My fingertips itch to do just that.

  “You need to get the hell out of here.” Aja yanks me back once more.

  “I’m inclined to agree at this point.” I swallow, realizing just how terrifying blood magic is. I can rip through these cursed creatures and pull their magic from them without hesitation.

  Though at what cost?

  We spin on our heels, only to be held up by not Mark standing sentinel at the door with his grimy plunger. “Ladies, see, here is how this is going to work—”

  “Shit,” Aja drawls, while gripping the edge of her shirt to strip.

  I rest my hand on hers. I peer over my shoulder, watching as the small store becomes ripped to shreds by two angry vamps. “Not Mark—”


  “Right, not Mark, you’re going to let us pass so we can leave.” I realize Aja and I made a mistake when it came to Mark. He’s not just a foot soldier. As close as Lazarus was, and as powerful as he is, then Mark would have to be far stronger than I gave him credit for.

  Though his power doesn’t thrum with the intensity that Lazarus and Valentino wield, it’s there, underneath, just humming in a gentle wave.

  “No can do, sweet thang.”

  “Lemme kill him,” Aja growls.

  “Two houses in one day? Perhaps our luck really is turning, Laz!”

  I smack Aja. “Actually, your house attacked mine, so it is I who am within every right to correct that wrong.” I stand my ground, even as confusion wrinkles his brow.

  “You were serious?” He points at the feuding vampires behind us tearing the store apart. “Why is he here?”

  “Because he is apparently protecting me.”

  Again, his brow draws low and his plush lips purse. “Boss, chill for a second. I think you should hear the witch out.”

  “Mage,” Lazarus growls, far too closely.

  Though shards of warning trickle up my spine, I turn slowly to face Lazarus and Valentino. One gazes at me in anger and the other with interest.

  “Did you or yours attack me and my sister?”

  “Don’t lie, cousin, I hold one of your lackeys in my morgue.” Valentino spits blood at Lazarus’s foot. The gob smacks his scuffed, black shoes.

  “You have a morgue?” I push the thought away, because if I really think about it I’m not at all surprised.

  Lazarus doesn’t move, his form frozen in thought as he stares at me. “Why would I do such a thing?”

  I eye him, assessing his words before I speak. “Neither a confirmation nor a denial. I’d like to get to the bottom of this without the council.”

  “You can’t hide from them forever.” Lazarus dismisses me as easily as I dismiss him. Though the shadows in the corners move as danger pulses all around us. “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill my cousin on the spot. Remember, your words are the only ones that will keep him alive at this moment.”

  Valentino snorts at his threat, crossing his arms as he casually leans against a still standing shelf.

  Again, the shadows darken, and Aja curses beside me as power closes in on us. I continue, “Because I doubt
you want to involve the council, probably even less so than I.”

  I look around the room, and even as Lazarus scoffs at me, his eyes darken further as he takes a step toward Valentino.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I warn him.

  “And what, prove that your existence is real?” Lazarus tsks under his breath. How do so many know what I am? “From where I’m standing, you have more to lose than I do.”

  “And if I find out you attacked me or my sister, nothing in heaven nor hell will protect you from my wrath.” My voice stays calm as the fire inside me sparks and grows.

  “That I believe.” Lazarus jerks his head at Valentino. “And him?”

  “A stray I picked up along the way.” I don’t need to look at Valentino to feel his anger lash out at me now. Let him simmer, we can chat when we’re far away from here and he’s still alive.

  “Tell me why I should keep him alive? According to supernatural law, he’s mine to kill.” Lazarus clenches his fists, blood dripping down between his knuckles. He’s holding himself very still as he strains for control.

  “Because if neither your house nor his attacked us, then you have a rogue vampire on your hands, and from what I gather that problem is both of yours.” I spin on my heel, the move dangerous and extreme.

  Never turn your back on a predator unless you know you can destroy them with a thought.

  I push out into the daylight. I shall not fear. Not when they will fear me one day.


  I wait patiently in Aja’s car, the hot sun beating down on me through the glass. Yet the leather jacket from Poppy somehow keeps me cool even if I still feel the heat. Sweat beads on my forehead and drips down my hairline onto my shoulder. The metal of my locket rests between my breasts, warm with the heavy reminder of why I fight. I may never take it off again.

  Rolling my head to the side, I watch as Valentino and Lazarus share heated words while Aja does her best to keep them from ripping into each other.

  The best part about not knowing the rules is not having to follow them. Hopping over the seat, I turn the key in the ignition, and the engine comes alive under my fingertips. Purring with satisfaction as she idles low.

  I glance over at the three still arguing, their bodies still facing away from me. I shift the car into gear and take off.

  Aja will forgive me.

  Valentino may not.

  I don’t even care enough about Lazarus to register his opinion.

  I peel away down the street, the afternoon sun creating a mirage on the dark macadam. Flipping the air on high, I swerve around the corner, my phone vibrating in my pocket.

  One handed, I pull the device out, answering the call and flipping it to speaker all at once, not bothering to glance at the screen—there’s only one person calling me right now.

  “Bring my car back.”

  “Depends, are you still with the vampires?”

  “I swear I’ll kick your ass if you don’t bring me my car back.” In the background, I can hear the vampires’ voices quiet as she moves away from them.

  I take a right, looping around the building. “Do you think they wore underwear in medieval times?”

  “Girl, I will burn all of your underwear if you don’t pick me up right this instant.” She almost sounds violent.

  “I mean, think about it, didn’t they have tight cloth pants?”

  “This is what you’re concerned about right now? Medieval boxers or briefs?”

  “A girl needs to give her mind a break every once in a while. Know what I mean?”

  “No, I do not know what you mean. If you don’t pick me up right now, I’ll kick your ass back to medieval times.”

  “You’d never hurt me.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  “Sure don’t.”


  I stop the car just around the corner before letting the engine die and then honk once. They are supernaturals, let them figure out where I parked.

  My butt just hit the cotton seat when three doors opened. Then the power signatures hit me. I slump forward in my seat, my head between my knees as I breathe shallow breaths. “I regret not leaving you all here.”

  “My car, boo.” Aja starts it back up before poking me in the shoulder. “What the hell is wrong with you? No one has time for you to break down, pull up your big girl panties and deal with your shit.”

  “I swear, Aja.” I flip my hair up and glare at her. “How the fuck am I supposed to sit in a tiny little death box with those two back there?” I fling my thumb over my shoulder at the vampires growling at each other in the back.

  She hums at me before turning the air down, then she whirls around and gives them her best Mama Davis voice and look. “I will kick you two out pretty fast if you don’t shut your damn mouths. And dial it back on the power trip, my girl can’t hand it yet.” Wide-eyed, I watch as she swings back around, driving off somewhere.

  “Thanks,” I grumble, feeling like a fool for having Aja fight that battle. Really, I should have left them all here.

  “Tell me what happened,” Lazarus demands, his power pouring off of him in menacing waves that send bile into my throat.

  “No. How is it the sun is up and you two feel like a live wire?” I rub my temples.

  Aja drives faster.

  “Being near each other does this to us,” Valentino answers, his voice cool and distant.

  I glance over my shoulder at him, his cool blue eyes regarding me. He looks ridiculous and out of place sitting in the back of Aja’s little car. Squished into place beside his mortal enemy.

  “Head to the bar,” I tell Aja, who is already on the way back to Manayunk.

  “On it, everyone is there anyway.” Her fingers begin to tap once more, a nervous tic at this point.

  “Who is everyone?”

  “Word got out that a rogue vampire is on the loose. The council put out a bounty for him.” Aja glances at me with sorrow. “Sorry, Penny.”

  “How the fuck did they find out so quickly? I literally just confirmed it seconds ago.” My gut roars that I could be this close, and it would be swept away from me just as swiftly.

  “Don’t know, I got a text only moments ago.”

  “A text?”

  “Yeah, the council sends out a text for bounties.” She fishes her phone out of her bra, tossing it to me. I unlock and scroll through her messages, finding the automated text. Time stamped moments after I walked out of the store.

  “How the hell is this even possible?” I turn around to glare at Lazarus.

  His eyes flicker and he shrugs a shoulder. “There are over a million people living in Philadelphia, how did you think we would find a rogue vampire?” His voice taunts me, grating on my nerves. “Or you, for that matter, mage?”

  Valentino’s hand snaps out, his fingers splaying along Lazarus’s neck.

  “Ah, ah, ah, cousin. We are on neutral ground now.” His dark eyes flicker to the pub we pass.

  “Not quiet, vamp. I won’t hesitate to drive around the building.” Aja idles at the stop sign, the bar sitting to our left. The locks click loudly in the tight space. “What’ll it be, blood sucker?”

  A cruel smile lifts Lazarus’s lips as he presses against Valentino’s hold. His face presses between the seats. “Looks like we aren’t the only blood suckers in the car, kitty.” Then he meows before leaning back.

  “Just park the damn car, Aja.”

  Shaking her head, she pulls right out front, avoiding the small parking lot overflowing with cars. “Everyone wants a piece of this shit.”

  “What’s the bounty?” Not able to stand it any longer, I climb out of the car, taking a deep breath of searing summer air. Just inside the bar voices swell and spill out through the cracks in the door.

  “Two mil.” Aja slams the door shut, her remote held high as she gives me a pointed look.

  “That seems steep.” I close my door, coming around to push through the old doors and into the bar.

“It is.” Valentino steps up beside me, his palm resting against my back. A move that Lazarus doesn’t miss.

  “What is he to you, Ms. Penny?” Lazarus strides ahead, opening the door wide and allowing the voices to spill out.

  He doesn’t expect an answer, he just wants to make a point. Annoying prick. I step away from both of them and enter the dwelling. Smoke billows all around me, tickling my nose.

  “How the hell is there still smoking in this establishment?” I head to the very corner of the bar to the right, sliding onto an empty stool. Most people are congregated in the other room, their roars reverberating outward to this side. A few stragglers on this side yell after each shout, though their eyes are watching the bottom of their glasses fast approaching.

  “Because no humans can see it.” Aja slides in beside me.

  Sean steps out from the kitchen door, his eyes immediately drawn to Aja. His tray is full of steaming fries and burgers. He jerks his head once before rushing to the back room.

  “Come on, looks like the old men are still here.” Popping off her stool, she wades through the smoke, lifting the bar gate and ushering me through.

  “Where did the other two go?”

  “Don’t care.” She pushes me through the kitchen door, the salty scent of fries teasing me.

  “Ah, there ye are!” Pete practically throws a basket of fries at me. “Eat, lass, yer too skinny.”

  “No humans means no inspections, I take it?” All around the kitchen is a layer of grimy film that coats every surface, which has me hesitating on the fries. But with one small grumble of my belly, I start to shovel them in my mouth. “I’m not sure I should be eating food from a fae.” Again, I eye my fries warily.

  “Not quite,” Sean whispers in my ear with his smoky voice. “Neutral ground, love.”

  What did I joke about earlier regarding rules? Yeah, I kind of want a cliff notes version now. “Fine, can you make me a veggie burger too?”

  You’d think the world stopped turning with those words as they all freese and stare at me. Sean recovers first. “My love, we don’t do that here. Ye get red meat or ye get nothing.”

  “Fries it is.”

  “Peanut, get back here.” Saved by Joe, I grab my basket and a bottle of ketchup and head toward a door Joe poked his head out of.


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