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Rush Page 16

by Deborah Bladon

  “Not now?” She raises a brow.

  “I won’t rush our first time.” I lean forward to press a kiss to her soft lips. “I need to go to the office, but tonight we’ll meet back here.”

  Her fingertip trails a path over my bottom lip. “I might be persuaded to do that.”

  I nip at her finger.

  She draws it back with a pout. “That hurt.”

  “Don’t play games.” I take her hand in mine. “Agree to be here tonight, Emma.”

  “I’ll be here most of the day naked and waiting.”

  My cock swells at the thought of her roaming my apartment with nothing on, but Maya has plans with the potential buyer from Boston. Today is the day he wants to look at the place.

  I press a kiss to her palm. “Maya’s bringing someone over at four, so…”

  “Go hang out somewhere else for a couple of hours,” she finishes for me.

  Nodding, I take a sip of the coffee. “I can arrange for you to see a matinee of a show on Broadway, or I can book you a table at Nova for a late lunch.”

  Her eyes widen. “That’s all tempting, but I have something I need to take care of, so I’ll handle that today.”

  As eager as I am for details, I don’t ask. I won’t pry into her life because I don’t want her to pry into mine.

  “I’m going to hit the shower.” I nod toward the bathroom. “I wouldn’t mind the company if you wanted to join. I’d love a front row seat to one of your shower concerts.”

  Her chin dips as a wide smile blooms on her lips. “You can hear me when I sing in the shower?”

  “Most of Manhattan can,” I jest. “It’s music to the ears of all New Yorkers.”

  “Funny.” She slaps a hand across my bare chest. “Let’s save the shower concert for another time.”

  Cupping a hand over her cheek, I stare into her eyes. “Promise me that will happen.”

  Her hand darts into the air as if she’s taking an oath. “I promise that before we leave New York and go our separate ways, I’ll sing you a song in the shower.”

  And I promise I’ll let you go.

  I keep those words to myself even though it’s a promise I don’t want to keep. I don’t have a choice. When her brother gets back to town, this ends. It has to end.

  Chapter 46


  “Is that a new game?” Mickey cranes his neck to get a better look at the screen of my phone.

  “Mick.” His mom gives him a playful tap on the shoulder. “Don’t be nosy.”

  I laugh off the idea that any child his age could be nosy. “I tell my students back home that it’s good to ask questions and to be inquisitive.”

  “According to Miss Owens, you are a very good boy.” Delaney directs her words to her son but offers me a soft smile.

  When I stopped in at Sweet Bluebells, I didn’t expect to see Delaney and Mickey huddled together at a corner table.

  They spotted me just as I was about to order a cup of lemonade to go. When they waved me over, I couldn’t resist joining them.

  I turn my phone’s screen around and place it on the table in front of Mickey. “This is an app I use to organize and print my photos. It’s called Printe.”

  His gaze scans the screen before he taps his index finger on an image. “That’s Bella.”

  I caught her in a moment of bliss as she was looking down at her small baby bump yesterday. I showed her the picture, and she insisted I send it to her. The tears in her eyes when she thanked me for taking it made the image a keeper.

  “I’ll print that one for my scrapbook back home.” I slide my finger over the screen. “Today, I’m going to get a larger print made of a very special picture.”

  “Who is that?” Mickey leans closer to me.

  “My brother and his wife.” I turn the phone toward him. “It’s a pretty great, isn’t it?”

  He shrugs. “I guess it is if you like weddings.”

  “I love weddings.” Delaney shifts her chair closer. “Can I see?”

  I hand her the phone.

  “Emma, this is gorgeous.” Her eyes dart up to look at me. “Where did they get married?”


  “Going to Ireland is now on my bucket list. Maybe I’ll add getting married in a castle.” Laughing, she hands me back my phone.

  “Take one of the three of us.” Mickey bounces in his seat. “You can put it in your scrapbook too next to the picture of Bella.”

  “Mick.” Delaney runs a hand over his hair. “I’m sure Emma has taken a million photos during her trip. She doesn’t need one of us.”

  “I’d love one,” I interject before Mickey can plead his case. “I’m trying to capture all the best moments of my trip, and I think this ranks high up there.”

  Mickey darts up from his chair, pushing to his tiptoes. His hand flies into the air above his head. “Does it rank up here?”

  I follow his lead and stand, raising my hand above his. “Way up here.”

  Delaney rises to her feet. “Let’s take it by the display case. What’s better than having cupcakes as a backdrop?”

  “Two new friends,” I say with a smile.

  Her arm falls over my shoulders. “Two new lifelong friends. The next time you’re back in Manhattan, your first stop needs to be here.”

  I don’t know if I’ll ever come back to New York City again, but I grin as Mickey grabs for my hand. With a skip in his step, he leads me across the bakery.


  Grateful that Lester apparently has the afternoon off, I plop myself down on a bench in the lobby.

  The temperature outside has to be closing in on one hundred degrees, and I didn’t dress for that. I’m wearing jeans and a pink patterned lightweight blouse. The sandals on my feet may be uncomfortable, but they’re a much better choice than the boots I almost wore.

  I can’t wait to get up to Case’s apartment to shower.

  A glance at my phone screen tells me that Maya is likely already gone, but I want to give it until quarter past five before I hop on the elevator.

  I drop my phone in my purse and peer into the shopping bag at my feet.

  I picked up an antique brushed gold frame for Drake’s wedding photo after I ordered a large print on the Printe app. My brother couldn’t have known when he developed the app, that I’d use it to print a picture of him kissing his bride a year later.

  After typing Case’s address into the order form, a wave of guilt washed over me because in the very next breath, I typed Case’s name into a search engine on my phone.

  My quest was focused on one thing. I wanted information on what chased Case out of New York City seven years ago.

  I found nothing connected to that.

  All that I did find were pictures of the man I spent the night with and an array of stellar reviews for his work in the app market and stories about his philanthropy.

  The list of charities that he’s donated money to is staggering.

  The combined amount is astronomical, yet he never took direct credit for any of it.

  Each contribution to a worthy cause was in the name of a foundation he’d set up through Cabbott Mobile.

  He’s a good person who suffered through something so devastating that it drove him across a continent with only the clothes on his back.


  I turn at the sound of Maya’s voice.

  As always, she looks every inch the professional in a tailored blue pencil skirt and white blouse.

  “Hey.” I push to stand. “How are you?”

  Her face brightens. “I’m doing well.”

  I shift from one sandal to another. I want to go up to the apartment, but I can’t be rude.

  “I’m meeting my sister and Case for an early dinner.” Her gaze drops to the watch on her wrist. “Or late lunch.”

  I steal a glance at it. It reads five minutes after seven. That’s two hours from now.

  As if she can read my mind, she lets out a giggle. “I buy vintage wat
ches because I love the style. They are notoriously bad at keeping me on time.”

  “Being on time is overrated.” I lean closer. “I would never tell my students back home that.”

  “It’ll be our secret.” She tugs the strap of her navy blue tote up her forearm. “Why don’t you join us for dinner? I’m sure Tilly, my sister, would love to meet you.”

  The offer is tempting, but I want to take some time to pamper myself before Case comes home. “I’ll pass this time, but thank you for thinking of me.”

  “I’m not the only one thinking of you.” Her hand lands on mine. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Case smile. You have everything to do with that.”

  I dip my chin to hide the wide grin on my face. “He makes me smile too.”

  “I promise we won’t keep him out too late.” She looks toward the lobby doors. “His time in New York is limited, so I want him to spend a few hours with Tilly and me before he goes home. It’s not often we get to reminisce. We never know when we’ll see him again.”

  A pit settles in my stomach as I watch her walk away.

  She has something I’ll never have.


  Once Case leaves for California, Maya knows she’ll see him again one day.

  I can’t say the same for me.

  Chapter 47


  It took every ounce of restraint within me to sit through a meal with Maya and Tilly. All the two of them wanted to do was play catch up. I wanted out of there.

  Three hours later and I’m finally done.

  I stand at the door to my apartment with my key in hand.

  Earlier this afternoon, I stopped by to drop off a box of condoms. I was sure to be in and out before Maya arrived so I could avoid the inevitable questions about my relationship with Emma.

  Maya shot a few questions at me over dinner, but I expertly avoided them by changing the subject. Once I mentioned that Drake is moving to London, Maya picked up the conversation detailing how she hopes to surprise her husband with a trip there next year.

  By the time dessert was placed in front of us, I was itching to call it a night and get back here.

  An unexpected phone call from my assistant in California gave me an excuse to leave. I paid the check, kissed both women on their cheeks, and took off.

  I step into the apartment and stop when I hear Emma’s voice.


  I know she’s made friends in the city, but I don’t want them here tonight.

  It takes me a second to realize that the pause in the conversation is filled with silence. She’s on the phone.

  Judging by the volume of her voice, I place her in the guestroom with the door ajar.

  It’s not my place to wonder who she’s talking to, but Beauregard comes to mind. If she’s willing to give the chaste fool another chance when she heads back to Seattle, that’s her choice.

  I tell myself that even though my gut is knotting from the thought of another man kissing her. I can’t picture another man fucking her without wanting to slam my fist through the wall, so I don’t go there.

  She’s mine right now.

  It’s temporary, but I’m going to enjoy every second of it.

  “I’m grateful that you took the time to call me, Archibald,” she says evenly. “I’ll give your offer some thought.”

  I take a step toward the hallway but stop when she continues. “No, I haven’t talked to Beauregard. I’m sorry to hear that, but…”

  Her voice trails.

  I inch closer to the hallway, hoping to catch her coming out of her room. I want her eyes on me when she’s talking about her ex-fiancé. I want her to think about a man who craves her. Hell, I can barely contain the desire I feel for her.

  Beauregard Garrington has no idea what he lost.

  “When do I have to make a decision?” Her voice quickens. “I should be back in Seattle in a few days. Can we talk then?”

  A few days?

  I want weeks, months. If life were different, I’d be all in for…

  My mind can’t go there.

  I don’t get to think about weeks from now or months. Some people won’t see tomorrow. I can’t lose sight of that. I will never lose sight of that.

  “Okay.” Emma’s voice carries from the guestroom. “Thank you again, Archibald. Good night.”

  I wait until I hear her footsteps approaching before I round the corner to the hallway.

  She lets out a gasp when she sees me.

  Her hand leaps to the center of her chest. “You scared me. I think my heart stopped.”

  Mine sure as hell did.

  She’s wearing a white strapless dress that skims the floor. Her dark hair is flowing around her shoulders.

  She is so fucking beautiful that I literally ache inside when I look at her.

  I drop my gaze.

  I need to get a grip if I’m going to fuck her.

  “Did your overhear me talking on the phone?”

  Lying serves no purpose at any time, so I glance at her. “You were talking to Archie.”

  That brings a bright smile to her lips. “I like that. I’d never call him that, but I like it.”

  I like you. Jesus, I really like you.

  I swallow those words because I’m not a fourteen-year-old kid with a crush. I’m an almost thirty-year-old man with an aching cock who wants to strip this woman bare.

  “He offered me a job.” She shrugs. “It’s not the job I was hoping for, but I’ll be back at the Garrington Academy in September.”

  “With Bonehead?”

  She chews on the corner of her bottom lip. “He’ll be working in the classroom next to the one I’ll be in. I’ll be a teaching assistant, but it’s a prelude to taking over the class in the next year or two.”

  It sounds like Archie isn’t willing to trust her to lead the kids on her own. What a fucking fool.

  “Are you going for it?” I ask, wondering why I give a fuck about this.

  I know why. My heart wants to know because it’s screwing me around.

  I tap the middle of my chest.

  Her hand follows my movement. “Do you have heartburn?”

  Is that what you call this ache in my chest?

  I shake my head. “It’s something like that.”

  “How was dinner with Maya and her sister?” She changes the subject even though I’m far from done talking about her September plans.

  “Fine,” I answer simply.

  “I made a salad for dinner.” She bounces up to her toes. “It was très magnifique.”

  I exhale a deep breath because every word out of her mouth is fucking adorable, including the French words she just said with a roll of her tongue.

  “You’re all that and more.” I rake her from head-to-toe.

  She tugs on her skirt with her hand, twirling in a circle. “I have to admit that it was delicious.”

  I stalk toward her, catching her in my arms mid-twirl. “So are you.”

  Her eyes skim my chest before they meet mine. “I bought condoms today.”

  Of course she did. She’s practical. She wants to be safe.

  “Me too,” I whisper as I skim my lips over hers.

  “You can never be too careful,” she quips.

  I’ve lived my life by that motto for the past seven years. I’ve been careful with every decision I’ve made. I’ve been mindful of how each of my actions impacts the people around me.

  I’ve been so careful that I’ve stopped feeling.

  She wraps a hand around the back of my neck to pull my head down until her lips brush against the curve of my ear. “You’re really handsome. Do you know that?”

  Dipping her back, I trail my lips over her neck before I take her mouth in a soft kiss. All the air leaves my lungs when she presses a hand to my cheek. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Emma Owens.”

  Her gaze travels over my face, stopping on my eyes. “I’m glad I came to New York.”

  I stra
ighten her, holding tightly to her waist. “I’m glad you came too.”

  Running a fingertip over my jaw, she sighs. “I think tonight will be one of those nights I remember for a very long time.”

  I’ll remember it until I take my last breath on this earth.

  Chapter 48


  I can’t take my eyes off of Case as he lies next to me. His breathing is stuttered. His gaze is feral. I watch intently as his tongue slides over his bottom lip.

  “Case,” I say his name. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  He barks out a laugh. “I’m driving you crazy?”

  He rakes my nude body before he looks at his groin. “You’ve been stroking my dick for ten minutes straight. I’m so hard that I’m in pain here.”

  I lean forward to press my lips to the corner of his mouth. “I told you that touching you would make me wet.”

  “My mouth can make you wet a hell of a lot faster.”

  I kiss him again, deeper this time. It draws a groan from inside of him.

  “I need to fuck you, Emma.”

  I need that too, but…

  My heart won’t get out of the way. I’m feeling so much already, and he isn’t even sheathed. Once he’s inside me, I’m scared that I’ll never feel the same again.

  Can you fall for someone this hard, this fast?

  He moves to reach behind him to the nightstand and the pile of condoms we dumped there.

  I emptied the box I bought. He followed with his box. We laughed at the sheer number of foil packages.

  He told me we’d use every last one before we go our separate ways. The promise dropped me onto the bed.

  I watch as he tears a package open before he skillfully slides the condom over his erection.

  It’s raw and uninhibited. Each motion of his hand is necessary but primal.

  He glides his fist over his cock once and then again.

  Before I can catch a breath, he’s on top of me. His weight is held up by one hand pressed on the bed next to my head.

  His other hand dips between my legs.

  I whimper when he rubs my clit.


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