Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation

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Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation Page 12

by Heather D'Agostino

  Chapter 21


  It was a quiet ride back to the hotel. Riley stared out the window, lost in thought. “You hungry?” I nudged her side as I turned into the hotel parking lot.

  “Not really,” she murmured just as her stomach growled.

  “I think your stomach is in disagreement with you.” I laughed. I wanted to lighten the mood. I felt bad that things happened the way they did, but I couldn’t do anything to change that. Riley shrugged as she continued to stare. “How about pizza?” I suggested. A giant pepperoni pizza sounded like heaven right now. I was starving.

  “Sure.” She refused to look at me.

  “Ry. It’ll be ok,” I attempted to soothe her.

  “How?” She finally turned in my direction. Her eyes were red from crying, and her face was splotchy. “My mom is gonna be pissed when we get home. My dad is gonna hate me now, and Alex is a jerk. We came all this way for nothing. I blew up my family for nothing.” She was waving her hands in the air as the words spewed from her mouth.

  “Sometimes we have to go through the bad to really appreciate the good.” I smiled. “Your mom might be upset, but she loves you. Your dad acts like you hang the moon. He’s not going to hate you, and well, Alex is a dick. Maybe you needed to see that to understand why your mom did what she did. She was protecting you. There are things that my mom does that I don’t understand and piss me off, but later I see that she was trying to do what was best for me in the moment.” I pulled up to the valet and climbed out. I watched as Riley stared out the windshield for a few moments. When she finally climbed out, her tears had stopped.

  “That pizza sounds good.” She smiled slightly as we walked inside.


  “I’ll see what I can find.” I pulled the phone book out of the nightstand. “Why don’t you take a nice hot shower to relax.” I started flipping through the pages looking for a pizza place that would deliver. I could order room service, but I knew this way would be much cheaper.

  “Ok.” She smiled and then headed for the bathroom.

  After ordering the pizza, I did use room service to put in an ice cream request. Just as I was hanging up, Riley stepped out of the bathroom. The white robe practically swallowed her as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Feel better?” I grinned.

  “Much. Now about that pizza.” She giggled.

  “It should be here soon. I’m gonna get cleaned up quick. Why don’t you find something for us to watch?” I tossed the remote in her direction, grabbed some clean shorts out of my bag, and headed for the bathroom. I needed to wash away the grime from the day, but I also needed to take care of a few things. Being around her was getting harder each day. I’d promised I’d wait, but waiting was slowly killing me. I needed the space before I said ‘fuck it’ and made her mine.

  “Sure thing.” She flicked the TV on and began channel surfing. When she turned to swing her legs up on the bed, her robe opened slightly, exposing her tan thighs. I balled my hands up to keep from rushing over to touch them. I needed to wait for her. She wasn’t ready and I’d promised I’d wait until she was.



  There wasn’t much on TV since it was summer. Mainly reruns and a few sporting events. I wasn’t really in the mood for a movie. I know Caleb was trying to help, but what I needed was to just talk. I had so much going on in my head, and my feelings about Alex were starting to cloud my memories of my parents.

  Shortly after the bathroom door closed, I heard the shower come to life. I continued to flick through the channels as I attempted to quiet my head. Thoughts of Alex soon were replaced by thoughts of Caleb. I imagined I was in there with him. We were kissing as the hot water poured over us. He was taking care of me just like he did in the bathtub, only this time I wanted more. At least I thought I did. Expert hands ran over my skin as every part of me tingled in anticipation.

  I tossed the remote aside as I laid back on the bed. I closed my eyes as the fantasy played out more vividly in my mind. The cool air of the air conditioner was no match for my heated skin, and the need to ditch the fluffy robe was becoming more apparent. A knock sounded, bringing me out of my day dream. I tied the robe tighter as I shuffled to the door. When I cracked the door open, the pizza delivery boy handed me the pizza. “Have a good night.” He waved as he stepped away.

  “Wait. I have to pay you.” I started to turn around, but he waved me off.

  “It’s been taken care of.” He smiled and then rushed toward the elevator. The smell coming from the box was heavenly, and my stomach agreed. I locked the door, and carried the box to the bed. Just as I was sitting down, the bathroom door opened and there was Caleb with nothing more than a towel around his waist. He was holding shorts in his hand, but didn’t move to put them on.

  “Pizza’s here.” I lifted the box from where I was perched on the bed.

  “Nice. Give me a sec.” He turned, but left the door open. I watched unblinking as he tossed his towel to the side and slipped into the shorts he was holding, sans boxers. After scrubbing the towel over his wet hair, he waltzed over and stood in front of me. I licked my lips as I peered up at him. “Stop,” he growled as he reached for the box, flipping it open and grabbing a slice.

  “What?” My eyes watched the pizza as he lifted it to his mouth.

  “Don’t what me.” He took a bite and the cheese stretched out, landing on his lower lip. He swiped at it with his finger before tucking it into his mouth. “You know exactly what you’re doing, Rils.”

  “I’m eating pizza.” I pinched my lips together to try and fight back the smile that was trying really hard to come through. My thoughts from earlier were back, and now that he was standing in front of me, I wanted to touch him. “Are you going to sit down?” I motioned to the bed.

  He walked to the other side, and sat on the edge. I couldn’t help it. I started laughing at him as I grabbed my own slice and practically devoured it. “You don’t have to move so far away,” I mused.

  “I think I do.” He swallowed as his eyes moved over me. I was still in the bathrobe, and it was gaping slightly at the neck from all the movement.

  “Why?” I tried to be coy as I ran my tongue over my lips, trying to gather any wayward droplets of sauce.

  “Rils.” He swallowed. “You’re making it really hard for me to keep my promise.” His eyes dipped lower as I shifted my legs, causing the robe to fall open slightly. All the girlie bits were covered, but I was teetering on the line that I’d drawn.

  “Maybe I don’t want you to keep your promise.” I nibbled my lip. “Maybe I want to remember something good about this trip.” I watched his eyes close as he took a few deep breaths. When he opened them, there was fire, and it was directed at me. “Don’t you want me?” Before I finished the sentence, he was on his hands and knees hovering in front of me.

  “Does this look like I don’t want you?” He pushed up to where he was sitting on his knees and his cock was tenting his shorts. “It’s never been about not wanting you, Riley. It’s always been about what you want. I made a promise to you, and I don’t break my promises.” His abs tensed as his shoulders began to rise and fall under his harsh breaths.

  “Then show me.” I blinked up at him. “Show me you want me.”

  Caleb set the pizza box on the table to the side, and then leaned down, placing a kiss to my cheek. His lips feathered over the soft skin of my jaw as he headed toward my ear. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to regret this later. I meant what I said about waiting.”

  I turned my head to face him. “I’m sure.” Before I got the words out, he crushed his mouth to mine. His arms wrapped around me as he leaned forward, causing me to lie down. The soft mattress cushioned my back as he hovered over me. Caleb broke the kiss and smiled as one hand worked to untie the robe. “I’m going to try really hard to make this good for you,” he whispered as he kissed my forehead. I’d heard that it usually wasn’t very go
od your first time, but I was beginning to wonder as my body began to heat.

  Caleb rocked back on his heels as he parted my robe with nimble fingers. Cool air from the room hit my heated skin and caused goosebumps to rush over me. “Cold?” He smirked.

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “I’ll warm you up,” he promised as he leaned forward once again. He started at my shoulder placing light kisses, one after the other, marking a trail down my body. He paid special attention when he reached my breasts. My back arched into him as his teeth raked across my nipples. “Easy.” He chuckled as he headed toward my belly button.

  “Not cold anymore,” came out in a breathy pant as he took up residence between my legs. I felt his hands first as they slowly pushed my knees apart, then his mouth as soft kisses hit my thighs. “Relax,” he murmured before his tongue licked over my center. My hips lifted off the bed. I’d let him touch me, but this was a completely different sensation. My eyes rolled back as he did it again.

  “Relax,” he murmured again before going back to what he was doing. “You’re too tense. If you don’t relax, it’s going to hurt.”

  “Can’t,” I gasped. “Too much.” My breath was coming in short pants as my legs started to shake. I dug my heels into the bed, and fisted the sheets. My whole body tingled as the anticipation of what was coming engulfed me.

  He pulled back before slowly crawling up my body. His shorts were now missing. I guess I missed that part. I laughed lightly, and his face crinkled. “Something funny?” He leaned down to kiss my neck.

  “No.” I sighed.

  “I’m not finished yet.” He chuckled as one hand went between my legs. I jolted at the feeling as he toyed with me. “You have to relax.”

  “You keep saying that.” It came out whiny.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. I want you to enjoy this as much as I am.” I watched as he rocked back on his heels and reached for his wallet on the nightstand. After grabbing a condom, he tossed it back. It only took a moment for him to sheath himself, and then he was back over me.

  I felt him, nudging against my center. One hand held him over me while the other gripped the base of his cock. “Take a deep breath and slowly let it out,” he whispered as he started to enter me. It burned as I stretched to accommodate him. My eyes watered, and Caleb leaned down to kiss me. “Another deep breath,” he whispered against my lips as he thrust his hips forward. I yelped in pain, and he froze. “I’m sorry. Breathe.”

  We stayed like that for a few moments as my body adjusted to him. Tears leaked from my eyes and he kissed them away. “I’m ok.” I sniffed. He pulled back, and slowly moved forward. It hurt less this time, and when he did it again, even less. I didn’t get the same feeling that I did in the tub. I couldn’t feel my body building up to anything. Mostly it was a dull pain now, and I wondered if something was wrong with me.

  Caleb began to move faster, and without my protests it was as if he was striving to reach something. His hips moved faster, and then he paused, teeth gritted, muscles tensed. His head dropped between his shoulders as his breathing slowed. “It’ll be better next time. I promise.” He panted as he slowly climbed off of me.

  I laid there on the bed as he went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I stared at the ceiling thinking about what had just happened. Was I supposed to be happy right now? Was I supposed to want to do it again? All I knew was that I was tired and confused. I’d heard that the more you do it, the better it feels, but I wasn’t so sure at the moment. I was sore, and the idea of doing it again made the pain worse.

  When Caleb reappeared, he was carrying something. “This will help,” he promised as he pressed a cool washcloth between my legs. I jumped at first. It stung, but he was right. After a few minutes I started feeling some relief. I laid there as he tenderly cleaned me up, and then after tossing the cloth in the bathroom, he pulled back the covers on the bed.

  We snuggled together, and the last thing I remember was him telling me goodnight and kissing me. In the early part of sleep, when you feel like you’re in a dream, I heard the whispered words, “I love you.” Funny thing is, I don’t know if I was dreaming or not.

  Chapter 22


  Morning came sooner than I was wanting, and when the sunlight peeked through the curtains hitting my face, I attempted to turn away. Caleb was curled around me, and one arm was practically pinning me in place. “Uhhh.” I groaned as I began inching myself toward the edge of the bed. I needed to use the bathroom, and the pain from last night was a dull ache. Caleb grumbled sleepily as he shifted on the bed. His arm fell to his side allowing me an escape.

  I tip toed to the bathroom, not wanting to wake him. I wasn’t so sure I was ready for more of last night, and I wasn’t sure of how to explain that either. After relieving myself, I shuffled over to my bag to search for a tee. The whole ‘being naked’ in front of guy was new for me, and I felt over exposed this morning. When it’s dark, or you’re too tired to notice, it’s different.

  “Morning looks good on you.” Caleb’s sleepy voice murmured from where he was still lying on the bed. I jumped as my hand hit soft cotton, and I fumbled to cover myself.

  “I look terrible.” I yawned as I stood, tugged the shirt over me, and waited awkwardly for what was next. I hadn’t washed my face last night, so I knew I had smeared makeup and my hair was a mess.

  “Come here.” Caleb tossed the covers back and moved to the center of the bed. The idea of going back to sleep sounded heavenly, but what I really wanted to do was go home. I knew the faster we got moving, the faster that would happen.

  I made my way over to him, and sat perched on the edge. “I was thinking we could leave today.” My voice cracked. I don’t know why I was worried, but something told me that Caleb might want to stay.

  “I was thinking the same thing. I’m sure your parents are missing you too. School starts in a few weeks.” He sat up, pecked my cheek, and grinned.

  “I don’t want to think about any of that.” I groaned. The idea of facing my parents in a few days made me sick to my stomach. They were going to be so mad at me, and I don’t want to think about how much I’ve hurt my dad over all of this.

  Caleb’s smile dropped as seriousness washed over his face. “How are you feeling today?”

  “I’m fine.” I lied.

  “Riley.” He shook his head before staring at me right in the eyes. “Do you regret what we did?”

  “What? No.” I started to stand up, but he grabbed my wrist to stop me. “I’m feeling a lot of things this morning, but regret isn’t one of them.” His grip softened and I pulled my hand free and cupped his cheek. “Last night was something I’ll always remember. I’m not sorry we had sex, and I’m glad it was with you, but right now I just want to get out of here.”

  “I think I can help you with that.” He smiled. Give me a little time to shower and pack up. Order some breakfast if you want.” He pointed to the menu sitting on the nightstand.

  “Sounds like a plan.” I smiled as he stood and walked toward the bathroom in all his naked glory. Is it bad that the first thing I thought was ‘how many times has he done this before?’ Caleb wasn’t shy. I knew he wasn’t a virgin. I knew he was more experienced, but I wondered by how much. How many women had been to hotels with him? How many had come to his dorm at BC? How many had seen him the way I did this morning?

  I stayed there stewing in my own insecurities for so long, that I missed my chance to order food. Caleb appeared in the bathroom doorway scrubbing a towel over his wet hair. “Didn’t you want any food?”

  “Nah.” I shrugged. “It’s overpriced here. Let’s just get something on the road.” I made my way over to my bag, grabbed some panties and shorts, and finished dressing. The sooner we got out of California, the sooner I could put Alex Bishop behind me, and move on to a happier future.



  She assured me she was fine, but she wasn’t acting fine. I should know by now
that when a woman uses the word fine, she is anything but. We’d been on the road for about an hour now, and Riley had spent most of the time staring out the window. One leg was bent, and her foot was tucked up on the seat. She’d pulled her hair up, and we’d opted to ride with the windows down. The sea breeze was whipping through the cab of my truck. “You hungry yet?” I had to practically yell over the sound of the wind.

  “I’m fine.” She shrugged one shoulder without looking in my direction. There it was again. Fine.

  “I need to fill up. I was thinking we could stop for gas up here, and maybe grab something.” I motioned to the sign boasting about fuel and eats up ahead.

  “Sure.” She glanced at me, and then back to the window.

  “Rils.” I reached over and gently squeezed her forearm. “What is going on? Did I do something to upset you?” I pulled off the exit, and followed the signs for gas.

  “What? No!” She shook her head. “I’m just…” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I’ve got a lot going on in here.” She tapped the side of her head. “I kinda ran away. You know? I left and didn’t tell anyone, and now I’m going back. I don’t know what I’m back to though. What if my parents are so mad that they stop talking to me? What if I ruined our relationship?” Her lip trembled as if she was about to cry.

  I pulled up to a pump. “You didn’t ruin anything. You may have changed things, but you didn’t ruin them.” I opened my door and hopped out. After swiping my card at the pump, I leaned in through the window. “Go grab some munchies.” I pumped the gas as she went in the little store.

  It didn’t take long until we were back on the road. “I didn’t know what you’d want, so I got a mix of things.” She smiled as she began digging through a bag. She produced a muffin and some powdered donuts. “Pick one.” She smiled.

  “I’ll take whatever you don’t want.” I tossed back. To be honest, I’d eat anything. I was hungry and I was never a picky eater. Plus, I’d eat anything to see the smile she just gave me.


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