Lunchtime Chronicles: Served

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Lunchtime Chronicles: Served Page 2

by Brooklyn Knight

  “I was on the floor,” she informed me in a rush. “I was manning my section, when I came to the table with the new regular.”

  My eyes fluttered with impatience. “And?”

  “And... when I asked them what they wanted from the menu, the new guy said he wanted you.” She paused and lowered her tone to a hush. “Not only that, he called you by name. Your government name.”

  My eyes narrowed as intrigue slammed me.

  The hell? Nobody called me by my name. My name wasn’t public knowledge, especially around these parts. The last time anyone had called me by my name was two weeks ago on the phone, when I was talking to Mandy. She’d been telling me about some dating website she’d started and was bullying me into putting up a profile.

  Of course, there was no way in hell I’d do any such thing. Not only did I not do social media, in any shape or form, Mandy didn’t know what I was up to. The last she heard, I’d graduated from college and used my social work degree to help vulnerable women.

  Yeah, I was doing that, just not in the most traditional way, and there was no way I’d tell Mandy the details. She was my homegirl and all, but sis couldn’t keep her mouth shut, if her life depended on it. Hell, I’d heard all about her damn Facebook group – something about The Lunchtime Dish with Messy Mandy, and the only word that stood out to me was messy. If Mandy knew I was running a high-end gentleman’s club that shit would be all over Facebook, with a million likes and shares to match.

  But who the hell was down in my club? And whoever he was, what gave him the balls to think he could utter my moniker?

  “A Fed?” I asked, brows pulled.

  “Don’t know.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t know?” I snapped. “I pay you to know these kinds of things, Candy! Not only that, based on what we’re dealing with, you of all people should be able to spot a cop!”

  “He didn’t quite give off that sneaky, undercover vibe,” she defended herself quickly, “though, if I’m honest, I can’t say I’m not certain he doesn’t intend on tying you up... if you know what I mean...”

  My jaw ticked and my pussy clenched.

  Candace continued, interrupting my attempts at putting two-and-two together. “He’s out there waiting, Madame. What should I do?”

  “You should let him wait,” I said flicking my wrist and returning to the items on my desk, “and you better believe, he’ll be waiting all damn night! I don’t fraternize with common patrons. All the regulars know this. Whoever the hell this guy is, I’ll give him a pass tonight because he’s new, but in the future, if he shows up requesting my presence, we’ll have him escorted onto the sidewalk.”

  Still doesn’t answer the question of how he knows my name, though...

  I tried to let the thought pass, but it wouldn’t let up.

  “Well, that’s the thing,” she countered carefully. In fact, the way her voice was set up, it made me give her my undivided attention. “He said he would wait. All night. Said he’s not leaving until he sees you.”

  My brows drew.

  “And to be fair, Madame, he’s not exactly common,” she added.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This cowboy looks like he’s got the whole world in his hands. His extremely large and capable hands...”


  My pussy jolted and I hummed, now sufficiently intrigued and annoyed. There was only one cowboy I knew who had balls enough to roll up in Golden Girlz, demanding my presence; but that particular so-and-so didn’t know my whereabouts.

  And there was a good reason for that.

  Still, I pushed away from my desk and marched over to the security cameras to settle the matter. I was all of five feet, three inches, but the crystal-encrusted stilettos I was wearing added significantly to my stature, reinforcing my boss-lady status.

  I snapped two manicured fingers, summoning my personal bodyguard who was standing in the corner. In a flash, he was next to me, like shit was about to pop off.

  Not wasting a moment, I turned my attention to the camera I knew monitored Candy’s section.

  Golden Girlz was rammed, wall to wall. In fact, it seemed especially busy tonight.

  My girls meandered through the crowd, titillating the patrons. Dancers slid up and down the poles, showcasing moves they’d rehearsed throughout the week. The place was full of men and women, intent on spending their hard-earned money on titties and pussy. Their eyes were locked onto the erotic show, but there was one man, whose eyes were focused elsewhere: on the camera I was staring into.

  A gasp lifted in my throat and I took a flustered step backwards.

  No way in hell!

  Ulric pressed his hand on the piece stashed in the waist of his pants. “Madame...” he called me cautiously. “Everything cool? Do you need me to handle something?”

  “No, I’m fine. There’s... nothing to handle,” I assured him shaking my head, but I was a lying bitch.

  Candy took a few tentative steps towards me, but I barely noticed her approach.

  The man was still peering at me, like it was a two-way device and he could see me, just as clearly as I was able to see him.

  All of him.

  God. Damn.


  His skin matched the Golden Girlz décor: rich and golden. A perfectly cropped blond beard framed a jaw that was so chiseled, there was no doubt in my mind that Michael Angelo had carved it from a piece of country marble. The cowboy hat he was wearing was tipped low, but it did nothing to hide his intense eyes: as brown as wheat on a summer day; and yes... his hands were... large.

  There’s no way it could be...

  I tried to steady myself and slow the rise and fall of my chest. “What’s his name?” I whispered, desperate for confirmation of my worst nightmare and most erotic fantasy.

  Candy didn’t hesitate. “Colt.”

  My eyes fluttered.

  “Like a damn horse,” she added.

  Not like a horse. Like a stallion. Shit!

  He’d found me. After fifteen years, Colton Wright, the man I’d allowed to fuck me over in college – both literally and figuratively – was back, and after the way everything had gone down, I wondered what the hell he was trying to prove.

  Colt was intense, so much so, he never failed to leave me gasping for breath, clawing my way across bed sheets as I tried to prove that I could handle both him and his thick, lengthy dick. Back then, he used to say I belonged to him. Any other guy who tried to engage me found out the hard way.

  Back then, I thought I loved him. Back then, I actually allowed myself to believe that we would survive the college years, and that I could be his forever cowgirl; but then I learned the hard way that Colt would never be tamed. All I’d ever been was one of his wimmin.

  To say I was pissed as hell would be an understatement, and just looking at him, sitting there all cocky and... cocky... did nothing to quell my ancient rage.

  I moistened my lips and tried to steady my posture, but my muscles were quivering. I cleared my throat, attempted to strengthen my tone, but the damage had been done.

  Shit, I should have worn panties tonight. Wet heat was making my pussy percolate. Just looking at him had me damp. Juices slid out of me.

  God, I despised him!

  I fingered my curly tresses. “I’ll see him,” I whispered, against my better judgement.

  Candy’s faux lashes fluttered. “I thought you said you were gonna make him wait all night.” she reminded me.

  I know what I fucking said!

  “Madame are you sure?” she pressed. “He could be undercover.”

  “You said he didn’t give off that vibe.”

  “What I actually said was I’m not certain he doesn’t want to tie you up.”

  I might actually like that...

  Candy continued. “He seemed agitated, Madame, persistent. I don’t think he’s used to hearing ‘no’ too often. You know, better than anyone else, how those kinds of patrons can be. And we’ve ne
ver seen him before, so we have no idea who he is, or what he’s about. We don’t know where he’s from or anything!”

  I know the answer to all those things.

  “I said I’ll see him,” I barked, “but not until the club closes and everyone has left. Go and tell him.”

  I snuck another peek at the camera.

  He was still looking, his brown eyes sparking like flames.

  Can he see me? Of course not!

  “Yes ma’am,” she finally acquiesced, before hurrying out of my office to do my bidding.

  Ulric eyed me. “You sure this is safe?” he queried me. “Do you need me to go down there with you?” he glanced at the camera.

  One of the girls was trying to engage Colt and I observed as she gave him a sexy lap dance. Colt scanned her curves, as if he was considering giving her the time of day, and just like that, blinding rage blurred my vision.

  Ulric’s voice pulled me back into the room. “I don’t like the look of him,” he was saying. “Cocky cowboy.”

  Yup. In the most literal sense, too.

  “I’m good, Ul,” I assured him, though I wasn’t entirely sure. “Under normal circumstances, I’d have you right by my side.”

  “Like always.”

  “Yes, like always,” I agreed. “But I can handle this one. This is my turf. I run the show. If anything goes wrong, I’ll call you.”

  Ulric frowned.

  “Knock off early,” I suggested.

  “Elektra – ”

  “I’ve got it. I’ll call you when I get home.”

  Ulric’s mouth pinched and then he took his leave without saying another word.

  The minute I was alone, I turned back to the camera. That was when I saw the girl who’d been trying to woo Colt leave, and Candy approach. His buddy’s eyes were fixed on her, like he wanted to slurp her up with a straw.

  Candy lean over and whispered in Colt’s ear. His head tipped to the side, as he attended to her words, and then Candy walked away, but not before making eye contact with the customer, who immediately got up and followed her.

  Who the hell was that?

  I turned my eyes back to Colt, unable to stop looking, even though I desperately wanted to. And I hated that I couldn’t stop. I hated that all he had to do was show up and the only thing I could think about was riding him like a cowgirl.

  He raised his glass of beer to his lips – those sexy-ass lips, bordered by those fine, golden strands of hair. The work of art was finished off by a silky tuft below his bottom lip.

  He looked at the camera again.

  I jolted and tore my eyes away from the camera, marching back to my desk.

  All right, cowboy. You called for Elektra, and you’re gonna get her. I just hope you’re ready.

  Chapter Four


  It was four o’clock in the morning, and people were reluctantly clearing Golden Girlz.

  Trigger had long since gotten access to the alternate menu and left with the woman who’d brought me Savvy’s haughty message:

  “She said to wait. She’ll see you when the club closes.”

  “And what time is that?”

  “Four o’clock.”

  I hummed and sipped my beer.

  Savannah... Where you at, mama? I’m waiting, just like you commanded. You probably figured I’d get tired and give up. You probably figured I’d already gotten tired and given up. But I’m waiting, mama. I’ve finally come to get you.

  If there was one woman who could get under my skin, it was Savannah. Back in college, she had a way of bringing out the best in me. The best saw me filling her sweet pussy with my cock twice a day, morning and night, like a prescribed medicinal regimen. Hell, sometimes I’d even take her thrice, mama had been that sweet.

  My groin tightened just thinking about the way she tasted: dorm room, student lounge, a suite I’d rented for the weekend – shit didn’t matter. Savannah’s pussy had been better than orange juice squeezed fresh from mama’s orchard.

  But the minute she left me, that was when I’d seen the worst. It had me blinded with jealousy and regret; a man unable to control his emotions. I’d slammed my fist into walls because of what had happened. When she walked away from me, she’d ripped the heart out of my chest.

  I had an explanation for my behavior. Granted, it weren’t a respectable one, but it was an explanation, nonetheless, and I’d been willing to tell it to her back then. I’d been willing to get on my fuckin’ knees and beg for her mercy, just so she wouldn’t leave me. The many times I’d called her phone, right up until she’d shut it off. She’d moved out of my place and back into the dorms, ignoring my pleading. I’d followed her there, knocking on her door every night, until her roommate ...

  Savvy left and enrolled into another school, just to get away...from me.

  I’d stayed on that campus for as long as I could, but there were too many memories, and the pain in my chest was downright debilitating.

  Then I left too.

  I didn’t need a college degree, no how. I had my daddy’s ranch coming to me, and all I’d ever wanted to do was go into law enforcement.

  I’d searched for Savannah, looked high and low. She’d fallen off the grid, and I hadn’t been able to track her down since.

  Until fuckin’ now.

  Thank God for that fuckin’ website.

  Lights started to shut off in various sections of the club, leaving nothing but a scandalous glow, but I sat at my table, waiting; sipping on my sixth beer, as patient as I could expect to be.

  Suddenly, a figure appeared in the distance, slim-thick and curvy. Luscious and plain old tempting.

  She was a ways off, so I couldn’t see her face good, especially now that the lights were dim, but I could sure as hell smell her.

  I drew in a breath, wanting to experience the woman before she got any closer, and the hell if my cock didn’t come alive in my denim.

  Gottdamn... She’s doing this to me, and I ain’t even seen her up close yet. Ain’t even touched her. Come to me, mama. Let me touch you like I used to. You want it, I know you do. We can hash out the details later.

  My mind control was working fine tonight. In accordance with my unspoken command, my woman advanced, bringing with her an air of confidence that I knew all too well. The closer she came, the more her splendor revealed itself to me.

  I set the glass down, never once taking my eyes off her. I could feel the fire behind my eyes, incinerating them. An illogical marry of lust and anger swirled in my chest. I barely knew my left from my right.

  Should I take her now?

  Or should I take her now?

  Now, we were feet apart. My eyes drew her in. Even in her fancy shoes, I towered over her. Gottdamn, I could see it now: me pounding into her, with the tips of them heels angled toward the ceiling.

  “What do you want?” Her voice was like butter on a hot biscuit, even though I could hear the edge in her query.

  I wanted to match her. I wanted to come back at her with something just as snarky and cutting, but the only words that would come out of my mouth were, “You already know.”

  She lifted her chin, eyes quivering and chest lifting with rage. Mama was fierce. And she was angry.

  Too bad I didn’t give a shit. The way I seen it, that made two of us.

  Savvy sucked her teeth and turned to storm away, just the way she had that fateful night, but the hell if she thought that was gonna happen again.


  I gripped her arm and she gasped. “What you got yourself into?” I demanded, keeping my tone low.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said jerking her arm, but I tightened my grip. I refused to let her go.

  “How about I cut to the chase, jolt your memory.” I paused, soaking her up with hungry eyes. From the way her pretty mouth was set, to the way her eyes were blazing like a fire had been lit behind her pupils, everything about this woman still turned me the fuck on. It was taking everything in me to st
ay focused on the task. “People are looking for you, Savvy.”

  “Don’t call me Savvy.”


  “How do you know that people are looking for me?”

  “Because I’m one of those kinds of people.”

  A pause and a jerk of her jaw.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter,” she snapped, flicking her curly hair. “You motherfuckers have been looking for me for a really long time and I’ve never been caught.”

  “Until now,” I countered.

  “So that’s what this is?” she whispered, livid. “You’re a cop and you’re here to serve me?”

  “I’m better than a cop, mama,” I answered her, tightening my grip a little, allowing my fingers to graze against her supple skin. “I’m a bounty hunter, which means I work for my-damn-self. It also means that I can do a lot more for you than a cop ever could.”

  Her lips parted and my cock jerked.

  Yeah, we were both on the same page with that one.

  I continued my thought. “And the only thing I’m here to serve is the punishment I’ve been dying to give you for fifteen years, for leaving me the way you did.”

  Her mouth pinched and her eyes narrowed. Savannah ripped her arm out of my hand and before I could respond, her palm slammed against my cheek.

  My head flew to the side, rocking my hat. When I turned to look at her, her shaking finger was pointed at my face.

  “Don’t you dare bring that up,” she snarled. “I’d rather go to jail a million times than rehash the bullshit you put me through back then. The nerve of you to march your cocky cowboy ass up in my establishment and bring up my past!”

  “It’s my past too,” I snapped back at her, ear still ringing, “which means, I got a right to bring it up if I fuckin’ want!”

  She shook her head, mouth wrinkled, and when she cocked her hand back to deliver another blow, I snatched her arm and jerked her into me.

  Into my mouth.

  My hungry, desperate mouth.

  I stole a kiss from Savvy, dragged my lips across hers until her mouth opened and I was no longer a thief.


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