To Love a Scottish Laird: De Wolfe Pack Connected World

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To Love a Scottish Laird: De Wolfe Pack Connected World Page 5

by Sherry Ewing

“Aye. We have determined you shall be wed after the tournament is over,” he replied. Only a flicker of concern marred his face. With the duke’s backing, how could her brother refuse such a demand?

  One moment Catherine was gasping for air, and the next, she felt the world spinning out of control. Her knees buckled and she knew no more…

  Chapter Ten

  Douglas left the duke’s solar and took the stairs two at a time til he reached the lower floor. He was uncertain if he should rejoice or curse heaven that his life had taken an unexpected turn. Was he not already contemplating marrying some unknown Englishwoman? He should not be complaining, the lady chosen for him by the duke was the one he liked. Mayhap that was the issue.

  ’Twas as though he had no say in the matter. And to stay in the future king’s good graces, he would have to do as asked. Douglas may be stubborn to a fault at times but he was not a fool.

  Still… He could imagine the grim encounter that was sure to follow between him and the lady, for he had the distinct impression Catherine would in no way be pleased with the turn of events any more than he was. There was no question as to her appeal, especially when their previous conversations left him with the need to plunge himself into a cold stream in order to sate the desire she sparked within him. She had a fiery nature, Douglas could see that for himself. What else might possibly lie behind her pretty face?

  Would they be able to find common interests outside their bedchamber?

  He had no time to ponder the matter, for the very lady strolled into the hall with her brother and, Douglas assumed, the earl’s family. The resemblance was uncanny, and with the exception of the earl’s wife, they all had the same physical traits. But as he further observed Catherine from across the room, he could tell she was upset considering the pallor of her face. He knew the cause.

  Douglas began pushing his way through the crowded room, and Catherine’s eyes widened once she noticed him walking in her direction. Her hand shook when she raised it to tame an errant lock of hair, and he had the sudden desire to kiss away her fears. After all, they were to be wed. The sooner she accepted they were promised to one another, the better ’twould be.

  As he neared, the earl whispered in his sister’s ear. Then he took his wife and son’s arms and ushered them to their seats at the high table. Lady Catherine looked rather surprised by the fact that she would have the opportunity to speak with Douglas alone.

  He bowed before her, taking her cool hand and placing a kiss on the inside of her wrist. A lover’s gesture, and he saw how she shivered at his touch. “Glad tidings, my Lady Catherine,” he murmured, hoping somewhere in the recesses of her mind she would be glad to take him for her husband.

  “I see nothing to rejoice about, my lord,” she said in a tone that could not be mistaken for anything else but displeasure.

  “So…ye have learned of our betrothal,” he said, straightening to peer down at her. He wished their situation would be easily settled between them.

  “Betrothal, my lord? You make this sound as though you approve of the arrangement,” she snapped before taking his arm and leading him from the room.

  They did not go far, only to an out-of-the-way alcove with a shuttered window. She unfastened the latch and flung open the wood, breathing in the ocean breeze as though to calm her frayed nerves.

  Douglas shrugged. “I doubt I had any more say in the matter than ye did, Catherine,” he declared, dropping all formality between them. “What is there about marrying me that is not tae yer liking?”

  “You knew about this all along!” Her accusatory tone had Douglas throwing up his arms in his own defense.

  “I had no notion of the intent of the duke but I must admit I was searching for a wife,” he answered with a mischievous grin.

  “You wished to wed me?” she asked in what sounded like disbelief. Her face flushed.

  Douglas shrugged again. “Tae be fair, I did not even know of ye, my lady, only that I needed tae find myself a bride.”

  Catherine gasped before she swatted him. “You mean to tell me any lady would have suited?”

  She gave him no chance to reply. He had a hard time not laughing at the lovely picture she presented as she cursed under her breath. At least some color had returned to her face.

  But once he grew tired of her ill words, Douglas took her into his arms, pulling her close. She fit there so perfectly, he momentarily overlooked what they were arguing about. He watched in startled fascination when her pupils dilated and her breaths grew shallow. Ah… The undeniable connection they had both forgotten about returned tenfold as he embraced her.

  Her hands went to his chest, and he swore his heart leapt at her touch. Bloody hell! Why could the smallest of gestures from this wee woman cause such a reaction?

  “For such a beautiful woman, ye can certainly curse like one of my men,” he observed.

  She made the slightest attempt to shove him away but ’twas only a half-hearted, for she just as swiftly began smoothing down the fabric of his tunic.

  He watched as she took several deep breaths. “You should probably get used to me voicing my opinion,” she said quietly before raising her eyes to meet his.

  A lopsided grin formed on his lips. “Opinionated, are ye?”

  “Aye,” she declared, lifting her chin. “I will not be some submissive wife holed up in her solar doing nothing but needlework.”

  “I am certain I can find something tae keep ye entertained at Berwyck, Catherine,” his voice lowered just thinking of undressing her.

  His grin broadened when she tossed her head, causing her lovely, black braid to swing. He could hardly wait til he was able to unbraid it. He reached out to cup her cheek, running his thumb across her silky skin. The pulse at her neck quickened, and Douglas’s grin widened. He began to lower his head to kiss her.

  “Do you have birds at Berwyck?” Her words poured from her mouth as though drenching him with a frigid blast of water.

  “Birds?” he asked, trying to grasp where she was taking this conversation when he had other things on his mind. “Aye, of course we have birds at Berwyck. The forests are filled with them.”

  A small chuckle left her, and Douglas was glad to see her relax. “I meant, does Berwyck have mews? I have a falcon at Wolverhampton and would hate to see all my training be for naught if I cannot take her with me.” She blushed as though embarrassed to already be making demands on her soon-to-be husband.

  “Ye can bring yer bird and whatever else ye like to Berwyck, Catherine. ’Twill be yer home as much as ’tis mine.” He tugged her closer til he could feel every inch of her body against his. Her breath caught in her throat. “Shall we pledge our troth with a kiss?”

  “I-I cannot kiss you, Lord Douglas. We are not yet wed, and I will seal nothing with a kiss.”

  “Douglas,” he murmured against her ear. “Say my name, Catherine.” He cupped her face with both hands while he waited.

  “My lord, I cannot call you by your given name.”

  “Ye will be my wife. Say my name,” he urged gently and saw the small spark of acceptance in her magnificent, hazel eyes.


  Smiling, he lowered his mouth to hers and swore God smiled down on them as Douglas took what she so willingly offered.

  Chapter Eleven

  Catherine fought against the urge to completely surrender to Douglas and his all-consuming kiss. She should not be allowing him such a liberty. She should be voicing her outrage at the close proximity of their bodies. But when his lips slid against hers, she was completely lost.

  If only Douglas knew what he was doing to her. She was not experienced with the intimacies between a man and woman. Oh, she understood the fundamentals of the act of kissing but had only been given meaningless pecks on the cheek. But this… A whole new world opened up to her, and she rejoiced in what Douglas brought out in her!

  Her arms wound their way up his neck, and she played with the length of his hair. In turn, he all but crushed her t
o his body but ’twas not unpleasant. Nay! Her body begged for something she could not understand. Parts of her began tingling as if she was coming alive for the very first time, and she never wanted it to end.

  When Douglas’s tongue skimmed across her closed mouth, she gasped. Apparently, ’twas just the opportunity he was looking for! His tongue began playing with her own. A low moan escaped her and only encouraged him to take her deeper into what could only be described as sheer bliss. Catherine felt as though she was soaring into the sky like one of her birds. But this was so much better!

  His arm tightened around her waist, and she finally became aware of the unmistakable form of his manhood pressed intimately to her body. By the Blessed Virgin! What was she doing?

  Catherine emerged from the abyss of pleasure, snapping back to a reality that would possibly become her worst nightmare; wed to a man who would probably control her every move. Douglas was a complete stranger, no matter how handsome. She was concerned about losing the freedom she had grown accustomed to.

  He must have sensed some change in her, for his grip loosened as he broke the kiss. Catherine felt the loss immediately and almost stepped forward for them to continue. Her heart felt as though ’twould beat its way out of her chest, and she was pleasantly surprised when it appeared Douglas felt the same. Their kiss had revealed many things to Catherine. First, Douglas certainly knew what he was doing when it came to kissing. Second, she began to think mayhap ’twould not be so difficult to be this man’s wife.

  “Catherine!” The sound of approaching footsteps stopped any further intimacy between them.

  Douglas ran a finger along the seam of her mouth. “Ye are mine,” he said with a roguish grin that set her heart a flutter once more.

  “Do you think so?” she asked with a smirk of her own.

  “Aye, that I do lass. And if yer kiss is any indication as tae how ye feel about me, then I know we have much tae look forward tae in our future life together.”

  Catherine’s laugh only caused his smile to widen. “You are confident.”

  Before Douglas could reply, Charles rushed to her side, placing his body in front of hers like a shield. The two men now stood toe to toe, and neither looked pleased with the other.

  “You dare to dishonor the Lady Catherine?” Charles hissed.


  Charles peered at her over his shoulder. “Now is not the time for a discussion, my lady, not when I am about to defend your honor.”

  “Her honor does not need defending.” Douglas’s arms whipped out and took hold of her hand, bringing her to stand next to him while Charles looked at them, dumbfounded. “Ye stand between me and my betrothed, de Grey. Be a good lad and be on yer way.” Douglas acted as though he had won a most prized possession.

  Charles cursed before he turned an enraged gaze toward Catherine. “Surely he is jesting? Your brother would never allow you to marry a Scot!”

  Catherine fingered the edges of Douglas’s tunic, knowing how the news was going to hurt her captain. “Charles…please understand this is not my doing,” she said even though he continued to look at her as though she had stabbed him in the heart.

  “You cannot possibly marry this barbarian,” Charles said.

  Douglas stepped forward. “Ye will not like it if ye continue in the manner ye are heading, de Grey. We have been promised tae one another by the duke’s decree so bugger off. And while ye are at it, stay away from my sister!”

  “I have no idea who your sister is, but as far as Lady Catherine is concerned, I am still her captain. Til I am released from my vow to protect her by the Earl of Wolverhampton, she remains my responsibility.”

  “I am more than capable of seeing tae her safety since we will be wed in a matter of days,” Douglas retaliated in a low warning.

  Catherine stepped between the two men, dwarfed by the sheer size of them. “Enough! Both of you must stop this nonsense,” she cried out. “You sound like two braying asses in a field.”

  “But Catherine—” Charles clamped his mouth shut when she waved an accusing finger at him.

  “I know you mean well, Charles, but my path now lies in another direction than returning home,” she said, softening her voice when she saw how hurt he truly was. But ’twas Douglas’s chuckle that had her anger rising. “And you…”

  “Aye, Catherine?” Douglas rocked on his heels, awaiting the set down she was about to give him.

  “You best not forget that I am not some prize to be won or bartered after. I will not have the man I am to wed, and a man who has been a dear friend, bickering between each other. Whatever your differences, you best figure out a way to put your animosity behind you.”

  She gave a shove to both of their chests and felt a brief sense of satisfaction when they both appeared stunned at her outburst. She began to walk toward the hall when a trumpet announced the beginning of the evening meal.

  Looking over her shoulder, she hid a smile seeing both Douglas and Charles staring at her as though seeing her for the first time.

  “Well? Why are you standing there with mouths agape? Are you not joining me to sup?” she asked them both.

  She headed in the direction of the hall, not waiting for their answer. They did catch up with her. Douglas offered his arm, and she took it, knowing her place would forever be by his side.

  Let their journey begin, wherever it may lead…

  Chapter Twelve

  For nearly three days, Douglas had been at his wit’s end. Although he continued to fight in various matches at the tournament, his only thought had been on his upcoming wedding to the unreachable Lady Catherine. Had she gone out of her way to avoid him? ’Twould certainly appear so, at least in Douglas’s mind. She was always kept at a distance either by the duchess, her brother, or that irritating captain. Douglas swore that knight continued to make some claim on the lady as her protector.

  Protect her! Ach! Was not Douglas more than capable of watching over a woman who would be his wife? Any chance of being alone with her to steal a kiss or two was gone, causing Douglas to be in a foul mood.


  Killian shouting out his name from across the field had Douglas ducking in time, a mace aimed at his head, narrowly missed him. He held up his shield and felt the force of the blow ricocheting up his arm while a grunt escaped his lips. He was losing his game, maybe even his mind, if he couldn’t keep Catherine out of his thoughts while in the middle of a fight!

  A brief look toward the dais showed Catherine clutching her throat in fear for his life. Aye, ’twas a good indication she did in fact care for him in some small measure. He would take what little comfort such a thought offered him.

  Knowing his lady watched the match renewed his vigor to battle onward. He raised his sword, swinging the blade back and forth with blazing speed at the unsuspecting knight before him. Aye, since Douglas’s mind had been elsewhere, he had grown lax, but now his opponent was fighting for his life.

  Metal clanged against metal til Douglas tripped on a rock. His sword slipped from his grip as though some unforeseen force had snatched it from his hand. Prepared for such a thing, he grabbed at a battleax strapped to his back. Swinging the weapon, the ax met his adversary’s wooden shield. A smile twisted on Douglas’s face upon hearing the first crack, and he continued to pummel the shield til the wood spit in two. The out-of-breath knight staggered backward, yielding the match much to the delight of those who cheered Douglas on.

  Douglas put his weapons away, then clasped forearms with the knight. “’Twas a fine match.”

  “Aye, you have won again,” his opponent said with a slight bow before picking up what was left of his shield and making his way from the field.

  Douglas raised his hand in salute to the crowd. He came to the dais and bowed low to Henry and Eleanor before turning his attention to Lady Catherine.

  Her Grace stood, waving him to join them on the platform. Douglas removed his helmet and gloves, handing them to Alec before ascendi
ng the steps. He took a knee in front of the duchess til she extended her hand. He bowed over her hand. She would, after all, one day be Henry’s queen.

  The duke clapped his hands. “You have more than proven your worth, Lord Douglas. ’Tis clear you are named our champion knight of this tournament, for you have bested the fiercest of my warriors.”

  Douglas nodded. “They have been commendable adversaries, Yer Grace.”

  A scowl formed on Henry’s brow before he understood Douglas’s compliment. “Clearly, they are in need of further training to have been beaten by someone of Scottish decent but that must wait for another day.”

  Douglas bowed again, not wishing to gainsay the man who all but insulted him.

  Eleanor spoke over her shoulder. “Lady Catherine, do join us, my dear.”

  Douglas watched his promised make her way to stand next to the duchess. She curtseyed and turned those hazel eyes upon him. God’s blood but she was a beauty!

  The duchess took Catherine by the elbow, moving her forward. “The Lady Catherine is lucky to have you as her own champion. Is she not a true prize worth risking all for, Lord Douglas?”

  “The lady is indeed, Yer Grace. However, I willnae claim her as a prize lest she becomes cross with me. I have the highest respect for her, and only wish tae be kept in her highest regard.” His eyes hungrily devoured the very sight of the woman who would become his wife.

  The duchess nodded in agreement. “’Tis rare for a man to think upon his future wife as anything more than his chattel to do with as he pleases.”

  “If I wish tae remain in my lady’s good graces, I cannae think of her as my chattel, Yer Grace,” Douglas answered truthfully.

  Henry stepped forward, taking Lady Catherine’s hand and placed it in Douglas’s. “Mayhap your reward for this stage of the tourney should be a kiss from your fair lady! What say you, Lady Catherine?” Henry smiled.

  Catherine flushed before she sunk into another curtsey. “I am yours to command, Your Grace.”


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