The Black Guard: Book III: The Black Mamba (Black Guard series 3)

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The Black Guard: Book III: The Black Mamba (Black Guard series 3) Page 9

by CR Daems

  "Nothing will change. I had to assume the threat was real; therefore, my assignments will remain the same, and I will continue to be paranoid."

  "You don't think the threat is over?" she asked, her eyes wider than normal in surprise.

  "No. Those four were soldiers. I doubt they knew anyone of importance in the group that wants the monarchy to end. They were given orders and weapons. I would imagine they thought it a low-risk assignment. Shoot a ground-to-air missile at an unarmed shuttle that couldn't possibly out run or destroy or deflect it, and go home to accolades and maybe a promotion."

  "That's very cynical, Captain," Estelle said staring at me with laser focused eyes.

  "There isn't much glory in war, Your Highness, only in the history books. You kill because you are ordered to, not because you hate the other people but because they are trying to kill you. Mostly it's the power hungry and the generals who see the glory, not the soldiers."

  Just then the shuttle sat down on the landing pad next to the capital building where a crowd had gathered to greet the queen. I kept the queen sitting, while the Black Guard exited the shuttle, two through the main cabin door and four through the ramp at the back. The remaining ten I kept in the shuttle, not wanting to overwhelm the waiting royalty and spectators. Elijah and I followed the queen out, with Minister Timoteh following. An elderly man and woman in their fifties, and youths in their twenties, stood at the start of a red carpet lined with an honor guard dressed in red jackets and white pants. As the queen approached them, they went down on one knee, heads bowed.

  "Welcome, Queen Estelle," the man said. He wore a long green jacket that hung to his knees, which had a red sash over his left shoulder that ran to his right waist. The sash had gold symbols I didn’t recognize. His pants were black and an empty scabbard was attached to the black belt around his waist. His head was bowed and a naked straight sword lay across his extended hands.

  "Please rise, Duke Marshall," Estelle said gesturing them up with her hand. The duke sheathed his sword as he rose.

  "Queen Estelle, I would like to formally introduce my wife, Duchess Camila, my eldest son Lord Oliver, and my daughter Lady Emilia," Marshall said gesturing to each in turn. The women wore formal ankle-length dresses, Camila in pink and Emilia in white. Oliver was dressed like his father but with a green sash and no sword.

  "A pleasure to meet you and I look forward to getting to know each of you, but for now let me say a few words to my waiting subjects. Estelle walked to the wooden platform and climbed the four steps. On the platform was an elaborate chair, a small table with a crystal water container and a glass, and a microphone. Estelle ignored the chair and went directly to the microphone. The crowd went down on one knee.

  "Please rise. Thank you for coming to welcome me to Badahoz." She paused for a few minutes as if thinking about her next words; she had no prepared speech. "I'm touring the providences to get to know you, to hear your concerns, and to give you a face to go with my name. Neither Duke Marshall nor I can solve everyone's problems, but we are interested in hearing your concerns and will work on the ones we can solve." That received shouts of, "Long live Queen Estelle," and loud cheering as she exited the platform.

  "Someone said those guards in black are the Black Guard," Marshall said, looking around now that all eighteen were out of the shuttle and scanning the area. He looked nervous and confused.

  "Yes. Minister Timoteh convinced me to hire them because he believed my first shuttle problem wasn't an accident but rather a botched assassination attempt," Estelle said smiling warmly in Timoteh's direction. "That saved my life, as someone shot down the royal shuttle on our way to Badahoz. In fact, less than twenty kilometers from here. I'm alive only because Captain Sapir insisted I fly in her shuttle. The attackers used a missile to bring down the royal shuttle. No one survived."

  "I will send soldiers out immediately to track the assassins," Marshall said, waving at an army officer who looked to be in charge of the honor guard.

  "Not necessary, Lord Marshall. They are dead, but maybe they could search for clues as to their identity," Estelle said.

  Marshall nodded, turning to the officer who stood at attention, waiting. "Major, get a detail together to search the area where the queen's shuttle crashed. I'm told the attackers are dead. See if you can determine who they are and where they came from. Also, arrange quarters for Captain Sapir and her troops."

  "Lieutenant Elijah will give you the coordinates," I interjected, and pointed to Elijah who stood near the Black Widow. "Don't bother with our quarters. We will be staying wherever the queen is staying."

  "Yes, sir." The major saluted and moved away at a double time. As he did, Colonel Mathaz hovered near the group with several of his men.

  "One large room will be sufficient as half of my detail will be on duty at any given time," I said before the duke could speak. "I would like to talk to whoever is in charge of security, to ensure I understand his duties and responsibilities and that he understands the Black Guard's."

  "We can protect our queen," Marshall said, his face tightening in a flash of anger.

  "I'm not questioning your ability or loyalty. The Black Guard is under contract to protect the queen. Your people should continue to provide building security. The Black Guard is only interested in Queen Estelle, not you or anyone else in the building."

  "I've heard rumors of the Black Guard, and a female captain now that I think of it," Marshall said and wrinkled his nose in distaste.

  "You would be wise to believe every rumor you heard is true," I said, trying not to show the amusement I felt. "There are four dead men back at the shuttle who would, if they could, attest to the rumors."

  Marshall's glare turned to a smile as he looked toward Estelle. "Perhaps you should curtail your tour, Your Majesty. You would be safer inside the palace."

  "That is true, Lord Marshall, but then I would not be fit to be queen. The people have a right to see their queen and to have access to her," Estelle said, then looked toward me. "I think my life is in good hands. If they can get by Colonel Mathaz, they have the nasty Black Guard to contend with." Her short laugh was almost a giggle. Estelle was young but showing astuteness by including Colonel Mathaz, whose feelings were certainly bruised by the Black Guard's inclusion. I noticed a brief smile touched his lips at her words. I had to admire her courage to continue in the face of what was now a confirmed threat. I would wager Colonel Mathaz would love to rush her back to the palace.

  Marshall waved us toward a line of ground vehicles. As we walked, he spent a few minutes on his small communication device. "Minister Tahlin will have your rooms, and rooms for the Black Guard, ready when we arrive. I am afraid there is only room for one shuttle at my residence," Marshal said, trying to look apologetic but failing.

  "Then you had better move whatever is currently there, unless you want it destroyed," I said, then turned to Colonel Mathaz. "Colonel, you and whoever you want to join you are welcome to ride in our shuttle to the duke's residence."

  Marshall sputtered incoherently for several seconds before speaking. "Queen Estelle…," he pleaded looking in her direction.

  "Lord Marshall, I've had several of my loyal and dear subjects die today, so I would like my security and that shuttle close. The people wanting me dead are going to find there is a steep entry price to participate."

  "Elijah, take one squad and accompany the queen. I'll follow with Colonel Mathaz in the Widow," I said waving the colonel to follow. He said nothing until we entered the shuttle.

  "Wow. Are all your shuttles like this?" His eyes darted around the cabin.

  "No. This shuttle was built exclusively for transporting very important people from place to place. It has comfortable seating for them, but built to take on anything except a war cruiser. I opened the door to the command center. "These are Jax marines, Chief Dully, our pilot, Armando on weapons, Izaak our navigator, and McKenna on ECM." They each nodded as I pointed to them. "Chief, follow the vehicle procession to the Duk
e's residence. I'm told there is only one landing pad, and it's ours."

  Chief Dully smiled. "Yes, ma'am."

  I walked back into the main cabin where everyone was now on board, the shuttle sealed, and waved Mathaz to a seat in the front row.

  "Colonel, we are not enemies and each of us wants the same result, the queen safe, and the bad guys killed or captured. I'm not here to replace you but merely to provide specific protection until the current threat is eliminated; expertise normal palace security is neither trained or manned to provide. We each began training at age six and our training is specific to handling assassins."

  Mathaz sat quietly for a long time then laughed. "You're right. We aren't enemies. The queen actually thought palace security was sufficient, and she would be dead today if Minister Timoteh hadn't known about the Black Guard and insisted her majesty hire you." Mathaz sat quiet for several minutes. "Why did you call this shuttle the Widow?"

  Someone dubbed it the Black Widow after a very deadly old-earth spider, and the name stuck because it was made specifically for the Black Guard on assignments, and because the shuttle is very lethal."

  "You told the Duke your team wasn't responsible for him or his people, and that applies to me and my security team," Mathaz said thoughtfully.

  "True. I know it sounds heartless. But from hundreds of years' experience, we have found that diverting our attention from our client increases his or her potential danger. It's partly the reason that normal palace security is not as effective in stopping assassins. They are charged with protecting everyone in the building. Consequently, their attention is easily diverted. My team and I hope our actions save the lives of the innocent individuals around us; however, our actions are solely aimed at protecting our client." I paused for him to ponder our differences. "It's also the reason we insist on being in charge of security. Not to run local security, but to ensure if we give orders they are obeyed. In an emergency, the troops can have only one commander or chaos results."

  "Captain, the landing pad is empty," Chief Duffy, said with a chuckle. "I guess they took you seriously."

  "Thank you, Chief. That's the good part about being considered a heartless bitch. They take my threats seriously."

  "Shouldn't they?" Mathaz asked, frowning.

  "That's the bad news. They should." Just then I felt the shuttle touch down. "Senior Sergeant Zinn, make sure this shuttle is under guard at all time. Our would-be assassins appear to like shuttles."

  "Yes, sir," Zinn's soprano voice rang out.

  "Sir?" Mathaz asked.

  "In uniform we are the Black Guard, not men and women. Therefore, sir is the appropriate honorific whether the officer is a man or woman," I said as I rose to exit.

  "It's been an interesting ride, Captain Sapir," Mathaz said. "Thank you."

  The Duke’s residence had a modern four-meter iron fence surrounding the massive two-story "H" shaped building, with what looked like small guard shacks at each of the corners and two on either side of the entrance. The fence was a good hundred meters from the main building. On the roof appeared to be gun and/or missile bunkers. I followed the group to the second floor where the queen was given the entire South Wing, which included ten bedrooms, five sitting rooms, a library, and a suite with games and other electronic and video entertainment. The Black Guard was given two bedrooms where we had the furniture removed, and Mathaz was given a room for himself. His soldiers were housed at the military installation as they were not needed for building security.

  Twenty minutes later my Mfi buzzed "Captain, there is a Colonel Weller wanting access to the wing. He claims to be in charge of palace security." Sergeant Haber's face appeared. A short broad-shouldered man was glaring at Sergeant Krebs in the background.

  "I'll be right down, Haber," I said and left the room with Mathaz following. As we neared the intersection which provided access to the South Wing, I heard a man screaming. "Get out of my way or I'll call my guards and have you shot."

  "Colonel, I'm Captain Sapir. Can I help you?"

  "Another damn woman and a fucking captain," he snarled. "I'm in charge of security, not you, and I and my troops will have free access to this area." His hand rested on his Mfw.

  "First, let me remind you the queen is a woman and would not like your attitude or language. Second." I held up my hand to stop him speaking. "Second, this is your sovereign's wing, and you have no rights to its access without her approval, which she has entrusted to me, another woman."

  The colonel's face turned from red to purple as I talked, and his hand tighten around the handle of his Mfw.

  "You should be aware that the Black Guard only shoots to kill. It saves tedious discussions about who was right and wrong and what the argument was about. Any other questions, Colonel?" As I finished, five men came running down the hallway and my Mfi buzzed.

  "Captain, there are troops trying to access the door to the stairs from the first floor," Sergeant Ganz said.

  I hit the emergency channel, which would have all Guards armed and moving. "Shoot to kill any guards drawing a weapon or attempting to enter this wing," I said watching the colonel, knowing Haber and Krebs had their attention on the troopers coming down the hallway. "Draw or leave. You have no authority in the queen's wing," I said, knowing Elijah would have the queen under lockdown because I had initiated an emergency.

  Hate burned in his eyes as he raised his communication's device. "This is Colonel Weller. All troop stand down. Return to your stations."

  Several minutes later, Queen Estelle came walking down the hallway. "Lieutenant Elijah, informs me you had an argument with Colonel Weller–"

  Colonel Mathaz snorted. "I see the difference, Captain. I would have assumed he had the authority to access this wing and would have backed down. But why did you refuse him permission?"

  "Because his troops would ignore my orders in an emergency and chaos would result, endangering the queen's life. Besides, I don't have any reason to trust him or his troops, and even if I did, I couldn't distinguish his troops from assassins."

  "Do you think there will be an assassination attempt here?" Estelle asked, watching me like a case study.

  "It's possible that whoever wants you disposed of is trying to give the impression that the threat is from Badahoz. If that is true, then other attempts are likely. They are only losing soldiers if the attempts fail. So little risk with possible high reward," I said, giving my current logic. "What do you believe would happen in the event of your death–"

  "That's not an appropriate question," Mathaz said, face tight with anger. But Estelle ignored him and answered.

  "Civil war, since there is no heir to the throne. Someone may emerge victorious but more likely the providences would evolve into independent states." She gave me a lopsided grin. "One of my goals for this trip is to get a sense of what the dukes would do and maybe get a consensus of what could be done to prevent a war. Even if I'm not assassinated, I could die without heirs."

  * * *

  That evening, the Duke had a party for the queen which included about a hundred people. If I had known that so many people would attend, I might have considered having more Black Guards on duty, especially since Colonel Weller had at least twelve of his troops stationed around the room, and he probably would love an excuse to cause trouble. The main table sat seven: Queen Estelle, to her left Duchess Camila, and to her right Duke Marshall. On Camila's left sat Countess Caroline, and Lady Emilia. On the Duke's right, Earl Masson, and the duke's son, Oliver. At the table perpendicular to the main table sat a variety of Badahoz nobles and important leaders of the providence.

  During the evening, the queen received over half the people attending. They would request an audience, come up individually or in family units, kneel and talk with her. Since I was standing only two meters directly behind her, I heard each conversation. I was impressed with her casual manner, obvious interest, and mature responses. I had Senior Sergeant Geller at the far right of the table and Sergeant Volpe to the far l
eft, with Corporals Paler and Alpert at the back of the room.

  When she had finished, the duke signaled for the entertainment. Shortly afterwards, a band came in with four girls who performed acrobatic moves while the servants removed the tables and pushed the chairs against the walls, clearing the room for dancing. Estelle danced with a number of men, mostly sons of the attending nobles. I pulled the four Black Guards to the edges of the dance floor area so they would be close to the queen if something happened. During a short intermission, the back door into the room flew open and a man stepped into the room and fired into the ceiling. Screaming began as people ran helter-skelter or dove toward the floor. As I reached for the queen, I saw a man peeking through the half opened front door. He said something into his wrist unit and the lights went out. More screaming. I snapped my night vision glasses on as I grabbed Estelle's arm and pulled her out of her chair. Three men were entering the door with Mfws pointing into the room. I pulled Estelle to me as I dove left toward the floor, keeping her under me and away from the door as I fired. I hit one in the kill zone as I started to dive, and the other two as I flew toward the floor but probably not in the kill zone. Fortunately, it was not necessary as I heard the pop, pop, pop of the familiar Black Guard's Mfws firing before hitting the floor with Estelle. Silence.

  "Are you all right, Your Majesty?" I asked while watching the front door. Nothing. The silence ended as everyone began talking, shouting, and running to the space gods only knew where. I figured that was palace security's job now that they had failed to keep the assassins out of the building.

  "It's a good thing I'm young and my bones are strong. With all that equipment you're wearing I'm probably bruised from head to foot," she said in a surprisingly calm voice. Then with a slight hint of nervousness. "Are we safe now?"

  "I think so but I have the rest of my team on the way. They should only be a minute. I had no sooner said that and they began arriving in ones and twos. Most were only partially dressed.

  "Orders, Captain?" Elijah asked as she knelt on the other side of the queen, screening her.


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