The Black Guard: Book III: The Black Mamba (Black Guard series 3)

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The Black Guard: Book III: The Black Mamba (Black Guard series 3) Page 24

by CR Daems

  "Stairs clear."

  "Hallway to royal wing clear."

  "King's hallway clear.

  "Princess’ hallway clear.

  Next, I heard Karlan. "Captain Sapir, what's your status."

  "Karlan, there was an assassination attempt on the king. They used smoke bombs to obscure their presence. You may want to search the castle in case we didn't get them all." I switched my Mfi to the Guard channel. Haber, Nadel what's your status?"

  "A couple of minor wounds, caused by the explosive charge they used to enter the area. We killed the first two that entered, and then had time to find reasonable cover. Stephan was never in danger," Haber reported.

  "We were off duty. So, we were not involved; therefore, everyone is fine," Nadel reported.

  "Good, everyone stay alert until palace security clears the castle," I said and clicked off. Stephan appeared several minutes later in an expensive night robe with fur on the collar, hem, and the end of the sleeves. As he stood surveying the room, Karlan appeared at the door.

  "Karlan, have these men investigated. I want to know who they are and who hired them," Stephan shouted. "And how they managed to breach palace security. Someone needs to pay for this breach of security. Your responsibility is to keep me safe. You keep me safe by keeping the assassins out." He kicked a shattered end table in a fit of rage. "Have someone get me something strong to drink. I'm never going to get back to sleep now." He turned and walked back into his suite, cursing.

  * * *

  Things settled down for the next several days. The servants and staff attempted to stay out of Stephan's path as he was in a nasty mood, punishing anyone for any excuse.

  "I need a diversion," he said as he sent out an invitation for a party at eight. I doubted anyone wanted to come after the shooting the other night, but they were afraid not coming would have ugly consequences.

  When someone asked about the two men who were shot, Stephan chose to use my logic rather than admit he did it in a drunken moment.

  "I frequently tease my sister, but she is my blood and royal, and will be treated with the respect due a Royal Princess. Those two forgot who they were abusing and gave me no choice,"

  Stephan's mood improved over the next few days, which didn't mean he was a nice person to be around. He was erratic. He would smash an expensive item because he didn't like it and then fail to pay a merchant, saying it wasn't worth what he was asking. Then, he’d have a party and give the girls expensive pieces of jewelry. It was beginning to feel like riding in a limo with no shock absorbers on a cobble stone road. Then it happened. My Mfi buzzed with an emergency, and Sergeant Nadel's face appeared. The King has arrested Corporal Uziel. He's in the throne room with half the palace guard and several squads of army."

  I hoped this wasn't going to be another Vargas. When I arrived, Corporal Uziel was tied to a chair, naked to the waist, and a big man was standing with a whip.

  "Just in time, Captain Sapir, to see what happens to anyone that strikes a King, fifty lashes!" he shouted, his face and eye excited.

  "Raise that whip or anyone raise a weapon and the king will be the first to die."

  "Then you will die!" Stephan said, smiling. I didn't know what he had to smile about.

  "Colonel, the third death will be this castle and the army base. The War Horse hovering in the sky above will have no choice."

  "General Oisino, arrest her," Stephan shouted, his excitement rising.

  "General, unless you want your army base reduced to dust, I suggest a compromise."

  "Kings don't compromise. Arrest her or I'll have you whipped, Oisino.

  "Call Queen Brianna to settle this matter," I said, noting Karlan’s slight nod and Oisino's eyes glance in Stephan's direction on the throne.

  "She is not the queen. She not even a real princess," Stephan said and laughed.

  "Stephan your actions have not only violated your contract with the Jax, but you have committed an act of war against the Jax. Doroteo can only avoid that war if you are removed from the throne," I had left my Mfi open so every Guard knew this wasn't a threat but a commitment. "The captain of the War Horse will be dropping shuttles with commandos to pick up the Black Guard as we speak."

  "Shoot her!" Stephan shouted as he rose from the throne and snatched a Mfw from a palace guard. With everyone watching, he began running down the steps to the throne, screaming obscenities, and to my surprise, raised the weapon to shoot Uziel. I shot him through his right eye with my laser, thinking the Mfw would be noisy and could cause a knee jerk reaction that a laser would not, as it was quiet, and it would take several seconds for most to realize what happened.

  "Put your weapons away," General Oisino shouted. "Karlan, have someone get the queen. This is now her mess to resolve, not ours."

  Five minutes later, Brianna walked into the room. As she did, Minister Nolanda shouted, "Queen Brianna," and everyone knelt. Brianna stood with her mouth open for several seconds, then smiled.

  "General Oisino, I believe you can dismiss your troops. It appears they are no longer needed. Colonel Karlan, palace security should return to their normal duties. Captain Sapir, you can release your Guard. She looks very uncomfortable." As men exited the room, I cut the rope securing Uziel to the chair.

  "I think Queen Brianna and her kingdom, owe you big time," I whispered. "I would release you from duty, but I believe Brianna will be interested in hearing the details of her brother's death."

  "I'm unhurt, sir. You arrived just in time. I would not have liked to be the reason for thousands of deaths, and to have scars as a constant reminder."

  I nodded, keenly aware of her concern. On Vargas, had my order been carried out, I would have been dead, but Captain Hammond would have had to live with the memory. A sobering thought.

  "Sergeant," Brianna looked at Uziel, waiting for a name.

  "Corporal Uziel, Your Highness," Uziel said giving a slight bow of respect.

  "Can you tell me how you wound up tied to a chair and half naked?" Brianna asked, leaning forward on her throne.

  Uziel took a deep breath before speaking, "I was on guard duty with Corporal Lule. It was approaching the time for shift change, when King Stephan approached me. He offered me a very beautiful ring to retire with him to one of the rooms. I refused. I'm not a prostitute and besides, no amount of money would be worth disgracing the reputation of the Black Guard. When I told him that, King Stephan became very angry and went to strike me. I blocked his arm and swept through his legs, which sent him crashing to the floor. He rose slowly, smiling, and called General Oisino and Colonel Karlan, who arrived a few minutes later with a large number of troops. He then ordered me stripped to the waist, tied to the chair, and given fifty lashes. Captain Sapir arrived before the man with the whip began."

  "Captain Sapir?" Brianna asked.

  "I informed Stephan that his actions had breached our contract, and that they constituted an act of war against the Jax. I informed the room that unless Stephan was dethroned, the cruiser in orbit over Tordova, would reduce this castle and the army base to dust. I suggested the General or Colonel ask you to settle the dispute. Before they could, Stephan snatched a Mfw from one of the castle guards and ran toward Corporal Uziel. When he raised the weapon toward her, I shot him," I said, then added. "Fortunately, General Oisino and Colonel Karlan acted wisely and sent for you."

  "Yes, General Oisino and Colonel Karlan are good men who have been belittled and their troops abused under my brother's rule," Brianna said, looking fondly toward each man. "Captain Sapir, what can I do to make things right with you and Sergeant Uziel?"

  "I believe the matter has been resolved with Stephan's death." I looked to Uziel who nodded but couldn't stop a twitch of her lip in amusement. "Normally, there would be a penalty for breaking a contract, but since I voided it, we will ask only what is due us to date."

  "General Oisino, would you see to funeral arrangements for my brother, the late King of Doroteo." Brianna paused, tears glistening in her eyes
. "He was a terrible king, but he was my brother. We will agree he died by accident in the line of duty." It was more a question than an order. Oisino, Karlan, and I nodded assent. "Good, now Captain Sapir, I would like to enter into a contract with the Jax for you and your troops. The next few months will be critical if I am to be formally declared the queen. Some will not like someone so young as monarch, especially after my brother's juvenile performance. My more mature actions, along with General Oisino’s support and the Black Guard’s protection should make it a smooth transition."

  True to her word, Brianna did prove herself mature, if young. She spent three days with the Dukes and Duchesses discussing and resolving their issues prior to a final coronation. We left a month later when she felt she had matters under control, and with the full support of the army, palace security, and her ministers.

  On the way back to Sasser Mountain, I wondered how Commander Wexler and the Jax Committee where going to respond to me killing a king. Of course, that was better than destroying a king, his castle, and his army.

  The end for now.




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