The Jungle Fugitives: A Tale of Life and Adventure in India

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The Jungle Fugitives: A Tale of Life and Adventure in India Page 38

by Edward Sylvester Ellis


  One of the most interesting towns I ever visited is New Braunfels,Texas. It was founded by a colony of Germans, and experienced the mostdistressing trials during its early days; but it is now a picture ofthrift and industry. The cowboy who attempts to ride through NewBraunfels, with his revolvers displayed, is promptly pulled off hismustang and compelled to pay a round fine for violating a cityordinance. If he undertakes to "kick," it won't help him a bit, andprobably will increase the penalty imposed. Our German cousins proposeto run that town to suit themselves, and they succeed quite well.

  The rivers of Texas are subjected to violent rises, often as great astwenty feet in an hour or less. Such sudden floods play havoc with thebridges along the bank, but I noticed in riding into New Braunfels aningenious arrangement of the wooden structure by which, no matter howhigh the stream may rise, the bridge accommodates itself, and floats onthe surface, while securely held from being carried away by the current.

  But I set out to tell you a true incident of what happened a few yearssince, to a bright, lively youngster, sixteen years old, who lives inNew Braunfels, and is brimful of pluck. His name is Lee Hemingway; heis an orphan, and if his life is spared, he is certain to be heard fromwhen he reaches man's estate.

  Prof. McInery, the well-known naturalist, spent several weeks lastspring in the neighborhood of New Braunfels, hunting ornithologicalspecimens for his collection, and he offered fifty dollars to any onewho would bring him an eagle's nest, with living eaglets or with eggsin it.

  When Lee Hemingway learned of the offer, he determined to earn it. Itwas rather early in the season for our emblematical birds to hatchtheir young, but, by carefully watching a pair, he succeeded in findingwhere their nest was made. It was on the summit of an almostinsurmountable bowlder, rising nearly a hundred and twenty-five feet inthe valley of the Guadaloupe.

  The bravest man might well shrink from attempting to scale theperpendicular sides of this mass of rock, but as young Hemingway gazedlongingly up the side to the nest, he noticed that the stone had becomecoated, in the course of time, with earth, which was covered withtangled vines and stunted vegetation.

  "I believe I can climb that," thought the sturdy lad, afterscrutinizing the herculean task, and watching one of the eagles soaringfar above the summit. "I think there is enough foothold, and I can usethe vines to help pull me up; but, if the eagles should catch me at it,they would make music."

  It was the birds that caused him more dread than the forty odd yards ofrock. We knew their fierce nature, and, if they discovered his designsagainst their home, as they were almost certain to do, they wouldassail him with a fury that must be resistless in his cramped position.

  The professor advised him not to make the attempt, but the daring youthhad to earn his own living, and the prize of fifty dollars was tootempting to be resisted.

  "_I'll do it_!" he exclaimed, after considering the question, "if youwill keep watch with your gun for the eagles."

  "Of course I'll do _that_," replied the professor, delighted with theprospect of securing that which he had sought so long in vain.

  The preparations for the work were simple. With a basket, furnishedwith a lid, slung to his back, in which to secure the eggs or eaglets,young Hemingway began his laborious and dangerous ascent, while theprofessor, gun in hand, watched him from the ground below.

  The boy quickly proved the possession of unusual skill as a climber.With the help of the vines he went steadily upward, hunting secureplaces for his feet and testing every support before trusting hisweight to it. Once or twice, the professor thought the lad had made amistake and was on the point of paying the penalty, but he neverfaltered nor slipped. Higher and higher he ascended until at last thefeat was accomplished, and the very summit reached.

  His heart throbbed with pleasure when he discovered two young eagles inthe nest. They were no more than a couple of days old, and he had notrouble in placing them and a portion of the nest in the basket, whichwas again strapped to his back, and, after a brief rest, he started todescend.

  Nothing was seen of the parent eagles, and he was congratulatinghimself on his good fortune, when bang went the professor's gun. Atthe same moment a shadow flitted over his head, and looking up he sawthat instead of one, both of the eagles had arrived.

  The lad had not descended half-way and the professor's shot did notharm either of them. They landed on the summit of the rocks, and, if abird can feel astonishment, they must have felt it when they lookedaround and discovered nothing of their home.

  But the great American bird is not the one to submit tamely to such anoutrage. They began an immediate investigation, and, when they caughtsight of a boy scrambling down the side of the rocks with a basketstrapped to his back, from which came a number of familiar squeak-likechirpings, they had no trouble in understanding matters.

  The style in which they went for that same boy was a sight to behold.There was no hesitation or maneuvering; but, with outstretched wingsand hoarse screeches, they dashed toward him like a couple of cyclones.The youth saw that he was caught in a desperate fix, for he had noweapons, and had to cling to the vines with one hand to save himselffrom being dashed to the ground below.

  He ducked his head to ward off their beaks and talons from his eyes,and tried hard to beat them back with his free hand.

  This was impossible. Their beaks struck him repeatedly in the head,bringing blood, which flowed over his face and almost blinded him,while they savagely buffeted him with their great wings, until he wasin danger of being knocked from his position.

  Meanwhile, the alarmed professor could do nothing for his young friend.The eagles kept so close to him, that, if he tried, he was as likely tohit one as the other. He walked back and forth, on the alert for sucha chance, and fortunately had not long to wait. One of the furiousbirds, circled off a few feet, as if to gather impetus for a decisivecharge, when, taking a quick aim, the gentleman fired.

  The shot was unerring and killed the female. She fluttered into alarge sapling that sprouted from a large crevice in the rocks, abouteight feet above the boy's head, and lay motionless. Although nearlyblinded by blood, young Hemingway now attempted a feat which he wasconvinced offered the only means of saving his life.

  He drew himself up to the foot of the tree, and once there, bracedhimself firmly with his feet, and tied his handkerchief around hisforehead, to keep the blood out of his eyes. Seizing the dead bird bythe feet, he swung it around with might and main and struck the male,which had continued beating him incessantly.

  It was a strange weapon--a dead eagle against a live one, and the boy'sconstrained position prevented his using it with much effect. Solacking, indeed, were the blows in force, that the male flew directlyat his face. The sorely beset lad dropped the dead bird and fastenedboth hands around the throat of his assailant. The latter foughtdesperately, but the young hero never released his grip, until itceased its struggles. Then he flung it from him, and it tumbleddownward to the professor's feet.

  This gentleman had done his best to help his young friend, but wasunable to do so. The lad, after resting awhile, picked his way down tothe ground, where his feet had hardly touched when he fainted in theprofessor's arms. He soon rallied, however, though his wounds were sosevere that he was obliged to keep his bed for several weeks.

  The two eaglets were found uninjured, and were safely carried to theprofessor's home, as were the bodies of the dead birds. They weremounted by Professor McInery, who, in consideration of the dangerundergone by the boy, and the two extra birds, presented Lee with $100,and no one will deny that the money was well earned.


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