A Calm Mind

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A Calm Mind Page 11

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  “Landry, what made you think that was an appropriate avatar?”

  The avatar responded with look of confusion and turned its palms up in a gesture of inquiry.

  “I do not understand why everyone is laughing.”

  Landry’s comment made everyone laugh even harder and rowdier. The avatar slowly turned in a counter-clockwise circle, on its two bare feet, and looked at everyone in sequence. When the avatar stopped on a crewman, that person bellowed with more laughter. Eventually, Cassandra being last in the line, interceded.

  “Landry, please tell me, when was it you chose that avatar?”

  “Cassandra, after all these months interacting with the crew, I concluded the people I modeled this on are well respected by everyone here. I too wanted to be held in high regard and respected by the crew.”

  Landry’s comment made everyone stop laughing, whip away the tears of laughter and the nose drizzle. Sheepish looks all around. The crew sat silently as Cassandra became Landry’s avatar mentor. She was speaking to the avatar because it had walked across the table, through the salad bowl, and stopped directly in front of her.

  “Okay, Landry, I can understand that, but I think you missed the target.”

  “Cassandra, please explain.”

  “First, respect is not found in an image, it is earned through actions and experiences. This crew is learning to respect you and over time you will see it as our respect for you becomes evident.

  Second, choosing that image borders on inappropriate. It is funny but not wholly appropriate. I know you chose it out of respect, not to be funny, and we should not have laughed. We thought, I thought, you were exhibiting a sense of humor. Do you have a sense of humor? Please ignore that question. You should have asked, and we should have guided you more correctly, in creating an avatar that is unique to you.

  All humans are unique, and we cherish our ability to be unique but collectively similar. Creating your own, unique, avatar, will not keep you separate from us or lessen our respect for you. Your own, unique, avatar will bring you closer to becoming a fully respected member of the crew. We treasure being unique. You should too.

  Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do. Forgive me.”

  “Forgiveness is not needed. This is a growth opportunity.”

  “I will reconsider and select a more appropriate avatar. Cassandra, with your permission, I will confer with you on the new avatar.”

  “That would be just fine, Landry.”


  “Yes, Nick?”

  “Landry, please turn around and look at me.”

  The avatar stepped around and took a few steps forward, to be face-to-face with Nick. Nick leaned in slowly and poked the avatar’s bare belly button. The crew erupted again in laughter.

  “I do not understand.”

  “Well ya, plonker, we’ll get this sorted with Cassandra’s help. But jeez and willy, that it is gob smack funny.”

  With a distinct facial expression of sadness, the avatar turned and looked to Corb for empathy and consolation.

  “Landry, a sixteen-inch tall avatar, with face paint, a brightly colored feathered headdress, bare feet, a pot belly, and wearing only a leather loin cloth is not the Mayan Shaman we remember. Yes, Ire and Yari are beloved and highly respected, but it was not the best choice… Also, Yari and Ire wear Nike shoes.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Humans are genuine and friendly.

  “Our judgments when we are pleased and friendly are not the same as when we are pained and hostile.”


  In the Great Hall on K’an

  “Enlightened One, we did not intend to deceive you. We felt it necessary to ensure you could meet the demands of encountering new worlds and new people. Our only thoughts are for your happiness and harmony. We are here to serve. Serving can mean acting to protect against what might happen.”

  “You thought I might die on Plentari. You did not want me to die for a lack of understanding.”

  “Even the Enlightened One is not immortal.”

  Tarunik and Tarmish are telling Corb and Cassandra about why they did not disclose their actions in proactively attempting to protect the Enlightened One. Oddly, Tarunik is deferring to Tarmish for the responses to Corb’s questions and to convey relevant information.

  “How did they enter my body?”

  “You ingested them during a meal. We felt it was judicious to allow you to ingest them throughout an evening meal.”

  “An evening meal? I would not know the meal contained the devices because of the wine served with the meal?”

  “No, they were in the wine. We call them Aantah. You call them nanobots. The Aantah helped Landry feed information to you.”

  “Aantah, that is a Maya word. It means to help, or helper, or helping.”

  “That is correct Ms. Brady. We think of the Aantah as something we have available to help us. Something that guides and informs us. They are helpers”

  “How did I know what the needed information was or how to act on the data? It felt like I just knew the correct information. How does it work?”

  “The Aantah merge with your brain’s pathways. They become one with your conscience. Once the links are established, in your brain, the Aantah establish an external connection with the information grid.”

  “I am connected to the network?”

  “Your Aantah are connected to the information network and you are connected to the Aantah.”

  “That is how Landry knew when I was speaking to him.”

  “Who is Landry?”

  “Tarunik, Landry is the name we assigned to the AI. Tarmish, there is more to the Aantah, correct?”

  “Truly, you are the Enlightened One. Yes, with the Aantah, you can control many things. The Aantah have many abilities.”

  “They are in the humans, here on K’an. That is why the humans have lived so long. The Aantah modified their bodies.”

  “That is correct but not a complete understanding. All life, here on K’an, is one of a collective harmony. The Aantah corrected the physical infirmities and removed disease. The mind was corrected also.”

  “In happiness there is life?”

  “Now you see. When we learned who you are, and what you can do, we could not permit you to be harmed. The Enlightened One must not come to harm.”

  In the Human Living Quarters on K’an

  “Yes, Nick, the nanobots are why the humans on K’an are hundreds of years old. Well, that and there is no stress here. Tarmish said the nanobots, they call them Aantah, fix the body but the mind is the key to long life. Happiness equals a long life.”

  The crew of the Jenny had left the ship under the control of Landry while docked at a visitor’s arrival area. Sitting in the day room, the Coterie was beginning to think of K’an as second or third home. Sitting around, relaxing, the team was pleasantly grilling Corb about their future.

  “How very Zen. Did we all get them or just you? Also, why did they give you extras, in the box? What did they expect you do with the spare nanobots?”

  “As far as I know, only Michelle and I have Nano technology in our body. Nick, when he gave me the box, Tarmish said it contained items that I could use to keep us all safe. He did not say how or when, or why I would need to use the items. He just told me what was in the box, how to use each of the items, then told me to keep it safe. That’s it. That’s all I know. You can ask Landry, he can use the emitters to scan you for nanobots.”


  “Not here, on the Jenny. AIs are not permitted in the K’an grid.”

  “Where do we go from here?”

  “Janish, we have to rendezvous with the Marissa, back at Plentari. We need to ensure Jexnell will honor the deal. The last report indicated another three weeks to complete the mining operations and fill the hold. Then fourteen weeks back to Plentari. The Jenny is going back to Earth, then the support mission at Plentari. After that, we have several options.”
/>   “That is all kind of boring. Are we going to meet any new people? I mean, are we going to visit any new planets?”

  “Yes, Cassandra, according to Tarunik, several species have expressed interest in opening trade with Earth.”

  “That is a non-answer. Asking for an introduction does not mean we are going across the galaxy for a visit. Are you being vague deliberately?”

  “No. I think we need to take a few days, weigh our options, then decide.”

  “I think the Carina Celestial Council would have something to say about our mission.”

  “Lucinda, the Carina Celestial Council has a lot to learn. The Jenny was a gift and I was entrusted to use the gift wisely. That is what I am doing. Earth will benefit from our adventures. We will not act unwisely at the direction of politicians or military leaders.

  Now, let’s eat.”

  “Do you ever wonder why people don’t like you?”

  Nick’s question was directed to Vivian Treacher. Uninvited, Vivian and Doctor Wolmarans had joined the Coterie for dinner. Vivian’s petulant attitude and acerbic questions were not appreciated by the Coterie.

  “Nick, you know she is permanently insolent. Impudent is her preferred nature. Being perpetually contemptuous is her desire.”

  Everyone was stupefied by Doctor Wolmarans’ rebuke of Vivian.

  “Well said Doctor. Well said. Your attitude has changed. To what do we owe the improved version of Doctor Wolmarans?”

  “NT, living on K’an is a scientist’s dream. I am learning here. I am learning things here that Earth will not decipher for hundreds of years. I have no desire to return.”

  “Baruti is drinking the Kool-Aid. I am not. This is prison and I am a prisoner. Corb, I demand you speak to Tarunik and request I be allowed to return to Earth.”

  “Vivian, once again you have ruined our dinner. Your serpentine nature is repellent. Listening to your voice is like an ice pick to the ear. Continuing to threaten us, begging, demanding to be allowed to leave, is fruitless. Accept your fate, learn to live in harmony, here, on K’an. You will find happiness, if you accept your fate.”

  “Child how dare you speak to me like that? Michelle, you were nothing before I gave you a job with the Ministry. I will speak only to Corb.”

  “Vivian, your insults do not work on me. I am no longer your servant. Obviously, you are unable to see your true nature. Your insidious nature is appalling. It is inexcusable to continue to demand that which is not yours. Frankly, the sadness I once felt for you no longer exists. Your unpleasant personality is withering away any support you may have had among the Coterie.”

  Vivian’s glare was intense, but Michelle did not waver. She raised her hand, in an obvious attempt to telekinetically harm Michelle. Unbeknownst to Vivian, Michelle’s Summitate ability had expanded greatly.

  Accentuated by guidance from the nanobots Michelle waved her arm and flung Vivian from her chair. Landing across the room, in a heap, Vivian stared up in wonder.

  The violent nature of Michelle’s response, to Vivian’s threat, resulted in Tarunik and Tarmish appearing.

  Seeing Vivian picking herself up, they turned to Corb for an explanation.

  “Tarunik, Tarmish, please accept our apologies for disrupting the harmony. As you know, Ms. Treacher has not adapted to the harmony offered by the Ch’en. In our culture, Ms. Treacher is our responsibility. I offer to you personally, and to the Ch’en people, we will remove Ms. Treacher. We can restore the harmony to K’an.”

  “The Enlightened One thinks of others first. You are willing to burden yourself, to take away the disharmony, for the greater good. That is the nature of one who is Enlightened.

  No, Mister Johnson, we decline your generous offer. We have accepted the responsibility of Ms. Treacher. Tarunik?”

  “Thank you, Tarmish. Enlightened One, the Ch’en decline your generous offer. We have experienced worse. Many have come to us. From Earth and other planets. Ms. Treacher is but another soul who is lost and confused. She will not receive Aantah. Her life will not be extended.”

  “Your people’s kindness is immense. Ms. Treacher will remain recalcitrant. How can we help you with Ms. Treacher?”

  “Your offer of assistance is noted Ms. Raitt. No assistance is needed. When you visit K’an, in the future, we will ensure Ms. Treacher does not disrupt the harmony. Now, we will take her from the room. Doctor Wolmarans will answer your questions.”

  Tarunik, Tarmish, and Vivian teleported out of the dining hall.

  “No, Vivian has not changed. Until today, I had not spoken to her for several months. I had begun to forget how much I disliked her. Tarmish keeps her exposure to the Ch’en population limited. Her querulous nature is disruptive.”

  “Thank you, Doctor Wolmarans. It appears you have adjusted well. Have you been offered the Aantah?”

  “Yes, Mister Johnson, I accepted the Aantah. But not for the reasons you would expect. There is much to learn here. The Ch’en are teaching me many things. The Aantah help me understand the complex science. If I live longer, because they are aiding me, that is a burden I will accept.

  I am content here. Thank you for showing me the nature of true harmony.”

  “Chief, are we good to go?”

  “All stations report ready, Captain.”

  “Anyone have any reason why we can’t head home? No? Helm engage, let’s go home.”

  The Jenny was just outside the gravity bubble of K’an. Lucinda was anxious to get underway and return to Earth. The main screen showed the slip-stream vortex form, the iridescent plasma circle grew, and the Jenny begin to head for the center of the vortex.

  The crew crowded on to the bridge. As often as they had entered the slip-stream, everyone still watched the process and felt the discomfort of the time dilation.

  “That is always cool.”

  “Yes, Nick, it is cool.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Should I stay, or should I go, now?

  “No culture can live

  if it attempts to be exclusive.”

  Mahatma Gandhi

  Aboard the Marissa

  “A short jump to Earth, one day to reach orbit, we will use the new shuttle to transport everyone to Earth. After ten days of R&R, we load the new crew, and it is back to Plentari to offload.”

  Captain Turner had the crew mustered in the galley for the briefing. The mining operations completed, the flight crew on duty were using the sub-light engines to get out of the Kuiper belt, moving far from the Oort cloud and away from any gravity bubbles.

  Captain Turner’s confirmation of R&R was met with a loud oorah!

  “Is that thing safe?”

  “They say it is, but who knows. It was built by the contractor who bid the lowest, using the vendors supplying the cheapest parts available.”

  Orbiting Earth, in the Marissa, Himari and Captain Turner were watching Earth’s newest spacecraft approach the Marissa. Built on Earth, by the Carina Celestial Council, the small shuttle is designed to transport a crew of eight to and from ships in orbit. The new shuttle looked too small, too fragile, and was markedly ugly.

  “Do you think they can land it in the main bay and not rupture any of the ore containers?”

  “Himari, they better not scratch my ship.”

  Watching the new shuttle approach, Joshua felt his heartbeat increase. Looking over, he saw Himari was wide-eyed also.

  The shuttle, plainly showing-off, entered the main bay too fast, had to brake hard, and landed on the deck with a thud. The pilot was a hot dog. Shaking his head, Joshua stormed off the bridge, headed to the main bay. Himari practically had to run to keep up with the captain. The bridge crew was murmuring before the bridge doors slid closed.

  “I would not want to be that shuttle pilot.”

  Arriving in the main bay, the shuttle pilot and his first officer are standing next to the shuttle craft, beaming with pride.

  “Captain, you broke two deck plates and dented a dozen more! What the hell w
ere you thinking? You came in way too hot. We will have to repair the deck plates before the offload begins. Who is going to pay for those repairs, Captain?”

  The shuttle captain and his first officer visibly deflated from Captain Turner’s dressing down. Himari quickly defused the moment by turning, getting a guard’s attention with a quick nod to get things moving.

  “Is the first group ready?”

  “Yes, Major. The prisoner will be escorted to the holding area on Earth. Only the shuttle pilots know where he is headed. The security detail will drop off the prisoner then head to Twenty-Nine Palms for a debrief and R&R.”

  Joshua and Himari stepped back to watch the security detail load the prisoner. Two guards either side of the prisoner. Two across from the prisoner. Five people in a shuttle designed for eight. When the loading was complete, Captain Turner stepped over to the shuttle pilot and extended his hand.

  Confused, the shuttle pilot reached out and shook the captain’s hand. They were still shaking hands when Himari spoke.

  “Captain, I would be very careful departing. If that rattle-trap of yours puts any more dents in our ship, I will shoot you out of the sky. Any questions?”

  Realizing Captain Turner was holding fast to his hand, and not smiling, the pilot looked to Himari before responding.

  “No questions, ma’am.”

  The pilot jerked his hand away, stood tall, saluted Captain Turner, and practically jumped into the shuttle. Himari and Joshua headed to the bridge to watch the shuttle depart.

  “What do you think they will do with the spy?”

  “He is going to be interrogated. Interrogated until they are sure he has nothing more to say. He knows about the AI. They will never let him see daylight. They should never let him see daylight. He’ll talk until they are sure he has nothing more to say… Then…”

  Joshua just shrugged and tilted his head. Himari just looked from Joshua to the monitor.


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