“Okay, cowboy, back to the original question. What did you do now?”
“Davinder, we received a request to visit the Core.”
“Who is we?”
“Lucinda, Janish, and I received the request. Lucinda?”
“I can confirm, Colonel. We can guess, but I do not know how they did it… I clearly received an invitation to visit one of the Core Systems. Janish?”
“We think they used Corb as a telepathic relay. Regardless, I too received the invitation. When Lucinda and I compared notes, we realized it was not a daydream. We were both given the same instructions and the same coordinates.”
“Lucinda, what instructions did you receive?”
“Colonel, I would not call them instructions, per se. More like a very large carrot of inducement.”
“What a flash, this is cool like kiff and lekker.”
“What did you say Jan?
“I said, this is very exciting.”
“Lucinda, please continue. What was the carrot?”
“Thank you, Colonel. I need Cassandra to help me. Landry, please ask Cassandra to join us.”
“Confirmed, Doctor Brady will arrive in twelve minutes.”
Corb, teleported out and back with Cassandra, in under four seconds.
“Correction, Doctor Brady is here now.”
“Cassandra, please provide a report to Colonel Khatter regarding our conversation about Janish and me being contacted by the Core.”
Sitting, Cassandra realized this was a formal meeting.
“Well, we do not know with one-hundred-percent certainty the invitation came from the Core Systems but that is the only destination that makes sense. After talking to Lucinda and Janish, they both described the request in the same detail. Exacting detail. The recordings of the interview sessions are available.
Most importantly, they kept using a Mayan word. The word they used is Tan. Traditional interpretation concludes the word means before or in front of in English.
However, in this context, the way it was presented to Lucinda and Janish, the word Tan refers to what came before or, possibly, who came before.”
After several long seconds of collective contemplation, Davinder resumed the discussion.
“Let me get this straight, for the record. Three of you, Corb, Lucinda, and Janish had the same vision. A vision that told you to travel to a specific place. When you get to this unknown place, you will be given information. Information that will… What? Information that will tell humanity about its origins?”
“Essentially, that is correct, Colonel. But, I think there is more to this than a history lesson.”
“How so, Doctor Brady.”
“Corb didn’t receive the vision. We believe he was the conduit for the vision. Offering to provide the history of the origin of our species is the carrot to get us to come willingly. I think… well…”
“Spit it out Doctor.”
“They want to meet Corb. They want to meet the Enlightened One.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Slip the Surly Bonds
“Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings”
John Gillespie Magee Jr. – High Flight
Q’eqchi Conference Room
“No, Admiral, I did not order Captain Raitt to turn around.”
The Jenny and the Marissa are orbiting Earth one-thousand meters apart and thirty-five thousand meters above West Virginia and the Q’eqchi compound. The crews are five days into a thirty-day R&R. The Carina Celestial Council has requested a meeting to review the mission logs and to debate options for the next missions. The topic of Jaguar not returning to Earth, as ordered, is dominating the agenda.
The admiral’s line of questioning was cut off by the newly elected, obnoxiously acerbic, councilman from France. Excruciatingly thin and wearing a suit that was too tight, the councilman from France oozed contempt. Worse, the weasel faced councilman had no hint of a French accent, his English was perfect.
“Colonel Khatter, did it occur to you to order the Jaguar to return? You are, after all, the commanding officer.”
“Yes, Councilman, I seriously considered ordering Captain Raitt to return to Earth. However, as you are aware, the overriding consideration was the request from the Xjaal. It was evident to me, the gift of the Jaguar had strings attached. The incident on Plentari was designed to mask the true purpose of gifting the new ship.”
“Come on, Colonel, now you are stretching the premise. How could you know? What data led you to conclude the new ship was a gift and not just good negotiation skills in the agreement for the ore?”
“Admiral, if I may, I am going to link in the AI from the Jenny. The AI will further expand on inequities of the transaction.”
“We will recess for ten minutes, while the connection is established.”
“No need to recess, Admiral, the link will require a few seconds.”
After pressing a sequence of three buttons on a tablet, Davinder surprised the Carina Celestial Council.
“Miranda, we are meeting with the Carina Celestial Council. I presume you know what the council is and its purpose. Therefore, please create your avatar and project the image from the bridge of the Jenny.”
“Certainly, Colonel.”
The large monitors in the Celestial Council conference room, the Q’eqchi conference room, and the on the bridge of Jenny, revealed split screens. Each screen showing the other two locations in the three-way conference.
Of the men, only Davinder and Jan kept a straight face. The few women rolled their eyes. Himari, broke the stiffness.
“Relax boys, it is not real. It is a projected image.”
Colonel Khatter jumped in to avoid an argument.
“Thank you, Miranda. I presumed you understood the role of the Carina Celestial Council and would apply the appropriate decorum when interacting with the Council?”
“Yes, Landry gave me a full briefing on the history of Earth, Earth’s acquisition of interstellar travel, and the formation of the Carina Celestial Council.”
“Well, then, if you have been fully briefed, do you think it is appropriate for you to appear before the Council in a bikini?”
“I do not understand. Landry and Sergeant Davies indicated this appearance and apparel was designed to impress human males and would positively influence the Council.”
“Sergeant Davies was correct, it has a lot of positive influence. How he was able to convince Landry to go along with the deception is another question. However, Miranda, the sergeant was playing a joke on you. It is inappropriate to appear in that clothing to this type of meeting. In fact, it is inappropriate to wear that while on duty aboard the Jenny.”
“Oh, I see. Based on increased heart rates, and dilated pupils of the crew here on the bridge, I think Landry and Sergeant Davies may have given me misinformation.
“Yes, they gave you bad advice and it is unlikely the sergeant will be a sergeant for much longer. Please revert to a common appearance with a uniform within the published dress code for a ship’s female personnel.”
Before their eyes, and with obvious disappointment by more than a few, the avatar morphed.
The blonde, robust, five-foot ten lithe image, dressed in a Cobalt Blue bikini and sandals, became extinct. Replacing the bikini was a dark blue two-piece regulation uniform and black shoes. Gone was fire-engine-red nail polish and lip gloss. The long blonde hair shrank to shoulder length, putting it within regulations. The addition of librarian glasses was over the top. Most disappointing to the men, and one woman, was the obvious reduction in the size of the avatar’s bust and hips.
From stunning to markedly middling in under two seconds.
“Thank you, Miranda. Now, if you will, please explain to the council the details of the ore transaction that led to the Humans acquiring the new ship, the Jaguar.”
“Yes, of course, how much detail is required, Colonel Khatter?”
“You can skip th
e timeline details, the details regarding the Madame Negotiator’s assassination attempt, and later execution. Focus, please, on the inequities of the trade deal.”
“Yes, Colonel. Esteemed Council, Colonel Khatter is correct in his use of the phrase the inequities of the trade deal. In the most basic transaction parameters, under the current Core market prices, it would require more than twenty-one-thousand seven-hundred ore shipments to cover the estimated cost of the Jaguar. The cost estimate is conservative and could range much higher, thus requiring a significant increase in the number of ore shipments.
That is the first, and the most glaring, inequity in the transaction. One load of ore could not begin to cover the cost of building or procuring the new ship.
The additional products in the agreement, the products of human origin, have commanded the highest prices ever paid for new species artifacts. The Plentari Governing Council sold the artifacts for many millions of Core Credits. The buyers resold the Humans artifacts for substantial profits. The reason for the demand, and high prices, is their association with the Enlightened One.
It is known, based on the registry filings, the Plentari Governing Council built the ship. However, the revenues generated by the sale of the artifacts is an insignificant fraction of the cost of construction.
That is the second inequity in the agreement.
Finally, there is the third inequity for which it is harder to calculate an ROI. A Return on Investment. The new Madame Negotiator has become extremely powerful and wealthy. The Enlightened One’s agreement to stand in a position of subservience was the apex of Plentari Honor for the Madame Negotiator. Without embarrassing the Enlightened One, or herself, the new Madame Negotiator gained complete control of the Plentari governmental structures.
Together, the three inequities do not begin to approach the cost of building the new ship.
Therefore, eliminating everything else, there is only one conclusion possible.”
Miranda was becoming more human like, she paused for effect.
“The Plentari were paid to build the ship and they were also directed to present the ship as a gift to the Enlightened One. The Madame Negotiators, old and new, understood the requirements of the gift, and saw the opportunity to further their individual honor by manipulating the agreement. It is a common Plentari practice to manipulate agreements in the pursuit of honor. As the Plentari define honor.
It appears, Esteemed Council, the Xjaal chose the Plentari, and likely paid them, because they knew the Plentari honor system would ensure the Enlightened One received and took possession of the new ship.”
“That is an interesting story… Miranda? But it does not answer my original question to the colonel. Why, Colonel, did you not order the captain of the Jaguar to return to Earth, with this Council’s property?”
“Councilman, your question is based in a factual error.”
Seeing the rising tension in the councilman, the delegate from France, the admiral verbally stepped in to keep the conversation civil.
“Hold, on. Take a breath. This must have a simple answer. Colonel, the councilman’s question is valid, and the Council’s concern is obvious. I have known you, Davinder, for twenty years. How is it you decided, against the directions of this Council, to let them continue on the unapproved mission?”
“Admiral, the answer is in Earth’s position within the interstellar trade alliance. Remember, that little alliance we agreed to when we formed the council? Let me remind the newer council members of several factual matters.
Miranda, what is the ownership status of the Marissa?”
“The Marissa is registered with the Core Trade Alliance, a division of the Core Registration Alliance. It has the official designation of a generation two cargo hauler. Specifically, the Marissa is registered to the Carina Celestial Council of the Planet Earth, in the Sol Star System, of the Milky Way Galaxy.”
“Thank you, Miranda.”
“You are welcome, Colonel. Also, I changed the Core designations for this area of interstellar space to Human analogous naming.”
“Thank you again. Now, tell the Council the ownership status of the Jenny”
“Because it is not a trading vessel, the Jenny is registered directly with the Core Registration Alliance as the Jeanette. It has the official designation as a generation three defensive fighter and light cargo hauler. The Jenny is registered to the Carina Celestial Council of the Planet Earth, in the Sol Star System, of the Milky Way Galaxy.”
“Now, Miranda, tell the council the registration of the ship named The Jaguar.”
“The Jaguar is a modified fourth generation attack fighter. Also, directly registered with the Core Registration Alliance, the Jaguar is classified as a scout and exploration vessel. All three ships are registered correctly with the Core Registration Alliance.”
“Yes, but to whom is the Jaguar Register?”
“Councilman, the Jaguar is registered to its owner.”
“Damn it, lady… Whatever you are… Why is a computer being evasive? Who owns the new ship?”
“The Jaguar is owned by Corb Levi Johnson. The ship was transferred from Jexnell, Madame Negotiator of the Plentari, to Corb Levi Johnson. According to the current registration Order of Succession, the Jaguar transfers to Nathan Tiberius Brooks should Mr. Johnson cease to exist or choose to hand over the ownership of the vessel.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Well, there’s your problem…
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
Q’eqchi Conference Room
“Colonel, that damned cowboy is responsible for this, and you are also responsible for that damned cowboy. How could you let this happen?”
“Councilman, I do not appreciate the insinuation. Please refrain from making unfounded accusations.”
The Marine general, sitting next to the French Councilman, turned a one-eighty, away from the camera, and glared at the obnoxious new councilman. When the new councilman was sufficiently cowed, the general turned back to the camera. Colonel Khatter continued.
“Miranda, please establish an FTL link with the Jaguar.”
“Stand by… One moment… Link established. Captain Raitt, Ms. Roa, and Mr. Johnson are on the bridge. Shall I split the displays again?”
“Yes, please. Hello, Lucinda, as you can see we are meeting about your new ship. The Council just learned about the ship’s registration and ownership hierarchy.”
“Hiya and howdo, did you like my surprise.”
Beaming like a Cheshire cat and waving like a child, Nick had leaned into the image, in front of Lucinda. Interrupting Colonel Khatter was ill-advised. Making the mistake of being too close to Lucinda, she punched Nick right in the chest and forced him out of the image.
“As I was saying, the Council wants to know the history of the Jaguar’s registration. I think Corb should speak to the Council.”
Lucinda pressed a button on her armrest resulting in the triangular riser turning and placing Corb front and center. Leaning back, wearing a crisp white shirt, jeans, and his boots just off the edge of the dais, Corb looked relaxed.
“Hello, Davinder, Admiral, General. I figured this call was coming. Whose panties are in a wad?”
Corb did not miss eyes flicking to the newest Council member.
“Ah, the French representative. I see, it is not your panties binding, it is your suit. Nonetheless, how can I help you, Mr. Beauchamp?”
“How is it, Mr. Johnson, that you came to be the owner of Earth’s newest space vessel?”
“That’s easy, it was never Earth’s space vessel.”
“We negotiated with the Plentari. We provided the crews and the materials. Therefore, the results of trade agreement belong to the Council.”
“Yeah, I can see how you would think that, but… No.
The Ch’en gifted to me the Marissa and the Jenny and I gifted them to the Council. All of this exists because I gave t
hem to Earth, to be controlled by the Carina Celestial Council.
I chose to keep the Jaguar for myself.
As for the crew of the Jaguar, they chose to go with me to Gowah and, eventually, to the Core. At this point, no one is AWOL. If the military members are in violation of their orders, I am happy to return them to Earth. No one was forced to participate in this crew and no one has requested anything other than to be part of the crew.
Admiral, General, do you want the military members to return? I am happy to comply to keep them out of trouble. They may not be happy, however. It is your call, please advise.”
“Admiral, may I speak?”
“Captain Raitt, please.”
“Ragnar, Nick, and I are the only active duty military aboard the Jaguar. I can only speak for myself. Given the option of returning to Earth or being classified as AWOL, I will resign my commission to remain with this crew.”
“Captain Raitt speaks for me, Colour Sergeant Nicholas Davies.”
Nick’s outburst was heard by all. The Celestial Council members were murmuring when Ragnar started speaking.
“Respectfully, I have spoken to my commanders. They have given me permission to remove myself from the Carina Celestial Council at my discretion. Returning to Earth, and leaving the Jaguar, is not my desire. I will remain with the ship and the Coterie.”
The admiral and the general nodded to each other before the admiral spoke.
“Councilman Beauchamp, you may leave.”
When the councilman failed to move, the general nodded to the guards who stepped over and took an intimidating posture with the councilman. Reluctantly, the Councilman left the conference room in silence. The admiral continued.
“Colonel Khatter, it seems you have assessed the situation correctly. Why am I not surprised? Please continue to monitor the ships and report status. Major Himari will be joining you at Q’eqchi when her R&R expires, put her in charge of the ship schedules and crew rosters.
Captain Raitt, please continue in your role and continue to report status to the Colonel.
A Calm Mind Page 16