Mercury Rising 11 - Meet Me at Sunrise

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Mercury Rising 11 - Meet Me at Sunrise Page 2

by Lynn Hagen

  Time ticked by slowly, but Colton’s pulse refused to return to normal. The vampire would be able to detect the beats, to know how excited he was. But who wouldn’t react that way when trapped against a wall by such a sexy beast?

  Lucian’s soft chuckle slid over Colton like cool water on a hot summer’s day. The sound quenched a thirst he didn’t even know he had. Colton gasped and closed his eyes, refusing to look into the vampire’s alluring gaze any longer.

  “Come to bed with me.” Lucian kissed Colton’s stubbled jaw.

  Colton shuddered and moaned and mentally struggled against the hold Lucian had over him. When Colton opened his eyes, he saw Antonio standing behind Lucian.

  Antonio moved closer, his steps careful and soundless. Colton glanced around briefly for Corbin but didn’t see the third brother anywhere. He had a feeling, though, the vampire was close by. He would’ve scented Colton coming into the club, just as Lucian and Antonio had.

  “Come to bed with us,” Antonio whispered into Colton’s ear. His hand slid down Colton’s back as Lucian continued to nibble at his throat.

  Colton was quickly falling under their spell—but not in a vampire-bewitching sort of way. He didn’t need them to bespell him. Their closeness, their scents, and the way they touched him was doing the trick just fine.

  When Lucian pulled away to look at him, Colton had a moment of clarity, and a moment of clear-headedness was all he needed. With a sharp growl, he shoved Lucian away and moved until he had distance between them. His breathing was ragged, and he was still swooning a bit as he took a few more steps backward.

  “Keep your fucking hands off me,” Colton repeated to Lucian but made sure he looked Antonio’s way, as well. “I’ll be back later, and next time you won’t be able to seduce me. Hand Pierre over, or I’ll make you wish he was never a part of your coven.”

  Colton reminded himself of why he hated vampires so much, of why he was refusing his mates. The bloodsuckers had killed his baby brother and kidnapped him. He was wolf, and they were not. His species was stronger, united, and they didn’t play politics the way vampires did. Colton didn’t belong here. This wasn’t his home, and no matter what the triplets said or did, Colton would never become the coven’s Master.

  Pivoting on his heel, he headed for the front door, uncaring who stood there when the sunlight poured in.

  Chapter Two

  “Should we go after him?” Corbin moved from the shadows and stared at the front door as a short burst of fading sun entered and exited with Colton’s departure.

  “If we force him to stay, he’ll only rebel.” Lucian was at his wit’s end. Never had he practiced so much patience with anyone. If Colton hadn’t been their mate, he would have ended the wolf shifter’s life and taken over the coven. It would have been the practical thing to do, but from the first moment he’d laid eyes on Colton, Lucian had felt the deep, binding connection.

  Corbin and Antonio had felt it, too.

  Antonio closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “He’s tormented.”

  Lucian’s gaze slid to Antonio. “You don’t need a connection to him to figure that out.”

  “I told you we should have converted him months ago,” Corbin argued. “He has too much freedom. He needs to be home with us, not running around Mercury—”

  “Enough!” Lucian snarled. “We’re not changing him against his will. We’ve had this discussion already and agreed that would not be a wise choice.” He narrowed his eyes at Antonio. “And we’re not beguiling him, either.”

  “We couldn’t even if we wanted to,” Corbin said, giving the needless reminder. “Mates are invulnerable to enthralling.”

  “One of us must keep an eye on him,” Lucian said. “Colton is spiraling, and I don’t want him in a vulnerable position where someone could take advantage of him.”

  Lucian worried about the wolf. He’d had his vampires keep a watchful eye on Colton since he’d been taken from Black Dragon. Lately, the reports had been about how much Colton was drinking, how he executed warrants with no care for his own safety, and Lucian wasn’t going to lose their mate because Colton couldn’t come to terms with his destiny.

  “I’ll take first watch.” Antonio gave Lucian a knowing smile. “Maybe by night’s end, I’ll have him bent over a flat surface.”

  If seducing Colton were only that easy, they would have had the wolf shifter bound to them already. Then again, did Lucian want a mate that easy to control? He hadn’t admitted so much to his brothers, but Lucian thoroughly enjoyed the chase.

  But the length of the chase grated on his nerves. In nearly a year, Colton hadn’t so much as offered a kiss to any of them, and the lack of sex in Lucian’s life was downright depressing.

  If Colton hadn’t been his mate, Lucian would have had a harem of men in his bed by now, catering to his every need. But vampires were just as loyal to their mates as any other preternatural species. No other appealed to him, which left Lucian ornery as fuck from the lack of sex.

  Corbin opened the door that led to the underground living area. The coven flooded the room to get the club ready for the night as Antonio left to take first watch over Colton.

  A smile curved the side of Corbin’s mouth. “You’re thinking about fucking him, aren’t you?”

  Lucian scowled and waved a hand “Don’t you have something to do?”

  They might be triplets and been turned nearly two hundred years ago, but Lucian had never, nor would he ever, sleep with his brothers. He’d known other sibling vampires who couldn’t have cared less who they slept with, and that had always bothered him. The young vampires these days lacked self-discipline and morals.

  There were times when he really missed the old days.

  The front doors were thrown open, and humans started to flood Black Dragon. The music began to thump out a rhythm, and the bar became crowded.

  Lucian didn’t party with the humans, didn’t share laughs, or imbibe in drugs or alcohol. In fact, when he’d first arrived, he’d cleaned house of all the undesirables. He didn’t believe in killing his own kind—because there were so few vampires as it was—so those he deemed unworthy lay in cross-wrapped coffins underground.

  Maybe in a few hundred years he would release them, but by then, they would have gone mad, which would present more problems for him to deal with. His method of punishment might not be perfect, but at the moment, it was the only solution he had.

  As he watched the humans party, he observed desperation in many of their eyes, a powerful craving to become one of the “undead.” If they only knew they were in a real vampire club, but Lucian had a strict rule. Erase memories of any vampire encounters.

  Contrary to popular belief among the other preternaturals, the vampires were very selective of who they turned. Since taking over, Lucian made his coven petition before they converted. He didn’t want a coven filled with undesirables like Magnus had. He wanted only the strongest of mind, those who would commit themselves to Lucian’s ruling. There had to be order and discipline, or there would be chaos.

  As Lucian passed through the dance floor and headed to the office he shared with his brothers, he saw the looks of lust and adoration from the vampires. It should have been Colton’s office, but until he took up the mantle, Lucian, Corbin, and Antonio occupied the space.

  No sooner had Lucian sat behind his desk than Matt called. He was not in the mood to deal with the alpha of the wolves, but Lucian had promised his services should anyone need their memories erased.

  Or more to the point, Lucian had given that task to one of his trusted men.


  “I got a guy who needs to forget we exist.” Matt got straight to the point. “Can you send Andreas over?”

  “Text him the address.” Lucian hung up. He demanded that Matt call him first before getting in touch with Andreas. It was simple protocol.

  When his phone rang again, Lucian growled. He saw now that this would be a long night. “Yes?”

  “Colton j
ust showed up at Grizzly’s. Antonio is here. Should I still tail the wolf?” Victor asked.

  “You may leave, but I have another task for you,” Lucian said. Now that the triplets were tailing Colton, no other coven member needed to keep an eye on him. He grabbed his cell phone from his desk and sent Antonio a quick text, letting his brother know Colton’s shadow was leaving for the night.

  “I’m on my way,” Victor said before he hung up.

  Lucian cradled the desk phone and set his cell aside. Colton had been looking for Pierre, but in truth, Lucian had no idea where the vampire was. Pierre had broken Lucian’s rule that all vampires return to the coven before first morning light.

  His mate wouldn’t have to execute the warrant. Lucian would find out what crime Pierre had committed to get a warrant sworn against him.

  He would send Victor after Pierre, and when the wayward vampire was returned to him, his punishment would be severe.

  * * * *

  Antonio slid from the shadows just as Colton was leaving the tavern. He moved inhumanly fast and pinned his mate against his Charger, his chest to Colton’s back. “Leaving so soon?”

  “You have five seconds to get off me,” Colton snarled.

  Antonio wasn’t fooled by the wolf’s protests. Need poured off Colton as he wiggled his body. Antonio’s fangs slid free as lust washed through him. He skimmed his hands down Colton’s sides as he kissed along his nape. His mate’s scent drove Antonio insane with need.

  “Will you stop that?” Colton snarled. “Keep your damn hands to yourself.”

  “I'd rather keep them on you.” He glided his palm up Colton’s leg, loving how deeply the man blushed. “But this would be a lot more interesting if you were naked.”

  “Fat chance.” Colton shoved Antonio’s hands away.

  Antonio leaned back just enough that Colton could turn so they were facing each other. “Why do you keep denying what your heart desires?”

  He truly wanted to know. He and his brothers were fully aware that Colton’s brother had been killed by a vampire. But there had to be more to it than just that. Colton was too angry and too self-destructive.

  Colton’s gaze slid sideways, avoiding eye contact as his body relaxed and he stopped trying to dislodge Antonio. He looked as though he was deep in thought, and Antonio wanted to know what his mate was thinking.

  He ran his knuckles over Colton’s cheek. “You can tell me, sweetheart. I swear that what you say will remain between us.”

  “And your brothers,” Colton snapped.

  “But all three of us are your mates. We four share a sacred bond, and no secrets must be kept from each other.” He ran his fingers over Colton’s soft blond hair. “Is this about Anthony?”

  Colton’s eyes narrowed as he shoved Antonio away. “You don’t get to say his name.”

  Antonio took Colton’s hand and brushed his lips over his knuckles. “I can feel your pain, your torment. Let me help you deal with it. You don’t have to go this alone, my love.”

  For a moment, anguish filled Colton’s blue eyes. He gazed past the tavern, toward the woods, a far-off expression encompassing his face. He swallowed twice before he snatched his hand away. “No thanks.”

  “You are too stubborn for your own good,” Antonio snarled. He pressed his hand against Colton’s chest, right over his heart. “You can’t deny you long to be with me, to be with your mates. It’s engrained in every preternatural being. Why are you fighting against this? We could make you truly happy.”

  Longing shot through Colton’s eyes before he looked away. “I have to go. Matt needs to see me.”

  “Then I will accompany you.”

  Colton gave a derisive laugh. “The hell you will. I’m not strolling up to the agency with a vampire in tow. Are you out of your damn mind?”

  Antonio moved closer, once again pinning Colton to his car. “Then give me a parting kiss.”


  “I’m not letting you leave until you do. It’s one kiss. What harm could that bring?” Antonio wanted Colton to see what he was missing, to realize he wanted Antonio as much as Antonio wanted him. If Colton could walk away unfazed, then…he had no idea what he would do.

  Colton’s gaze lowered to Antonio’s lips.

  Taking that as a sign of acceptance, Antonio took Colton’s lips in a blazing, passionate kiss. Their tongues dueled, and Colton moaned as his cock hardened against Antonio’s own erection. He smiled triumphantly when his mate melted against him, sliding his hands into Antonio’s hair.

  Colton tried to dominate the kiss, but Antonio knew better. He needed Colton to surrender, to give himself fully over if he was to ever make headway with his stubborn mate.

  Slowly, finally, Colton slumped against the car, his hands resting on Antonio’s waist. He’d surrendered.

  Antonio broke the kiss and looked Colton in his beautiful eyes. “You can go, but I won’t be far. I’m not letting you out of my sight, love.”

  Colton appeared dazed. He blinked a few times, clearing his throat as a dark blush stole over his cheeks. Antonio took a step back and gave a soft chuckle. “I’m glad to see I affect you this way.”

  When Colton narrowed his eyes, Antonio stole a quick kiss. “Don’t ruin this moment, please.”

  He wasn’t used to begging. In fact, Antonio had never begged in his life. But for Colton, he would set aside his pride. For Colton, Antonio would do a lot of things he’d never done before.

  To his surprise and delight, Colton ran his fingertips over Antonio’s cheek. “You’re one hell of a kisser.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Antonio grinned, and slid his hand down Colton’s arm.

  Clearing his throat, Colton bit his lower lip and wow, it was the most innocent, adorable look Antonio had ever seen the wolf wear. “I, uh, gotta go.”

  The last thing Antonio wanted to do was let Colton leave. Not when they were finally getting somewhere, but he didn’t want his mate’s surly attitude to return, so Antonio stepped aside as his mate got into his car and drove away. Antonio didn’t follow. Not yet. He knew where Colton was going, so he simply stood there and wondered if he’d finally gotten through to the wolf.

  And craved another kiss.

  Corbin stepped from the woods and joined Antonio at his side. “It seems his armor is finally cracking.”

  “I agree.” Antonio brushed the tips of his fingers over his lips. They tingled at the remembrance of tasting Colton for the very first time. “Tenderness is what made him let his guard down.” He smirked at Corbin. “And I might have done a little begging.”

  “Whatever works.” Corbin winked. “I just might do a little begging when I see him again.”

  They turned when the tavern door opened and a man made his way to his car. For a brief second, Antonio’s gaze zeroed in on his jugular. He was thirsty, and the feedings from his coven were lacking. Antonio wanted to feed from Colton but knew that wouldn’t happen until he fully accepted his role and became the coven’s Master.

  “When was the last time you fed?” Corbin asked.

  “Days ago.”

  Corbin hissed. “You know better than to allow yourself to get this hungry.”

  Antonio agreed, but he couldn’t go back to the club just yet. He had to follow Colton. He’d had a breakthrough, and he wanted another chance to hold their mate in his arms, another chance for that soul-stirring kiss. And maybe, just maybe, a chance to seduce the wolf to his bed.

  “I can tail him,” Corbin offered.

  Antonio shook his head. “He’s opened up to me. I have to see this through if we’re to have any chance of him coming home.”

  They had a battle ahead of them, but Colton had just given them hope. Antonio gave his brother a nod before he took off after their mate.

  * * * *

  Colton rapped his knuckles on the wood of Matt’s office door for the second time that day. He was still pissed that he’d been ordered to execute Pierre’s warrant but schooled his features as h
e stepped inside. “You wanted to see me?”


  He didn’t like the somber look on Matt’s face as he waved at the chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d rather stand.” Colton used to hang in the Pit all the time, before his life had gone to hell. The Pit was the back area of the agency, a place where most of the bounty hunters hung out between warrants. He also used to feel comfortable lounging in Matt’s office.

  Now Colton tried his best to stay scarce. He didn’t feel as though he belonged anymore. The bitch thing was he didn’t feel as though he belonged anywhere. He was lost and didn’t know how to find his way back to who he used to be.

  “There’s no easy way to tell you this.” Matt must’ve thought standing was better, too, because he rose from behind his desk and took a seat on the corner. “Your mother passed away.”

  Those four words echoed in Colton’s head as he felt as though he’d just been sucker-punched. They shouldn’t have been spoken at all. She was a shifter and should’ve lived a very long life. “How?”

  Matt’s features were strained as he lifted his head and looked Colton in the eyes. “Colton, there was nothing you could have done.”

  “How?” He snarled the word this time.

  Matt ran his tongue along his bottom lip, as though debating on whether he should tell Colton the truth.

  “She took her own life.”

  The room spun as Colton stumbled backward. Matt jerked from the desk, his arm out, but Colton waved away the help. He gripped the back of the chair in front of Matt’s desk and shook his head, feeling lightheaded as he looked toward the door.

  He had to get out of there. He couldn’t breathe. He shot from the office, the sound of Matt calling his name following behind him as he ran from the agency. Colton jumped into his car and took off, driving to his mother’s house.

  She’s not there. She’s gone. She thought she lost everyone, so she couldn’t stand being alone. If only Colton had stopped by, if only he hadn’t been so caught up in his own problems…


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