Colton 911--Suspect Under Siege

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Colton 911--Suspect Under Siege Page 20

by Jane Godman

  “That’s because it was a prop to disguise the fact that her left wrist was injured,” Griffin said. “It’s not your fault, Charlize. You couldn’t have known that it was Jenna in disguise.”

  “Of course it’s not your fault. Jenna has been waiting to trick one of us. But how did she get in?” Abigail could feel panic bubbling up inside her and threatening to boil over. “We’ve been so careful to keep the house secure.”

  “While we’re waiting for Emmanuel, let’s take a look and see if we can figure out how she did it,” Griffin said.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Riley came into the hall from the kitchen and Charlize ran to him with a cry. “Thank goodness you’re home.”

  He looked at her tear-stained face in alarm. “What’s been going on?”

  Griffin quickly told him what had happened. “Let’s split up and check out the downstairs rooms.” He tightly clasped Abigail’s hand and they headed through to the dining room.

  “I can’t bear this.” She clung to the front of his T-shirt, scared to let go. “What if—?”

  “No.” He kissed her forehead. “We are not going to do ‘what if.’ We’ll find her and she’ll be fine.”

  She gulped back a sob before looking around the room. “I can’t see any way Jenna could have got in here.”

  They moved on, stepping into the next room. It was little more than a storeroom, but it had a small window.

  “There.” Griffin pointed. “There is a broken pane and the lock has been tampered with.”

  “You mean Jenna could have gotten in and out of the house anytime she wanted?” Abigail swallowed hard.

  “Well, with a police presence outside, I’m guessing she used the cover of darkness most of the time.” Griffin frowned as he looked around the small space. “Today, she must have been concealed in here, waiting for the perfect opportunity. It came when you were busy with the nurse, I was with Emmanuel and Riley had gone out. There was only Charlize to deal with and she tricked her by dressing as a nurse.”

  Abigail shuddered. “The thought of her hiding out in this house, watching us, waiting to pounce... Then taking our baby girl...”

  He gripped her uninjured arm. “Stay strong. For Maya.”

  Although she felt sick to her stomach and lightheaded, Abigail clung to those words. “For Maya.”

  A few moments later, they heard Emmanuel’s voice. Griffin called him into the storeroom and showed him the window.

  “Jenna must have approached the house from the rear.” The detective studied the broken window thoughtfully. “We’ve had a patrol car at the front the whole time.”

  “Can we save the speculation about the details of how she got in for after we have Maya back safe?” Griffin asked. “Right now, I’d rather focus on how we’re going to find them.”

  As he finished speaking, Abigail’s cell phone pinged and, with a feeling of dread, she withdrew it from her pocket. A picture of Maya filled the screen.

  “My baby,” she gasped.

  “Forward it to me,” Emmanuel said. “I’ll send it for instant analysis in case there are any clues in the background.”

  Another picture followed. It was of a syringe next to a bottle of RevitaYou vitamins.

  “What does that mean?” Abigail turned to Griffin in confusion.

  “There’s a text message coming through.” He held the phone so they could read it together.

  Your dad put ricin in his pills. He didn’t care that the people who took them were dicing with death. Some would live. Some would die. Which group will Maya be in? Guess we’ll find out when I inject her with the poisonous vitamins.

  Abigail gave a moan and stumbled to her knees. Griffin knelt beside her, wrapping his arms around her. Looking up at Emmanuel, his voice reflected Abigail’s own anguish. “We have to find them. Now.”

  Chapter 16

  The next few hours had a nightmarish quality to them. Abigail had retreated behind a wall of silence and she was shivering wildly as though suffering from a terrible illness. Griffin tried to comfort her and, at the same time, liaise with the police and his siblings.

  Emmanuel had thrown every resource available to the GRPD into the search but, with no real leads, he was struggling to track Jenna down. Although no one said the words out loud, they all knew they were racing against time. If Jenna carried out her threat to inject Maya with RevitaYou, the consequences would be unthinkable.

  The Colton siblings had raced to see what they could do to help. Riley was coordinating the CI team and his sisters had mobilized everyone they knew into a task force. As a result, dozens of people were out on the road, trying to trace where Jenna could have gone after she snatched Maya. Like the police, they were finding it hard to come up with any leads.

  “I’ll make coffee,” Griffin said. “Strong and black with plenty of sugar. Isn’t that meant to be good for shock?”

  Abigail didn’t answer. Instead, she continued to stare at the blank screen of her cell phone as though willing something to appear on it.

  “Come to the kitchen with me.” He took her hand and she rose from the sofa, allowing him to lead her. Her movements reminded him of a rag doll, as though her body had no muscle or bone, nothing to give it strength or resistance.

  While he prepared the drinks, Griffin kept talking, watching Abigail as he did. It would destroy them both if anything happened to Maya, but she was already crumbling. When her cell phone indicated that there was an incoming message, she almost went into orbit.

  “It’s her again.”

  He rushed to her side in time to see another picture of Maya. This time the baby was lying on a table with brightly colored cartoon characters painted on its surface. The bottle of RevitaYou and the syringe had been placed next to her.

  It’s almost time. Are you ready for the video?

  Abigail gave a hoarse cry and covered her mouth with her right hand. She gestured wildly at her phone, but no sound came out of her mouth.

  “It’ll be okay—”

  “No.” Finally, she managed to speak. She gripped his arm so tightly that he winced. “That picture... I know where she is.”


  “The table.” She pointed to the image on the screen of her cell. “It’s in the laboratory at Danvers University where Jenna and our colleagues worked on the miscarriage project. It’s like a baby changing table, but there was a mobile above it to distract the infants when we needed to take blood, or do other tests. If you look closely, you can even see a corner of the university logo in the background.”

  Griffin already had his own cell phone in his hand. Emmanuel answered immediately. “Jenna is at Danvers University in one of the laboratories. Abigail will be able to guide you to the exact location. We’ll meet you there.”

  “There’s still a patrol car at your gate. They’ll give you an escort.”

  Griffin called out to Riley. Partly to let him know what was happening, but also because he needed to get his licensed weapon from the gun safe. Minutes later, they were dashing toward the door. Then they were outside in the warm night air and running toward the car.

  “Will we be in time?” Abigail asked as Griffin gunned the engine.

  “We have to be.”

  Secure in the knowledge that he had a police car just behind him, he drove at speed through the familiar streets. It wasn’t enough. If his vehicle had been powered by rocket fuel, he’d have wanted more. His daughter needed him.

  When they reached the Danvers University entrance, a uniformed cop halted them. “Detective Iglesias is expecting you. He asked that you turn off your lights, then drive to the far side of the parking lot.”

  Griffin followed his instruction. In the darkened corner of the lot, Emmanuel was waiting for them with a number of other police officers. There was also an ambulance and a couple of paramedics standing b
y. Griffin and Abigail alighted from the car and Emmanuel beckoned for them to join him under the cover of a group of trees.

  “I don’t want to alert Jenna to our presence.” He held up an electronic tablet. “I have a plan here of this part of the building. Can you show me which room Jenna is in?”

  Abigail stepped forward, consulting the plan on the screen. “She’s in this laboratory.” She pointed to a room. “It’s on the first floor and on the opposite side of the building to where we are now.”

  “You’re basing this on a table that was in the picture she sent you. Are you certain she couldn’t have moved it to another room?”

  “No.” Abigail shook her head firmly. “It’s fixed to the wall.”

  “Okay.” Emmanuel addressed the officers around him. “The danger in this situation is that if the kidnapper becomes aware that we are here, she may harm the baby. Therefore, I need a circle around the building, with every exit covered. But, when I decide the time is right, I will go in there alone.” He looked directly at Griffin. “Is that clear?”

  Griffin nodded. “Crystal.”

  When Emmanuel turned away to give instructions to his officers, Griffin leaned closer to Abigail. “It may be clear, but it’s not happening.”

  * * *

  After a few minutes, Emmanuel gave the order for his officers to get into position. Once they’d formed a circle around the laboratory block, he went to the front entrance. He had called ahead and arranged for the building supervisor to meet him there and disarm the security system and unlock the doors. Having removed his weapon from its shoulder holster, he stepped inside the lobby.

  Once Emmanuel had disappeared from view, Griffin took Abigail’s hand. “He’s going to take this too slow. Is there another entrance?”

  She nodded. “There’s a door close to the laboratory where Jenna is holding Maya. Unless the code has been changed since I left, I should be able to get us in there.” She cast a quick glance around. “I want to get Maya out as much as you do, but are you sure we shouldn’t leave it to Emmanuel?”

  “I’m not going to interfere with the police operation unless I have to, but he’s going to play by the rules and Jenna won’t. I just want to make sure we’re there for Maya when things get messy.”

  She nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Avoiding the police line, she led him to a smaller entrance on the opposite side of the building. Typing the familiar code into the keypad at the side of the door, she held her breath, half expecting it not to work. Instead, there was a click, and she pushed the door open.

  How many times had she entered the building this way, coffee in hand, ready to start a day’s work? Now she was here to save Maya’s life.

  “We need to be careful,” Griffin whispered as they stepped inside. “We don’t want to meet Emmanuel coming in the opposite direction. He could shoot first and ask questions later.”

  “The laboratory is two doors down on the right.”

  “Here’s the plan. You grab Maya while I tackle Jenna.”

  She nodded. “Simple but effective.”

  With Griffin in the lead, they slowly inched their way along the wall. Although she tried to force herself to stay positive, she couldn’t help wondering why Maya wasn’t crying. It was hours since the baby had last eaten or had a bottle of formula. She would be confused and missing Abigail and Griffin. Maya was going through a phase in which she was wary of strangers unless she was in her mom’s arms. And Abigail couldn’t imagine that Jenna had treated her gently. A baby who could scream the place down at the sight of a diaper should not be silent in these circumstances.

  Griffin stopped outside the second door and raised his eyebrows. Abigail nodded. This was it. Their baby girl was on the other side.

  She has to be okay...

  After pausing to listen carefully, Griffin placed his hand on the door handle and slowly turned it. Abigail’s hands shook at her sides, her injured arm ached from being out of the sling for so long, and she jammed her right fist against her lips to mask her noisy, ragged breathing. Her eyes were open so wide that the muscles felt strained, and as the door swung open, she followed Griffin on legs that felt stiff and clumsy.

  The room was almost completely dark, the only light coming from a small desk lamp. Maya was still strapped to the table, as she had been in the picture. She was asleep. Or drugged? Not worse. Please, not worse...

  Jenna was slumped in a chair at her side, from the way her head had dropped forward and her mouth gaped open, she appeared to be sleeping.

  As soon as she saw her baby, Abigail gave a soft whimper and made a movement to brush past Griffin to get to her. He reached out an arm to hold her back, pointing to Jenna’s hand. In it, she was holding the syringe that had been in the picture she’d sent.

  He moved up close, pressing his lips to Abigail’s ear. “Startle her and she could use it.”

  The tight cramps in Abigail’s stomach loosened a little. From where they were standing, they couldn’t see whether the syringe was empty or full. It was possible that Jenna hadn’t already injected Maya with the RevitaYou. Griffin was right. If their girl had a chance, they had to take care.

  Griffin signaled for her to move with him across the room. If they could get to the other side without disturbing Jenna, they would be able to approach her from behind. It was a long shot but all they had. Even though ice water seemed to be flowing through her veins and trickling down her spine, Abigail felt curiously calm. They were doing something. Back at the CI headquarters, when everyone else was out searching and she’d been waiting for news, she’d seriously believed her mind might just cave under the pressure.

  Now, she and Griffin had taken charge. She was almost in touching distance of her baby girl...

  “What?” Jenna grunted and sat up. She appeared dazed as she looked around her.

  “Now.” Griffin dived forward, toppling her from her chair. Jenna let out a screech of anger and sprang up, clawing at him.

  Although she was concerned about Griffin, Abigail had one priority: Maya. Struggling to see in the gloomy light, she grappled with the restraints on the table. As she did, she was relieved to note that Maya was breathing, although she was definitely sleeping too soundly. She’d been drugged. But was it the RevitaYou, or had Jenna given her a sedative?

  Finally, she managed to get the straps that were holding Maya in place free. Clutching her baby to her chest, Abigail stepped to one side. She needed to get Maya outside to the paramedics, but Jenna was between her and the door. She switched on the overhead light, anxiously watching what was going on and waiting for a chance to make a run for it.

  Jenna was no match for Griffin’s size and strength, but she had reached the desk and was hurling everything she could find in his direction. He ducked the flying objects and continued to approach her. When she picked up a pair of scissors, he paused.

  “The police are outside, Jenna. It’s all over.”

  Even though Jenna had been on the run and the bite Lucy had given her was infected, the other woman’s appearance shocked Abigail. Her skin was deathly pale with brilliant crimson blotches and her eyes were red rimmed. She looked like an extra from a horror movie.

  “Over for who?” Throwing the scissors at him, she dived to the floor, snatching up the discarded syringe.

  As she rolled toward Griffin, Abigail cried out a warning. At the same time, Emmanuel burst into the room. As Jenna prepared to jab the needle into Griffin’s leg, Emmanuel grabbed her and pinned her down. She gave a wail of mingled pain and fury as the action caused her to release the plunger and inject herself in the side.

  “This stuff is poisonous. I could die.”

  She was still screaming as Emmanuel handcuffed her and explained that she was under arrest.

  “Don’t you see what this means?” Abigail turned to Griffin. “She didn’t inject Maya with the RevitaYou.”
  “Not because I wouldn’t have.” Jenna spat the word out. “I just wanted to torture you a little longer. All I gave her was the oral sedation we use for babies who need an MRI scan.”

  As she spoke, Maya hiccupped and opened her eyes.

  “Let’s get her checked over by the paramedics,” Griffin said.

  A few minutes later, they were seated in the back of the ambulance. Maya was drinking water from a sippy cup and playing with a stethoscope.

  “Her vital signs are all fine,” the paramedic told them. “There can be side effects from oral sedation, but they are minor. Tiredness, irritability, possibly vomiting. If you have any concerns, just call us.”

  “She’s okay.” Abigail rested her head on Griffin’s shoulder. “We’re all okay.”

  “What part of ‘I’m going in there alone’ didn’t you understand?” Emmanuel joined them in the ambulance.

  “She’s our baby,” Griffin said.

  “I guess I’d have done the same in the circumstances.” The detective sighed. “If Maya is ready to go home, we’re going to need this ambulance. Jenna is screaming about police brutality and forcible ricin poisoning.”

  “We were there,” Griffin said. “We saw what happened.”

  “Thanks.” Emmanuel patted Maya’s cheek. “Totally worth it to get this little one back unharmed.”

  When he’d gone, Griffin lifted Maya into the crook of one arm and placed the other around Abigail’s shoulder. “Let’s go and let the rest of the family know we’re safe.”

  * * *

  The whole family had gathered around the dining table to briefly celebrate Maya’s homecoming. The baby, who had shown no ill effects following her ordeal, had been delighted to see everyone. Having entertained them with her whole repertoire of clapping, waving and peekaboo, she had finally fallen asleep in Abigail’s arms.


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