Gods and Demons (Blood and Darkness Book 3)

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Gods and Demons (Blood and Darkness Book 3) Page 5

by Melissa Sercia

Aldric. Why did everyone insist on bringing him up? Even though we were linked, he now felt like a stranger. And in place of the joy that once filled my heart was a hole the size of a crater. It felt like I was missing a limb.

  I blinked back tears. “What Aldric does is no concern to me anymore. If Iris doesn’t agree to our terms, we’ll have to find another way in.”

  Seven looked at me, his eyes clouded with sadness and pain. “That’s the thing, Gray. There is no other way in.”

  The gods had created the Harpies for the sole purpose of guarding the gates to Elysium, just as they had created Cerberus to guard the gates of hell.

  I drew in a sharp breath and walked toward the edge of the cliff. The salty air whipped through my hair as I gazed out at the water. The sun was setting in the horizon, casting shimmering shades of pink and red across the endless sky.

  I prayed to the gods, but I feared they could not hear me anymore. That they stopped listening. I imagined them angry at me for being so careless in the Underworld. What if they refused to help?

  Dragos sauntered up and planted himself next to me. “I’m sorry.”

  I kept my eyes on the sunset. “For what?”

  He let out a deep breath. “This thing with the Harpies…it’s my fault. They are making it difficult for you because of what I did.”

  I cocked my head to the side and turned to face him. “I don’t understand.”

  He sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. “Iris was my lover many centuries ago. It wasn’t serious, or at least that’s what I thought. We had fun together and we enjoyed each other’s company. I assumed we both knew it wouldn’t last forever. I was wrong. I tried to break it off several times, but she would cry and beg me to stay. I felt guilty, so I did. Every time. Until I met you. From the first time I saw your face, I knew I couldn’t be with Iris anymore. She’s hated both of us ever since.”

  My heart raced, and butterflies danced inside my stomach. “Dragos I…I don’t know what to say.”

  He smiled. “As a matter of fact, I haven’t been with anyone else since. I’ve made my mistakes, Gray, and I know I’ve caused you pain, but it’s always been you. It always will be.” His eyes burned into mine with a fire so hot it could have melted my flesh.

  My hands trembled. “I had no idea. I always thought you were just having fun with me. I didn’t think you wanted to be tied down to anyone.”

  He cupped my face in his hands. “That’s what I thought you wanted. You were always so strong and free, like you never needed anyone. When you linked with Aldric, I realized I was wrong. If I could go back and change my behavior…I would.”

  I let his hands linger on my cheeks. My heart fluttered as the last four centuries flew through my mind like a movie on the highest speed. All this time, he had been chasing me and I was too naïve and too self-absorbed to notice.

  I gave his hands a squeeze and gently pushed them away. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I should have told you how I felt back then. Maybe we wouldn’t be in any of this mess now.”

  Dragos smirked. “And ruin all the fun we’re having? I’ve grown so fond of fighting for my life.”

  I chuckled. “Oh yes, the good times just keep on coming.”

  His smile faded as a look of concern spread across his face. “Don’t worry about Iris. I can handle her. And don’t worry about Aldric either. Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.”

  I nodded. “One way or another, I’m getting us into Elysium. And thank you for telling me all of that. I have a lot to think about.”

  He raised an eyebrow as his smile returned. I couldn’t help but smile back. For the first time in two days, that hole in my heart didn’t feel quite as big.

  Our quiet moment was short-lived. Valentina stomped over to us and shot me a worried look. Seven was right behind her.

  She planted her hands on her hips. “We need to talk about the traitor.”

  I had almost forgotten. “It could be anyone, Val. We don’t have time to worry about that now.”

  She shook her head. “We can’t ignore it. It could only be one of four people—the only ones who knew where we would be when we got attacked by the Fury.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. She was right. We were careful to cover our tracks when we went to the Harpy Forest. Someone had to have tipped the Fury off. The only ones who knew our plan were Jane, Tobias, Pythia, and The Keeper. My eyes shifted to black. I knew exactly who it was.


  Valentina and Dragos sat across from me in my office at Stonehaven. They sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for my eyes to shift back to normal. These days, my Narcissus magic was getting more and more unpredictable. With so many enemies, it was hard for me to stay in control of my own rage. I took a deep breath and willed my magic to simmer down.

  Satisfied I could speak without breaking glass, I leaned forward. “Every cell in my body is screaming that the traitor is Pythia. She is the only one that makes sense.”

  Valentina raised an eyebrow. “I agree, but don’t you think Tobias is a prime candidate as well?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t trust my father now anymore than I did at the battle of Infitum, but he gains nothing from helping the Furies. Pythia, on the other hand, sees me as a threat. She always has. She still wants payback for me stealing her powers.”

  Dragos nodded. “It does makes sense. You stole her husband’s attention away from her. He appointed you head of the Consilium, forsaking her daughter. You’re clearly his favorite and a painful reminder of Jezebel. She wants you out of the way.”

  A chill passed over me at the mention of my mother. “A part of my father will always love Jezebel, and I’m a reminder of that.”

  Valentina’s nose crinkled. “So, what are we gonna do about her?”

  I sat up straight in my chair. “Nothing. We have the upper hand if she doesn’t know we are on to her. When the time is right, we’ll expose her.”

  Everyone had a role to play. Pythia would be our Trojan horse. An example would be made of her. As long as she thought she was in control, the weaker she would become. With everything falling apart around me, I needed one thing to go right for once.

  I went outside and walked to the edge of the bluffs, taking in a deep breath of the crisp night air. A thousand tiny stars twinkled in the sky like fireflies. I chuckled to myself at the thought of all those humans, looking up, unaware that the gods were listening to every pulse and every thought. They had forgotten the old ways. All the wars they started in the name of the gods were futile compared to the demon war that was descending upon their world. My world.

  A rustling stirred behind me. Dhampirs could slip in and out of anywhere undetected unless they wanted their presence to be known. Seven trudged, his steps heavy as he made his way toward me.

  I turned to see his giant, godlike form climbing up the cliff to join me at the edge. His lips were pursed. “It’s time for the three of you to return to the Harpies. Dragos and Val are waiting for you on the ship.”

  I nodded. “Thanks for giving me a moment alone. I…I don’t know how I’m going to face Aldric.” I blinked back tears.

  Seven sighed. “Do you remember what I told you at the Hall? When you were angry with Dragos for betraying you?”

  I drew in a sharp breath. “You said he was punishing himself more than I ever could.”

  He nodded. “The same applies. Aldric is in pain. He’s lost. Have a little faith and give him a chance to find his way back to you.”

  I appreciated what Seven was trying to do, but this was different. Aldric was different. He had been ever since he was abducted by the Serpent Bearers. Every day he slipped further away from me. And I was afraid that we would never be the same. I could feel it in my bones—that feeling of dread returning tenfold.

  I didn’t have the heart to argue with him though, so I forced a smile and nodded before hiking down the rocky cliff toward the docks.

  My stomach turned as we approached the ston
e bench in the Harpy Forest. I had to swallow hard to keep the bile down. The vein in my neck throbbed as a bead of sweat ran down it.

  I gasped at the sight of him as he walked toward us through a row of bright emerald green trees. Aldric’s blond hair was slicked back and his blue eyes were lined with black kohl. He had shed his Dhampir armor for a white linen shirt and matching pants. Even the bow he had strapped to his back was vibrating with unfamiliar magic.

  Dragos let out a whistle. “Playing dress-up, are we?”

  Valentina chimed in. “Aldric, you look ridiculous.”

  He shrugged and turned his attention toward me. “Gray, it’s good to see you.”

  My blood was boiling. Good to see me? I was half tempted to knock him over the head and deliver him to a padded cell. As soon as the thought entered my mind, Iris and Nemesis swooped down from above, landing on either side of him.

  Iris’s golden feathers flapped protectively around him. “I see you’ve arrived empty-handed again.”

  Nemesis snorted. “Don’t tell me you brought us more cherry brandy. We are still dumping out the last batch.” The sharpness of her tone could have pierced through glass.

  I clenched my fists to keep my hands from shaking. “There must be something else you want. We talked to Nadia and believe she is telling the truth. Your sister betrayed her, and she held her accountable for it.”

  Nemesis hissed. “Nadia would say anything to save her own ass. Victoria was sweet and pure. She didn’t deserve her fate. How dare you say this to our faces?”

  Iris placed a gentle hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Nemesis is right. You dishonor us in our home—taking the side of that treacherous vixen. You Dhampirs are all alike. You speak of truth and justice until the culprit is one of your own.”

  Dragos stepped forward, his eyes shifting. “You’re not looking for justice, my sweet. You’re looking for revenge. And we both know Nadia has nothing to do with it.”

  Iris smirked as she traced a delicate finger along Aldric’s jaw. I wanted to break every bone in her hand. I held my breath as I waited for him to swat her away. It didn’t happen. Instead, he just stared down at his feet, his cheeks bright red.

  I started forward just as Valentina caught me and pulled me back. My eyes flashed, black as night. Iris let out a low chuckle while Nemesis crossed her arms and eyed me like a hawk.

  I swallowed my pride and forced my eyes to change back. “So, that’s it? Your way or no way?”

  Iris narrowed her eyes down at me, a strawberry strand of hair falling out of her rainbow-colored bun and dancing across her face in the breeze. “If I were you, Gray Wynter, I’d hurry up and get me what I want before I change my mind and banish you from this forest altogether.”

  I gritted my teeth. “That won’t be necessary.”

  She grinned. “Good. Now run along. Aldric and I have a whole day planned.”

  He couldn’t look at me, but I knew he could feel the weight of my stare hurling daggers at him. Valentina flashed a challenging look at Nemesis as she flew off toward the trees. Iris followed after her, leaving Aldric with his head hung down.

  I charged at him. “Have you lost your mind? Can’t you see they are using you?” My nostrils flared.

  He lifted his chin with caution. “Maybe I have. It’s not what you think, Gray. They are helping me.”

  I snapped, “And why couldn’t I help you? You’d rather be with strangers than the woman who loves you? You are breaking my heart.”

  He pounded his fist on the stone bench. “You can’t help me, Gray. I don’t know who I am when I’m with you. If I’m your lover, your friend, or your puppet. The comfort of strangers is exactly what I need right now.”

  My mouth fell open and I stumbled back. “My puppet? I have never treated you that way. I never thought I’d say this, but you disgust me right now.”

  Aldric sighed. “You don’t get it. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just can’t be who you want me to be. I’m not the man you thought I was.”

  Dragos snickered. “You are exactly the man I knew you to be all along. A coward.” He spat in Aldric’s direction.

  Valentina stepped between us and faced me. “It’s time to go. There is nothing left to say to him.”

  I nodded as she threw a menacing glare back at Aldric.

  He called out. “Gray, just give the Harpies—”

  Valentina spun around. “Not another word.” His words caught in his throat as he retreated.

  I was in a daze. The scenery blurred by me as Valentina and Dragos led me out of the forest.

  I couldn’t remember how we got back to the Hall of Secrets. The world around me moved in slow motion and at full speed all at the same time. My body was going through the motions, but my mind was buried deep into the Narcissus.

  The scent of witch hazel permeated through my nose as the room around me came into view. I was in a chair by the fire in The Keeper’s study. He leaned over me, waving his hand in front of my face.

  I coughed, and a searing pain shot through my head. “Did I black out?”

  Valentina let out a sigh of relief and rushed to my side. “You had us worried. How are you feeling?”

  My throat was raw and scratchy like I had swallowed sandpaper. “Like I’m caught somewhere between a dream and a nightmare.”

  Dragos paced around the room, his jaw clenched. “I’ve made my decision. I’m kidnapping Nadia and bringing her to the Harpy Forest. I’m done playing these childish games.”

  Valentina huffed. “Dragos, please don’t make Gray feel worse right now.”

  I shook my head. Things couldn’t get any worse. “He’s right. This war is real and it’s not going away. As much as it pains me, we have to give Iris what she wants.”

  A mischievous gleam twinkled in his eye. “I’ll leave tonight.”

  I sprang to my feet. “I’ll just go freshen up.”

  He stepped in front of me and placed a firm hand on my waist. “No. I go alone. We can’t risk the other covens finding out you had anything to do with this. You need to remain a pillar of honor for them.”

  The Keeper cleared his throat. “I will send word to Nadia that she is to meet you outside the French Quarter. When she arrives, inject her with this, and slip out before you are detected.” He handed Dragos a vial of clear liquid. Oleander—I could smell it from two feet away.

  I wriggled my nose. “So, you aren’t going to talk us out of this?”

  The Keeper shook his head. “I don’t like it one bit, but what choice do we have? I will work on a way to get Nadia back when this is all over…if they don’t kill her first.”

  Valentina flipped her hair and knotted it into a bun high atop her head. “Gray and I will meet you at the Wolf and Crescent. We can travel to the forest together once you have her.” She looked to me for approval.

  I nodded. “It’s settled then. We do this quick and we do it quiet.”

  After tonight, the three of us would have crossed a line that we couldn’t come back from, but there was no turning back now.


  Waiting for Dragos at the Wolf and Crescent wasn’t the only reason I wanted to go to New Orleans. I needed to get a closer look at what was going on in the Quarter. I had to know what we were up against.

  Josephine looked down her nose at me. “It isn’t safe, Gray. Cerberus has lookouts all over the city.”

  “Since when has that ever stopped me before?” I wasn’t afraid of demons when I was in the Underworld and I certainly wasn’t afraid of them now, not in my own territory.

  She tightened her jaw. “They have banshees, shadow demons, and hellhounds—all in the same place. They are prepared to deal with you.”

  Valentina shrugged. “And we know how to deal with them. We’ll slip in and out. They won’t even know we are there.”

  Samuel stepped out of the shadows. “I’ll go with you. I know this city better than either of you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Why would you want
to help us? I can’t imagine it’s out of the goodness of your heart.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Think what you want, but New Orleans is my home and it’s under attack. I want to see what we are up against too.”

  I hesitated but then nodded in agreement. “Fair enough. You can carry our supplies.”

  Samuel cocked his head to the side. “Supplies?”

  Valentina snickered. “Oh, you have no idea what you are walking into.”

  I sighed as I reached into my bag and pulled out a vial and handed it to him. “The banshee cries will make your ears bleed. We have the antidote for it. Shadow demons will try to inhabit your body. We actually don’t have anything for that, so you’ll have to run. Hellhounds will—”

  “Okay, I get it. You two are demon connoisseurs and I know nothing.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down at the ground.

  Valentina chuckled. “Just do what we tell you and we’ll get you back to your mommy in one piece.”

  His cheeks tinged with the faintest shade of pink. Whispers and giggles broke out amongst the Witches who had been eavesdropping. Josephine hissed, and the room fell quiet.

  She turned to her son as he glared at Valentina. She grabbed his chin and turned his face to hers. “Do as they say and don’t wander off. You may know this city, but they know their way around demons.”

  He nodded and swallowed what was probably his pride. I handed him the bag and a dagger. His eyes widened at the sight of the blade.

  It was my turn to chuckle. “You can’t rely on your magic alone. Sometimes you need to gut one of them open. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.”

  He looked like he was going to be sick as he closed a trembling hand around the hilt. For all his bravado, he was all bark and no bite. He had a tough exterior but inside he was a shriveling mess. A part of me took pleasure in seeing him squirm.

  At the last second, Josephine handed me a bag of oyster pearls. “Just in case.” The pearls were a powerful aphrodisiac.


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