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Home Base Page 27

by C M Hoffmann

  Chief and Task Force Two-Six stand in front of Gateway staring off to the east. Silently they watch the road in front of them. Their imaginations inundate with scenes of carnage and mayhem, adrenaline and excitement, sadness and fear, glory and victory, death and defeat. They cannot help but attempt to predict the outcome of the approaching engagement. The quiet is deafening, the only sounds are the shuffling of the defenders feet on the blacktop.

  Cane, “The suspense is killing me.”

  Trey, “I know what you mean, little brotha. We’ve spent all this time preparing and now as usual it’s hurry up and wait.”

  Rapp, “Story of our lives.”

  Fitz, “Every day is a damn cliffhanger. Never knowing what’s going to come at us next.”

  Wade, “Isn’t there something we can do to pass the time?”

  Coll, “How about going scouting? Might tell us we have nothing to worry about?”

  Gavin, “Or tell us the shit is about to hit the fan.”

  Chief, “Not a bad idea, why don’t a few of you take something quiet and go peek?”

  Pops, “We got anything quiet?”

  Cane, “Dude, remember the Super Bowl commercial all those years ago? Go find a Prius four!”

  Ronson, “Wow, that was a while back now. Had everyone at the department in stitches.”

  Beau, “I think there’s one on the next block, I’ll find it, but I ain’t riding in it.”

  Chief pokes Pops in the arm, “As leader of Two-Six, I delegate it to you to pick a reconnaissance team.”

  Pops, “Ninja and Guard, you’re up, go with Beau and find something quiet. Take it out and keep in touch.”

  Rapp, “Roger that.”

  Pops over channel five, “Two-Six, Headquarters.”

  Scarlett, “Two-Six.”

  “Ninja and Guard will be out scouting in a few minutes, they will advise when they’re on the road. The rest of us will remain at Gateway.”


  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Marie, “Ugh, I feel so useless. After all this we’re still stuck here while the boys are out doing all the hard work.”

  Scarlett, “Yea, I’ve been feeling the same way. I feel the need to be there.”

  Mallory, “So why don’t we go?”

  “We can’t do that. We have to be here.”

  Mallory, “Why? Everyone is in the same spot, there’s no reason to stay here when everyone in the city is going to be at the wall doing the same thing. Why don’t we make them all go to channel one and let the other dispatchers deal with it. We can go join them. If the worst should happen I’d much rather be there with them than stuck here waiting to die.”

  Scarlett thinks about that for a moment, “That’s not a bad idea, actually. I’m sure there’s something we can do. Alright, ladies, Ninja and Guard will be scouting in a few minutes, while we’re waiting let’s get all the women together and anyone who wants to come can.”

  Marie, “I agree, I’d want to be with Wyatt if I’m going to go out.”

  Mallory, “What should we do about the babies? And the dogs?”

  Scarlett, “I say we move them as far away from the battle as possible. Let’s see what Lynn wants to do and we’ll station all the young ones over there, whether she chooses to stay or not it’s the furthest safe place from the wall. Marie, take the radio while I go call.” All the wives and girlfriends agree to meet at Cane’s within the hour to formulate their plan and more importantly how to explain it to the guys. After a brief wait, Raquel, Tina, Lynn, Emma, Mom, Goose, Abbey, Lillian, the troops, and Coll’s wife and son arrive at the house. Scarlett lays out the plan for all of them.

  Raquel, “Are you serious though? They’re going to flip.”

  Scarlett, “That’s why we’re not going to give them the option. It’s our lives they’re fighting for too. We should be there. There’s got to be something they need us to do.”

  Abbey, “I’m down. Someone’s gotta be with that big bear to make sure he doesn’t lose his mind.”

  Mom, “I think I’ll sit this one out.”

  Lynn, “Me too.”

  Coll’s wife, “Same here, guns aren’t my thing.”

  Raquel, “Well I’m in.”

  Tina, “I guess I’ll come too.”

  Scarlett, “Lynn, since you want to stay, can you take our three dogs to your house? As well as Mom and Goose and anyone who doesn’t want to or can’t go? Y’all live the farthest away from the line and we want to have a fall back spot. And to ease the tensions with the guys.”

  Lynn, “Absolutely, we’ll make a trip when y’all work out the details.”

  Mallory, “I want you to take Justin too. His only chance is for that wall to hold. Sitting with him isn’t going to help.”

  Lynn nods and before she can respond Emma interrupts, “Justin’s coming with us?! Yay! Now I’ll have someone else to play with!”

  Eventually it’s settled to make a trip to Trey’s house. Mom, Lynn, Coll’s wife, the kids, and the dogs will all stay there until the fate of the battle is determined. Much to the troops’ dismay, they will be going to Trey’s as well to provide security with Lillian. As the trip is completed and they return to Cane’s house, they begin to select weapons and supplies from the overflowing stockpile and a new sense of dread fills them as they have the worst conflict of all to deal with: convincing their significant others that they are going to fight alongside them, regardless of what they think.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Ninja and Guard head out of Gateway in a Prius Four, which is met with many pointed fingers and laughter, but the vehicle is quiet and quiet is safe. They proceed east at a relatively slow pace. About ten miles out they pick out a three story building with a ladder to the roof, ensuring they won’t be trapped in the building after Basher and Spartan’s last unknown building ordeal. Fred and Coll stay with the vehicle while Rapp and Fitz climb the ladder. At the top, Rapp peeks over the ledge to identify any potential threats. Seeing none, he moves up on to the roof.

  Rapp, “Looks clear, Fitzy, come on up and make yourself at home.”

  Fitz, “The hair on your neck standing up too?”

  “Yea, got a funky feeling.”

  “Let’s see what the trouble is. If we do see them, we’ll move south and look again to see if they’ve got another avenue of approach.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They quickly secure the rest of the rooftop and look over the eastern edge. A black shuddering mass can be seen in the streets. Thankfully it is far off for now.

  Fitz, “Hey. Look at the interstate. It’s damn near empty compared to the streets. I guess all those sound-dampening walls kept them out. Maybe we can use the high rises near the edge of the city and drop some noise makers over the sides.”

  Rapp, “Yep, looks like we got a bit of a break. Let’s go check farther south.”

  They radio their recovered intelligence in and head back to ground level. Once in the vehicle they traverse the roadways south keeping a sharp eye out for any potential issues. The lack of life signs disturbs them. The fact that they haven’t seen a single human foreshadows the worst: every living person is now part of the massive crowd thundering towards home.

  They continue south and at each major roadway they stop and look. The results are always the same, the road is packed with bumbling steves ready to trample over whatever lies ahead of them. On the last road of their trip, W. Metairie, Fred catches their first glimpse of the battle.

  Fred points up, “Look at the rooftops. Looks like someone’s trying to fight back.”

  Ninja and Guard watch as two dozen people scour the rooftops, where they appear to have constructed makeshift bridges from one house to the next. As they run back and forth a few are carrying mob-style torches. Within minutes of steve closing in on the buildings it’s clear what the torches are for.

  Rapp, “They’re not really going to firebomb them are they? Haven’t they learned that’s a bad idea?”

, “Apparently not. There goes the first one.” They watch as a Molotov cocktail flips end over end through the air and is lost somewhere in the crowd. Smoke billows from the center of the first wave. Soon the air is alive with flying fireballs. For thirty minutes they watch an impressive volley of pyrotechnics plummet to the ground. Dozens of steves are now walking blazes as the dead nerve endings cannot inflict pain to force a halt in their march.

  Fred looks over to the building where the cocktails are being launched, “And they’re about to learn why burning them doesn’t work when they’re still walking.” A few dozen burning steves crash against the building and a few break through the windows. Smoke soon pours out of the doors and the people on the roof scamper around trapped by their own offensive actions. Before long the entire string of buildings is engulfed, Ninja and Guard watch until they can no longer see anyone on the rooftops.

  Rapp, “Well that didn’t go well.”

  Fitz, “But we may just learn something. Look at the steves not burning, they’re going towards the fire.”

  Fred, “Good news for the demo crews. If we create a distraction they’ll all head for it. Well, in theory anyway.”

  Rapp, “Sure looks like it. Alright let’s head back north to Vets and get back to Gateway.” He keys up the radio, “Recon to headquarters, we’re back en route to Gateway.”

  Marie, “Ten four.”

  On the return trip, they arrive at Veterans to see the sluggish mass has gotten considerably closer now that they can see it from ground level.

  Fitz, “Oh come on! Did they pick up the pace or what?”

  Rapp sighs heavily, “Looks like the countdown begins. Anyone wanna make a best guess on how long we have?”

  Fred, “Few hours... probably before sundown.”

  Fitz, “Time to get back.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Ninja and Guard return to the wall to another chorus of jeers and pointing fingers. They exit the Prius with their chests puffed and their middle fingers outstretched. Eager to share in the hazing even if just for a moment to forget the impending doom.

  Pops, “What’s the word guys?”

  Fitz, “Looks like they were right for the most part about path of least resistance. Didn’t see a whole lot on residential streets. There’s plenty but nothing considering the groups on the main roads.”

  Fred, “And the good news is they seem to enjoy fire and noise still. So the demo charges should, in theory, make a good distraction to lure steve in. Hopefully a few manual launch goodies should take out a good bit of them.”

  Cane, “And the bad news?”

  Rapp, “We’ve got ‘til sundown at the latest for them to get here.”

  Wyatt, “Fuck.”

  Beau, “Cane, isn’t that your truck?”

  Two-Six looks off down Williams Boulevard. Cane, “It sure the fuck is. What are they doing?”

  As the trucks pull up to Two-Six, they stand mouths agape at their wives standing in tactical gear, sporting long guns and sidearms. Most prevalent is the Two-Six orange Spartan helmet and crossed spears shining from each of their chests.

  Scarlett, “Thought you could use some help.”

  Cane, “Are you kidding me?! Absolutely not!”

  Scarlett gives Cane a well-known look of disapproval, “It’s not an option; we’re here to help.” She doesn’t give him the chance to argue, she looks at Pops, “There are six of us, and the rest are at Trey’s holding down the fort with the kids and the dogs. The troops are there to provide security. We’re able-bodied and willing. Give us a something to do.”

  The twelve members of Two-Six look to their female family members and pride swells within them threatening enough joy to lead them to tears. Here they are ready to take on the world side-by-side just as their varying wedding vows indicated: ‘til death do us part.’

  Pops, “Alrighty then. Ladies, welcome to the Two-Six.”

  Chief comes up with a look of concern, “Don’t tell me.”

  Scarlett, “Yessir, Two-Six has grown again. I believe that puts us at eighteen now.”

  Pops, “Now you won’t be on the front lines, since you haven’t been out here the whole time. You’ll be on supply for the staging areas, assist with the med trucks, and load mags for the distance shooters. You want to be on this Task Force, you follow my orders. I don’t want any belly-aching about it.”

  Abbey, “Yes sir, we won’t let you down.”

  Pops, “Good now get over here so we can figure out where you’re all going.”

  Cane catches Scarlett’s arm, “Dearest, you know this is a bad idea right?”

  Scarlett kisses him, “If I’m going to die, it’ll be with you by my side, even if we’re separated, at least I’ll be here fighting with you.”

  Cane winks, “I knew I loved you for a reason.” He swats her butt, “Now, go get set up, I’ll find you before and after. And watch your six.”

  Scarlett smiles, “I’ll probably be someplace safe, YOU watch YOUR six.”

  After short negotiations, Pops selects Marie and Tina to hitch a ride on a medical truck. Scarlett and Abbey will be with the distance shooters. Finally, Raquel and Mallory will be in control of a section of pre-set demo charges. After receiving their orders, they sit around and spend what could be their last hour together with the rest of the Task Force.

  Chief, “Alright, Two-Six, I’ve got everyone positioned where they need to be, everyone’s got their areas of operations, and they’re all on channel one. I think it’s time you get yourselves into position, we’ve got three hours ‘til sundown. As per usual, it’s going to be a long night.”

  Cane, “Come on, Chief, it’s just another day in paradise.”

  Pops on channel five, “Two-Six, Headquarters.”

  Mom, “Go ahead, honey.”

  “Nice to hear you on the radio. The final countdown is starting. We’re going over to channel one with everyone else. Stay safe.”

  “We’ll be fine. You guys be careful. We’ll be listening, good luck, we love you.”

  Everyone takes their turn wishing each other good luck and safety on channel five before switching to channel one.

  Chief, “I’ve got people stationed about two miles out on all four south side roadways. We should have a good heads up but get in position now so there’s little to no scrambling when the time comes.”

  Pops, “Roger that. Two-Six, time to go to work! Move out!”

  They say their ‘good-luck’ and ‘see you later’s to each other and head to their designated positions. All of Two-Six is coordinated mostly on Veterans Boulevard since it is the most open roadway with six lanes, a median, shoulders, sidewalks and businesses set far off the roadway.

  Thirty minutes passes in pure torturous anxiety. Forty-five minutes. Sixty minutes. Sixty-two minutes, and the radios crackle to life. Observer, “All units, all units, we’ve got eyes on. Approximately one mile and closing.” Seventy-three minutes, “They’re almost on top of us, we’re moving to the wall.”

  At ninety minutes, the approaching horde is in full effect.

  Chief, “Distance shooters, count us down. At six hundred meters, start firing.”

  Trey, “Ten four.... Two hundred meters to effective area.... One hundred meters.... fifty meters.... going hot.” And soon the streets are alive with the echoes of more than a few hundred various bolt-action, lever-action, and gas powered rifles exploding with their fierce riposte. With the introduction of the noise, the steves begin to search for the source.

  Trey, “They’re looking for us. They’re picking up the pace.”

  Chief, “Demo, at four hundred meters, detonate the vehicles at five. Copy?”

  Fred, “Roger, we’ll take ‘em down.”

  Pops, “Four hundred! Demo, ruin their nights!”

  The only response is the sound of two thunderous explosions sending debris into the air. The derelict cars flip twice in the air and crash to the ground, squashing a few dozen steves beneath them. The echo of explosions further
out around the city also meet their ears just a fraction of a second later.

  Pops, “Staging areas, at three hundred open up!”

  Beau, “Ten four.”

  Wade, “It’s working, they’re heading for the fires!”

  Pops, “Demo, if they turn back to Gateway, loose those handhelds.”

  Fred, “Ten four!”

  At three hundred meters, the steves encounter the wire traps. They soon entangle themselves and begin to funnel towards the median. Their bodies press in on the line of various assortments of wire. They slow the herd but only for a short time.

  Beau, “All staging areas, when they cross that line, fire at will!”

  The tree marking the two-hundred-seventy-five meter line is wrapped with explosives. As steve crosses the line with sixty abreast the staging areas fire indiscriminately. Hundreds of steves fall in the first few seconds. Bullets shred the air and eviscerate anything in their paths.

  At two hundred meters, the tree at two-seventy-five is detonated. The ten pounds of explosives annihilate the first wave. The shockwave alone is enough to level steves in a large radius.

  On the rooftops the distance shooters’ rifles continue to steadily fire into the crowd at any target of opportunity. Many ravagers are taken down due to their distinct appearance. Magazines and weapons are switched out, reloaded, fired, and the process begins again. The staging areas fire wildly into the crowd hoping for any effect. The demolition charges draw steve’s attention in a drastic way, giving the distance shooters easy targets.

  Before long, the first steve crashes into the wall. It moans staring at the defenders longingly. Cane clears the trunk of the car and silences the steve with a twelve gauge double-ought buck shot to the face. He disappears behind the car quickly, loading another cartridge into the tube, keeping it fully topped off for as long as he can manage.

  Without a definitive moment, the cacophony of gunfire soon mulls into one loud drawn out resonance of battle. Explosions dot the symphony like symbol clashes at the opportune moments. The sounds of cascading spent brass are the tinkling xylophones adding an almost cheerful impression. The snare drum auditory sensations of AR-15s are like a classic drum roll that never ceases. The crackle of mid- to long-range rifles are the bass drums. The air is electric with vibrations and the smell of gunpowder is so strong it threatens to overwhelm the defenders’ lungs. A certain echo facade can be detected as the same instrumental strain carries through the air from the rest of the city stretching the miles of the wall.


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