The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Augustan Age Tories in TLS 15 Nov 1928

  Author and Critic, unpublished talk to the Authors’ Club, 13 Apr 1955 (ts, King’s), rev. as The Frontiers of Criticism

  Autour d’une Traduction d’Euripide [Apropos of a Translation of Euripides], unpublished review in French (1916) of H.D.’s translation of choruses from Iphigenia in Aulis (1915) (ts, Berg)

  The Ballet in Criterion Apr 1925

  Baudelaire, as Introduction to Intimate Journals by Charles Baudelaire, tr. Christopher Isherwood (1930), and in Selected Essays

  “Baudelaire and the Symbolists” by Peter Quennell, review in Criterion Jan 1930

  Baudelaire in our Time in Dial May 1927 (as “Poet and Saint …”), and, slightly rev., in For Lancelot Andrewes (1928) and Essays Ancient and Modern (1936)

  The Beating of a Drum in Nation & Athenæum 6 Oct 1923

  Ben Jonson in TLS 13 Nov 1919 and in Selected Essays

  Bergson in Westminster Gazette 29 Sept 1916, repr. in Yeats Eliot Review Fall 1995

  Beyle and Balzac in Athenæum 30 May 1919

  The Bible as Scripture and as Literature, unpublished address, Dec 1932 (ts, Houghton)

  The Birds of Prey in Smith Academy Record Jan 1905

  Blake see William Blake

  The Borderline of Prose in New Statesman 19 May 1917

  Bradley’s “Ethical Studies” see Francis Herbert Bradley

  A Brief Introduction to the Method of Paul Valéry in Le Serpent (1924) with English tr. by Mark Wardle (1924)

  A Brief Treatise on the Criticism of Poetry in Chapbook Mar 1920

  Bubu of Montparnasse by Charles-Louis Philippe (Paris, 1932), Preface. Often repr. by other publishers.

  Byron in From Anne to Victoria ed. Bonamy Dobrée (1937) as Byron (1788–1824), and in On Poetry and Poets

  Can “Education” be Defined? see The Aims of Education

  The Cantos of Ezra Pound: Some Testimonies (1933), a paragraph, dated 1 Dec 1932

  Catholicism and International Order in Christendom Sept 1933, and in Essays Ancient and Modern (1936)

  Cause as Ideal Construction, unpublished paper for Josiah Royce’s seminar, Harvard, 17 Mar 1914 (ms, Houghton)

  Charles Péguy in New Statesman 7 Oct 1916

  Charles Whibley separately as Charles Whibley: A Memoir (1931), and in Selected Essays

  Charleston, Hey! Hey! in Nation & Athenæum 29 Jan 1927

  Chicago Round Table. U. Chicago Round Table No. 659, broadcast by NBC 12 Nov 1950. (Where the pamphlet paraphrases TSE’s text, the broadcast words are preferred.)

  Christ Church, Oxford, Speech replying to the Toast of “The Guests”, 23 June 1948, unpublished (ts, King’s)

  The Christian Conception of Education in Malvern, 1941: The Life of the Church and the Order of Society, Being the Proceedings of the Archbishop of York’s Conference (1942)

  The Christian in the Modern World, unpublished paper, 1935 (ts, Valerie Eliot collection)

  Christian News-Letter 14, 21, and 28 Aug 1940; 3 Sept 1941; 8 July 1942 (five entire issues by TSE)

  Christianity and Communism in Listener 16 Mar 1932

  Christianity and the Secular, unpublished paper for The Moot, 11 May 1944 (ts, New College, Edinburgh)

  Christopher Marlowe in Art & Letters Autumn 1919 (as Some Notes on the Blank Verse of Christopher Marlowe), in The Sacred Wood (as Notes on the Blank Verse of Christopher Marlowe), and Selected Essays

  The Church and Society, letter in NEW 21 Mar 1935

  The Church as Action, letter in NEW 9 Apr 1936

  The Church’s Message in Listener 17 Feb 1937 (as The Church’s Message to the World), repr. in Living Age Apr 1937 and as (untitled) Appendix to The Idea of a Christian Society

  Civilisation: The Nature of Cultural Relations in the Anglo-Swedish Society’s Friendship Progress Civilisation (1943)

  Classicism and Romanticism, letter in Dublin Review Apr 1931

  The Classics and the Man of Letters separately (1942), and in To Criticize the Critic

  Classics in English in Poetry Nov 1916

  Classification of Types of Objects unpublished paper for Josiah Royce’s seminar, Harvard, 5 May 1914 (ms, King’s)

  The Cocktail Party (1950)

  Collected Plays (1962)

  “The Collective Commonwealth and the Christian” by H. A. Hodges, unpublished response to a paper for The Moot, June 1944 (ts, King’s)

  The Comedy of Humours in Athenæum 14 Nov 1919

  A Commentary: 63 items in Criterion from Apr 1924 to Jan 1939

  A Commentary: two items in NEW 5 Oct 1939 and 5 Dec 1940. (For NEW commentaries with other titles see That Poetry is Made with Words and On Reading Official Reports.)

  Comments by T. S. Eliot on Michael Polanyi’s Notes on the Clerisy, unpublished paper for The Moot, 22 Nov 1944 (ts, New College, Edinburgh)

  Comments on Mannheim’s Letter, unpublished paper for The Moot, 24 Nov 1944 (tss, New College, Edinburgh; Keele U.)

  Comments on Middleton Murry’s Paper “Towards a Christian Theory of Society”, unpublished paper for The Moot, mid-1938 (ts, New College, Edinburgh)

  Comments on Papers by Mannheim and Hodges, unpublished paper for The Moot, early 1939 (ts, U. Leeds)

  Comments on T. H. Green, unpublished notes made at Harvard, c. 1914 (ms, King’s)

  Communication and Interpretation unpublished note for Josiah Royce’s seminar, Harvard, 16 Dec 1913 (ms, King’s)

  Concerning “Intuition” by Charles Mauron, tr. TSE, in Criterion Sept 1927

  The Confidential Clerk (1954)

  The Conflict between Aims see The Aims of Education

  “Conscience and Christ” by Hastings Rashdall, review in International Journal of Ethics Oct 1916

  Contemporanea in Egoist June/July 1918

  Contemporary English Literature (1890 to the Present Time), notes for a class on Joyce, given at Harvard with Theodore Spencer, 18 Apr 1933 (ts and ms, Harvard Archives)

  Contemporary French Poetry by Joseph Chiari (1952), Foreword

  Content, Objectivity and Existence, unpublished essay for Harold Joachim, 1914 (ms, Houghton)

  A Conversation, recorded in 1958, between T. S. Eliot and Leslie Paul in Kenyon Review Winter [1964/]1965 and Listener 11 Sept 1969. Recorded for the BBC.

  “Cosima Wagner” by Count Richard du Moulin Eckart (Knopf, 1930), reader’s report, 19 May 1930

  Creative Criticism in TLS 12 Aug 1926

  Cultural Diversity and European Unity in Review—45 Summer 1945

  Cultural Forces in the Human Order in Prospect for Christendom ed. Maurice B. Reckitt [1945]; a draft of ch. I of Notes towards the Definition of Culture

  Culture and Anarchy (on Julien Benda) in TLS 23 Feb 1928

  Cyril Tourneur in TLS 13 Nov 1930 and in Selected Essays

  D. H. Lawrence, a letter in reply to E. M. Forster in Nation & Athenæum 5 Apr 1930, repr. in P. N. Furbank in The Times 28 Dec 1968, and in Furbank’s E. M. Forster II (1978)

  Dainty Devices in TLS 19 Apr 1928

  Dante in Athenæum 2 Apr 1920 (as Dante as a Spiritual Leader), and in The Sacred Wood

  Dante separately (1929), and in Selected Essays

  The Dark Side of the Moon (1946), anonymous [Zoë Zajdlerowa], Preface by TSE

  The Defects of Kipling, essay for Charles Townsend Copeland, Harvard, Mar 1909, partly printed in J. Donald Adams, Copey of Harvard (1960). Printed complete in EinC Jan 2001.

  Definition and Judgment in Bradley and His Critics, unpublished essay for Harold Joachim, Oxford, 1914 (ts, Houghton)

  Degrees of Reality, unpublished Harvard philosophy essay, 1913 (ms, King’s)

  Descent into Hell by Charles Williams, reader’s report, 25 Jan 1937

  Description and Explanation, unpublished note for Josiah Royce’s seminar, Harvard, 24 Feb 1914 (ms, King’s)

  The Development of Leibniz’s Monadism in Monist Oct 1916 and in Knowledge and Experience

  The Development of Shakespeare’s Verse, a l
ecture in two parts delivered at Edinburgh U., 27–28 Oct 1937 as Shakespeare as Poet and Dramatist (ts, Houghton); slightly rev. and delivered at Bristol U., Oct 1941 (ts, King’s); extensively rev. and delivered in Germany, Oct/Nov 1949 (printed as Shakespeares Verskunst in Der Monat May 1950 and repr. in Der Vers: Vier Essays, 1952). Delivered once more at U. Wisconsin, 13 Nov 1950 (ts, Valerie Eliot collection; recording from broadcast, U. Chicago).

  The Devotional Poets of the Seventeenth Century in Listener 26 Mar 1930

  A Dialogue on Dramatic Poetry in Of Dramatick Poesie by John Dryden (1928), as A Dialogue on Poetic Drama, and Selected Essays

  A Diary of the Rive Gauche I and II, by “Fanny Marlow” in Criterion Jan and Apr 1925

  Diderot in New Statesman 17 Mar 1917

  Donne in Our Time in A Garland for John Donne ed. Theodore Spencer (1931)

  Dowson’s Poems, letter in TLS 10 Jan 1935, repr. in T. S. Eliot: Homage from India ed. P. Lal (1965)

  Dramatis Personæ in Criterion Apr 1923

  “A Dream within a Dream” in Listener 25 Feb 1943

  Dryden the Critic in Listener 29 Apr 1931 (as John Dryden—III. The Critic, Defender of Sanity) and in John Dryden: The Poet, The Dramatist, The Critic: Three Essays (1932)

  Dryden the Dramatist in Listener 22 Apr 1931 (as John Dryden—II. The Dramatist) and in John Dryden: The Poet, The Dramatist, The Critic: Three Essays (1932)

  Dryden the Poet in Listener 15 Apr 1931 (as John Dryden—I. The Poet Who Gave the English Speech) and in John Dryden: The Poet, The Dramatist, The Critic: Three Essays (1932)

  “The Duchess of Malfi” at the Lyric: and Poetic Drama in Art & Letters Winter 1919/20

  “The Duchess of Malfy” in Listener 18 Dec 1941

  Durkheim in Westminster Gazette 17 Aug 1916, and Saturday Westminster Gazette 19 Aug 1916; repr. by Louis Menand and Sanford Schwartz in Modern Philology Feb 1982

  The Early Novel in TLS 25 July 1929

  “Education for Peace” by Herbert Read, reader’s report, Sept 1948

  Education in a Christian Society, letter in Christian News-Letter 13 Mar 1940 (supplement)

  Eeldrop and Appleplex I & II in Little Review May and Sept 1917. Together in The Little Review Anthology ed. Margaret Anderson (1953), and in pamphlet form 1992

  “Egoists” by James Huneker, review in Harvard Advocate 5 Oct 1909

  Ein Gespräch mit T. S. Eliot, interview with Werner Koch, Der Monat Feb 1964

  The Elder Statesman (1959)

  “The Elementary Forms of Religious Life” by Emile Durkheim (tr. J. W. Swain), review in Monist Jan 1918

  “Elements of Folk Psychology” by Wilhelm Wundt, review in Monist Jan 1918

  Eliot on Eliot: “I feel younger than I did at 60”, interview by Henry Hewes, Saturday Review of Literature 13 Sept 1958, repr. Clarke

  Elizabeth and Essex in TLS 6 Dec 1928

  Elizabethan Dramatists (1963), see Elizabethan Essays (1934)

  Elizabethan Essays (1934), rev. ed. (US) 1936, and again slightly rev. as Elizabethan Dramatists (1963)

  English Poetry by Leone Vivante (Faber, 1950), Preface

  English Poets as Letter Writers unpublished lecture at Yale, 23 Feb 1933, reported with quotations in Yale Daily News 24 Feb 1933. Further quoted by Matthiessen 89–90.

  Epigrams of an English Courtier in TLS 17 Feb 1927 (on Sir John Harington)

  Essays Ancient and Modern (1936)

  The Ethics of Green and Sidgwick, unpublished essay for Ralph Barton Perry, Harvard, 1914 (mixed ts and ms, Houghton)

  Euripides and Professor Murray in Art & Letters Spring 1920 (as Euripides and Gilbert Murray: A Performance at the Holborn Empire), and in The Sacred Wood and Selected Essays

  Excerpts from Lectures 1932–1933, Henry Eliot, “Excerpts from Manuscripts of Various Lectures given by T. S. Eliot in America, 1932–1933, which T. S. E. allowed me to read while we were at Randolph, N. H. in June 1933” (ts, Valerie Eliot collection).

  Extract from a letter from T. S. Eliot, unpublished contribution to The Moot, 20 Dec 1942 (ts, New College, Edinburgh)

  Extracts from Letters from T. S. Eliot, unpublished contribution to The Moot, 6 Sept 1943 (ts, New College, Edinburgh)

  “Extraits d’un Journal: 1908–1928” by Charles du Bos, review in Criterion July 1929

  Ezra Pound in Poetry Sept 1946, NEW 31 Oct 1946 and, with new postscript, in Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays ed. Peter Russell (1950)

  Ezra Pound at Seventy, a short statement in this pamphlet (New Directions, [1956])

  Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry separately (“1917” = 1918), and in To Criticize the Critic

  The Family Reunion (1939)

  Fête Galante by “Fanny Marlow” in Criterion July 1925

  The Film of “Murder in the Cathedral” by T. S. Eliot and George Hoellering (1952)

  Fishermen of the Banks by James B. Connolly (Faber, 1928), Publishers’ Preface

  For Lancelot Andrewes (1928)

  Foreign Exchanges, monthly reports in Lloyds Bank Monthly July 1923 to Nov 1925

  Four Elizabethan Dramatists in Criterion Feb 1924 and Selected Essays

  Francis Herbert Bradley in TLS 29 Dec 1927 (as Bradley’s “Ethical Studies”), and in For Lancelot Andrewes (1928), Essays Ancient and Modern (1936) and Selected Essays

  From a Distinguished Former St. Louisan, profile by M. W. Childs quoting a letter from TSE, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5 Oct 1930

  From Mary to You, commemoration of the centennial of the Mary Institute, St. Louis, containing an address (1959)

  From Poe to Valéry separately (1948), and in Hudson Review Autumn 1949 and To Criticize the Critic

  The Frontiers of Criticism in Minneapolis Morning Tribune 1 May 1956, Sewanee Review Autumn 1956, separately (Minneapolis, 1956), and in On Poetry and Poets

  Full Employment and the Responsibility of Christians by “Metoikos” in Christian News-Letter 21 Mar 1945

  The Function of Criticism in Criterion Oct 1923 and Selected Essays

  The Future of Poetic Drama in Drama Oct 1938

  A Game at Chesse, review of Middleton’s A Game at Chesse ed. R. C. Bald, in TLS 23 Jan 1930

  The Genesis of Philosophic Prose: Bacon and Hooker in Listener 26 June 1929

  Gentlemen and Seamen in Harvard Advocate 25 May 1909

  Geoffrey Faber 1889–1961 (1961)

  George Herbert (1962)

  Goethe as the Sage in Gedenkschrift zur Verleihung des Hansischen Goethe-Preises 1954 [Aug 1955]; repr. On Poetry and Poets

  Gordon Craig’s Socratic Dialogues in Drama Spring 1955

  Grammar and Usage in Criterion Jan 1927

  Grantite Review, interview in Grantite Review Election [Apr–July] 1962

  The Great Layman, review of H. F. Stewart’s The Secret of Pascal, in Cambridge Review 29 Nov 1941

  “The Greater Trumps” by Charles Williams (1954), jacket material

  Hamlet in Athenæum 26 Sept 1919 and The Sacred Wood (both as Hamlet and His Problems), and Selected Essays

  Harold Monro, Critical Note in Collected Poems of Harold Monro ed. Alida Monro (1933)

  Harvard index cards: 60 annotated cards listing over ninety titles of articles and books (unpublished, Houghton), described by Crawford 72 and “safely assigned to 1914” by Grover Smith 1998

  The Hawthorne Aspect in Little Review Aug 1918, repr. in The Shock of Recognition ed. Edmund Wilson (1943, as Henry James II: The Hawthorne Aspect) and in The Question of Henry James ed. F. O. Matthiessen (1945)

  Homage to John Dryden (1924)

  Homage to Wilkie Collins in Criterion Jan 1927

  Hommage à Charles Maurras in Aspects de la France et du Monde, 25 Apr 1948

  Housman on Poetry, review of The Name and Nature of Poetry by A. E. Housman, in Criterion Oct 1933

  How to Prepare a Salad, lighthearted recipe, in a letter to Enid Faber 11 Aug 1936

  The Humanism of Irving Babbitt in Forum July 1928, For Lancelot Andrewes (1928) and Selected

  The Idea of a Christian Society (1939)

  The Idea of a European Society, a BBC Foreign Service broadcast; published in an anonymous German tr. 1950 but never in English (ts, King’s)

  The Idea of a Literary Review in Criterion Jan 1926

  The Idealism of Julien Benda in Cambridge Review 6 June 1928

  If I were a Dean in Chichester Diocesan Gazette May 1931

  In Memoriam in Essays Ancient and Modern (1936), repr. in Poems of Tennyson (1936, as Introduction) and in Selected Essays (3rd ed, 1951)

  In Memoriam: Marie Lloyd see Marie Lloyd

  In Memory of Henry James in Egoist Jan 1918, Little Review Aug 1918 (as In Memory), and The Shock of Recognition ed. Edmund Wilson (1943, as Henry James I: In Memory) and in The Question of Henry James ed. F. O. Matthiessen (1945)

  In Parenthesis by David Jones (1961 ed.), A Note of Introduction

  Inconsistencies in Bergson’s Idealism, unpublished paper for the Harvard Philosophical Club, 1913 (ms, Houghton)

  The Influence of Landscape upon the Poet in Daedalus Spring 1960

  Inoubliable France by Alice Jahier (1944), introductory note “To the Reader”

  The Interpretation of Primitive Ritual, paper for Josiah Royce’s seminar, Harvard, 9 Dec 1913 (ms, King’s). Substantially quoted in T. S. Eliot’s Intellectual and Poetic Development by Piers Gray (1982).

  The Interrelation of Aims see The Aims of Education

  Introduction to Goethe in Nation & Athenæum 12 Jan 1929

  Irving Babbitt, a memoir in Irving Babbitt: Man and Teacher ed. Frederick Manchester (1941)

  Isolated Superiority in Dial Jan 1928

  Israfel in Nation & Athenæum 21 May 1927

  The Issue of Religion see The Aims of Education

  An Italian Critic on Donne and Crashaw in TLS 17 Dec 1925

  James Joyce 1882–1941, ICA exhibition catalogue (1949)

  John Bramhall in Theology July 1927 (as Archbishop Bramhall), For Lancelot Andrewes (1928), and Selected Essays

  John Davidson, Preface to John Davidson: A Selection of His Poems ed. Maurice Lindsay (1961)

  John Donne, review of the Nonesuch Donne, ed. John Hayward, in Nation & Athenæum 9 June 1923


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