The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I Page 194

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Revelation ed. John Baillie and Hugh Martin (Faber, 1937), untitled introductory essay

  “Rhetoric” and Poetic Drama in Athenæum 25 July 1919 (as Whether Rostand Had Something About Him), and in Selected Essays

  Rhyme and Reason: The Poetry of John Donne in Listener 19 Mar 1930

  Richard Edwards in TLS 8 Sept 1927

  The Rock: A Pageant Play written for Performance at Sadler’s Wells Theatre · · · Book of Words (1934)

  A Romantic Aristocrat in Athenæum 2 May 1919 (as A Romantic Patrician), and in The Sacred Wood

  The Romantic Englishman, the Comic Spirit, and the Function of Criticism in Tyro [Spring 1921]

  A Romantic Patrician see A Romantic Aristocrat

  Royal Academy Speech, Replying to the Toast of “The Guests”, 1960, unpublished (two tss, Valerie Eliot collection)

  Rudyard Kipling in A Choice of Kipling’s Verse ed. TSE (1941) and On Poetry and Poets

  The Sacred Wood (1920), repr. with new Preface in 1928

  Savonarola by Charlotte Eliot (Cobden-Sanderson, [1926]), Introduction

  A Sceptical Patrician in Athenæum 23 May 1919

  Scylla and Charybdis (wr. Feb 1952) in Agenda Spring–Summer 1985 (“T. S. Eliot Special Issue”)

  The Search for Moral Sanction in Listener 30 Mar 1932

  Second Thoughts about Humanism in New Adelphi June/Aug 1929 (as Second Thoughts on Humanism), Hound & Horn July/Sept 1929 and Selected Essays

  Selected Essays (1932), unrev. 2nd ed. (1934) followed by successive expansions in 2nd US ed. (1950) and 3rd British ed. (1951)

  Selected Poems of Ezra Pound (1928), Introduction

  Selected Poems of Ezra Pound (1928, new ed. 1949), Postscript

  Selected Poems of Marianne Moore (1935), Introduction

  Selected Prose ed. John Hayward (1953)

  Seneca in Elizabethan Translation, as Introduction to Seneca His Tenne Tragedies ed. Charles Whibley (1927) and in Selected Essays

  A Sermon Preached in Magdalene College Chapel (1948)

  Seventeenth-Century Preachers in TLS 2 Aug 1928

  Shakespeare and Montaigne in TLS 24 Dec 1925

  Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca separately (1927), and in Selected Essays

  Shakespeare as Poet and Dramatist, see The Development of Shakespeare’s Verse (1937)

  Shakespearian Criticism I: From Dryden to Coleridge in A Companion to Shakespeare Studies ed. Harley Granville-Barker and G. B. Harrison (1934)

  Shelley and Keats in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism

  Short Reviews (of Alan Seeger, Guy Rawlence, Joseph Campbell, Edward Thomas) in Egoist Dec 1917

  The Silurist in Dial Sept 1927

  The Silver Bough, letter in Sunday Times 6 Apr 1958

  Sir John Davies in TLS 9 Dec 1926 and On Poetry and Poets

  Sir John Denham in TLS 5 July 1928

  Skeleton for a book on Contemporary Poetry by Martin Gilkes, a report, 1938 (ts, Faber archive)

  The Social Function of Poetry in Norseman Nov 1943, Adelphi July/Sept 1945 and On Poetry and Poets

  Some Notes on the Blank Verse of Christopher Marlowe see Christopher Marlowe

  Some Thoughts on Braille in New Beacon 15 Aug 1952, repr. with minor revisions in Books: The Journal of the National Book League Sept 1952

  “Son of Woman: The Story of D. H. Lawrence” by John Middleton Murry, review in Criterion July 1931

  “The Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti” tr. Ezra Pound, reader’s report, 6 Sept 1927

  The Soul of a Poet, interview, The Star, 24 Feb 1938

  The Sources of Chapman in TLS 10 Feb 1927

  Speech at Aix-en-Provence, 6 Dec 1947 (ts, King’s)

  The Spoken Word in Festival of Britain 1951: London Season of the Arts (1951)

  The Spoken Word, recorded address, printed in programme of the Royal Court Theatre’s “Third Programme” Entertainment, 29 Sept 1957

  Strindberg (1949), untitled and unpublished address to the Anglo-Swedish Society, 1 Feb 1949, typed on the versos of two copies of the programme (ts, Valerie Eliot collection)

  Studies in Contemporary Criticism I and II respectively in Egoist Oct 1918 and Nov/Dec 1918

  “The Study of Religions” by Stanley A. Cook, review in Monist July 1917

  Style and Thought in Nation 23 Mar 1918

  Suggestions toward a Theory of Objects, unpublished paper for Josiah Royce’s seminar, Harvard, 5 May 1914 (ts, Houghton)

  Swinburne as Critic in Athenæum 19 Sept 1919 (as Swinburne and the Elizabethans) and The Sacred Wood

  Swinburne as Poet in Athenæum 16 Jan 1920 (as Swinburne), The Sacred Wood and Selected Essays

  Syllabus: Elizabethan Literature (Southall) University of London Extension Board (1918) separately, and then in Schuchard (45–49)

  Syllabus: Modern English Literature (Southall) University of London Extension Board (1916) separately, and then in Schuchard (32–39)

  Syllabus: Modern English Literature: Second Year’s Work (Southall) University of London Extension Board (1917) separately, and then in Schuchard (41–44)

  Syllabus: Modern French Literature (Ilkley) Oxford University Extension Lectures (1916), separately and in Moody (facsimile, 41–49) and Schuchard (26–32)

  Syllabus: Victorian Literature (Sydenham) London County Council (1917) separately, and then in Schuchard (39–41)

  Symbolisme from Poe to Mallarmé by Joseph Chiari (1956), Preface

  T. S. Eliot Answers Questions, interview with Ranjee Shahani, John O’London’s Weekly 19 Aug 1949; repr. in T. S. Eliot: Homage from India ed. P. Lal (1965)

  T. S. Eliot on Poetry in Wartime in Common Sense (NY) Oct 1942

  T. S. Eliot Sets his Audience Baffling Puzzle in Lecture, report of a lecture 24 Feb 1933 in Smith College Weekly 1 Mar 1933

  T. S. Eliot Talks about Himself and the Drive to Create, interview with John Lehmann in The New York Times 29 Nov 1953

  T. S. Eliot Talks about His Poetry in Columbia University Forum Fall 1958

  A Tale of a Whale in Smith Academy Record Apr 1905

  Talk on Dante see What Dante Means to Me

  Talking Freely, interview by Tom Greenwell in Yorkshire Post 29 Aug 1961 and in The Bed Post ed. Kenneth Young (1962)

  That Poetry is Made with Words, commentary in NEW 27 Apr 1939

  Thé Dansant (A fragment) by “Feiron Morris” in Criterion Oct 1924

  The Theology of Economics, letter in NEW 29 Mar 1934

  Thinking in Verse: A Survey of Early Seventeenth Century Poetry in Listener 12 Mar 1930

  This American World by Edgar Ansel Mowrer (1928), Preface

  Thomas Heywood in TLS 30 July 1931 and in Selected Essays

  Thomas Middleton in TLS 30 June 1927, For Lancelot Andrewes (1928) and Selected Essays

  “Those Who Need Privacy and Those Whose Need is Company” in Cecil Houses 23rd Report (1950–51)

  Thought and Reality in Aristotle’s “Metaphysics”, unpublished essay for Harold Joachim, Oxford, 1915 (ms, Houghton)

  Thoughts After Lambeth separately (1931), and in Selected Essays

  Thoughts for Meditation ed. N. Gangulee (1951), Preface

  Three Reformers in TLS 8 Nov 1928

  The Three Voices of Poetry separately (1953), and in On Poetry and Poets

  “The Timeless Moment” by Warner Allen (1946), jacket material

  To Criticize the Critic, lecture from 1961, in To Criticize the Critic (1965)

  “Totem: The Exploitation of Youth” by Harold Stovin, review in Criterion Jan 1936

  Tourneur and “The Revenger’s Tragedy”, letter in TLS 1 Jan 1931

  Towards a Christian Britain in Listener 10 Apr 1941

  Tradition and the Individual Talent I and II–III, respectively in Egoist Sept 1919 and [Nov/]Dec 1919, and collected in The Sacred Wood and Selected Essays

  Tradition and the Practice of Poetry, lecture delivered University College, Dublin, 23 Jan 1936; pub Southern Review Autumn 1985

>   Transit of Venus: Poems by Harry Crosby (1931), Preface

  A Tribute to Wilfred Owen, contribution to a privately printed magazine (1964)

  Truth and Propaganda, letter in NEW 14 Sept 1939

  TSE’s books: Bodleian list (1934), typed at around the time of his separation from Vivien Eliot (Bodleian MS Eng. lett. b. 20)

  The Tudor Translators in Listener 12 June 1929

  “Two Essays” by James Smith, reader’s report (1926) (ts, Cambridge University Library)

  Two Studies in Dante in TLS 11 Oct 1928

  Types of English Religious Verse (1939), unpublished lecture (ts, King’s)

  “Ulysses”, Order and Myth in Dial Nov 1923

  Unesco and Its Aims, letter in The Times 17 Oct 1947

  The Unfading Genius of Rudyard Kipling in Kipling Journal Mar 1959 and Kipling and the Critics ed. Elliot L. Gilbert (1965)

  The Unity of European Writers unpublished article (1944) (ts, Valerie Eliot collection)

  The Use of Poetry, letter in reply to Pound in NEW 14 June 1934

  The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism (1933)

  The Validity of Artificial Distinctions, essay for Harold Joachim, Oxford, 1914, published TLS 20 May 2014

  The Value and Use of Cathedrals in England Today (1951)

  The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry: The Clark Lectures at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1926 and The Turnbull Lectures at Johns Hopkins University, 1933 ed. Ronald Schuchard, 1993

  Vers un Nouveau Prophetisme [Toward a New Prophetism] by Raymond Abellio, reader’s report, 17 Jan 1955

  Verse Pleasant and Unpleasant in Egoist Mar 1918

  Views and Reviews: ten items in NEW 6 June 1935 to 13 Jan 1949

  Virgil and the Christian World in Listener 13 Sept 1951 and Sewanee Review Jan/Mar 1953 (both with the spelling “Vergil”), and in On Poetry and Poets

  “The Voice of His Time”: T. S. Eliot on Tennyson’s “In Memoriam” in Listener 12 Feb 1942

  “Vulgar, Trivial, Pedantic …”, on the language of the New English Bible in Sunday Telegraph 16 Dec 1962

  Walt Whitman and Modern Poetry, unpublished address to the Churchill Club, 1944, as recorded in Gallup (1985)

  Wanley and Chapman in TLS 31 Dec 1925

  War, letter in Nation 23 June 1917

  What Dante Means to Me in Italian News July 1950 (as Talk on Dante), and in To Criticize the Critic

  What France Means to You, untitled contribution, printed in French, to La France Libre 15 June 1944

  What is a Classic? separately (1945), and in On Poetry and Poets

  What is Minor Poetry? in Welsh Review (Dec 1944) and in On Poetry and Poets

  The Wheel of Fire by G. Wilson Knight (1930), Introduction

  Whether Rostand Had Something about Him see “Rhetoric” and Poetic Drama

  “The White Goddess” by Robert Graves (1948), jacket material

  Whitman and Tennyson in Nation & Athenæum 18 Dec 1926

  Who’s Who in Broadcasting 1933, autobiographical entry in reference work ed. Sydney A. Moseley (1933)

  Why Mr. Russell Is a Christian in Criterion Aug 1927

  Why Rural Verse in Nation (NY) 15 Apr 1925

  Wilkie Collins and Dickens in TLS 4 Aug 1927, repr. as Introduction to Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone (1928) and in Selected Essays

  William Blake in Athenæum 13 Feb 1920 (as The Naked Man), The Sacred Wood (as Blake), and Selected Essays

  William James on Immortality in New Statesman 8 Sept 1917

  Wordsworth and Coleridge in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism

  “The World as Imagination” by Edward Douglas Fawcett, review in International Journal of Ethics July 1918

  The Writer as Artist, discussion between TSE and Desmond Hawkins, in Listener 28 Nov 1940

  Wyndham Lewis in Hudson Review Summer 1957

  Yeats in Purpose July/Dec 1940 (as The Poetry of W. B. Yeats), Selected Prose (1953) and On Poetry and Poets

  Index to the Editorial Material

  TSE’s correspondents, the authors of quotations used illustratively, and place names are included only selectively. Other than those who were close to TSE, scholars of his work are not listed. Titles appear under their authors, or under “anonymous works” or “anthologies”. When citing Volume II, the page reference (or run of references ending with a semi-colon) is prefixed by II. TSE’s own prose writings are listed in the Index of Identifying Titles.

  A.B.C.’s: “endemic teashop” 515–16

  Abbott, Lyman: The Outlook 1131

  Absolute, the: 449–50, 1148

  Acton, Philip: Easter 475

  Adams, Henry: The Education of Henry Adams 388–89, 396, 476, 485, 739, 938, 967, 1086, 1162, 1173

  Addison, Joseph and Richard Steele: The Spectator 517

  Aeschylus: 1032; Agamemnon 541, 545–46, 552, 806

  Aiken, Conrad: 402, 548, 573, 706, 1161; publication of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 364–65, 374;

  on Bergson 481;

  “Silk Hat Harry” 597;

  “tangled in himself” 1162;

  Bolo verses II 250–53;

  The Jig of Forslin 632, 665, 697, 764, 779, 826;

  Prelude for Memnon 971;

  Senlin 750;

  Ushant 397, 1104

  Alain-Fournier: “friend and tutor” 374, 458

  Alcman: 602

  Aldington, Richard: “don’t much like Christ” 475–76; on Tailhade 787;

  Images 620;

  Life for Life’s Sake 510;

  Stepping Heavenward 846

  Allingham, William: Diary 414; The Lover and Birds 854–58

  allusion: 401, 1012; in The Waste Land and The Cantos 580;

  “meant him to recognize it, and know that he would have missed the point if he did not recognize it” 614;

  bringing the past into the present 619;

  in a title 868;

  “the reader who was ignorant of the original meaning of ‘vanitas’ might be ignored” 995;

  “If readers recognize the source, so much the better” 1021

  Anderson, Sherwood: Dark Laughter 963

  Andrewes, Lancelot: 704, 947–48, 984, 986; as ritualist 672;

  “Signs are taken for wonders” 474, 936, 939;

  “Christ is no wild-cat” 475;

  “hypocrite’s Amen” 532;

  “dead body to shoot forth” 618;

  “turn again” 734;

  “Verbum infans” 751, 931;

  “A cold coming they had of it” 760–61;

  “time present” 908;

  like “listening to a great Hellenist expounding a text of the Posterior Analytics” 1022

  SERMONS: Ash-Wednesday: (1602) 734; (1619) 734, 737–38, 908, 1024; (1622) 532;

  Christmas: (1606) 737;

  (1610) 912;

  (1611) 474, 751, 928, 931;

  (1618) 474, 939;

  (1620) 761;

  (1622) 475, 760–61, 764;

  (1623) 765

  anonymous works: La Chanson de Roland II 259; The Cloud of Unknowing 738, 908, 997, 1031, 1042–43, 1215;

  If all the world were paper 542;

  “When will the fountain of my tears be dry?” 839.

  See also Bhagavad-Gita, Pervigilium Veneris

  anthologies: and The Waste Land 571; and Ash-Wednesday 727–28;

  and Four Quartets 887, 1046;

  Catholic Anthology (ed. Pound) 366, 373, 400, 426–27, 632, II 252;

  The Faber Book of Modern Verse (ed. Roberts) 571, 728, 816, 899

  (revision by Anne Ridler), 1224;

  Poètes d’aujourd’hui 361, 422, 718, 1095, 1101, 1104, 1106, 1147, 1174.

  See also Merrill, Stuart, Pastels in Prose; Ridler, Anne, A Little Book of Modern Verse

  Apollinaire, Guillaume: La Chanson du Mal-Aimé 1106, 1116, 1129; Les Colchiques 1106;

  J’ai eu le courage 1091;

  Les Mamelles de Tiresias 663;

  Marizibill 472;

rcure de France 630

  Apuleius: The Golden Ass 622

  Aquinas, Thomas: “behind Dante” 707; “mysticism” 923

  Archer, William: The Green Goddess 506

  Archimedes: 540

  Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso 496

  Aristophanes: 816; TSE “Trying to read” 553–54;

  influences Sweeney Agonistes 784–87, 791–92, 802–803, 806;

  phallic sausage 824

  Aristotle: 390, 718, 1085; De Anima 481, 618, 704, 916;

  Historia Animalium 504;

  Metaphysics 869, 923;

  Rhetoric 974

  Arnold, Edwin: The Light of Asia 669, 1135, 1137, 1146

  Arnold, Matthew: 383, 432–33, 532, 754; The Buried Life 407, 412;

  Byron 737;

  Culture and Anarchy 536, 1035;

  Dover Beach 703, 1094, II 223;

  Empedocles on Etna 980;

  Essays in Criticism 940–41, 1035;

  The Forsaken Merman 398, 421;

  Isolation 639;

  On Translating Homer 1089;

  Philomela 629;

  The Progress of Poesy 1170;

  Requiescat 1202;

  The Scholar-Gipsy 629, 736, II 58, 222;

  Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse 662, 1020;

  The Strayed Reveller 1136;

  Thyrsis 1000

  Asquith, H. H.: II 156

  Astafieva, Serafima: 532

  astrology: Witchcraft Act 613; “To communicate with Mars” 982–83

  astronomy: 1118; “bores me” 474;

  “insignificance of vast space” 1093;

  Burnt Norton 916;

  East Coker 936–37;

  Sweeney Among the Nightingales 543, 620

  Auden, W. H.: 953, II 216; “modern-seeming graces of homosexuality” 1223;

  TSE as practical joker II 39;

  asks TSE about playing patience II 213;

  The Dance of Death 790, 803–804;


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