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The Relics- The Keystone Trilogy - Part 1

Page 23

by Michael K. Damron

  “You sensed something different about it?” said John, looking skeptical at the explanation.

  “It’s hard to explain. I suppose it all boiled down to trusting my intuition.”

  “And which of the other Searchers or lab researchers know about this?”

  “None, sir,” said Alexie.

  “Good. I don’t want too many people to know what you just unveiled to me. Sometimes it’s hard to know who to trust. Although, I don’t like the fact you stole this notebook from the research lab.”

  Alexie remained quiet, breathing a shallow sigh of relief when it seemed that John wouldn’t dig deeper and find out about Jack knowing or harboring other similar notebooks of interest.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I just wanted to see if my hunch was right. Who should we tell first about the morphacite ink?”

  “Only you and Richard, for the time being. He’s already upstairs trying to choose the upcoming sites for us to visit,” said John. He held the notebook in his hand with a newfound reverence. “This thing might be what turns the tide for us. It could be the advantage we’ve been looking for. Follow me upstairs so you can show him what you showed me. It may be advantageous to have you included in the discussion when we choose the next site to travel to.”

  “Um, yeah. Sounds good!”

  As they were about to head upstairs, Ferra, Garnet, and Jack walked in the kitchen for breakfast.

  “Looks like I was wrong when I thought we’d be the first ones here,” said Garnet.

  “We were just leaving,” said John. “Be sure to have a hearty meal. I’ve got a good feeling about the sites we’ll be travelling to soon.”

  “It sounds like you’ve already picked them out,” said Jack, his eyes shifting from John to Alexie.

  “Well, there’s a few more things to now consider. But don’t worry, I still believe there’s a good chance everyone will have a successful excavation.”

  John began to exit the room, Alexie following close behind.

  So I’m guessing you told him, said Jack, linking with Alexie as she moved out of eyeshot. Did he suspect anything was off about what you said you discovered?

  Nope. Everything’s going to plan, just like I thought it would.

  I’m still getting a bad feeling about John knowing. I don’t like it.

  Well, he seemed to be excited at the idea of getting a leg up on the rogues, said Alexie. I think it’s going to help us more than hurt us.

  Are you having to go with John because he wants to further investigate how you found the notebook’s secret?

  Geez, Jack, will you take a chill pill? He wants me to show Richard the notebook and help them determine the best sites to go to next. Look, we’re about to enter the room where Richard is, so I can’t talk anymore. Be sure to relax. I’ll see you later.

  Alexie hastily broke the telepathic link with Jack. He wasn’t sure how the new intelligence she provided would influence the coming missions, but he hoped nothing bad would come of it. Butch soon entered the kitchen with Marcel, ready to start the day with a decent meal.

  “You look kind of brain dead, Jack. Are you still in there?” said Butch, waving his hand in front of Jack’s face.

  “Oh . . . my bad. Yeah, I may be a bit sleep-deprived.”

  “C’mon, then. Let’s get some food in you before we’re sent out on our next adventure.”

  Butch put his arm around Jack and guided him to a spread of various breakfast foods, handing him a plate to fill.

  “Ah, John, I believe I’ve found some good leads for our next excavations,” said Richard.

  “I’m sure you’ve done a great job, Rich, but I think we may have an ace in the hole here. I’ve asked Alexie to join us because there’s something she has discovered you should see. Alexie, if you please,” he said, motioning for her to step forward.

  She placed the notebook in front of Richard and opened it to one of the pages of interest. After he observed the drawn image change into text, he looked dumbfounded.

  “H-how did you do that? Wait, is . . . is the ink on the page morphacite!”

  “That’s right,” said Alexie. “I found out about this by random chance. What it seems to be is a thin layer of morphacite acing as the writing medium. The moment I try to alter the initial image on the page, it changes to an anchored secondary state that I can’t modify or transform in any way. The morphacite can only go back and forth between the two configurations.”

  “Oh, my. This is absolutely groundbreaking. I’ve never seen anything like it before, have you John?”

  “No, it’s a first for me too.”

  “The secondary state you unveiled on the page, it looks like . . . it is, isn’t it? It’s an outline and geographical location of a relic site.”

  “Yes,” said Alexie. “That’s what it appears to be. The first thirty pages or so of the notebook have an ‘X’ written in the top corner with actual ink. Some of the sites written about on these pages are the ones we visited and discovered the rogues had already stripped the area.”

  “And the remaining pages are free of that mark?” said Richard.

  “They are. Which means, I believe, they likely haven’t been pillaged by the rogues yet. I think if we focus our efforts on the sites from the notebook without an ‘X’ on the page, we’ll be able to excavate any undiscovered relics before they’re stolen by the enemy.”

  “This is great work, Alexie,” said John. “Rich, let’s see which of the remaining, untapped sites in this notebook we already have a warp crystal for. Then we’ll make a decision on the next two or three to travel to. It’s time to level the playing field and use this to our advantage.”

  Jack was meditating in one of the corners of the first floor’s common area as Bridgett and Ferra played a heated game of their version of darts. Butch was napping, Bridgett was reading, and Marcel was practicing his morphacite abilities somewhere outside. It had been hours since John disappeared with Alexie. Everyone was doing their best to kill time as they anxiously waited for the next mission to begin.

  Are you nervous about going out again after what happened last time? said Bridgett, linking with Jack and breaking his concentration.

  Of course. It would be great to not have a repeat rendezvous with the rogues.

  Me too. Glad I’m not the only one. So, do you know what’s up with Alexie? Why’s she off with John and Richard and not down here with us?

  Um, I’m really not sure, said Jack.

  He knew his response wasn’t good enough for Bridgett when he felt the sensation of his memories trying to be accessed by her.

  I don’t think so, Bri. Unlike when we first met, my mind is no longer available to you as an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  Ugh, those things are gross.

  So is accessing someone’s memories without their permission, said Jack.

  Ask me if I’m sorry, said Bridgett.

  . . . Are you sor—


  Jack rolled his eyes at her as the elevator doors opened and John, with Richard and Alexie, walked out. Garnet ran to one of the side doors and yelled at Marcel to come back inside. Although Richard kept it somewhat hidden behind his back, Jack noticed him holding the warp crystal activation device that Merry so proudly showed off several days before.

  “I’m pleased to say, with the help of Alexie, we’ve made some excellent choices as to where the next sites with an abundance of artifacts will be,” said John.

  “And they’ll be free of any trouble?” said Bridgett.

  “We believe so,” John said with caution. “It’s natural to be scared of the rogues, especially after what just happened. But when you became a Searcher—when all of you became Searchers—you knew there would be the potential for danger. What we’re doing here, without question, is making the world safer and ushering in a new age of peace and prosperity. And before I continue with the plans for today, I have some big news. You may notice that Rich is carrying a unique device in his hands.”

d swung the sizable instrument from his side to a position where everyone could marvel at it. “I call it a warp cannon,” said Richard.

  “What you’re looking at,” John continued, “is a special project that has been in development for quite some time. It can hold up to six warp crystals within itself and be used by anyone, even those without an exo, to activate the crystals. Richard, starting today, will be the first person to ever use it for an official mission.”

  “Wow, that’s quite remarkable,” said Marcel.

  “It’s reminiscent of an old pistol,” said Butch. ”Congrats, Richard, for being able to take the thing out on its inaugural run. Now, where the heck are we going on our mission today? I’m ready to get a move on.”

  “Yes, let’s get straight to the point,” said John. “There will be three locations you’ll be traveling to. The first two are on the island of the Republic of Cyprus: a spot high on Mount Olympos and another at Cape Kormakitis. The third place to investigate is at the l’Abbé-Migne Square in the middle of Paris.”

  “Paris!” gasped Garnet. “Oh, sign me right up for that one, boss.”

  Ferra looked at her with indifference, thinking a trip to the city wouldn’t be nearly as fun as her sister imagined.

  “Actually, because time is of the essence, all three sites will be visited simultaneously. This means you’ll be split up into three separate teams,” said John.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” said Jack.

  “If we don’t get to these sites first, the rogues will. I have made the best decision for the overall well-being of the Searchers, and my decision’s final.”

  Marcel, looking more agitated than usual, stepped toward Jack and addressed him directly.

  “You shouldn’t act against any decision John makes for us. It’s becoming harder to distinguish you from a moody teenager who doesn’t get his way. John’s the one who gives the orders and it’s our job to follow them.”

  “You’re such a brown-noser, Marcel,” said Jack. “It was only yesterday that five of us could have died. What sort of chance does a smaller group have to defend themselves against the rogues?”

  “That’s quite enough from the both of you,” said John. “You’ll soon need to learn to get along. That being said, listen close, everyone. It’s time to hear how teams and travel locales will be divided up. Alexie, you’ll use the warp crystal for Mount Olympos and take Butch and Bridgett with you.”

  “You got it,” said Alexie, looking at Jack and shrugging her shoulders.

  “Richard will use the warp cannon to take Garnet and Ferra to Cape Kormakitis. And Marcel—”

  “Will be taking me to Paris,” said Jack, folding his arms to signify his displeasure.

  “Hey, I’m not too happy about it either, but you don’t see me pouting,” said Marcel.

  “Geez, will the two of you just get a room already?” Butch joked.

  Jack and Marcel both glared at him for suggesting such a thing.

  “Everybody, collect what you need for your mission. You will depart a few minutes from now,” said John.

  Marcel immediately walked away from Jack and to where he stored his supplies. Before getting his own things together, Jack felt the need to talk to Alexie.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” he said in a hushed tone. “My intuition’s telling me something’s not right.”

  “Will you please cool it,” she said.

  Bridgett, who they didn’t notice standing close by, leaned in to eavesdrop on their conversation.

  “So you’re fine with all this?” said Jack.

  “I’m not crazy about it, but I still think it’s the best decision--a decision I was also a part of, by the way. So it would be nice if you’d show a little support.”

  “Okay, fine. I’m just going to have to trust your judgement and ignore the little voice in my head that’s telling me to stop us from going on these missions.”

  “If you’re going to freak out on me, you might as well talk to me using telepathy so you don’t start causing everyone to panic.”

  “No, I’ll be fine,” said Jack. “I’m sorry. I’m just being stupid, I guess.”

  Well get smart, you adorable idiot, she said, forming a cognitive link with him.

  Can I give you a kiss for good luck?

  Are you kidding! I thought you agreed we should keep our relationship low-key for now.

  You’re right. I did. I’m just . . . I’m just really nervous, said Jack.

  Alexie squeezed his arm and looked at him sweetly.

  Everything will be fine. We’ll see each other again soon.

  The Searchers finished gathering their equipment and stood beside their assigned team members as John conveyed one last piece of information before they departed.

  “To avoid one team distracting another in a different location, I’ll be limiting all communication to only those who are in a group together. Naturally, I’ll still be able to talk with everyone and receive the video from your body cams. All Searchers’ telecoms will be linked together again if it’s deemed necessary. Are there any questions?”

  “Yeah,” said Butch. “When can we get a move on?”

  “All right, all right. The aerial drones have already confirmed the three sites are clear for travel, so you can all get going,” said John, taking his seat in front of several screens that displayed everyone’s live feed.

  Richard was first to open a portal and show off what his new piece of technology could do. He spun the barrel around to the desired warp crystal, aimed, squeezed the trigger, and a blue stream of light burst forth to create a rift. After Ferra and Garnet jumped to the other side, Richard held the warp cannon high and briskly strolled through before the sizzling portal closed. Alexie then opened hers, which she, Bridgett, and Butch wasted no time to enter. As Marcel was about to use his crystal for traveling to Paris, John held up his hand to stop him.

  “Hang on a moment. There’s some extra intel that might help the two of you on your search.”

  “Yes?” said Marcel.

  “The square you’re warping to—l’Abbé-Migne—has an old building that was sealed off a long time ago. I have a feeling that anything to do with artifacts or relics and what we’re looking for was likely sequestered in there. All other buildings around the area are highly developed, but that one remains destitute and lacking of any modern upkeep.”

  “We’ll see what’s inside,” said Jack.

  Marcel opened the rift and both he and Jack walked through simultaneously. They stepped out of the portal and into a thicket of plants that appeared to be growing at the rear of an old building.

  “This seems like the place to look inside, no?” said Marcel.

  “Um, maybe,” said Jack, staring at a facade of old bricks.

  “Yes, that’s the building in question,” John said through their telecoms.

  They walked a short distance away and out of the surrounding plants to gain a better view. Besides a sleeping man on a park bench, no civilians were around the courtyard where they stood.

  “Let’s go see if there’s still a way to get inside,” said Jack, adding the mass of his morphacite staff to that which was already armoring his back, shoulders, and upper arms.

  The area at Mount Olympos was surveyed by Alexie’s crew for several minutes before a decision was made on how to proceed.

  “Looks like we got ourselves a good ol’ fashion excavation ahead of us,” said Butch.

  “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Time to shovel some dirt,” said Alexie, readying her digging equipment. “Wait a minute, what’s that thing sticking up over the hill? It looks like it could be a rooftop or some part of a structure.”

  “I’m not making out what you’re seeing from the body cams,” said John. “Someone should take a closer look.”

  Butch, gung-ho to see what it was, left his gear behind and did a fast jog up the steep incline. After cresting the hilltop, he started to hoot and cheer.

  “Go ahead an
d join Butch at the top, girls. It looks to be an old storehouse that could be housing some of the artifacts or relics we’re looking for,” said John.

  Alexie grabbed her gear and began walking up the hill as Bridgett, using her enhanced strength, easily carried both her and Butch’s equipment.

  While Jack was trying to gently finesse the door at the building’s front entrance open without attracting the attention of unwanted eyes and ears, Marcel formed a large sphere from his morphacite. He moved Jack out of the way as it came hurling through the section of the door that housed the knob and lock, emitting a loud bang and sending wood splinters in every direction.

  “I thought we were trying to be covert!” Jack said in a loud whisper.

  “And yet your sad efforts made my patience grow thin. Onward and inward we go.”

  They looked around the interior space and, at first, didn’t find anything of interest. As he searched here and there, Jack kept affixing his gaze on an entryway that looked to have been sealed up with a brick wall long ago. Unable to concentrate on anything else, he walked over and stood in front of it.

  “What’s your problem, Jackson?”

  “Nothing. I haven’t found anything yet, but this looks like it used to lead somewhere—maybe somewhere important.”

  “There’s still an upstairs we haven’t accessed yet,” said Marcel.

  “Yeah, but why would something be sealed up if there also wasn’t something to hide, right?” said Jack, placing his hand on the wall of bricks.

  He felt slight movement as he pressed in when one of the bricks started to give way. He pushed harder, causing three of them to fall through to the other side.

  “Well, now that you’ve broken the damn thing, let’s see where it used to lead to,” said Marcel, holding a light to the small hole to spy what lied beyond.

  “What’s the verdict?” said Jack, trying to peer through the small opening he created.

  “It’s a long tunnel that goes to somewhere. I can’t see the end, but I’m curious enough to say we should probably explore further.”


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