Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 3

by Bella Roccaforte

  “She was with Powder.” Silas stepped protectively closer to Powder.

  Levi and Samira were wary, and Silas saw their hackles raised. He tried to set them at ease. “It’s fine, I think she’s lost. I’ll figure it out when we get back to the ranch.”

  Levi and Samira slowly passed Cierce and Silas. Levi didn’t take his eyes off Cierce as he strode by.

  “Do they become men too?” Cierce asked.

  Silas laughed. “Well, human. Samira is female.”

  “Everyone is a changling here?” She asked.

  “Changling? I’ve never heard that before. We call ourselves shifters.” He remarked.

  “Oh, I see. That is interesting. Are you a wolf that shifts to a man or a man that shifts to a wolf?”

  Silas was taken aback by her question. He’d never thought about it in those terms before. “I’m both, I guess. I’m a man that has a wolf that lives within him.”

  Cierce nodded.

  Silas considered the exchange, it was odd. Most folks that came to Dark Moon Falls knew about shifters. “Where are you from again?”

  “Silodaria.” She said and quickly said, “Where are we going?”

  “Wait, where are you from?” He asked looking up at her.

  “Silodaria, you’ve likely never heard of it. It’s far away.” She dismissed his question and looked deeply into his eyes. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re taking this girl home.” Silas patted Powder’s neck. “Where are you staying?”

  “What do you mean?” She was perplexed.

  “Are you staying at the motel or the bed and breakfast?”

  “I was staying in the woods.” She said looking back over her shoulder as if it should be obvious.

  “We can’t have that. Not right now.” His brow wrinkled with concern. “Where is your campsite? I’ll have Samira get your stuff.”

  “I travel light.” She patted a small pouch that hung across her chest.

  Silas was silent for a moment, nothing made sense. He searched her eyes for some answer to her mystery, but only got lost in them again. None of it mattered, he wanted to protect her now.

  They continued until they were out of the woods and up the trail to the ranch. Blake came down the hill to meet them. “You found her!”

  “Actually, Cierce found her and had her calmed right down.”

  Cierce hopped down off the horse and Silas introduced her.

  “Thanks for finding her, Ayry would be devastated if anything happened to her.” Blake slipped a halter over Powder’s head.

  “She certainly was frightened. What spooked her?” Cierce asked.

  Blake and Silas exchanged a cautionary look and led Powder toward the barn.

  “We’ve had a problem with some rogues lately. Unauthorized kills. They may have come around here. Which is why we can’t have you staying in the forest.”

  “I won’t be here long.” She glanced up toward the house with a sense of curiosity.

  “Oh, where are you heading?” Silas asked.

  “Home.” Cierce shrugged.

  “Silas, what happened?” Ayry asked in a panic coming down from the house with Maynard in tow. “Is everyone okay?”

  “We’re fine and Powder’s back in the barn.” Silas turned to Cierce. “Cierce, this is Ayry and Maynard.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Cierce smiled and was drawn to Maynard.

  Ayry shot Silas a suspicious look and held Maynard a little closer.

  “Hello, fairy.” Maynard giggled.

  Silas and Ayry both turned their eyes on Cierce. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders in question.

  Silas looked deeper into Cierce. “Are you a fairy?”

  “Yes.” She knelt to Maynard’s level and put her finger under his chin. “You must be a very powerful being to see that I’m a fairy.”

  Ayry put her hands protectively on Maynard’s shoulders and drew him away from Cierce. “He’s just very perceptive.”

  “That explains a lot.” Silas smiled. “Let’s figure out where you can stay until you go home. Are you hungry?”

  “Famished.” She replied with wide eyes.

  “I know just the place.” Silas’ eyes lit up. “Come on, my truck is up at the house.”

  * * *

  The bell on the door rang when Silas and Cierce entered Delight’s Diner.

  “You see this here, Henry!” Delight pushed her finger into the tabloid magazine. “This right here is exactly why I moved up here away from all the crazy people.”

  She held the tabloid up and read it out loud, “’Meth-Addled Carjacker Kidnaps Man and Goat From Missouri Porn Store.’ People just aren’t decent anymore.”

  Henry shook his head in disgust as his only response.

  Silas leaned his head down toward Cierce and said, “This is Delight’s Diner, and that is Delight.”

  “Hey there Silas, you know the drill, pick a seat. You want two coffees?” She slid off the red stool at the counter.

  Silas looked to Cierce, “Coffee?”

  Cierce was puzzled “I guess so.”

  “Do you not have coffee in Solidaria?” Silas asked.

  “No, but I would like to try it. I have certainly liked everything I have had here so far.” She slid into the booth and Silas took the spot across from her.

  Delight brought both coffees, set them on the table and gave them each a menu. “Holler when you’re ready.”

  “We will.” Silas slid the menu across the table to Cierce.

  She looked at it and wrinkled her nose.

  “Is something wrong?” Silas asked full of concern.

  Cierce sucked her bottom lip in. “I don’t know what this is.”

  Silas realized she couldn’t read it but didn’t want her to be embarrassed. “No worries. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Meat.” She nearly growled.

  “Okay, I know just the thing.” Silas looked in Delight’s direction. “Delight, can we have two chicken fried steaks with all the fixins’.”

  “You got it.”

  Silas smiled. “I think you’ll like it.”

  “I am sure. I am absolutely starving.”

  “Tell me about where you’re from.” Silas leaned forward with interest and resisted the urge to take her tiny hands in his.

  “It is a beautiful place. We have mountains, like here but more of them.” A wistful look crossed her eyes thinking about her home. She wrapped her hands around the warm cup of coffee and sipped from it. “Our forest is thick and rich with so many deep hues of green, purple and a golden glow.” She lit up and she leaned forward. “And your forest is so quiet. At home, the aria sprites are always singing and letting us know the mood of the forest.”

  She sat back, her expression darkened, and her mood fell flat. Her fingers slid from the cup and fell into her lap.

  Silas reached across the table to take her hands in his. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and her eyes cast downward. “I miss my home.”

  Silas felt an air of regret not having met her sooner. He didn’t want her to leave. “You said you were going home soon.”

  “I am.” She didn’t look up.

  “When are you going?” He asked not really wanting the answer.


  “Why did you leave?” He asked, wanting to understand what was going on in her mind.

  He could see her there in pain. He wanted to sooth it, take it away so that it could never touch her again. He wanted to fight anything and everything that threatened the beautiful smile that lit her face.

  Delight put both plates down on the table in front of them. “Did you need anything else?”

  “No, this looks amazing, as always.” Silas smiled up at her.

  “I’ll be back to freshen up that coffee.”

  Cierce leaned forward looking at the food on her plate. Her mouth watered and she immediately picked up the chicken fried steak with her hands and dragged it through the mashed potato
es and gravy. “Wow.” She nearly whispered before taking a huge bite.

  Silas had picked up his fork and knife to start into his meal. He froze in place watching her. “Cierce.” He held up his fork and knife to indicate she should do the same.

  He sat in disbelief. This dainty waif of a girl was devouring her meal with her hands and to him, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

  She looked up at him with her mouth full still clutching what was left of the steak in her hands. Her eyes darted to the knife and fork. “Oh.” She said muffled through a full mouth.

  She dropped the steak on the plate and picked up the fork and gripped it in her fist. She waited and watched Silas.

  He cut into his steak with a smile that he couldn’t stop even if he had wanted to. Everything she did was beautiful, every sound she made was enchanting.

  Cierce followed his lead and continued eating with utensils.

  “I’ll assume you like it.” Silas chuckled seeing that most of her meal was gone.

  “Yes, yes. Very good.” She mirrored his actions and dabbed at the corners of her mouth with the napkin. “What is next?” She looked in the direction of the kitchen and ran her finger along the bottom of the empty plate to get the last of the white gravy.

  Silas wasn’t sure if he should stop eating. He was less than halfway through his meal.

  “Well, someone was hungry.” Delight approached the table and took the plate.

  “Yes, I will have another.” Cierce smiled and fidgeted in her seat.

  Delight and Silas exchanged an inquiring look.

  Silas shrugged. “Did you want to try something else or have another chicken fried steak?”

  “I will try something else, please.” She picked up her fork, held it up to show Silas, reached across the table and scooped up his mashed potatoes.

  “Um, how about a burger?” He asked.

  “Yes, please.” She nodded quickly in approval.

  “Cheese? Fries?” Delight asked.

  “Yes, please. That sounds lovely.” Cierce beamed. “And more of this.” She pushed her coffee cup toward the edge of the table. “It really is delightful.”

  “Maybe we need to switch to decaf.” Silas said with warning.

  “Okay.” Cierce nodded willing to try anything.

  “Cheeseburger, fries and a decaf.”

  “Thank you.” Cierce said with the excitement of a child on Christmas morning.

  Silas gazed into her violet eyes. He wanted to know everything about her he could. He wanted to see her forest and what an aria sprite was. “After this, we have to find a safe place for you to stay while you’re here.”

  “I really can stay in the forest. It is lovely.”

  “I would feel better if you stayed at the bed and breakfast here in town. It’s just down the street.”

  “Is that where you live?”

  “No, I live with my father outside of town.”

  “Closer to the forest?”

  Silas nodded, “We live in the forest. My father and I are the park rangers. It’s our duty to protect the forest and anyone in it.”

  Cierce leaned back in the booth. “You are the warden?”

  “Something like that.”

  “We have a warden in our forest.” Her eyes glanced downward.

  “What’s wrong?” Silas asked hoping to get further into the conversation this time.

  “Our warden is missing. I was hoping to find him here.”

  Silas’ thoughts raced piecing together the bits she’s shared with him. “Is that why you’re here? You’re looking for your warden?”

  “No. I don’t believe he’s here.” She said quietly.

  “But you are looking for something.”

  She shook her head and looked back toward the kitchen without answering.

  “Cierce, I want to help you. If you tell me how, I will.”

  She turned away from the kitchen and faced him. She was captured in his gaze and studied him seeking his intent.

  The silence was too long for Silas. Watching the pain churn in her eyes and her shoulders slumped forward. “How can I help you?”

  “I am looking for something.” Her voice would’ve been inaudible to someone without the hearing of wolf.

  “What is it?”


  Her words put Silas on edge. The power in Dark Moon Falls was nearly unlimited. So many powerful supernatural beings with varying power and ability. The thought that anyone, even Cierce, coming to find it was unsettling.

  “What do you mean?”

  “That is the wrong word. I think I mean…strength.” She stuttered.

  “Here, those words mean two very different things.”

  Delight brought the cheeseburger and put it on the table with mustard and ketchup. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thank you.” Cierce smiled. She studied the food on the plate and picked up her fork and knife to cut into it.

  Silas chuckled, “No, that you eat with your hands.”

  Cierce’s brow wrinkled with confusion. “Things are very complicated here.”

  “You’re right, they can be.” Silas watched her pick it up and devour it.

  “What strength are you looking for?”

  “Things are not harmonious at home presently. I am trying to replenish my strength to go home and restore peace.” She picked up one of the fries and waited for his approval that she was allowed to eat that with her hands.

  Silas nodded his approval. “Maybe I could come back and help.” Silas offered.

  “No,” she giggled, “you are far too fragile to survive the trip.”

  Silas was taken aback. He’d never been referred to as fragile before. “I’m sure I would be okay.”

  “Nonetheless, it is something I must handle on my own.” She pushed the empty plate toward the middle of the table. “Family business.”

  “If there’s anything I can do, I’m here for you.” He took his wallet out of his jeans and slid out of the booth. “I’m going to pay and then let’s get you settled in at the bed and breakfast.”

  Silas paid the bill and they walked to Annabelle’s. He watched her movements, graceful and elegant. He could feel her pain and her worry. He didn’t want to leave her, he wanted to be by her side.

  Cierce remained quiet during the walk. Even when Silas asked her a question, she would answer only in gestures.

  “Here we are.” Silas gestured to the bed and breakfast.

  “Something smells familiar.” She said sniffing at the air.

  “What are you again?”

  “It’s the Fairy!” Maynard squealed with joy from the porch.

  Cierce’s eyes lit up at seeing the boy and she went straight to him. “Hello sir, I am so happy I get to see you again.”

  Ayry took a protective stance next to him.

  “Good to see you too.” He said and looked behind her. “Your wings are very pretty.”

  “Thank you. You are quite handsome.” She returned the compliment.

  “Taking my advice and staying here for a bit?” Silas asked Ayry.

  “Just for a few nights until we know it’s safe. Abel had to go out of town for the winery and asked if I’d come and stay with Annabelle.”

  “That makes sense, I’m glad you are.” Silas said with a smile.

  “Will you be staying with us?” Ayry glanced briefly in Cierce’s direction but was really asking Silas.

  “We were hoping there’d be room.” Silas said jokingly with it being the off season.

  “We’re actually full.” Ayry answered.

  Silas looked around at the lack of cars in the parking area. He wasn’t going to push it. “No problem. You can stay with Dad and me.”

  “That’s a shame, it seems lovely here.” She studied Ayry for a moment. “You are also a very powerful being.”

  “Yes.” Ayry answered coldly. “Time to get ready for bed little man.” She turned him toward the door. “Go in and as
k Auntie Anabelle to run you a bath.”

  “I hope to see you again.” Cierce called after Maynard on his way in the house.

  “Me too.” The screen door slammed after he went in.

  “Can I talk to you for a sec?” Ayry asked Silas.

  “Sure.” He started for the porch, “I’ll be a second.”

  Ayry lowered her voice, “What do you know about her?”

  “Not much.” Silas’ eyes were glazed over.

  “Be careful, there’s something not right with her.” Ayry warned.

  “She’s not from here. She doesn’t know anything about Dark Moon Falls.”

  “Where is she from?”

  “Silodaria.” He said with authority.

  “Where is that?”

  “I don’t know.” He admitted. “But she’s only going to be here for a few days.”

  “You don’t know that she doesn’t have something to do with whatever’s killing in the forest.”

  “Come on,” Silas pulled his lips into a tight line, “Look at her, she’s harmless.”

  “The first mistake all men make is thinking any woman is harmless.” Ayry opened the screen door and turned back toward him. “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  “Looks like you’ll be bunking with us.” He took the three steps down off the porch and held his hand out to her.

  “You mentioned a hotel?” She reached out for him.

  “A motel, and I’m not having you stay there.” He felt her tiny hand in his. A wild feeling pulsed through him. This was the contact he’d been waiting for his whole life. He struggled to keep his wits, not get lost in this feeling. It was better than anything he had ever felt before. This was a connection like nothing he’d felt.

  He looked down at their hands intertwined then up into her violet eyes, wide with wonder and question.

  “Is this a fairy thing?” Silas asked.

  “I was going to ask you if it were a shifter thing.” Her tone was breathy and uneven.

  Silas shook his head. “I’ve never felt anything like that before.” He stepped closer to her and inhaled her scent deep into his lungs. “Cierce.”

  She stepped back from him and cast her eyes downward and slid her fingers away from his.

  Silas apologized, he looked down at his hand working through what had happened. He didn’t know what had come over him. The yearning for contact burned deep within him. He clasped his hands behind his back to control the urge to reach out to her. They walked silently back to his truck and when they arrived he opened her door for her and helped her in.


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