Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 13

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Are you listening to me!” she yelled angrily before pushing past him. “Take me to Storm right now.”

  “She’s fine.” Finally, his mind engaged as he sped to follow her. “Jagger and I scared the rogue off.”

  Savannah stopped dead, turning to face him. All color drained from her face, leaving her pale as freshly fallen snow. “A rogue attacked her? How the hell can you say she’s fine if a rogue attacked her? She’s human … she wouldn’t stand a chance against a rogue wolf.”

  One of her hands shot to her chest, her heart speeding up. Asher heard it clear as day, thudding away like a jackhammer. He’d scared the hell out of her. Shit. “She’s okay, Savannah, she’s with Jagger right now. Come on, I’ll take you to her so you can see for yourself.”

  “A rogue’s out there somewhere and could come back. She needs protection,” Savannah mumbled while he helped her into the passenger seat and buckled her safety belt.

  “I’m certain Jagger will ensure she’s safe.” Asher noticed she never mentioned her own protection, only of Storm, who she knew was mated to a strong shifter, and a member of the local law enforcement to boot. Strange.

  It took only a few minutes before they were nearing his cabin again, but the journey was strange, with Savannah nibbling on a fingernail and being almost silent. She’d replied to all of his questions with one-word answers and a faraway look in her eyes, as if she wasn’t quite with it. Asher didn’t know if she was in shock, just worried for Storm, or if something else entirely was going on inside her. She didn’t come across as someone who was weak or who’d crumple so easily, then again, he’d met her for only a few minutes, so what did he know?

  A lot.

  He’d been in the profession a long time and learned to read people fast, and Savannah came out her door fighting. She didn’t let up even when she saw his size and strength. She gave it to him good, and she was ready to get to her friend the moment she knew Storm was in trouble. So, what changed? The mention of a rogue. That’s what. Even then, Savannah didn’t appear worried for herself, only Storm. Why? She would be in just as much trouble against a rogue as Storm, but it looked to him like Savannah didn’t appear to think so. Again, why?

  There was more to Savannah than he’d seen so far, but what? Was she hiding something? Probably. What? He had no clue. Was it important or to do with the rogue? Again, he wasn’t sure, but … she was definitely acting squirrely.

  In short, what the fuck was going on? He didn’t know, but he sure as hell would find out. He must, because if he didn’t, someone could get hurt … or killed.

  Chapter Six

  He didn’t have any time to ponder on things further before they arrived … home. His home. Shit. It was exactly that, and as he drove the last few hundred yards, he took in the cabin properly, seeing it was much larger than he’d thought it would be. Sprawling out to cover a sizable area with a nice wraparound porch, one he could imagine sitting having a few beers on at the end of the day … nice. But it was more than that, it looked … homely. Or, more importantly, it looked like a home.

  Curtains on the windows, which was probably courtesy of Storm, and he remembered the comfy looking sofa inside with a throw on the back with matching cushions. Again, he’d bet those were Storm’s doing. When he went through the place, he was certain the entire place would be set up, with bedding and whatever else he’d need … all courtesy of Jagger’s mate.

  Or he could be wrong, and he’d be heading to the store on his break tomorrow to grab bare necessities to get him through.

  “Slow down! I need to see her.”

  Savannah’s belt unclicked before he pulled to a stop and she was scrambling to get out as he parked outside the door.

  “Be careful,” he cautioned, but she didn’t listen, instead, she sped out, rushing around while he rushed to join her.

  Savannah’s long, jet-black hair flew out behind her while she ran to the door, her hand slamming into the half-open door to throw it open. Asher right on her tail when she flew inside to find Jagger on his knees before Storm, sitting perched on the edge of a chair beside the fireplace. One matching the sofa with a cushion at her back. What was it with the cushions?

  “I’m fine.” Storm waved her hand in the air as Savannah slid to a stop. “Don’t make a fuss because Jag’s made enough, and I’m fed up already.”

  “You were shaking like a leaf, baby,” Jagger protested, opening his mouth to continue, but Storm’s finger on his lips quietened him.

  “Shh, I’m okay now, so let’s leave it.”

  Savannah’s arms wrapped around her waist before she started to pace back and forth, her eyes locked on Storm. “Hmm, nope, not leaving it. Sorry, not an option. Not when you were attacked by a rogue. So, Jagger, what’s the plan? What’ve you done about this?”

  Storm’s eyes widened at Savannah, then she looked at Jagger, who appeared surprised, too, but then he rose to face her. “I’m taking care of it.”

  His tone wasn’t unfriendly, not exactly, but Asher heard the rebuke in it. However, Savannah didn’t look as if she’d heard it, or if she did, she didn’t care. Her chin jutted out and she tilted her head to the side before she spat back at him, “What do you mean exactly? Storm being attacked by a rogue isn’t something to be taken lightly, and I’m concerned for her, so I’d like to know what taking care of it means.”

  “Savannah! What on earth’s gotten into you? You can’t talk to Jagger like that,” Storm retorted, outraged and obviously surprised.

  Savannah spun to Storm, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed. “What? I’m not trying to be rude. I’m upset, and I just want to know what steps have been taken to keep you safe.”

  Asher watched things unfold, his eyes and senses taking everything in. It was interesting watching as Jagger’s nostrils flared … anger? Possibly, or was he trying to scent something else from Savannah? Something Asher wasn’t aware of. He’d only just met her, so he didn’t know her well enough to know if something was amiss, or different. Maybe his friend did though, but what?

  Jagger turned on his heel, giving Savannah his back and a direct snub in Asher’s opinion. His eyes now locked on his. “I’ve called Elias to apprise him of the situation. He’s alerted Levi and his team, and they’ll be coming to check things out. I also found out something when you were gone, when I was certain Storm was fine, I went back outside to check for signs of the rogue, and I found out I knew the scent.”

  “What?” Asher perked up at his snippet of intel. “Who is it?”

  “Someone we don’t want anywhere near these two, that’s for sure.” Jagger tipped his head to the two women. “He’s an old member of the pack. Elias threw him out ages ago for many things, but one of them was abuse of the woman he was with at the time. I’ve no idea why he’s back in the area because he knows he’s not welcome, and if he’s caught, well, let’s just say he won’t get an easy ride out of town.”

  “Name and description?” Asher asked quickly, filing away the other information, not liking anything he’d heard.

  “Nash Jefferson, he’s tall, thin, with dark eyes. Elias used to say his eyes reflected what was inside him, and his soul, black as sin, and he certainly lived up to it. Anyway, that’s who it is, but Levi and his team will be on the lookout for him, so we shouldn’t worry too much.”

  “Perfect, just perfect. Not only is this a rogue, but a wife-beater too,” Savannah snapped. “Fancy going on a beach-holiday, Storm? Just us girls. We can go catch some sun and do the work there. What do ya say?”

  Storm frowned before rising, shaking her head, then going to Jagger’s side. “I say … where the heck is Savannah, my assistant? Because you sound nothing like her, and you’re acting very strange indeed. You rush in here and are rude to Jagger. You’re talking in a weird voice I’ve never heard you use before, and well, Savannah, I’ve no idea what’s going on … are you okay?”

  Asher was impressed with Storm, she was feisty in the face of what she’d just gone through, and he
felt her anger at Savannah’s behavior. He didn’t blame her either. Savannah wasn’t acting like an assistant, nope, she surely wasn’t. If anything, she was acting like she was taking charge, and although he had a passing thought she looked hot as hell right now, he didn’t think Storm appreciated her assistant acting like she was. Not in the circumstances anyway. Not when she was the boss in the relationship, and definitely not when Jagger should be the one calling the shots.

  Savannah turned away, walking to the fireplace, where she ran a hand through her hair before she took several long breaths before facing them again. When she did, she looked different, somehow, what was it? Asher scrutinized her, seeing her face closed down and her eyes were a darker shade. What was that about?

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude, Jagger. Really, I didn’t.”

  What the hell? Her voice was different now, too. Softer, more compliant and subservient. Who was this woman? Not the Savannah he’d met at her cabin, and not the one who’d stormed inside earlier.

  She carried on with her hands wringing in front of her. “I think I was in shock. When he told me you’d been attacked, I freaked out, and I’ve no idea what came over me. I just wanted to keep you safe. Thinking of a rogue wolf after you, well, it scared me. Again, I apologize, I didn’t mean to be so disrespectful. Please forgive me.”

  Then she nibbled her bottom lip … for effect? Asher wasn’t certain, or was she truly upset and apologetic?

  “Aww, it’s okay, but Jag has it covered, Savannah. You don’t need to be worried.” Storm smiled over at her. “Please don’t worry.”

  Asher coughed, raising a brow. “The pack might be on this, however, don’t forget it wasn’t you he was after, Storm.”

  “Yes.” Jagger wrapped a protective arm around Storm, pulling her tightly against his side. “Storm, you were lucky before, but we can’t take any chances. Nash is dangerous, cruel, and we have no clue why he’s interested in Savannah. I think it best if she comes and stays at our place until he’s caught.”

  Storm nodded in agreement, but Savannah didn’t look pleased with Jagger’s suggestion. Asher wondered why? Surely, she should leap at the chance of being safe, or safer, rather than being in a cabin alone. He remained silent, watching to see what she’d say first.

  “Hmm, no, I don’t think it’s necessary. You’ve said, now who was it? Levi is taking care of this guy, and you know I asked for my own place because I like my space. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I promise I’ll be careful. I’ll always lock up whenever I’m alone and keep my phone with me. If there’s any sign of danger, I’ll call everyone … you, the police, and any other numbers you want me to. But I’m sorry, I’m staying put.”

  Interesting. Asher wondered what was going on. A few minutes ago, Savannah wanted to haul Storm away on vacation, but now she seemed happy to remain in a cabin on her own. Something didn’t seem right to him. Jagger looked to be on the same page, his eyes puckering at the sides as he squinted over at her.

  “That’s not a good idea, and what happened to you wanting to haul ass out of here? You were riled up enough to plan a trip with Storm, yet now you want to stay on your own. Why the change of heart?”

  Savannah’s eyebrow rose at the same time as she stuck out a hip, her hand landing on it for effect. Dang, she was sassy all right, and the look she flung out at Jagger was a classic … Don’t mess with me or you’ll regret it.

  “Because I’ve calmed the hell down, that’s why. A woman can change her mind, can’t she? I was scared for Storm earlier, now I’m not. I’m quite capable of looking after myself, but I won’t take any stupid chances, if that’s what’s worrying you. I’m sure your team of wolves will take care of this guy before he has a chance of getting anywhere near me, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

  Storm gave Savannah a small smile, although to Asher’s eyes, it was tight and forced. Then she placed a hand on Jagger’s arm as if to calm him. Did she feel his growing annoyance, because Asher sure as hell did? It wasn’t all he felt, but he tried to force himself to focus on business and not Savannah or his reaction to her.

  The way his heart sped up whenever he kept his eyes on her for too long. Or when he inhaled too deeply and her scent caught inside him, and definitely not that he’d ingrained every last detail of her face, hair, and her body. Shit, no, he couldn’t figure out why or what was going on with her not when there was a threat he needed to address. His attention was drawn back to Storm when she started talking again.

  “I’m sure you’re right. Levi and his team won’t stop until they’ve caught this Nash person. You know I’m right, Jag, so we’ll all be safe. Let’s put today behind us and do what we’d planned. Asher’s just arrived and I’ve not even had a chance to show him his new home.”

  Savannah visibly relaxed, giving Storm a nod. “Yes, sounds good. We did work for ages setting things up for him, and you were here yesterday cleaning for hours.”

  Asher felt now was the time for him to speak after saying not one word since he’d arrived back with Savannah. “You didn’t need to do all this, Storm, but thank you for everything.”

  Storm’s cheeks reddened when she broke away from Jag. “It’s nothing, really, and the place was a mess. I couldn’t have you arriving without cleaning it up.”

  “She insisted.” Jagger shrugged. “When she makes her mind up about something, there’s no point in arguing.”

  “Shush,” Storm scolded. “I didn’t do too much, just made sure the place was clean and presentable for you.”

  Savannah laughed, shaking her head. “Really? You’re going with that? What about getting a new bed and mattress, as well as the bedding? Or the fridge and the soft furnishings in here? And we won’t mention all the plates and other stuff in the kitchen … will we? No, we won’t say anything about those, oh wait, there’s more, the towels…”

  “Savannah! Be quiet, you’re making it sound more than it really is. Elias helped with the bed and the fridge. The other stuff, well, I already had some and my aunt gave me some of the other things. It’s not like I went out and spent a fortune.”

  Asher smirked over at Savannah, seeing the cheeky glint in her eyes. She was winding Storm up and loving it. He liked watching her making Storm squirm, but it wasn’t done in a mean way, or with cruel intentions. He sensed it and so did Jagger, or his friend wouldn’t be smiling either.

  “Admit it, Storm,” Jagger added fuel to the fire. “You couldn’t stop yourself once you started. You just had to make things all nice and pretty … didn’t you?”

  Storm’s face reddened further, and Asher thought Jagger had overstepped, but then she just shook her head and sighed. “Okay, I might have gone overboard just a little, but the place was so bare. I couldn’t allow anyone to arrive to a new home and have it look like a prison cell. It’s just not right, especially when they’re a new member of the pack, and, well, I enjoyed it. Shoot me for caring about making someone feel at home.”

  “Thank you, I’m grateful for all you’ve done,” Asher said, although he didn’t care about cushions, or towels, or probably most of what Storm had done.

  Savannah caught his eye again, smirking, tilting her head, then winked. Damn. She knew. Knew he didn’t give a flying fuck, but what else did she expect him to do?

  “Right, we’ve sorted that out, so next thing is, and, I’m not taking no for an answer and don’t even try and argue with me, but you’re both coming for dinner. It’s all prepared and I’m going over to get it set up now. We’ll drop Savannah off on the way, and, Asher, you’ll pick her up so she’s not walking over on her own.” Storm tipped her chin up with a defiant stare. “No arguments from either of you.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Asher replied quickly when he’d been determined not to go.

  Why? Because Savannah was now in the mix? Damn it, probably, but he still couldn’t figure out why or what it was about her. Maybe he’d find out more later.

  “Good.” Jagger sighed. “I’m glad it’s settled. Ash, i
f you pick Savannah up in a couple of hours, then she can show you how to get to our cabin, but it’s basically a straight road.”

  “Fine, or if we walk?” He wanted to know the lay of the land and driving wasn’t the way to do it.

  “Walking is good,” Savannah said. “There’s a path from the back of my place straight to theirs. It’s not far.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Asher gave her a long look, the hairs on his neck standing on edge and his insides suddenly feeling … strange. Off in some way, but he couldn’t quite grasp what it was.

  Savannah broke eye contact first. Hers dropping to the floor before she turned to head for the door, a little too hastily in his opinion. Or did he imagine it? Anyway, she was at the door before she turned back. “Let’s get going. I’ve still work to finish up, and then I need to shower, and, well, time’s getting on.”

  “Of course.” Storm joined her. “See you later, Asher.”

  They disappeared out the door, but Jagger remained, waiting for a few moments, then he closed the distance between them. His face pinched and worried. “Nash is bad news, and yes, Levi will be on top of this, but we need to be careful too, Ash. I don’t want Storm, or Savannah, in his crosshairs again, or have him anywhere near them. He won’t think twice about hurting either one of them, but I can’t figure out why he was looking for Savannah. It’s bugging the hell out of me.”

  Jagger ran a hand through his hair, his worry for the women evident, but also his anger. Asher saw it clear as day, and he knew if Jag got his hands on this Nash guy, he wouldn’t be gentle with him. He didn’t blame him either, anyone who abused women deserved everything they got in his eyes.

  “I understand, and I’ll be on the lookout for him.” He laid a hand on Jagger’s shoulder, trying to calm him. “As for him looking for Savannah. Maybe he saw her and took a liking to her, she is beautiful after all, and this guy sounds sleazy. It could be as simple as that, or something else entirely. We have no idea of knowing until he’s caught. All we can do is deal with the situation, and keeping them as safe as we can until Levi and his people catch him. Right?”


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