Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 18

by Bella Roccaforte

  “You certainly know how to get on Ava’s good side.” Jagger elbowed him while they walked away.

  “I wanted to do a nice thing for her. That’s all,” he shot back. “Her dog has issues, ones which must make her life pretty damn hard. If buying her a cake every now and then makes her smile, it’s a small thing.”

  “Small to you, but it’s little things that make all the difference in people’s lives, and you’re going to fit in just fine. You’ve a good heart, my friend, it’s something I saw in you years ago, and you’ve never lost it. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Praise. It wasn’t something he was used to, but from Jagger, it felt damn good. His throat closed a little, his voice rough as he replied, “I’m happy to be here.”

  Jagger snorted, placing his cake on the counter. “You won’t be after you see the reams of paperwork for our call earlier. I swear they want us to drown in the stuff. Anyway, let’s get it done so we can get over to Delight’s for lunch. I’m starving.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Jagger!” Barnett yelled, appearing from his office. “Good, you’re here. Get out to the school as quick as you can. Miss Ellen just called in, she’s seen that damn rogue sniffing around, and Levi and his team are miles away. Elias is over in Summermire doing some business, so you need to haul ass and get there as fast as you can.”

  Asher’s heart leaped into his throat as soon as the word rogue left the sheriff’s mouth. He was out of his chair and on his way to the door before he’d finished, with Jagger right on his tail. The rogue was back, and he had one thought in his head … ensure the safety of everyone, but the person at the forefront was Savannah. The rogue could be after her right now and he couldn’t stand it. His breathing came fast and hard, his legs pumping like a train.

  He had one mission; seek and destroy before the fucker would have a chance to get anywhere near Savannah.

  Chapter Twelve

  “How much longer?” Asher snapped, his body thrumming with annoyance and anger. His eyes scanning the forest around them while Jagger sped along a small, one-lane road.

  “Calm down, we’ll be there in a minute, two at the most. The school is just ahead.” Jagger swung their vehicle around a pothole, then leveled it back with practiced ease. “We’ll be at the school as fast as I can get us there without breaking our necks.”

  “Sorry, I’m worried about Savannah. I prayed he’d gone, hell, he’d be stupid not to if he knew the pack was after him. Maybe it’s not him, Jag, it could be someone else. Couldn’t it? If Nash stayed around, he’d be stupid knowing Levi and his team were on his tail. Right? Tell me I’m right.”

  He knew he sounded panicked. Hell, he was. The thought of Nash still in the area, still a threat to Savannah, tore at his insides. His belly clenched with something he wasn’t familiar with. Something he didn’t know at first: fear. Fear for Savannah.

  A hand landed on his thigh, patting it for a moment before returning to the steering wheel. “We’ll make sure she’s safe. Levi and his team are already on their way to check on Storm and Savannah. They’re working at our place, and he’ll check the area out to see if there’s any sign of Nash being there. He’ll leave a couple of the team to ensure they’re safe, Ash. Trust me, trust the pack, it’s what we do. Remember? Safer together, buddy. Breathe, just breathe. We’ve got this.”

  He tried. Really fucking tried, but he found it so difficult to concentrate when all he could think of was Savannah in the jaws of a rogue. What the hell did Nash want her for? Why did the dirty rogue search her out in the first place? Because she was so damn gorgeous? Could it be that simple, or was there something else? Something Nash knew they didn’t. So many questions and no fucking answers. Insane didn’t come close to how he felt.

  “There, see, told you we were close.” Jagger nodded forward when they careened around a corner.

  A one-story plain looking building lay before them, with faces of children of all ages pressed against the windows, staring out at several adults and a large wolf pacing back and forth. Most of the kids looked perplexed, or just plain interested in what was happening, but Asher noted a few younger ones who had scared expressions on their small faces. Fury filled him at the thought of those little ones being afraid in a place where they should feel safe, secure, and wondered if it would haunt them when they returned the next day to class.

  “Who’s the shifter?” he asked instead, trying to push the thought aside and focus on the job at hand. “He’s big and his body language is telling me he’s pissed. Look at the way his tail is swishing like crazy, and his head is low to the ground, but he’s not sniffing for a scent.”

  Jagger hit the brakes as they approached, slowing down. “It’s Lloyd Carter, one of the teachers. He’s usually an easy-going type of guy, but if his kids are in danger, trust me, he’ll do anything to protect them. I can only guess at this point, but I’d say he went after the rogue, or at the very least went out to protect the school. Let’s go and get the details and take things from there.”

  Asher didn’t wait for Jagger, his door open and his boots on the ground before they’d pulled fully to a stop, but his friend caught up to him and was at his side when he arrived at the people milling around. Asher lifted his nose to the air, scenting for Nash, but he wasn’t sure he caught it. There were several other wolves he could smell, one of them being Lloyd’s, but he also detected another male … focusing on it, he sensed this wasn’t a foe: pack. Definitely. Then he caught a whiff of a female, strong, fierce, the scent of this one was much stronger, and he had no doubt whatsoever she was friend, not foe.

  “This is our new deputy, Asher Stone. He’s ex-military police, so he’s no green newbie, and he’s already been welcomed to the pack.” Jagger interrupted his perusal of the area, forcing him to turn around and face the group, who Jagger was speaking to. “Asher, this is Miss Ellen, she’s the principal, and these are the other teachers, Bessie Conway, Jethro Wise, Sherry Stewart, and I’ve already explained that’s Lloyd.”

  Miss Ellen stepped forward, holding her hand out. “I’m glad you’re here. I only wish our first meeting was under better circumstances, Deputy Stone.”

  As soon as they touched, he knew she was the owner to the strong, fierce female he’d scented. Yes, this was a woman who’d protect the children under her with everything she had. Heck, she was exactly what Jagger’d been trying to tell him about: pack.

  “I’m sorry about it, too, but I’m here, and I’ll do everything I can to help, Miss Ellen.” Asher raised his head, sniffing around. “I smell other shifters apart from Lloyd. Can you tell us what happened?”

  Miss Ellen’s chin lifted, her chest puffed out, her arms crossing over it. Her entire stance showing how furious she was as she started. “I will, and the other wolves you can detect are myself, Jethro, and Sherry. Bessie remained within the school with the children, with doors locked, but, of course, we both know if the beast broke through our defense then the locks would not have kept him out if he wanted in the building. Anyway, Jethro was outside with his pupils doing a class, it’s irrelevant what, but he was alerted to the presence of a wolf, and when he realized it wasn’t pack, he immediately ushered the children inside. He then advised me of the situation, and by then, the beast was visible on the outskirts of the trees, just over there.” She pointed behind them. “At that point, I raised the alarm by calling Elias, then we used our emergency protocol, and enacted it.”

  “Which is?” Asher probed.

  “Why, Deputy, it should be obvious. Protect the children at all costs. We therefore came out, transformed, and proceeded to let the bastard know he’d have to take us all on to get anywhere near our precious children. Lloyd, however, is extremely upset. He wanted to go after this rogue and track him down. I refused to allow him to do so. Our first, and only, priority is our children. We remain here. If this were some kind of ruse to lure us away, for instance, what would happen to them? No. I cannot risk a hair on their heads. Not one. We must fulfil o
ur sacred duty to them, always.”

  Balls. Jesus H Christ. This lady had balls of steel. If he had a kid, he’d want her to be the one looking out for them. He also knew how Lloyd felt, too, though, but Miss Ellen was right. The kids were the priority in this case.

  “You’re some lady, Miss Ellen, and I agree with you. The kids are the priority, always.” Asher turned to the still pacing wolf. “Maybe Lloyd could go for a run now, to get rid of all the excess adrenaline coursing through his system? I know how he’s feeling, Miss, what with being in the military, it’s hard to get rid of when you get so pumped up. Exercise helps.”

  Her lips pursed into a tight line, as if she expected everyone to be able to control themselves like she could. But it wasn’t that simple. Males reacted differently, and with Lloyd still patrolling like he was, it meant he was still worked up enough not to want to shift back. He’d be no use to her right now if he was forced to, and maybe not able to even if asked.

  Luckily, Jagger stepped in. “Lloyd’s pretty worked up, Miss Ellen, it might not be a good idea for him to be in class right now. Also, are the kids staying? I see some of them are looking shook up. May be a good idea to let them out early today.”

  Miss Ellen swung her head to check the school, then sighed. “I think you’re right. Today’s been a little too exciting all around. Sherry, can you go inside and get the emergency call system going for me please? Jethro, can you help Bessie organize the children?”

  She then stepped over to Lloyd, who stopped briefly to glance up at her with fire in his wolf eyes. “Go, run, Lloyd, but I forbid you to track anything. It is not your job. Leave it to the pack hunters or the police. I will not have you put yourself in danger. You’re too valuable to the children, and to me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Jagger joined her, reiterating what she’d just said. “Lloyd, we’ve got this. Asher and I will take it from here, and Levi and his team are on it, too. Don’t do anything to get in our way, because I won’t be happy about it.”

  The wolf swished its tail a couple of times before turning and running away from them. It dashed one way, then backtracked, disappearing behind the school. When it did, Miss Ellen gave a small nod and her face relaxed, which told them Lloyd had not gone after the rogue. Thank goodness. The last thing they needed was him loose in the forest and hampering any search they were doing.

  “Okay, so, Miss Ellen, where did you see him last so we can go and see what’s happening with this guy?” Jagger hooked his fingers in his belt loops.

  He looked casual, relaxed, but he didn’t fool Ash. He was primed and ready to go … hunting.

  Hell, so was Asher. He couldn’t wait to release his beast and get to work. To get on the trail and see if this wolf was indeed Nash. If it was, he’d be devastated the fucker was still in the area. He wanted to find him, stop him … and get the answers he desperately needed.

  More importantly, he needed to ensure Savannah’s safety because the thought of Nash still being out there, still being on the loose and hunting for her, turned his soul to ice.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two hours and they’d lost his trail. Two hours and they’d followed a meandering, wandering path through the forest until Asher didn’t know where the hell he was. If Jagger wasn’t with him, he’d be lost. If Jagger wasn’t right there, Asher would be howling like a banshee, because his nerves were shot to hell.

  When he’d realized the rogue at the school was indeed Nash, when his scent filled his nostrils and confirmed he’d been there … his heart sank. Fury raged inside him at the same time as fear lapped in his gut, making him want to puke. He felt impotent in the face of the danger Nash posed to Savannah. His power stripped from him to lay him bare like a newborn pup, but he couldn’t allow it. He had to be strong and fight, for her.

  “Where the hell is he?” he asked again, through their pack link. It’d been strange at first, but now he enjoyed how they could communicate with it so easily.

  “No damn clue,” Jagger responded, his annoyance clear as day. His wolf swished his tail furiously ahead of him while he leaped over a large boulder. “You have to remember he was part of the pack and knows the area as well as any of us.”

  The information didn’t help or sit well with him. If Nash could give them the slip so easily, then this wasn’t going to be easy. They’d been running around in circles for the last ten minutes, and he needed to admit something. “I can’t smell his scent any longer.”

  “I know, neither can I. I’m hoping we can find it again if we keep going.” Jagger darted over to the right. “There’s a little-known copse down here, which has a good place to hide. He might be there. If there’s no sign of him, then…”

  “I know, we have to admit we’ve lost his trail and return to base.” Asher knew it was their only option at this point. Otherwise, they’d be running blind for hours and it was a waste of time. Even if he wanted to remain and catch Nash, he couldn’t if he had no damn clue as to his whereabouts.

  If they could find any leads, he’d stay out all damn night hunting. His beast was strong, capable, and willing to do anything to nail the bastard, but with no sign of him, he had to admit defeat. The feeling was new to him and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. It slithered around inside him like a snake, causing his body to shiver, a snarl breaking free with utter frustration.

  “I feel your pain. I’m sorry we couldn’t do more. We have to rely on Levi and his team. They won’t give up until they find him, don’t think for a second they will.” Jagger slowed his pace, turning to face him. His black fur rippling in the breeze, his ebony eyes blazing with the same fury Asher knew shone in his own.

  His friend felt his pain, his worry, his anguish. Was it because of the closer link when they were in wolf form? Or because of something else? He found out a moment later…

  “When Storm and I met, I knew she was mine, but she was human and didn’t know anything about shifters. We found each other and I felt like I’d won the lottery. Only thing was, she’d run away from a stalker and she was hiding out here. He was a crazy son-of-a-bitch and I thought I had a handle on things. Only I didn’t and he kidnapped her. It was the worst feeling in the world. I felt like I was dying inside … but I received help from the pack. Elias, Levi, his team, and Barnett. We worked together and saved her. So what I’m trying to say is, don’t forget the pack, because we pull together, Ash. We’ll protect your woman, always.”

  The story shocked Asher. Storm being in such jeopardy sounded like a nightmare, and if Savannah was in such peril, he didn’t know how he’d react. Badly, for sure. He’d want to rip everyone responsible apart. He’d leave havoc in his wake. He’d go batshit crazy … wait. What did Jagger say? His woman? What did he mean by that?

  They’d only just met. He barely knew her. He liked her. A lot. But his woman? What the hell?

  “I’m glad things worked out for you and Storm. You’re good together … but Savannah and I have only just met. I like her a lot, but it’s not anything serious. Not yet anyway.”

  Jagger’s wolf huffed out a snort, its tail swished, and it moved toward him, pushing past. “A wolf knows what it knows, Ash, and that’s all I’m saying. Now let’s get back. We missed lunch and I’m ready to eat a horse.”

  What the hell did that mean? A wolf knows what it knows. Cryptic shit or what? Asher didn’t know, but he guessed Jagger wouldn’t tell him either, so he followed behind, having to run full speed to keep up as his friend raced back through the forest.

  Now he was rushing down the road to his home, one hand trying to keep the cake steady on the seat next to him. The bottle of wine was stuck in the console, and he hoped it wasn’t shaken enough to explode. With finishing up the paperwork at the office and filling in Barnett on what happened at the school, then retelling it to Elias when he appeared, time ran out on him. He’d have to hurry if he wasn’t going to be late, and he was never late. It wasn’t in his DNA. Not after his years in the military. Ingrained right down to his bon
es. He’d hurry his shower, change, then get his ass over to Savannah’s on time, even if he had to run to get there.

  He felt easier when Levi reported in earlier, especially saying two of his team shadowed Savannah back to her cabin and there was no sign of Nash anywhere. They’d checked out the perimeter, too, with the same results, nothing showed up of Nash having been there recently, so they were falling back to keep watch from a distance for the night. If he showed up, they’d get him, if not, then they’d regroup and start again the next day, looking for him in other areas. For now, Savannah was safe and it’s all that mattered.

  His beast felt at ease inside him, and he felt happier, too, knowing the pack was taking care of business. It was strange though, leaning on others, but he trusted Jagger, and he was slowly learning to trust the pack now too. Maybe not fully. Not yet. But he had no choice. He couldn’t be with her all the time, and she wasn’t really his full-time responsibility … even if it felt like she was.

  Why he felt it inside was a puzzle and he couldn’t figure it out. Didn’t have the time to. Or don’t you want to think about it too much? If you did, you’d have to … shut up. He slammed the brakes on. Both on his Jeep and his thoughts, sliding to a stop outside his cabin. He paused to take a deep breath. She’s just a woman I like. But I’d do the same for anyone in trouble…

  Maybe, but with such a deep-seated need burning inside him? Shaking his head to clear it, he snatched the precious cake up, then dashed to get ready.

  Asher took longer to get ready than normal. Searching through his clothes for a dress shirt and the new jeans he’d bought on his drive up. Once dressed, he paused, looking in the mirror to wonder why, he normally didn’t bother much about what he wore. He shrugged, not coming up with an answer other than it was his first proper date in a while and Savannah was hot as hell. He didn’t think she’d be impressed if he appeared in a tatty tee. She was the first woman he wanted to impress … hell, yes, she was, he admitted to his reflection with a soppy grin.


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