Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 25

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Of course,” Nash agreed quickly, the shock of whatever just happened still evident.

  Whether Savannah had brought someone back from the dead, or whatever, he appeared to be in a state of utter astonishment, and they had to press their advantage. As soon as Storm took a step away, Savannah moved in, urging her farther, pressing a lip to her ear, and with that, Storm gave a quick nod … picked up her feet and ran.

  Elias and Jagger broke through the windows, crashing in with flashing teeth and claws, to land on the unsuspecting wolves. Ash darted to ensure Storm was far enough away, intent on returning to deal with Nash, but when he glanced back … Savannah used her vast speed to get to her target and was already in battle with him.

  The sight brought him to the brink of insanity. His mate looking so fragile against the brute of a shifter. One he knew would do everything in his power to destroy the woman he loved with every cell of his being. Storm’s tortured moan behind him didn’t help. Her hand landing in his fur, urging him to help.

  “Oh my god. You have to save her.” Storm tore a chunk of his fur clean out.

  Save her? Savannah might look fragile and it’s what Storm was seeing, but she obviously didn’t know how strong she was. His mate let fly with … well, he wasn’t sure what the hell it was, but something hit Nash square in the chest. His clothing tore apart before their eyes, and then they watched as his skin rippled, like the surface of a lake, it looked so fucking odd, but it must’ve been painful. Nash’s mouth opened in a horrendous roar of agony, the sound overtaking the fighting going on behind where Elias and Jag were battling to end the two wolves.

  Ash sprang forward, desperate to back his mate up. Her safety his priority now Storm was no longer in danger. Savannah held her hands in front like a shield, but they didn’t stop moving, a dance so fast he couldn’t keep up. Her eyes locked on her target and her mission clear as day: destroy Nash. If he could get in between them, he dearly wanted to end things, but he feared the repercussions of making such a foolhardy move. Whatever Savannah wielded; it was nothing short of deadly.

  A long, drawn out howl rang out, then a triumphant one from Elias. One dead wolf lay on the floor, with their Alpha scanning the room for ways to help. Jag already pinning his foe to the floor, his jaws open and falling to deliver the death blow to his opponent, ripping the throat clean out before he too roared his victory for all to hear. When he was clear of the corpse, Jag sped around the edge of the room to Storm, transforming to scoop her into his arms with words incoherent with his concern for her.

  Elias prowled back and forth, watching and waiting, ever eager to kill the man who’d brought such distress to his pack. But he couldn’t get anywhere near, not with Savannah wreaking her own vengeance.

  “Enough of this,” she spat out. “I thought I wanted to end you. I wanted my revenge, and I’ve had it. You die now, but not by my hand. You’re a shifter and you came to destroy this pack. They deserve the right to end this. Alpha, I cede control to you.”

  A low rumble erupted from Elias while he stalked toward the wounded and bloodied Nash. “We must finish him. He’s returned here more than once to cause us harm.”

  “Agreed,” Ash replied, his own anger at what Nash had done to Savannah rising.

  He and his Alpha moved as one, their prey dropping to his knees, hands up, begging for mercy. A mercy they would not give. Not to him. Not after the evils he’d committed on their land and to their people. It was over in seconds. Neither of them wishing to make it last. Over and done as quickly as possible, and Nash would never return to Dark Moon Falls.

  Ash turned to Savannah, rushing to check her for any injury. His snout sniffing and snuffling all around … he found no blood, but he sensed her utter exhaustion. Transforming quickly, he gave her another quick examination, but he’d been right. No open wounds.

  “I’m fine,” she snarked. “I’m not hurt.”

  “No, but you are exhausted. Whatever that was you did, it’s taken far too much out of you.”

  Smiling, she gave a shrug. “I admit I could do with a nap.”

  “Savannah?” Storm approached, with Jag’s arm around her protectively. “Jag told me what’s happened. So, you’re a fae princess, huh?”

  Savannah opened her arms, then waved them up and down her body. “This is me. Sorry, but I’ve been hiding out, and to be honest, guys, I’ll still be the other me for most of the time. I don’t want it getting back to my family if it’s possible. It could cause me all sorts of problems.”

  Elias stepped up, placing his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll ensure anyone who knows about you is made aware they are not to talk about it. The pack protects its own, Savannah. If anyone comes asking about you, or any fae in the area, I can assure you they’ll be sent packing.”

  “I appreciate it.” Savannah gave him a smile, then yawned, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth.

  “That’s it. You’re going home to rest,” Ash butted in. “You’re exhausted, Savannah.”

  “He’s right,” Storm added.

  “I agree,” Elias said, too.

  “Absolutely.” Jagger nodded.

  “For goodness sakes. I’m fine, I just…”

  Savannah didn’t finish, her eyes rolled back in her head and she toppled forward, unconscious. Ash caught her, snatching her up to his chest. His eyes seeking Elias’ as fear shot through him.

  “I’ll get Levi to get the truck here and he can take her back to yours. I’ll get a healer over as quickly as possible. Don’t worry, Ash, we’ll get her help.”

  Get her help. Sounded good, but how? She was fae, and who the hell knew how to treat a fae? His mate was in trouble and they were up a shit creek without a fucking paddle…

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “How much longer?” Ash snapped, he’d tried not to, but he found it harder with each passing hour Savannah lay unconscious in his bed. The healer from the pack looking at him like he was ready to pounce and eat her alive.

  Well, maybe he would if she couldn’t answer his damn question.

  “Calm down.” Storm pushed him away from the woman, her voice firm and assertive. “If you don’t start behaving yourself, I’ll be forced to send you outside.”

  “What?” Ash glared down at her, forcing himself to focus his full attention on her instead of Savannah or the healer. “This is my home, not yours. You can’t do that.”

  “You’re being rude and aggressive to the pack healer. If I have to, I’ll call Elias. I’m certain he’ll back me up. Savannah is in a healing sleep, or it’s what the healer thinks, and she’ll wake up when the time’s right, and not before. You acting like an idiot won’t help anyone. I know how upset you are. I do, Ash, but please, try and stay calm.”

  Calm. She wanted him to stay calm when Savannah lay like a corpse and the healer could only guess as to what was wrong with her? Was she insane? He could barely breathe, think, or see straight. Remaining calm wasn’t an option.

  “I can’t,” the words tore out of him. “She’s everything to me, Storm. I can’t lose her … it’s just not an option. I won’t allow it. I have to do something, anything, to bring her back to me. Please, tell me what to do?”

  Storm reached out, taking hold of his hand, her eyes boring into his. “There’s only one thing you can do…”

  He pounced on her, gripping her hand tightly. The ghost of a chance in her words sending his hope souring. “What? Tell me and I’ll do it. Anything, Storm, and I’ll do it.”

  She winced, glancing down, and he realized he’d hurt her. “Sorry,” he apologized, dropping his hand to his side.

  “It’s okay, I know how upset you are.”

  “Tell me what you were about to say, please,” he implored.

  “The healer is leaving now, and she’ll return tomorrow if there’s no change. For now, Ash, the best thing you can do for her is be with her. Lie with her and talk to her. I’m sure she’ll hear you. Tell her how much she means to you, talk about what you’ll do when she r
eturns to you. What your plans for the future are, but most of all, let her know she’s not alone.”

  “What? That’s all you’ve got?” He turned away, his hands tugging at his hair, bereft Storm didn’t have an answer to bring his love back to him.

  “Ash, none of us have what you want to hear. I’m sorry.” Storm came up behind him, her hand landing on his back. “I can’t begin to say how bad I feel. She means so much to me, too, and I know she’s your mate. I can’t compete with that … but she’s my friend and I care about her. I’m hurting, Ash, and if I could help her, I would. I’d do anything to bring her back to you, to all of us. I’m sorry I can’t help you more, but please, try what I said. It might help you to relax a little if you do.”

  He heard the pain in her words. Storm knew Savannah for a long time before he even met her. They were friends, good friends … shit, Savannah wreaked vengeance on Nash because of what he did to Storm. It showed just how strong their bond was. Storm’s pain was evident, and he’d not given her a second thought, only focusing on his own.

  “I’m sorry.” He turned to face her. “I’m being selfish. Savannah cares about you deeply, and if she knew I’d ignored your suffering, well, we both know she’d be kicking my ass. You’re worried about her and I didn’t give you a second thought. So, Storm, how are you?”

  Storm’s eyes filled with tears, but she inhaled deeply and refused to allow them to fall. Her head lifted and she gave him a fierce look. “I’ll be fine because I know how strong she is. She’s going to be okay. I’m certain of it. She went a little too far. According to Jag, she sped all that way through the forest and none of you could catch her. Well, it must’ve taken a lot out of her, right? Then she used even more doing what she did with Nash. Well, I’m no expert, but I guess it took a lot more out of her. So, she’s just resting up to recharge her fae batteries. That’s all, Ash. I know her, and she’s one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. We’ll have her back in no time, and she’ll be upset with us for all this fuss we’re making.”

  Everything Storm said was true, he knew it, and it helped. A little. “You’re right.”

  “Of course I am.” Storm gave him a wan smile, swiping a hand across her eyes to rid them of the errant tears. “I’m going home now, Jag’s waiting outside, but you have our numbers if you need us. I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon to check on her.”

  “Thanks for everything, Storm. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He watched as she ensured no tears were evident before she picked up her purse, took one last glance at her friend, then turned and left.

  “Just you and me, baby.” He paced back and forth, prowling around the bedroom.

  Worry and anger still coursing through him. He didn’t like the energy he felt sparking from him. It couldn’t be good for Savannah … maybe Storm was right.

  “Storm just left. She’s worried about you, Savannah. So, maybe you could rest for another little while, then wake up, just so she’s not worrying any longer. That’d be good, babe.”

  He felt silly talking to her when she was lying out for the count and he was walking around the room. What did Storm say? Lie beside Savannah? Yeah, it’s what she’d said. Maybe it’d work better that way. Certainly couldn’t hurt to try, and he wouldn’t feel any less of a fool than he did now.

  Toeing off his boots first, he went over to the bed, staring down at the beauty of his mate. “You’re gorgeous. My warrior fae queen. Okay, don’t tell me … princess, but you’ll always be a queen to me. When I saw you fighting Nash, and the power you wielded, damn, Savannah, I couldn’t have been prouder of you. Well, I have to admit, I wanted to kill him myself and not have you there in the first place, but it’s a moot point now.”

  He lay down next to her, pulling her into his arms and settling down to get comfy. “There we go, now, where was I? Oh, yes, you and Nash. Why did you do all that? Running yourself ragged through the forest? We’re pack, baby, we do things together, and if you’d kept to the plan, maybe you wouldn’t be so tired now. You know you’re worrying everyone, right? Anyway, I didn’t know you could do spells, or whatever it was you did to change Storm like you did. It was kinda freaky. Did the trick, though. But was it doing that that wore you out? You’ll need to tell me when you decide to wake up.”

  He leaned in to give her a peck on the lips, savoring the feel of her mouth on his. “You taste so good, Savannah. I miss you. You know that, right? I hope you do, even now, when you’re asleep. I really hope you know how much I miss you.”

  The thought of carrying on without her weighed heavily inside him. A long sigh escaped, his heart feeling as if it weighed a ton in his chest, and his soul … it grew darker by the second.

  “I know you’re tired. I understand you fought hard, babe, but I’m worried. I can’t bear the thought of seeing another dawn without you there to see the sun break through the sky with me. You know … the moment when darkness starts to fade and lightness fights for its freedom? So it can shine and send the night away for another day and bring brilliant sunshine to light up our lives for hours until it fights with the darkness again. I love that moment, don’t you? I want us to see it together, but we can’t unless you come back to me. Savannah, please, babe, wake up … fight your own darkness and come back to me.”

  Nothing. No reaction other than her chest rising and falling while she breathed next to him.

  “I’m scared. Savannah, do you hear me? For the first time in my life, I’m truly scared. I’ve fought in battles. I’ve driven through war zones, chasing real bad people, with bombs going off around me. I thought that was the worst I’d have to face in my life. I was wrong. So fucking wrong. This, right here, makes anything I’ve went through seem like a walk in the park. The truth is, babe, I can’t even think about losing you without knowing I won’t survive it. You hear me? Can you hear me? I don’t even know if you can. But if there’s a chance you’re aware, baby, please, know you’re my all, my everything … you’re my other half. My soulmate, and nobody can live without their soul, or their mate.”

  His heart stuttered in his chest at the thought of Savannah not being in his life. The long dark tunnel he saw scared the shit out of him … at the end of it he knew was his end.

  “We have so much ahead. I’ve never known of a fae and wolf being bound before, maybe we’re the first, who knows, but I want kids. Do you? How many? If we can have them, I want to know if you want a ton, or one, two, three? What if we can’t? Hell, I don’t care, we can adopt, can’t we? Are you open to adopting? See, there’s so much for us to talk about and so much for us to plan. Vacations. Do you like them? Where? What kind? Beach, or do you like skiing? I have no idea what you like, or even if you celebrate Christmas. Shit, Savannah, we need to talk about so much. I’d love to cut my very first Christmas tree right here on the mountain and invite friends ’round for dinner … oh wait, can you cook a decent turkey? Maybe Storm can help you with it and we’d get dessert from Judy. I bet she’d make some wonderful ones for the holidays. What do you think? Well, if you even celebrate it. Maybe you don’t…”

  “Far too many questions. I can’t answer them all at once.”

  He’d finally lost it. His mind now playing tricks on him … his imagination having his love answer because he dearly wanted to hear her voice.

  A long sigh beside him, a deep breath … and his head whirled around. “Savannah? Fuck! Are you okay? Talk to me, baby?”

  “Shhh, I’m fine, you don’t need to shout.” Savannah’s eyes blinked, once, twice, then opened to peer up at him. “Why do you look so worried?”

  “What?” He sat up, looking over her, listening to her heartbeat, checking her breathing … all appeared normal. “Because you collapsed and have been unconscious for almost two days, that’s why. I’ve been out of my mind with worry.”

  She smacked her lips together, then licked them. “Aah, maybe that’s why my throat feels like a desert. Can I have a drink, please?”

  “Sure.” He rolled off the bed and darted to
the dresser, picking up a bottle from the stash there and returned to sit beside her. “Here you go. Do you need a straw?”

  Savannah scowled up at him, shuffling to sit up. “I’m not an invalid, just thirsty.”

  She snatched the opened bottled, drinking it down greedily, then smacking her lips together. “Much better. Now, tell me what you were going on about? What were all those questions I heard? Christmas dinner, vacations, and did you ask about adoption? What the hell, Ash?”

  He felt his face heat up, not realizing she’d hear any of what he’d said. Now nervous when faced with Savannah’s questioning stare he blustered, “It’s all Storm’s fault.”

  Savannah looked up at him with a hint of a smile playing on her lips, a twinkle in her eyes, and her head falling to the side as she tapped the side of the bottle with a finger. “Storm told you to have a discussion about kids with me while I lay sound asleep in your bed. What did she think the outcome of such a talk would be?”

  “Well, no, not exactly,” Ash stammered.

  “Not exactly?” Savannah asked quickly. “So, Storm didn’t tell you to discuss our plans for kids? Or my vacation preferences, or, in fact, if I could cook a turkey? Which, by the way, I can, so I won’t require her help, just so you know.”

  Ash ran a hand through his hair, then shrugged. “Okay, she didn’t say any of those. What she said was I should relax and just talk to you. To try and bring you back to me, to both of us. She’s beside herself with worry, and so am … was I. I started to talk, and things just started to fall out of my mouth…”

  “I know,” Savannah interrupted. “I heard, most of it anyway. I’m sorry I worried you, both of you. I couldn’t stop myself falling into the restorative state after my altercation with Nash. It’s my own fault for hiding who I am for such a long time. I haven’t practiced any of my powers for ages, years in fact, so it was a jolt to my system, and it shut down to recover.”

  Ash couldn’t believe what she’d done, to herself and for them. Hiding her fae heritage and her powers for so long and then using them because of Storm. It told him everything he’d known all along. She was brave, loyal, and would put her life on the line for those she cared for. He didn’t like it, or the fact she’d put herself in danger, but he loved her all the more for it too.


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