The Land: Monsters

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The Land: Monsters Page 19

by Aleron Kong

  There was so much he didn’t understand. The significance of Cataclysms and the relationship of bloodlines to them was still unclear. Hisako had told him that The Land had suffered several Cataclysms, each named for an era of inconceivable destruction. Not only would kingdoms fall and empires collapse, but entire continents might sink into the oceans. The death toll was beyond imagining.

  During each Cataclysm, The Land had been taken to the brink of destruction, but had somehow survived. Despite the horrors of each Cataclysm, they were also times that mana concentrations would spike in The Land. The abundance of magic would suffuse the bodies, minds and souls of survivors, granting them amazing powers.

  Oftentimes these abilities would be passed down to a creature’s descendants. These inheritable powers were called bloodlines. Hisako had said that they proved the balance of all things. Each Cataclysm would, by its very nature, provide the powers and weapons needed to defeat and survive the calamity. She’d also told him that older bloodlines rarely appeared anymore, as they were diluted through the generations. Even when they did, the power a bloodline carried would be too much for a person to bear. They would be consumed by it. Richter now understood why only Tier 2 creatures, those who had ascended to a higher state of being, would possess one.

  Hisako’s countenance had been grave as she recounted the disasters that had threatened all life in The Land. Richter had had trouble envisioning destruction and loss on the scale she had described. The closest analogy he could come up with was a nuclear war, but from what he had heard, that was still inadequate. Even during the third world war, the thought of destroying the world had scared the various superpowers enough that they had stuck to conventional weaponry. Afterwards, they had even destroyed their nuclear stockpiles and their caches of other world-ending agents. He couldn’t really wrap his head around the fact that The Land had suffered seven such catastrophes.

  Cataclysms were a field of Lore that he had found fascinating but hadn’t had the time to learn much about. For the umpteenth time, Richter promised himself that he would read more books from Hisako’s library. It was just that there was always more to do, more enemies to fight and more crises to survive. Richter wracked his brain as he tried to recall any other helpful information. All he was able to bring to the fore was that one of the Cataclysms Hisako had mentioned had had something to do with undead attacking every civilization of The Land. With a sinking feeling, he realized it was the third Cataclysm that she had been describing, the one that had created his bloodline.

  With that realization, his mind made a troubling and horrifying connection. If bloodlines really were due to people in the distant past being exposed to high concentrations of certain types of mana, then his was probably no different. The fact that it was called “vile” and that fact that his bloodline had the word “ghost” in the name just clinched his suspicion. His bloodline had evolved due to high concentrations of Death magic. Richter didn’t have the deep-seated hatred for necromancy that his Life mage allies did, but it still made him uncomfortable. The fact that such a bloodline was now an intrinsic part of him was something he liked even less. What the consequences of this would be in the future he didn’t know, but he did know one thing: Hisako was going to be pissed.

  14, 13, 12, …

  Xuetrix was flexing his hands as he stared at Richter, his sharp talons glinting in the light of the golden rings. He gave Richter a glare that that chaos lord assumed was supposed to be intimidating. The imp’s opponent paid him no mind. That was because the notification Richter was reading finally gave him two answers: where the other Chaos Points had come from, and how he could improve his chances to take the cocky flier down. He’d gotten another bonus!

  Congratulations! You have been awarded +500 Chaos Points for becoming the first Chaos Lord!

  Know This! You have fulfilled the conditions to advance the rank of your Tier 2 form, Chaos Lord. Do you wish to advance from Rank 1 to Rank 2 for 500 Chaos Points? Yes or No?

  The “money prudent” part of him hated the idea of spending so many precious Chaos Points. Especially right after he’d earned them, but then he thought, easy come, easy go. An expression his uncle had warned him long ago did not apply to unprotected sex, but did seem to work right now. He needed every advantage he could get against Xuetrix. There wasn’t much time left, so Richter didn’t hesitate more than a second. He chose “Yes.”

  Congratulations! You have advanced your Tier 2 form, Chaos Lord, from the 1st of 9 ranks, Weak, to the 2nd rank, Low.

  Vassal Slots: 1 ?? 2

  Chaos Point Generation (CP/Chaotic alignment/week): +1 ?? +3

  Chaotic Spells and Abilities Bonus: +25% ?? +30%

  To progress to Rank 3: Pay 1,000 Chaos Points. Chaotic Vassals can be claimed to decrease this cost at a rate of 100 Chaos Points per point of Chaotic alignment.

  The bonuses weren’t huge, but he’d only progressed to the second of nine ranks. The hefty cost to progress again wasn’t great news either. It occurred to him that he probably could have reduced the cost of ranking up if he’d waited until he found chaotic vassals, but that would probably have been a long wait for a train don’t come. Besides, he hadn’t gotten excited about rank progression because he thought it would help him beat Xuetrix directly, it was because of the message that popped up next, something he’d been hoping to see.

  Know this! Calculations for the Battle of Wills have been reconsidered and adjusted accordingly.

  Richter advancing his Tier 1 form from rank 1 to rank 2 of 9 has increased his Power by +5%

  Total Modifier: +41% Richter, +17% Xuetrix

  It wasn’t much, but it widened the gap between the two of them even more.

  4, 3, 2, …

  The timer counted down to zero, and Richter met Xuetrix’s anger with a smug southern grin, “Now! Who, is, the master?”

  CHAPTER 21 – Day 151 – Juren 2, 0 AoC

  The countdown reached zero and both combatants bared their teeth as the pain washed over them anew. During the hiatus, the assault on their minds, bodies and souls had stopped. With the battle of wills resumed, it came roaring back all at once. Even the demon needed time to process the horrible violation of it all.

  This round will begin with Xuetrix possessing the initiative.

  The demon continued to glare furiously at Richter, but couldn’t keep his eyes from flashing to their bars of power. The imp’s was full, but that was only because his modifier had decreased so dramatically. Richter’s, on the other hand, was just shy of full. The problem was that the human’s gold bar was more than three times as large as it had been before. Xuetrix still had more power, but only a fraction more, rather than five times as much.

  The imp launched an attack and Richter’s howls filled the tunnel. For seventy-seven seconds, Xuetrix poured his power into blows that wrecked the chaos lord’s mind, body and soul. All of the green of his bar emptied and some of the gold as well. Richter’s power was consumed as he was assaulted on all sides.

  When the demon’s turn was done, Richter felt like he was holding a live wire. He’d never been more awake and had never wished more for unconsciousness. The chaos lord spit on the ground and counterattacked. It was the demon’s turn to wail. Richter exacted vengeance, knowing that in seventy-seven short seconds it would be his turn to suffer once more. He didn’t worry about that. He just cherished the precious moments of pain he was able to deliver to Xuetrix.

  Back and forth they went. Their larger power bars let them deliver a level of suffering to each other that no Tier 1 being could have endured. Each time, Xuetrix was sure that Richter would succumb. At the very least, he was convinced the human would waste energy to relieve the suffering. Each round, the demon was surprised. Richter may have writhed and screamed, but when Xuetrix’s turn was done, the chaos lord bypassed his healing phase and just attacked again. It was maddening! No mortal should have been able to endure that level of castigation. He found himself wondering just what could have happened to the hum
an to make him accustomed to not only physical agony, but attacks on the mind and soul as well.

  At the start of the seventh round, Xuetrix had only about 8% of his power left. Richter had only five. The chaos lord’s fists were clenched so hard his ragged nails had broken the skin on his palms in eight places. Sweat drenched him and a foul odor wafted off his unwashed body. His mental defenses lay in ruins and his psychic avatar was being squeezed by the merciless golden rings of the battle. His soul was so battered, he was hearing voices whisper to him about his failures, inadequacies and weaknesses. He was a man pushed to the very limits of his soul and the edge of sanity.

  Still, if anyone had been fool enough to ask him how he felt, Richter’s answer would have been simple.

  “You should see the other guy.”

  Trapped within his own golden bands, Xuetrix no longer flapped his wings. He’d landed during the fourth round and hadn’t been able to muster the will to rise into the air again. Drool fell out of the demon’s open, retching mouth. His arms hung limp to his sides. The fury had left his eyes. In its place was pain, shame and disbelief. It had never occurred to the demon that Richter would be able to push it this far. Even when he won, the imp wouldn’t have the energy to claim the human’s soul. He hadn’t been in such a position for millennia. Even with his power reduced to only the second tier, the ignominy of being forced into such a state by a mere human was heinous.

  Richter had just finished his latest attack and now it was Xuetrix’s turn. With the time he had, he spoke in a raspy voice, “You have surprised me, human, but it is over. Give in. If you will admit defeat, I will forswear any vengeance, claim on your soul, or penalties. You only need to submit.”

  The chaos lord looked at the imp with contempt. He would have spit, but his mouth was too dry from screaming. He had to work his tongue around his mouth several times before he managed to say, “One day.” He had to work up more saliva to finish his statement. Xuetrix looked at him expectantly. A few seconds later, Richter finished with, “I’m going to fuck your mother.” He had one last thing to add. “In her messy, messy butthole.”

  Several times during the battle, Xuetrix had stared at Richter with hot fury. For the very first time, the demon’s anger froze cold. He was nearly as strained as the human. He was not immune to the battle of wills. No being was. His soul was beset by doubts and his mind was being ravaged by demons of his own. The pain coursing through his body made it hard to even stay conscious. All of that faded in the face of the absolute cold of his ruthless ire.

  When Xuetrix spoke this time, his voice had changed. It sounded gothic and possessed the grandeur and majesty of a lord of the deeps. The shadows of the tunnel gathered like worshippers before their god. In the dark, Richter felt like he could see a larger horned demon standing behind the imp.

  “Do not mistake to whom you are speaking, frail human. I have drunk the blood of gods. Your feeble mind cannot begin to understand the majesty of my existence. You would dare to speak of my lineage? My family ruled an entire plane of hell while your ancestors were but single cells clumsily grappling in a fetid pool. You do not even deserve to hear my true name!

  “I tell you now to bow before me or die! If I so choose, not one minute shall pass after this battle of wills before I steal the breath from your lungs. Not one minute! Do not attempt false bravado. I smell the curse of death upon you. Did you think you could hide it? The stench of it is like a bloated corpse in the sun. I will damn you to that accursed half-life! What do you say now, human? Will you kneel or will this be where your story ends?”

  By the time Xuetrix had finished speaking the shadows were so thick, Richter could barely make out the imp’s body. All he could see were red flames dancing in the demon’s eyes, and the palpable presence that wanted to break out of the creature’s small body. Nearly anyone else would have bowed under that horrible pressure. Xuetrix had not even used his power to attack. It was sheer force of personality, but from a being who could kill with a glance. In the depths of The Land, in that dark and dismal tunnel, Richter knew in his heart that everything the demon had said was true, especially that Xuetrix could destroy him utterly. He did not know what that presence was coming off the imp, but he knew it was far beyond his own ascended state of existence. Tier 3? Tier 4 or 5? He did not know. He only knew it could kill him as easily as snuffing out a candle.

  Despite all of that, Richter did not hesitate in his response. Looking at both Xuetrix and the thing struggling to get out of the demon, he spoke simply and without fear.

  “You can die every day.”

  That was it. When any sane man would have blinked, with the devil himself staring at him with hunger, Richter stood with his head high. They locked eyes, an unstoppable force and an immovable man. He understood that these were his last minutes, but he’d made a choice. In accordance with his true nature, he chose. It wasn’t a lack of fear that motivated him, but instead, an acceptance of what he was. It was better to go out now than be bound to the demon’s will. Richter heaved a heavy sigh, but the once-turbulent waters of his soul calmed. The storm of thought cleared from his mind and his body relaxed, muscles unclenching. He was still being assaulted, but in this key moment he found the true power and freedom of Chaos. He found peace in his choice.

  It was time.

  Richter prepared for Xuetrix’s attack, but all of a sudden, the demon’s intimidating aura vanished. The shadows scattered and became lifeless once again. The very real red light in Xuetrix’s eyes faded, and a smirk plastered itself onto the demon’s face. The imp spoke a single word, “Halt.”

  Upon request of the Favor holder, the Battle of Wills shall be halted for 77 seconds. This cannot be done twice.

  Like someone had flipped a switch, the assault on Richter ceased. The pain disappeared, his head cleared and his mind firmed. He almost swooned in relief. It was true that he had come to accept his fate, but the pain of Xuetrix’s assaults was still there. To have it just vanish was more shocking than diving into a pool in the middle of a hot day.

  “Well,” the demon acknowledged with a laugh, “you are a pain in the ass. I don’t see any reason to keep continuing this, however. I’ve decided to make you a deal.”

  “A deal,” Richter asked, his voice still raw, but now also thick with disbelief.

  “Yeah,” Xuetrix replied with another chortle. “We demons like deals. I will release you from your Favor, right now, if you accept a quest from me instead. Where it will lead you is the very location you’re looking for, a pathway home. If you finish the quest, you’ll get some good experience and I’ll get you home. If you lose, well,” Xuetrix cocked his head up as if he was considering the matter, “let’s say I get all the experience you’ve gathered so far. You’ll go back to level one, your skills will reset, but you won’t have any permanent injuries or debuffs. Either way, you’ll be closer to finding a way back to the surface. Now what d’ya say?”

  Richter glared at him, obviously expecting a trick, but a prompt appeared.

  You have been offered a Quest: Deal with the Devil I

  Xuetrix desires a wand of magical power. It is known as the Wand of Rotush, and it is held by the ogre lord, Nureuk. You will be given a magical beacon that interacts with your Traveler’s Map which will show you the general location of the underground city of Omru. Once there, you must make your way to the stronghold and acquire the wand from Nureuk’s treasury.

  If you accept this Quest, Xuetrix will release you from your Favor.

  Success Conditions: Steal the Wand of Rotush

  Rewards: Instant transport back to the Mist Village

  Penalty for failure of Quest: Loss of all of your accumulated XP

  Penalty for refusal of Quest: Immediate resumption of the Battle of Wills

  Do you accept? Yes or No

  Before Richter could respond, Xuetrix held up one taloned finger, “Wait!” Then the demon snapped his fingers and summoned, of all things, a small piece of parchment and a quill. After sc
ribbling for a second, he gestured for Richter to respond.

  The chaos lord had no idea what had just happened, but he did ask a question, “Why do you want this wand? What does it do?”

  Xuetrix grinned ear to ear. He slowly turned the piece of paper so Richter could see what he’d written. It contained three lines of text. The first two were basically paraphrases of the questions Richter had just asked.

  “What can the wand do?”

  “Why do I want it?”

  The third line was why Xuetrix was grinning like a maniac.

  “Will you ever stop being so basic?”

  The letter was so mocking and Xuetrix’s expression so ridiculing that Richter almost refused the deal right then and there. Before he could snap at the demon, however, Xuetrix pointed at their respective power bars. They were both depleted, but the demon had more energy left than Richter. If the battle resumed, there was little doubt the chaos lord would lose.

  “Is it worth it?” Xuetrix asked.

  Richter wished he could have said something else, but he knew the answer to the question. It wasn’t. Xuetrix’s deal, while not fair, was far better than him suffering the unknown consequences of losing the battle of wills. It would be a serious setback losing all of his levels, Talents and powers, but he knew he could recover from that, given enough time. The unknown penalties for not only refusing a Favor, but also losing the contest, might cripple him forever.

  He could ask Xuetrix for more information, but the demon had already told him no in a particularly embarrassing way. More questions wouldn’t get answers, just more insults. Also, the timer on the hiatus was still counting down.

  22, 21, 20, …

  The last thing he wanted was to tie himself to Xuetrix yet again, but he had little choice. He’d fought the devil to a standstill. He’d have to be pleased with that victory, pyrrhic or not. He clicked “Yes” on the quest prompt. The window disappeared along with the golden rings surrounding them both. They were both plunged into darkness. A quick spell fixed that. On Richter’s minimap, a red dot appeared in the faraway darkness. There weren’t any other details on the map besides what the chaos lord assumed was the location Xuetrix wanted him to get to.


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