A Merry Medieval Christmas Box Set

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A Merry Medieval Christmas Box Set Page 26

by Laurel O'Donnell

  Properly chastised Faolan shook his head, took one more look about for Catriona and followed Angus to see about his horse.

  Catriona managed to get directions to the clearing where Greer Mackinnon claimed people usually went to swim or wash up at the stream. She hoped it was where Faolan and Moira planned to meet. Snow fell steadily blanketing the ground with a white blanket. The first of winter had arrived, soon it would be Hogmanay, and the first time she'd celebrate the holiday so far from Ian. The thought made her eyes sting with unshed tears and she blinked them away. Whatever happened back there she prayed that her brother would be all right. She turned in a full circle suddenly confused. The snow began to fall harder and she rushed in the direction she thought was right. Soon it was evident neither the river nor the clearing was near as she strained to hear the sound of water but instead only heard the soft plats of snow falling and crunching of her feet through the fallen leaves.

  "Faolan!" she called out no longer caring if he was with Moira. Nothing she feared more than becoming lost and darkness falling. She fought not to cry. "Faolan!"

  Forward she continued until her entire body shook from the cold. The sun in the sky was falling and the day became bitterly cold. The salty air filled her lungs and she let out a sob. Shelter, the best thing to do was to find a small cave or make something from tree limbs. Ian had taught her to make a makeshift shelter in case she'd ever got lost in the forest. This was not a forest like back in Moy, here the trees were shorter, the ground rocky and she could only wonder at what was best to use for shelter. She rushed to where a tree had fallen and finding several broken tree limbs she began dragging them over to make a shelter. It took a while, but she was thankful for the busy work, it kept her moving and not so cold. Once she finished with the covering of her shelter, she climbed in and curled into a ball. Inside the small space away from the wind and wrapped in her cloak the cold was a bit more bearable. Soon it was warm and not too bad. Although it was cold in Moy, the wind was not as unforgiving as it was in Skye. She frowned and wondered if Faolan had met with Moira and what the outcome of their meeting was. The snow continued to fall, she watched it through the small opening while willing it to stop. Praying for her husband to find her before nightfall, she fell asleep.

  Faolan was distraught. He and four horsemen headed toward the shore to look for Catriona. After finding his mother upset over the snowfall and explaining Catriona had asked for directions to the clearing, he knew she'd overheard his conversation with Moira the night before. He'd not gone to the clearing, had sent Moira a message with one of the keep lads to tell her he'd speak with her at another time. Then he'd spent most of the day in the village while waiting for the smithy to shoe his horse.

  The snow had finally stopped falling and he pushed the tartan from over his head. "Faolan, should we look over there?" One of the guards pointed to the craggy edge of hills nearby. "She could have found shelter in the woods edge."

  "Aye." They rode to the area and split up riding up and down. "Catriona!" He yelled and then repeated the call. A mound caught his attention. It seemed out of place and immediately he knew it had to be where she was. He spurned his mount toward it and jumped from the horse as he neared the spot. Once there he dug through the snow to find Catriona curled in a ball in a very warm space. Fast asleep.

  He got as close as he could and kissed her brow. "Wake up beauty. I've come for ye."

  "Mmm?" She huddled deeper into her cape.

  He chuckled at his very intelligent wife. Of course she would be fine. "Catriona wake up."

  Her eyes opened, widened and then looked up to where he'd dug in. "You found me."

  "Of course I did. I cannot lose ye. I’ve barely acquired my beautiful wife."

  Once he helped her to crawl from the space, he whistled letting the other guards know she'd been found. They came and once assured, rode away to inform the other men out looking for her.

  Catriona turned to him, her fiery eyes meeting his. "How could you?"

  Confused he lifted his hands, palms up. "What do you mean?"

  The slap came so fast, hard and unexpected, he turned sideways. "God's blood woman why do you strike me?" He took her by the elbows and pulled her toward the horse. "Lets get you to the keep. You must be addled by the cold."

  She dug her heels in, but not in a mood for a tantrum, he lifted her and threw her over the back of the horse. Before she could right herself, he climbed up and held her down while sending the horse to a trot.

  "Stop at once, let me down!" Catriona yelled somehow managing to glare at him through her red tresses. He pressed his lips together to keep from smiling at the tempting side of her backside up in the air as she dangled across the horse. "You are a brute to...to...do...this." Her words became stuttered from the bouncing and this time he could not stop a chuckle.

  "And you wife should not have wandered off not knowing the area."

  She let out a groan and quieted until they arrived at the keep just a few moments later. He lowered from the horse then pulled her down careful to avoid any swift kicks or attempts to hit him.

  She screamed and threw herself at him her small fists pounding his chest. He landed on his back and she straddled him.

  "You brute, I was better off sleeping in the snow than bouncing on a horse like fresh kill." She yelled and flung her fists at him. Faolan had a hard time defending himself because he was laughing at her straddling him, her temper as fiery as her hair.

  When he finally stopped laughing, he easily rolled her over, and then jumped to his feet. Entangled in her cloak, she fought to get up. When she wobbled to stand, he grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder and ran to the keep, through the great room startling those inside and up the stairs. Once in their bedchamber, he threw her atop the bed and stood beside it with his hands fisted on his hips.

  "Remove your cloak and stand before me wife."

  She glared at him then looked to the closed door. "What do you mean to do?"

  "You know as your husband I have every right to punish you for that spectacle outside. The guardsmen were all watching."

  She swallowed and her eyes rounded. "You wouldn't do such a thing." Dread filled her showing by the paleness of her cheeks, but instead of cowering, she slid from the bed, removed her cloak and stood with chin lifted and a challenge in her gaze.

  "Why did you leave the keep?" He ensured to keep his voice flat.

  "To catch you with Moira. You were going to meet her."

  He narrowed his eyes "Do you not trust me Catriona?"

  Her teeth captured her bottom lip; he realized she did it to keep it unsuccessfully from trembling. Catriona blinked and once again hitched her chin up. "Should I?"

  "I was going to meet her." He said watching hurt fill her gaze. "But I changed my mind. I found out something very interesting during the morning meal."

  Catriona remained silent, but she lowered her chin in defeat. He hated to see her deflated and hurt, so he neared and with his forefinger and thumb lifted her face. "While explaining our meeting and marriage to my brother and Da, they asked how I felt about you."

  She slid her gaze away then jerked her chin out of his grasp. "I annoy you and my outspoken ways make you regret marrying me."

  "No." He took her chin again and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. "I found out I am deeply in love with you lass."

  Her eyes widened and her lips curved into an enchanting smile. His wife threw her arms around his neck and kissed his face. It was hard to keep from wrapping his arms around her enticing body in return but he held her waist and pushed her back. "Which means punishing you will be harder, but I must."

  He threw her face down onto the bed and lifted her skirts. Her bare bottom still had the remnants of the flogging by Nevin, so he ensured his palm landed on an uninjured area. The sound of flesh against flesh was followed by Catriona's squeal. "I must do this at least three times more," he told her with a second smack followed by a louder shriek. She wiggled in an attempt to get a
way and he had to admit, the punishment was making his breathing hitch. Catriona looked over her shoulder to him and taunted. "Hit me again and I will kick you in the bullocks as soon as you loose me." She let out a scream when he hit her the third time ensuring to strike where he'd not done so before so not to bruise her. Just as he wanted, it was loud enough for the men to overhear, which would save him face. What they did not hear was her moans when his lips and tongue covered the affected area with kisses and soothing licks.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They lay entwined together until it was time for the evening meal, Faolan looked to the ceiling with half closed eyes.

  "Did you really not meet with her?" Catriona reluctantly asked.

  "Nay. I had already decided to tell her I no longer felt as strongly. But after realizing how deeply I cared for you, it didn't sit well to meet her. I will speak to her here in the keep when I can and assure she no longer harbors any hope. I doubt she will be hurt. Moira loves only herself truth be told."

  They got dressed and he helped her with her dress, and then assisted her, surprising Catriona by his willingness to pull the comb through her tangled hair. It took longer than it should have as they constantly stopped to kiss. When they descended the stairs to the great room every eye fell to her. Although he'd made up for the spanks, she still had a hard time sitting easily on her sore bottom. Some of the men chuckled at her discomfort, her mother in law gave her an understanding concerned look, but other than that she was not bothered too much by it all. Perhaps in the future she'd keep any disagreements with her husband private in the chamber.

  Moira walked in and once again barely looked to her before directing her gaze to Faolan. Annoyed when the woman was seated next to her, Catriona fought not to roll her eyes.

  "I hear you have a hard time controlling your temper. Perhaps you need more time with women to learn the proper way to behave." Moira spoke softly, her gaze directed away. "Tis a good thing you are not to become the laird's wife."

  Catriona let out a breath and lifted a piece of bread to her mouth. "Yes tis a good thing."

  "Your screams were overheard to the courtyard. I am surprised you can sit."

  Faolan nudged her with his arm, no doubt his attempt to keep her from blurting out hot responses. Instead she smiled at Moira and ensuring to keep her lips curved as she spoke. "Aye, I can be quite loud. I rather enjoyed how Faolan punished me."

  Moira gasped and looked past her to Faolan who looked straight ahead, his cheeks coloring. It was then Catriona noticed his mother looked to him with an amused smile. She bit her lip and felt heat climb to her cheeks.

  The laird let out a loud laugh, which drew the looks of the people gathered in the hall. He recovered quickly by lifting a goblet. "To men and the women whom we love."

  The men in the room joined with calls of agreement and Catriona finally dared to look at Faolan who drank from his tankard, his darkened eyes meeting hers with promise.

  She leaned to him and whispered in his ear. "I love you husband."

  "Tis good to know." He shook his head and chuckled.

  Two weeks later during the festival of Hogmanay, the great room was aglow with candlelight. From the wooden beams to every rail, bows were strung with winterberries and greenery. The smell of spiced wine filled the large rooms with a wonderful aroma and the songs of minstrels filled the air.

  Catriona walked into the room on her husband's arm, feeling beautiful in her new winter gown. Thankfully Moira had gone home to spend the holidays with her family since her father was rather ill. The lairds had decided to put the marriage off until he recovered. Greer Mackinnon rushed to Catriona and pulled her to the center of the room where the women had formed a circle and danced. She laughed until finally learning the steps then swirled in a circle with the others until dizzy with happiness.

  When the song ended she went to find Faolan and took the goblet he handed her to drink from it with greed.

  The room began to spin and then darkness fell. The celebration came to an abrupt end for her.

  Catriona came to in the Laird's study. Faolan and his mother were the only ones there. Lady Greer patted her face. "There see I told you she's fine, just a bit overheated and too excited. In her condition it's expected."

  "What happened? Did I faint?" Catriona frowned. "I don't faint. I am not a weakling that does such."

  The room went silent. Faolan's wide eyes had yet to leave his mother and Catriona wondered if something had happened she was not aware of. "Is something wrong?"

  Lady Greer laughed softly. "I suppose being new at this you are not aware. You must be with child. From what Faolan told me since you've been here, you haven't had your womanly courses since leaving Moy."

  Scrambling to sit upright she thought about her mother in laws words and then she must have mirrored Faolan's wide-eyed look. "Do you think?"

  "I believe you are with child dear."

  "A messenger arrived Lady Mackinnon", a guard stood at the doorway. "For Lady Catriona."

  "Send him in," Faolan said without looking at the man, instead he studied her with interest. "Could it be true?"

  "I suppose so," Catriona grinned at him like a ninny. "A child." She patted her still flat stomach. "Oh."

  Next thing she knew Faolan had her up and in his arms. "I must get you to bed."

  She pushed at his chest. "Put me down. I am going back to the great hall, I do not wish to miss the great feast. I'm famished. And I wish to dance again."

  Lady Greer laughed as the messenger came in. He wore McPherson colors and immediately Catriona's blood went cold. "Speak."

  "Yer brother wishes you to know he is well and betrothed to Lady Claire."

  "Betrothed?" She wobbled and at once Faolan held her against him. He was going to be quite annoying if he kept attempting to treat her as if she'd break because she was with child. Once again she pushed him away. "Is he truly well?"

  The messenger smiled. "Aye, he and Lady Claire seem well suited. He wished to let you now he plans to come for a visit soon."

  She let out a loud laugh. "Oh I am so very glad."

  Everyone made their way to the great room, and joined the festivities. The messenger followed as Lady Greer had invited him to remain and celebrate the winter holiday with them.

  Faolan took Catriona's hands and pulled her aside. He kissed her lips and looked down upon her face. "Yer overheated, let’s step outside for just a moment."

  They walked out into a closed garden where he wrapped his tartan around them both and held her close. "I have something to admit to you." His eyes were serious when meeting hers in the moonlight.

  "What is it?"

  "I found the well and I made a wish."

  She felt her eyes round. "You did?"

  "I wished for my true love and to have her by Hogmanay." He kissed her. "The well is real and my wish came true."

  Her eyes welled with tears and she made no effort to keep them from flowing. "I wished for you. I now know I did. A wolf appeared to me that day and it did not scare me."

  He buried his face in her hair and let out a deep sigh. "My wolf. It appeared to me as well."

  Catriona shoved away from him. "Then why did you ask for my help to find it?"

  "I thought it was a dream, all of a sudden it was gone." He attempted to kiss her and she ducked.

  "Men are so dimwitted," she huffed and gave him a droll look. "You wasted my time that day and seduced me."

  "Not so. It was you who took advantage of me." He kissed her just below the ear. His voice became husky. "It may have been the time we created the little wolf within you now." Faolan grinned and she fought to keep from smiling.

  "It will be a girl and I will name her Isobel after my mother."

  "Boy and we will name him Faolan like his father."

  When she went to retort, his mouth covered hers and she melted against him. It would annoy her later how hard it was to remain cross with her too handsome husband.


p; Writing Highlanders who will battle for your heart...

  USA Today Bestselling author Hildie McQueen loves unusual situations and getting into interesting adventures, which is what her characters do as well. She writes romance because she is in love with love! Author of Romance in Highland historical, Western Historical and contemporary, she writes something every reader can enjoy.

  Most days she can be found in her pajamas hiding from deliverymen while drinking tea from her David Gandy coffee mug. In the afternoons she browses the Internet for semi-nude men to post on Facebook.

  Hildie's favorite past-times are traveling, shopping, and reading.

  She resides in beautiful small town Georgia with her super-hero husband Kurt and three doggies.

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  © Copyright Anna Markland 2016

  All rights reserved.

  This story is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  All fictional characters in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author and all incidents are pure invention.


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