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Sword of the Tyrant

Page 32

by Cebelius



  Yuri's lips twisted and his tail lashed as he glanced away. "I am not sure what to say then. I did not expect you to refuse."

  Terry's mind was racing, and after a moment he asked, "Why don't I just make you two compatible?"

  Twisted's ears perked up, and after a moment, Yuri's did as well as he asked, "You ... you can do that?"

  "Blood magic is pretty adaptable. I think so," Terry said after another moment's thought. "Take me a few hours to get the ritual ready, but we can do it today if you want. Might leave you shooting blanks with anyone of your own respective races though. Sure you want that?"

  "But ... what would our kits look like?" Yuri asked, glancing at Twisted.

  Terry shrugged and said, "Best guess? Stripey furballs. I can work something in so that they're either your species or hers, so they can go on to have families of their own. I've been a freak for the past few months and trust me, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. We'll make sure they get a real shot at a good life."

  After a moment he asked again, "Sure you want this? You've only been together a few weeks. If you're going to have kids, you need to be committed to them, and to each other. I came up out of a broken home. I'd have to come after you, either of you, if you don't take this seriously. I wouldn't even be considering this now if ... if things weren't so fucked. I'd want you to wait. Maybe a few years ... but I realize I don't have that luxury, and I'm not sure who else could do this for you."

  "The kind of magic you are talking about ... would cost more than my whole village could pay," Yuri breathed.

  "When can we do it?" Twisted asked, tail wagging so hard it was rocking her hips.

  "Well, like I said, I can have it ready in a few hours, and it might take a while once we start.

  "You won't ... be fucking in front of me or anything. Just standing together," he hastily added as the thought occurred to him and he spoke to prevent a seriously embarrassing scenario.

  Yuri looked at Twisted, then back at Terry as he said, "Twisted is my bitch. If you can make us compatible, please do so."

  Blinking at the term, Terry shrugged and said, "Meet me back here about noon. That'll give me plenty of time to plan this out. Go pull Shy aside and let her know what I'm doing, and she'll know who and what else to say to anyone else who needs to be involved. Have her bring me my pack. I'll get started right now."

  As the two turned from him he said, "Oh and Yuri?"

  "Yes Boss?"

  "Tell Laina too. She was seriously annoyed and I think telling her will keep her from wanting to flatten you," Terry said with a grin.

  Yuri chuffed and shook his head as he said, "I will. See you at noon, Brother."

  "Yeah," Terry chuckled wryly, rubbing his forehead as he began thinking about how to do what he'd just promised. "See you."

  Terry watched the two walk away, one's tail weaving, the other wagging, and wondered if what he was doing was a good idea.

  I just don't have time, he thought ruefully, and put his doubts away. Those two are adults. If this is what they want, after all they've done for me ... it's the least I can do for them.

  He took a deep breath, rolled his sleeves up, and got to work.



  Three days later, Shy watched along with Halla, Asturial, and Laina as Yuri Kolenko was made chieftain.

  Despite the joyous occasion, it was a rather somber ceremony that took place in the longhouse. The only member of the council of elders that had survived Najaha's predation was Dascha, and so it fell to her to read aloud what amounted to the final words of Vlad the Dreamer, naming Yuri chief.

  Terry wasn't present, for though he had done much to see Yuri to his rightful place, his failure to kill Najaha made him unwelcome with many of the tiger-kin. He had smiled and waved off Shy's concern and told her that he had spoken to Yuri, congratulated him personally on his many achievements, and that he really wasn't one for big ceremonies.

  She focused on her bond with him, felt his love for her, and was reassured. He was out somewhere, feeling a bit nostalgic, and she resolved to speak with him more about his past at some point. She wanted to learn more about him, and she knew she wasn't the only one.

  The culmination of the ceremony distracted her from her thoughts of him, and she stood and cheered along with all the rest as Yuri raised his hands.

  He made a brief speech, during which he thanked Terry by name and spoke of the man's bravery, of the dedication that had seen him travel across the continent on an impossible quest, all to keep his word to his brother.

  By the end of it, Shy could see regret in the postures of more than a few that had spurned him for his choices, and hid her smile.

  When it was over, Yuri and Twisted were surrounded with well-wishers, and after offering their own congratulations Shy and the others excused themselves, heading back out toward the wagon.

  As they walked, Shy was abruptly aware of physical pain from Terry. It wasn't anything life-threatening, and he didn't feel threatened, but the pain was real, and it flared up again, then faded.

  A moment later, his impression in her mind vanished.

  "He's gone," Shy blurted, looking around wide-eyed.

  "What?" Asturial asked.

  "Tee. He's gone."

  Asturial frowned, closed her eyes a moment, then opened them again as she said, "He was at the wagon not long ago. I can still smell him there."

  The four of them raced to the wagon, hoping to see some sign. The silken orbs of his children were still there, but his pack was gone. In its place was a book, weighing down a small sheaf of papers.

  Shy picked them up, and her face twisted with despair as she read the first few lines on each page. She closed her eyes and clutched the book to her chest as Asturial impatiently demanded, "What!?"

  Shy simply said again, "He's ... gone."

  Asturial reached for the papers and pulled them from the unresisting dryad. She too scanned them, inhaling deeply as her face twisted not in sadness, but rage.

  "He left us behind, didn't he," Laina said. It wasn't a question, and her voice was heavy with emotion.

  "There is a letter here for each of us," Asturial spat, rifling them and holding out a sheet of paper to Laina, who looked at it, then back up at Asturial as she said, "I ... can't read."

  Throughout all this, Halla was standing forlorn a few feet away, staring at the others with disbelief on her face and tears in her eyes.

  Shy took the page Asturial held out, and read it aloud.

  To Laina Mack,

  By the time you read this, I will be gone.

  You may not know it yet, but you're carrying our baby boy.

  I love you, and I want you to be happy. It should be obvious now why I can't let you come with me. Not where I'm going, not with our child.

  Man, I'm really not good at this. There is so much I want to share with you, a life I want to live. You're a wonderful woman and you kept your promise to me. You kept me on the right road, and now I have to follow it to the end. I can't promise I'll make it back from this, but at least if you stay behind, I'll know that you're safe.

  Stay alive, and your bond will keep me healthy and strong. I have little right to ask this of you, but I'll do it anyway: Please, if I don't survive, love our boy enough for both of us.

  I was on this road when we met, and if I make it to the end I'll find you. If you can't forgive me, I understand. But whether you do or not, know that I will love you for the rest of my life.

  I don't know if I ever told you, but it's customary where I come from for the husband to give his last name to his wife.

  It wasn't worth much when I got it, but I've done my best to clean it up and make it a name worth keeping. If it is my last gift to you, I hope you accept it ... and pass it on.

  I love you, always,

  Terrence Wyatt Mack

  "Did ... he leave one of those for me?" Halla asked.

  Shy glanced up from the lette
r, which she handed off to Laina as Asturial said, "Yes, La. He did. Would you like me to read it for you?"

  The rage was gone from Asturial's face, and her voice had more compassion than Shy had ever heard in it as the dragon proxy looked at Halla, whose expression was so forlorn and lonely that it threatened to break Shy's heart.

  "Please?" Halla asked.

  Asturial nodded and began to read.

  To Halla,

  I know this will be difficult for you to understand, but I want you to know that I'm not leaving you behind because I don't want you. I'm leaving you behind because I DO want you, and I want our child.

  I NEED you both to live, whether I do or not. Your lives are more important than mine, no matter what anyone says. You represent a bright new beginning, a future, and no matter what happens to me, I want you to enjoy a full life.

  You carry inside you the greatest gift I could ever give, and our daughter will be a fine, strong woman, just like her mother. If I survive, I will help you raise her, and I will love you both as long as I live. If I don't, know that you already have the very best part of me, and that no one can take that away from you.

  No one.

  I love you, La. Bringing you out of the Labyrinth is one of my proudest achievements, and I will be forever grateful for the love that you've given me.

  Stay strong,

  Terrence Wyatt Mack

  "I'm ... pregnant?" Halla asked, disbelieving. "I didn't even know that, how could he know it?!"

  "Prada must have found out," Asturial said, sounding defeated as she waved a sheet of paper. "He knows my eggs are fertilized. That's why he left me behind too. Shy? Since you didn't have a letter, I presume the book is for you."

  "It is," Shy breathed, turning the pages with an expression of growing wonder on her face.

  "What is it?"

  "His letter to me ... and spells. So many spells. Most of these are based in my nature affinity as well. Weather control, decay, purification ... he put a lot of thought into this."

  "But he left you behind," Asturial said, sounding resigned more than anything.

  Shy's wonder faded as she grimaced and shut the book.

  "I set him on this quest," she murmured, her voice cracking. "It isn't right that I won't be there to see it through. It isn't fair ... to either of us."

  "Read your letter," Laina said gently.

  Shy swallowed, nodded, and opened the book.

  To Shy Willow,

  You've been holding out on me. Well, holding out for me, I suppose. I'm not sorry for what I've done, using Prada like this, but I will apologize. I know that you'll need a year to bring our daughters into the world, and that you need time to find a suitable, secluded place.

  There is a ritual in the very back of this book that will return you to wherever you were one year ago from the date you cast it. I left a jar of blood you can use to craft the circle and sigils. It's all there. It's not nature based, but the power in my blood is more than enough to compensate.

  If you choose to use that ritual, take Laina too, if she wants to go home, along with Ephe's kids. I spoke to them using Prada as a go-between, and they will recognize you as one of mine. They'll protect you once they emerge.

  With any luck, I'll be there to see our daughters. I'm actually really curious to see what dryad babies look like.

  You told me once, it seems forever ago now, not to fall in love. You warned me to guard my heart.

  I guess I kinda suck at that. But you were the first woman I fell in love with, and with any luck, I'll be relying on you to 'tend to my domestic affairs' for many years to come.

  If not ... if you wake up and I'm not there, know that while you may have started me on this quest, I would have done it anyway once I learned the truth.

  You said way back when that you couldn't blame me if, knowing the truth of who you are, I left you.

  So don't.

  I'll come back if I can. But whether I do or not, I will end the Twilight Zone. You have my last promise. Cherish it, and our daughters.

  Thank you for saving me,

  Terrence Wyatt Mack

  Shy took a deep breath once she finished, then looked at Asturial. She wasn't the only one either. Halla and Laina were also staring at the dragon, who grew visibly flustered as she demanded, "What!?"

  "Don't pretend like you don't know," Halla said, though there was no anger in it. She waved a hand. "We shared. Give us just a little bit more? It may be the last we ever get. Please?"

  "It will not be the last we get," Asturial declared.

  No one said anything, and after a moment more she caved and began to read.

  To Asturial,

  More than any of the others, I feel guilty for leaving you behind because more than any of the others, you fought to stay with me. No matter that I hated you, no matter how much I wanted you gone, you stayed.

  I know some of that was because you felt you didn't have any choice, but we both know you did. With as much power and skill as you've shown, you could have made a name for yourself even as you were, and I'm sure that in time you'd have restored your body on your own.

  But you stayed. I didn't know why then, but now I understand. I'm afraid I can't promise you I'll be there to help raise our family, because I don't know if I'm going to make it through what comes next, but you told me that if you ever had children, you wanted them to be mine.

  Well, you will ... and they are.

  Whether I come back or not, I am confident now that you will be a fine mother to them, and it has done my heart good to see you grow. I have dealt with a lot these last few months, but in all that shit I found a diamond.


  You're my beautiful surprise. You gave me hope, and I love you for that. And knowing that I'm going to be a dad to DRAGONS?

  That's just awesome.

  You're more than a dragon though. You're a good woman, and you deserved better from me. I hope I can make it up to you someday, but in the meantime, I can at least say this: I think your father would be proud of you.

  I know I am.

  Thanks for sticking with me,

  Terrence Wyatt Mack

  Asturial was barely whispering by the time she said his name, and her eyes closed as she raised her war body's head and cut loose with a roar that shook the earth.

  She resumed control of her proxy, only to kneel on the ground, staring at her letter.

  "I also said, 'Let me stay with you,'" she muttered. "What am I going to do if you die because I wasn't there to save you? Why are you so stupid? Why do I love a stupid man?"

  She hesitated, then hung her head. "Why did you use Prada against me? Why? I could have waited years to lay. You'd have never known ..."

  Halla sank down next to Asturial and wrapped indigo arms around her. A moment later the dragon responded, and the two held each other.

  Asturial's tears were silent, but Halla sobbed openly.

  Shy stared down at the book of spells Tee had left for her, remembering that conversation they'd had what seemed like forever ago. Back then he'd said he might leave her someday, but at the time she hadn't believed it. Her memories shifted to the last time they'd made love, just last night.

  He had been so tender, and afterward had asked her if she would hold him, just like she'd done once for him back in Florence.

  Isthil had stopped by during the night, and told Shy that he was sleeping peacefully. In her arms, there had been no nightmares.

  She didn't realize when she'd started crying but the tears wouldn't stop, and Laina wrapped her up in strong arms.

  She buried herself in that embrace, and she gave voice to her sorrow she knew for the first time which she'd rather have.

  If she were given the choice between seeing the Twilight Zone destroyed or living her life with the man she loved ...

  She'd choose him.


  As always, thank you so much for reading!

  Wow, five books. I’m humbled that you’ve come with
me on this journey. So much has changed in the last year. Thanks to all of you, I have begun writing full time. Words really can’t express what this means to me. I’ve wanted to be an author since I was a kid, and you have made that dream a reality.

  I know I sound wooden right now, so you’ll have to forgive me, but I’m still a bit in shock. As I write this afterward, I’ve been without a regular job for just over twenty-four hours. I was raised believing I had to be the responsible one, and it took a lot of convincing to get me to give up the security of the proverbial 9 to 5.

  That said, I’ve done it, so now my livelihood depends entirely on you, the reader. If you enjoyed my work, please consider leaving me a review on Amazon. I’ve said it before, but reviews really are the life or death of a book, and if you liked my work, a review will make it more likely others will find and enjoy it as well.

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  I’d also like to take the time here to acknowledge and thank a great group of people who have not only given me great recommendations on reading material, but have allowed me to offer my work in a forum of like minds.

  If you like harem material, then I heartily advise you to join Harem Lit on Facebook. I’ve found everyone to be welcoming, and the threads to be both entertaining and full of excellent recommendations for other works in this burgeoning genre.

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  I also have a facebook page that I update fairly regularly, though not strictly with book-related content. If you have a hankering to see how I do what I do, and what I do when I’m not doing this, feel free to drop by and friend me. I don’t bite, and I’ll usually respond to questions or comments. I always enjoy hearing from people who’ve read my work.


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