
Home > Mystery > Balmythra > Page 23
Balmythra Page 23

by Linda Palmer

Chapter Twenty-One

  Chasing Clues

  "I know I'm the worst Guardian ever, okay? You don't have to remind me."

  Matt flushed as pink as Ashley’s favorite lipstick. "No, no, no. That's not what I meant—"

  "Never mind. It’s okay." I could’ve slapped myself for being such a grump, and Jor’s heavy stare just made things worse. Not only had I just laid into my best friend in the world for no reason, my worst enemy had heard it all.

  Matt’s gaze swept my burning face. Abruptly, he turned to Ashley, Kenny, and John, each of whom watched us with interest, as did the younger poPs. "Why don’t all of you go for a walk or something?"

  "Or how about some supper?" I was so ready to run and hide. "There’s awesome food in that pavilion. Be sure to try the kalaidoship punch. It’s another of my favorites." I pointed to a tent a short distance away. A brilliant rainbow arched over it, shedding multicolored light. People wandered everywhere, eating, visiting, and laughing. Several children played noisy games on the grass nearby.

  I could barely believe a war raged just one city away, but then Balmythrans focused on the positive, skillfully ignoring anything that might cause stress or worry. And wasn't war always like that—even on Nodyra—with half the world hurting and the other half perfectly fine? No wonder things were in such a mess now. The Dagonel threat just didn't seem real to them.

  All smiles, eyes sparkling with anticipation, every poP except Matt immediately went in search of snacks. I half expected him to go, too. He was bound to be as hungry as I was. But he just stood there, clearly waiting for me to speak.

  So I did. "Are Skye and Raine at Goodpringle’s? I need to talk to them." And get out of here.

  Matt nodded.

  Without so much as a goodbye nod to Jor, still standing in silence nearby, I abruptly headed down a stone street that would eventually take us to the dorm. I would've liked to run—as much to escape as to talk to the girls—but I restrained myself for three reasons: I wore a long tunic, the light flashing from my ring did more to distort than to brighten the shadowy street, and running was too undignified for a Guardian.

  Matt kept up with me. "Do you think they might be a help to us?"

  "Maybe. Who knows what they’ve learned from Matilda." Since we were practically jogging, it was a wonder I didn't split my dress clear to my waist, and my words tumbled out between puffs of exertion.

  Matt jumped ahead and began walking backwards as if that might make it easier to talk. "Why do you suppose the twins were the only ones taken by the shadows?"

  I braked so abruptly that Matt nearly tripped trying to do the same. "How in the heck would I know? I’m just the Guardian. The one person in all of Balmythra who’s supposed to have a clue." For the zillionth time that day, my eyes stung with tears, and though I tried, I couldn’t stop them spilling onto my cheeks.

  As if sensing the impending flood, Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me into a dark alleyway between two large buildings. The light from my ring suddenly dimmed, barely illuminating the spot where we stood.

  "Could things be any worse?" I asked him.

  "Well, we could've gotten all the way to Pringle's before we ran into Mad Matilda. Don't know what we'd have done then."

  That logical answer annihilated my self-pity. I burst into laughter. He did, too, and then we couldn't stop. "Oh, Matt. I do love you."

  "What?" His eyes had never been wider.

  My heart stopped. "Did I say that out loud?"

  Matt slowly nodded.

  "Well, it’s, um, true, you know." I began to babble, desperate to distract him. I couldn't bear the thought of him guessing I'd had a crush on him for years. "You're like a brother to me. In fact, as you pointed out, yourself, I’ve actually spent more time with you than with Rocc. So of course I love you. Just as I love all the poPs." I opened my arms wide to give them all an imaginary hug.


  Was that disappointment in his voice? I stared at the old friend I thought I knew so well—a friend who actually seemed a little let down. "Is something wrong?"


  "Really? For a second there I thought—" Get a grip Leah. I faked a laugh. "But that’s totally random. I know you’re in love with Ashley."

  Matt's mouth dropped open. "Ashley? Are you kidding me?"




  Silence reigned for a moment before he cleared his throat and spoke again. "Did I tell you how nice you look in that dress?"

  "Actually, it's a tunic."

  "Right. And the crown is way cool."

  "It's a ring."

  "Whatever." He nudged a loose pebble with his toe. "Look, Leah. I know Jor was your hero before he, well, you know. Any girl would be crazy about him. He’s the Taylor Lautner of Balmythra. But I want to tell you that you're very, very special to me."

  I didn't know what to respond to first. "I’m not any girl, I’m Alleana. And how could you possibly think I’ve got a thing for Jor?"

  "Because he’s 'seriously hot'? Ashley's words, by the way. Not mine."

  I groaned. "Oh-em-gee, Matt. She thinks every guy is seriously hot."

  "Then you’re not nuts about Jor?"

  I threw my arms up in exasperation. "Jor is the enemy." Pivoting sharply, I exited the shadowy alleyway, once again headed at a fast walk toward Goodpringle's. When Matt didn’t immediately follow I stopped short in the street and peered over my shoulder at him. "Are you coming or what?"

  "Yeah." In a nanosecond he walked beside me again. "Er, Leah..."


  "Do you think there’s any chance I’ll ever be more than a brother to you?"

  "You’re not my brother."

  "But you just said—"

  I stopped short and turned on Matt. "I know what I said. I know what you said. What I don’t know is why we're talking about this when I should be trying to drag the truth from Skye and Raine."

  "Right. Sorry." He kept pace with me for several yards before speaking again, his tone contrite. "I’m such a jerk. Here you are with all this Guardian stuff on your mind, and —"

  I stopped short again.

  Matt naturally stopped, too. "What?"

  "This." I threw my arms around the guy's waist, giving him a full-body hug that could never, ever be construed as brotherly. Instantly regretting it, I stepped back—or tried to. Before I could get away, he framed my face with his hands and pressed his lips to mine. As first kisses went, it was okay. But I'd dreamed of that moment for so long, that I couldn't keep from kicking things up a notch. So he got a lot more than he gave…for a heartbeat. Then he gave right back. One kiss. Two. Realizing that he was really getting into the moment, I tore free, hiked up my ridiculous skirt, and sprinted the rest of the way to Goodpringle’s in a most un-Guardian-like fashion.

  I arrived there breathless and took the steps of the massive building two at a time before I stopped on the portico. Matt, just a few steps behind, did the same, bending almost double in his effort to catch his breath. Torches lit the area. In that minimal light, I stole a peek at him, noting that he was the same as always, if a little winded. But then a guy as good-looking as Matt had undoubtedly kissed girls before. I, on the other hand, didn’t have prior experience and knew my Jell-O knees and hammering heart could not be blamed on running.

  What would he do now? What would he say? Somehow I dragged my eyes and thoughts from Matt's amazing mouth and refocused on the problem at hand. But there was no denying that the kiss had done me good.

  "Go easy on the twins, okay? I’m betting they won’t remember a thing, and you can be a little, um, intense when you’re on a mission."

  "Moi?" I gave Matt a big smile of thanks for not mentioning what just happened between us, which would definitely have distracted me again. He gave me back a decidedly self-conscious, but very smug grin.

  Turning, I saw Rocc standing in the doorway. He must have come right after the ring ceremony ended, which is what I sho
uld've done. I felt a stab of guilt. "Where are Raine and Skye?"

  "Inside with Tirafalen."

  "I need to ask them some questions." I strode past Rocc into the cool interior. The girls' area lay behind the second door on the right. Upon peering into the room, illuminated with soft candlelight, I saw the twins lying on luxuriant mattresses with Tirafalen seated nearby. Colorful pillows lay in a heap around the twins. They both appeared to be peacefully sleeping.

  Since I didn't have a bit of a problem with the idea of waking them, I went right in. Tirafalen immediately jumped up and stopped me with a raised hand. "You mustn't."

  "They can catch up on their sleep anytime," I said.

  "They're not sleeping. They're in—" Tirafalen thought for a moment, "—reverya."

  "Say what?"

  "A trance," said Rocc, who slipped past me from behind and sat on a pillow near the window.

  I barely noticed. "Who did that to them?"

  "I did," Tirafalen said.

  "Then you can bring them out of it, can't you?"

  Tirafalen shook her head. "It would be very dangerous."

  "You mean the shadows might come back if they wake up?" Matt asked.

  Rocc shook his head. "Actually she means the twins might have permanent brain damage. The purpose of reverya is to provide a healing period for the mind, allowing it to transition from one mental state to another. We can't be certain what kind of damage might have occurred from their having been controlled by those shadow entities."

  Controlled? So Rocc and I thought alike.

  "Oh, all right, then." I gave in reluctantly and sighed my impatience. The girls had tried to kill us more than once, and I really wanted to confirm my suspicions. "Speaking of those shadows...have you ever seen anything like them, Tirafalen?"

  "No." She motioned for us to sit. When we did, she did the same, choosing a deep purple pillow near Rocc.

  I decided to pick's Tir's brain since we all seemed to be on the same page for the moment. "When the twins first burst out of the Stream, I sensed that they had two personalities apiece. Sort of a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde persona. Have you felt that?"

  Tirafalen seemed confused. "I don't understand."

  Matt tried to explain. "It's a good versus evil thing."

  "Oh." Tirafalen now nodded. "I did feel that."

  "What do you make of it?" I asked.

  "I ran into something similar on more than one occasion when I spied on the Dagonel in Vannarius. I sensed a certain split or duality about them that made me think they must be a Gemini race of Nodyrans."

  "We don't have a Gemini race," Matt told her. "Just the usual ones: Caucasian, Native American, Asian, African American, Hispanic...."

  Her eyes widened. "Really? I thought that Nodyrans must be like Sunsaneans. We have a Gemini strand. They're very complex and unpredictable due to their two natures."

  "So you've sensed that the Dagonel aren't typical Nodyrans." I considered that for a moment.

  "Yes, but do not trust my instincts. I have limited experience with Nodyrans."

  "But you did get this split feeling from them?" I pointed to the twins since I wanted that confirmed.

  "Briefly, yes." Tirafalen reached out to a nearby table and picked up a carafe filled with deep blue liquid. "May I serve you some ceruleate juice?"

  "Uh..." Matt waited for me to guide him.

  I gave him the go-ahead, knowing he'd love the smooth flavor of that exotic blue fruit. It had soothing qualities, too, that would help him sleep later.

  He smiled at Tirafalen. "Sure, thanks."

  The mist-being filled a small glass and handed it to him. He took a tentative sip, licked his lips, then downed the drink in one swallow before she could even hand me mine.

  I took the glass, but sipped the liquid so mine would last longer than Matt's. While I savored the taste and the calming effect it had on my jangled nerves, my mind burst with probabilities and possibilities. Was it time to come clean with Rocc? Time to tell him what I really thought? "Um, Rocc?"

  He looked at me.

  "Did you know it was Jor who took my memories eleven years ago and not the stream?"

  Rocc's eyes narrowed. "What makes you say that?"

  "I guessed, and he confirmed it."

  Rocc thought for a second and then grinned. "Smart thinking, huh? I'm sorry he had to do it, of course. I know that it must've been as hard on him as it was on you. But it kept you safe."

  "But he never said anything."

  "Because he knew it would upset me to know you were so alone. Jor's a genius, but don't tell him I said that." Rocc's chuckle almost did me in.

  Just as I opened my mouth to set him straight, Matt took me by the arm. "Guess we'll go now and let the twins sleep it off. Thanks for the juice. It was great."

  "You're welcome." Tirafalen seemed a little startled by the abrupt about-face.

  I barely had time to finish my drink, set down my glass, and wave good-bye to Rocc before my old friend dragged me into the hallway.

  I resisted as he propelled me down the corridor to the front entrance of the building. "What's the rush?"

  "You were about to argue with your brother, weren't you?"

  "Of course. He's got everything all wrong."

  "Listen, Leah. You'll never be able to turn your brother on Jor."


  "No." Matt exited the building and paused on the portico. "You're wasting your time. Rocc won't accept that the Sairons are the enemy as long as he's friends with Jor."

  I sighed. "Maybe."

  "So you're going to have to handle this without his input."

  "But I don't know how."

  "Exactly. No offense intended, Leah, but you need help big in another of those cerebral conference calls. You've got to tell your people the truth about the Sairons."

  "If my own brother won't believe me, how will they?"

  "They won't...unless Jor backs up every word you say."

  "Oh, yeah, right. He's sure going to do that."

  "Trust me, he will."


  "Because Kenny, John and I will make him."

  "And how, exactly, will you manage that?"

  "We'll kidnap him, for starters."


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