Sin City Baby: A Reverse Harem Accidental Marriage Romance

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Sin City Baby: A Reverse Harem Accidental Marriage Romance Page 57

by Rye Hart

  I just wasn’t ready to give it away.

  As I fingered the gifts in my pockets, I couldn’t help but wish the two of them were here.


  Kyra’s voice shocked me and I whipped around, taking in the beautiful aura that draped around her.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “It’s just, the room’s a bit crowded, you know?”

  “I know, trust me,” she said.

  “Oh, I have some things for you,” I said.

  “You do?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Took me a little while to figure out what to get you, but…”

  I pulled out one of the little gift-wrapped boxes from my pocket and handed it over to her. Her brown eyes were sparkling with joy as she took the gift, fingering it softly before she began removing the wrapping paper. She did it as delicately as possible, making sure not to rip the damn thing. I watched her in amusement, grinning down at her as the small gift came into view.

  She popped open the box to reveal the charm bracelet and I heard her gasp when she saw it.

  “That’s one of my presents,” I said.

  “One of them?” she asked. “Always having to outdo everyone.”

  “Always,” I said, winking.

  I watched her finger the charms, taking them all in as her eyes danced around their glittering colors. I wanted that charm bracelet to be a conglomeration of our lives together. Something she could wear, look down at, and envision only me. When I saw the charms in the jewelry store, I knew it was perfect, but it wasn’t the only gift I wanted to give her.

  “These charms are so cute,” she said.

  “They each have to do with our life together,” I said. “You know, growing up and shit.”

  “And shit,” she said, grinning.

  “That microscope is from that ninth-grade science project that went all sorts of wrong,” I said. “And the motorcycle is from when I gave you your first ride.”

  “That was after the science project botched itself, if I remember correctly,” she said. “You took me on a ride to calm me down.”

  “Hell yeah, I did. And the ferris wheel’s from—”

  “The county fair I always dragged you to,” she said. “Mom hated rides like that and Dad didn’t like going without Mom.”

  “So, you’d always want to take a second trip to the fair with someone who would ride those things with you,” I said.

  “Oh, my gosh. It’s Bugsy!”

  “I saw that beagle charm and knew it was perfect,” I said.

  “I loved that dog,” she said.

  “I know you did. And now you have a charm to remember him by.”

  “And there’s a Tinkerbell charm on here!” she exclaimed.

  “Can’t have a charm bracelet for Tink if there isn’t a Tink on it,” I said.

  “I love it so much,” she said. “Thank you. I just have a question.”

  “What’s up?”

  “What in the world is the key-shaped charm for?” she asked.

  I looked into her eyes and took a deep breath. That one hadn’t been fulfilled yet. That monumental life moment was still in her future. I prayed she’d say yes. I prayed she would let this happen. We all needed it, to be honest. A fresh start with the people we loved. I looked Kyra in her eyes and drew in a deep breath, not knowing how to answer that question just yet.

  “Do you believe in miracles?” I asked.

  “That seems to be the word of the day around here,” she said.

  “Then if you do, it’ll make sense tonight,” I said.

  “Okay, so is that the second gift you have for me?” she asked.

  “No,” I said. “This is: I know I’ve upset you these past few days, constantly fighting with Chance about, well, everything. So, this is my promise to you.”

  I took her hands within mine and brought them to my lips, kissing her knuckles while she looked up at me. Her eyes sparkled with wonder and delight and her skin felt so soft against my lips. I wanted to memorize this moment and every moment from here on out. I was in love with Kyra Lancaster and there wasn’t any fucking thing that would stand in the way of that.

  Not even Chance himself.

  “I promise you, Kyra Lancaster, that I’m not going to fight with Chance anymore.”

  “Ethan, that isn’t—”

  “We’ve always been a lot alike,” I said. “We both have strong personalities and we’re both stubborn as hell. But I know you don’t want us fighting. I can see it in your eyes whenever we do. And neither of us—but especially me—want to upset you. Ever.”

  I watched Kyra’s face approach mine before she pressed a kiss to my cheek. I closed my eyes and grinned, feeling her warmth against my skin while her body pressed into mine. I nuzzled into her lips, wishing I could simply hold her there like that forever. But I knew the guys were wondering what she was doing and I knew I was taking time away from her Christmas with her father.

  “Merry Christmas, Ethan,” she said. “That’s the best present anyone could ever ask for.”

  “Merry Christmas, Kyra. And I’m really glad you liked it.”

  I helped her fasten her bracelet around her wrist before I embraced her in a hug. I planted a kiss in the crook of her neck, feeling her shiver ever-so-slightly against me. I hugged her tight, just in case tonight backfired. I memorized the way she smelled, just in case we lost her. I drank in the sound of her breathing, just in case I never got to hold her this close ever again.

  Then, I released her to the crowd as we started back into Mark’s hospital room.


  Christmas in Mark’s room was about as good as could be expected. His show of affection really took the energy out of him, so he was fading quicker for the day than we thought he would. Kyra was talking with him while they relived memories of her mother during this time of year and it only served to drum up memories of my own parents. Memories of Mom buying Christmas treats from the store and laying them out like she’d baked them on her own. Memories of Dad kissing her on the cheek and telling her how wonderful she always made Christmas.

  Kyra and her father were smiling over memories and I was simply trying to keep mine at bay. I didn’t like thinking about it. I didn’t enjoy remembering. In fact, it made me angry. It made me angry that the plane crashed over nothing but device failure. It made me angry that the funeral had to be closed casket because they were charred beyond reason. It made me angry that a trip home from their vacation left six Lost Boys truly fucking lost.

  It made me angry to think about and I didn’t want to be angry on Christmas.

  “Chance?” Kyra asked.


  “Are you okay?”

  I nodded but kept my gaze out the window. I could see it in my brothers’ eyes every time we celebrated the fucking holidays. I could see how much they missed our parents. I could see how unwilling everyone was to talk about it. I’d thrown myself into work after it happened. Kept myself cooped up and did most of my shit from home. I couldn’t stand going out into town and watching mothers with their sons and fathers with their daughters. It made me fucking sick.

  I felt Kyra’s hand descend onto my arm and, in an instant, my eyes were looking down at her.

  “I miss them, too,” she said.

  Suddenly, the air in the room shifted. I could feel my brothers stiffen while Mark was slowly drifting off. The sun was beginning to set over the trees of this frantic Christmas day and all I could think about was the last hurdle we still had to clear.

  Just because we had Mark’s permission didn’t mean we had Kyra’s “yes.”

  “You know, if you want to talk, I’m here, right?” she asked.

  “I know,” I said. “It’s just… not something I care to rehash. I don’t think any of us want to, really.”

  “And that’s fine. I know you guys had your ways of dealing with it. Just know I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

words struck a chord with me I hoped would ring true within the next hour.

  I turned around and faced my brothers and I could see the tears they were trying to keep at bay. Christmas was always hard on all of us but I think this was the closest we’d come to ever admitting it. This year, we’d throw all our traditions out the window the moment Kyra stepped foot onto her property and that spoke volumes about how we all felt about moving on and about Kyra. The mere fact that we were so willing and so eager to stray from the path we’d been on for years, trying to cope and deal and process our parent’s death, showed that it was like Kyra was our angel.

  Our own slice of saving grace.

  “You doin’ okay over there, Mark?” I asked.

  “Tired,” he said.

  “Did you have a good day?” I asked.

  The grin that crossed his face was one that would forever be etched into my memory banks.

  “The best,” he said.

  “I think it’s probably time to head home, then,” I said.

  I could see the hesitation on Kyra’s face but, for the first time since her father had been in the hospital, she didn’t fight against the suggestion. I watched her walk over to her father and sit on the side of his bed. She bent down to kiss his forehead just as his eyes closed and I knew he was finally allowing himself to sleep. We stayed until his breathing evened out while Kyra held his hand tightly. Then we took our cue from her when she stood to her feet.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?” I asked.

  “For whatever you guys did to make Christmas special for him. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen his eyes sparkle like that.”

  I looked up at all my brothers and saw the giddy grins on all their faces.

  “Well, Christmas isn’t quite over yet,” I said. “Why don’t we all take a trip?”

  We escorted Kyra out to our cars and she hopped into my truck. The rest of my brothers followed us in two separate cars as we wound through our small town. I took Kyra’s hand in mine.

  “I’ve never had a better Christmas than this one right here,” I said.

  “Whatever,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It couldn’t have been that great.”

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “Because we spent it in a hospital room.”

  “Well, I got to spend it with you and that’s what counts,” I said. “It’s the only Christmas present I’ve ever really wanted.”

  I saw a smile spread across Kyra’s cheeks before they heated to that beautiful color. The red that caressed her skin whenever she was aroused or embarrassed was my favorite shade of her. It danced along her skin, melting into her features while that small giggle fell from her lips and, had I not been driving, I would’ve pulled her into my lap and sucked on that beautiful bottom lip of hers.

  But then, she finally noticed.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Home,” I said simply.

  “But our mountain’s back that way,” she said.

  “We have a surprise for you,” I said.

  “You said we were going home, Chance. Where are we headed?”

  “Do you trust me?” I asked.

  I looked over at her as we came to a stop at the light and her eyes sparkled with confusion before she nodded her head.

  “Then trust me when I tell you that ‘home’ is where we are going,” I said.

  I brought her hand to my lips to kiss and, finally, she settled back into her seat. We wound through town and up a mountain that was foreign to all of us and I kept watch in my rearview mirror to make sure my brothers could make it up the mountain. If Kyra said “yes,” we’d have to do a little work on this road coming up to the house. It was pretty bumpy and would be very hard to navigate with lots of snow on it, but it was something the city would easily fix if we fronted the cost of it.

  And I could easily front the cost of something like that.

  After a twenty-minute drive winding our way up the mountain, we finally pulled up in front of the house. I watched Kyra’s eyes dance over the massive home, her jaw dropping and her eyes widening at the sight. The house had three stories to it, with two double-car garages jutting off the sides of the house. It was nestled into a beautiful crook in the mountain, with plenty of room to roam and run before you ever hit the side of it. There was green space for days, so much so that you questioned whether or not you had actually just wound up a mountain in the first place.

  But the snow that blanketed the entire place made it feel like a winter wonderland.

  The house itself had a pale, yellow exterior with dark red shutters. There was a wrap-around porch on both the main floor and the second floor, but the top floor boasted two private balconies. One for each room that rested at the very top. Kyra slowly opened the door of my truck and slid out, her feet planting into the snow with a crunch. The mere fact that she couldn’t take her eyes off it was a good sign and, by the time she finally spoke, we were all gathered up behind her.

  “Where is this place?” she asked.

  “Home,” I said again. “This place is home.”

  She slowly started walking toward the house, venturing up the steps as we followed from behind. She approached the massive double doors that ushered into the entrance of the home and the moment she read the plaque on the door, she brought her hands to her mouth.

  “Oh my gosh,” she said breathlessly.

  There was a plaque on the wall Harper had carved out of wood. It was sleek and shining and the swirling of the letters came together to form the one word we knew meant more to Kyra than any other in the world.


  Tears were already dripping down Kyra’s face as I looked over at Harper. I could see him beaming with pride as Kyra reached her fingers out to touch the plaque. It was fully adhered to the door, ready to weather whatever storm might come our way. Then Ethan stepped forward and placed his hands on the massive door knobs.

  “Allow me,” he said.

  He shoved the doors open, revealing the massive expanse of the house. Kyra walked in and it seemed to almost swallow her whole. She walked over to the massive staircase, her hand running over the wood-carved banister as she began walking up the stairs but then she stopped halfway and looked back down at all of us.

  “It’s got seven bedrooms,” I said. “As well as an attached suite that houses another room for Mark.”

  I saw the state of shock she was in roll over her body and, in an instant, she was plummeting to the staircase.

  We all rushed up the stairs but I was the first one to get there. I gathered her in my arms while she cried, tears streaming down her face. I tried to calm her shaking body down while Ethan and Blake held her hands and, for a moment, I thought we’d made a mistake.

  But her sobs turned to giggles and her giggles turned to laughter.

  “Oh my gosh,” she said, whispering. “I can’t believe it. How did you…”

  Her face turned up to me, her eyes wide in amazement. The smile that crossed her face melted my anxiety and I helped her to her feet before we made our way up the rest of the steps. We wanted to show her around and give her the grand tour and, as she took my hand, I could feel her body humming with excitement.

  “The second floor has three massive bedrooms,” I said. “They each have their own en suite bathroom and walk-in closet, as well as bedroom access to the porch that wraps around the second level.”

  She was looking around in awe as Blake took her other hand and peeled her away from me.

  “There’s another staircase over there,” she said.

  “That staircase heads up to the third floor, where there are two other rooms with bathrooms and the like,” Blake said. “There isn’t a wrap-around porch up there, but both bedrooms have their own private balcony.”

  Kyra let go of Blake’s hand, threw open one of the bedroom doors and gasped when she saw what was inside.

  “Are these rooms already furnished?” she asked.

sp; “They are, yes,” I said.

  She was shaking her head as if she simply couldn’t believe what was happening.

  “Where are the other two rooms?” she asked.

  “Come here,” Owen said as he held out his hand.

  He escorted Kyra back down the stairs before we rounded around into the kitchen. It was absolutely massive and was openly attached to a beautiful dining area. I could see Kyra counting the chairs, realizing the table had enough room for all of us to sit comfortably.

  “On the other side of the house is a massive entertainment area, with a high-definition projection system and a screen on the wall. There’s a bedroom and bathroom that sits right off that room, and then the added suite with the bathroom is just across the way from the kitchen.”

  Blake pointed to the door that sat at the other end of the room and Kyra took off for it.

  She skidded across the floor and threw the door open, switching on the lights that she just now realized were working. She gawked at the room as she took in its sheer size,and it wasn’t until the tears started streaming down her face again that I realized this was going to work. The excitement in her eyes and the way she seemed to accept everything as it was, told me this was all going to work out.

  We were actually going to pull this shit off.


  I pushed away from my brothers and slowly walked toward Kyra. I could tell she was becoming overwhelmed with everything, so I decided to show her my favorite part of the entire house. It was what drew me to it the moment Melinda showed me the property and I knew Kyra would enjoy it just as much as I did.


  “Yeah?” she asked breathlessly.

  “There’s something I want to show you.”

  “You mean there’s more?” she asked.

  “Always, when you’re with us,” I said, grinning.

  I took her hand and led her from the room before I walked over to the sliding doors. They dumped onto the wrap-around porch that was on the first floor but it had a small staircase that descended into the backyard. There was comfortable patio furniture that could take on all sorts of weather conditions, as well as a hot tub embedded into the beautiful wood, but that wasn’t what I wanted to show her.


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