Sin City Baby: A Reverse Harem Accidental Marriage Romance

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Sin City Baby: A Reverse Harem Accidental Marriage Romance Page 82

by Rye Hart

  “Dinner is ready,” I said, scratching my chin, still wondering what the hell was going on. “I can put out an extra plate. Didn't actually think Bennett would be here either, but there should be enough.”

  “That would be great,” Bennett said. “We can help you setting the table and let Hailey get situated.”

  As we left the room, I shut the door and waited until we were down the hallway and weren't likely to be overheard before rounding on my brothers.

  “Okay, what the hell is going?” I asked, leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed in front of me. “How did a date with Ben turn into the two of you bringing her home to stay?”

  “It's a long story,” Ben said, rubbing his temples.

  “Very long,” Quinn said with a sigh.

  “I ain't setting up shit until I hear it, so one of you better start talking,” I said.

  “Fine,” Quinn said. “So we were over there, and –”

  “We?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, well, I went over to see her before her date with Ben,” Quinn said. “Didn't intend on sticking around, but shit went down.”

  “What kind of shit?”

  “Her ex,” Ben said. “He stopped by and things got ugly. And now it's more than obvious that Quinn was right. She was being abused.”

  I looked at my brother's face and noticed some swelling in his cheek. A cut straight across it looked fresh.

  “Really ugly from the looks of it,” I muttered.

  “Yeah, it got violent,” Quinn said. “And the cops came, Leo was arrested and well –”

  “Well what?”

  My brothers shared a look. I could tell there was something they weren't telling me still. Something they were hiding. Quinn started to speak, but Ben spoke up first and cut him off.

  “We decided it would be in her best interest to stay here,” he said. “Leo is free on bail and he'd never think to come here. And if he did, well, there's three of us and only one of him.”

  “Makes sense,” I said.

  I waited for them to say something else, but they again, shared a look and then went on their way. Ben set out two extra plates on the table while Quinn put out more silverware and glasses. Neither of them was saying anything to one another, but there was most definitely a tension between them. “So, there's nothing else you want to tell me?” I asked as I walked into the dining room. “Nothing at all?”

  Hailey's voice caught me off guard as she walked up behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist, taking me by surprise.

  “Cason, is it really okay if I stay here?” she asked. “Or will it bother you?”

  After the other night, I wanted nothing more than for her to stay in our house. I turned and looked into her emerald eyes, pulling her in for a bear hug.

  “Of course not,” I said. “I'm just curious why my brothers are acting so weird.”

  Hailey didn't meet my gaze, but she looked toward them. “Guys, we should probably talk about what happened.”

  “What happened?” I asked, staring down at her.

  “Yeah, it's – well, it's awkward for all of us.”

  “Sit down, Cason,” Bennett said.

  I looked over at my brother. “Why?”

  “Just sit down,” he said with a sigh. “We need to talk. All four of us.”


  I stared down at my plate, a slab of ribs slathered in Driftwood's famous sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans. My stomach growled, but even though I was hungry, I didn't eat very much. I kept staring at my plate, however, as I tried to find a way to talk about what had happened and came up empty every time I tried.

  Cason was out of the loop, and normally, I'd say what happened was none of his business. But I knew in my heart that me staying here would make it his business. Especially, in light of everything that was going on.

  So, we'd told him.

  “So, you three?” he asked, pointing at us as he spoke. “Are a thing now?”

  “A thing?” Bennett asked, trying hard not to laugh. “I'm not sure what you'd call us, but yeah, the three of us – were intimate. And we're surprisingly cool with it.”

  “You are?” Cason asked, this time staring at me his eyes wide and an unmistakable look of hurt lurking deep within them.

  I shrugged. “I don't want to be thought of as a slut, but –”

  Cason's face softened. “You'll never be thought of that way,” he said. “And whatever happened will stay amongst us. You have my word.”

  I reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. “Thank you, Cason,” I said. “That means a lot.”

  “I'm just trying to figure out what this means for everyone,” he said.

  And I knew the question he wanted to ask, so I answered it for him.

  “As far as what it means for us – I don't know just yet,” I said. I sighed deeply. “I just know that I'm into all three of you in one way or another. And honestly, if I had to choose, I couldn't do it. You're all just so amazing. It's an impossible choice.”

  And I meant it too.

  “It's not like we have to decide tonight,” Quinn said.

  He piled in a spoonful of mashed potatoes onto his plate, shrugging. He seemed to be the only one eating, even though my stomach rumbled. I just had so much going on in my head, I couldn't imagine eating.

  “Why don't we just give it a rest for the night?” he said. “Let Hailey get some sleep, clear her head, and just relax. She's had a rough night. There honestly is no need we have to decide anything tonight.”

  I was so thankful for Quinn in that moment, and yearned to reach across and take his hand too. But he was too far away.

  The others agreed, quickly changing the subject. Even though I could tell Cason and Bennett really didn't want to.

  “Quinn and I are opening tomorrow,” Bennett said. “But I think someone should stay here with Hailey, so she's not here alone just in case Leo figures out where she is.”

  “I'll be free,” Cason said. “I close, remember?”

  “You okay with that, Hailey?”

  “Of course,” I said, smiling at Cason. “Why wouldn't I be?”

  “We don't have any frogs to dissect,” he teased, winking at me, “but I'm sure we'll find something to keep us busy.”

  “Ah, biology class,” I laughed.

  “You were the only girl not squirming,” he said. “I'll never forget that. You handled it way better than I did.”

  We shared a smile, and I had to admit – of all the McCormick men, I always imagined that Cason and I would have been the best match. Even now, I couldn't deny that I was attracted to the youngest McCormick, the one who geeked out with me in bio class all those years ago.


  “Jenn, when did you realize you were – uhhh,” I closed the bathroom door behind me and made sure to whisper the last bit into the phone, “pregnant.”

  “WHAT?!?” my best friend wailed. “No freaking way. Hailey, I'm on my way over there right now--”

  “I'm not at home,” I said, feeling incredibly sheepish and insecure.

  “Where are you?”

  “The McCormick’s house,” I said, biting my lip as I sat down on the toilet.

  “What in heaven's name are you doing there?” she asked. “Please tell me that one of those handsome studs is the father.”

  “I'm not even sure I'm pregnant, Jenn. It was just a question,” I said. “And it's a long story, sis. I'm going to be staying here for a bit.”

  “I'm already heading out to my car,” she said. I heard her talking to someone in the background – probably her mother – about watching the kids. “I'll be there in five minutes.”

  She hung up and I stared at the phone for an eternity, totally not believing she had hung up on me. I wanted her input though, because I'd already Googled all the symptoms of pregnancy, and went down the checklist. I could mark almost all of them off.

  But I knew there was a big difference between
being a Google doctor and talking to somebody who'd actually experienced it firsthand. Which was why I'd called her in the first place – not to give her gossip fodder.

  Still, the checklist of symptoms continued rattling around in my head. Morning sickness? Check. Of course, I was sick more than just the morning, so maybe it was a stomach flu. Late period? Check. A week late. I kept assuming it was just stress, but now? I wasn't so sure. Each day I checked, and each day I came back with nothing left to show.

  A knock at the door pulled me from my mental checklist and sent a bolt of adrenaline through my veins.

  I opened the bathroom door and called out, “Yes?” to Cason in the hallway.

  “Would you like some breakfast? Made some biscuits and gravy,” he said.

  My stomach turned. “Not right now, thanks,” I said. “I'm not feeling all that well right now.”

  “If you need anything, Hailey, just let me know,” Cason said through the door.

  I was wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and panties, or else I'd have opened the door and talked to him. Still, I felt bad for at least not saying good morning. I opened the door just a sliver and peeked out, giving him a smile.

  “Thank you, Cason. You and your brothers are so generous and amazing. I'm thankful to you guys.”

  He smiled, a deep smile that went all the way to his honey brown eyes, and showed off the dimple in his cheek. He ran a hand through his short, brown hair and looked like he might blush. His chin had a hint of stubble, which I had to admit, looked incredibly sexy. I mentally scolded myself for having such a thought. After all, I'd slept with his brothers, and I was dealing with a possible pregnancy scare at the moment. The last thing I needed was to put one more McCormick notch in my belt.

  “Anything for you, beautiful,” he said. “I'll be around if you need me.”

  He turned to walk away, but I stopped him. “Oh Cason? Jenn is coming by, I hope that's okay?”

  “Of course,” he said. “Want me to just send her in when she gets here?”

  “Yes, please,” I said, biting my lip.

  He winked at me, making my knees go weak. Damn, why must these men all be so sexy?

  I closed the door and put on some pants as quickly as possible. I knew Jenn lived nearby, and when she said five minutes, usually she meant three. But this time, it surprisingly took her a whole ten minutes. I was already dressed completely by the time she got there.

  “Hailey?” she called in to me. “You in there?”

  I pulled open the door and hugged my best friend, so grateful to have someone I could confide in. Shutting the door behind us, she handed me a pregnancy test.

  “Take it. Now. The earlier you test, the better,” she said. “I'll wait.”

  “But –” I stared to argue.

  “If you think you're pregnant, take it. At least that way it can ease your mind if you're not, right?”

  “I guess so,” I mumbled, staring down at the packaging.

  For some reason, even thinking of taking a pregnancy test sent me into panic mode and I stood there staring at it a moment longer.

  “Go,” Jenn said, nudging me toward the bathroom. She followed me in and shut the door behind us. “I'll turn around, and while we wait for the results, you're going to fill me in on everything. Got it?”

  “Yes, m'am,” I said.

  I followed the directions on the test and placed it on the sink. It said to give it a few minutes for the results – and I knew it was going to be the longest two minutes of my life. Jenn paced the bathroom, and I had to tell her to stop.

  “You're making me nervous,” I said and laughed.

  “You're not already nervous?” she asked me.

  “Of course I am,” I said, putting my head in my hands. “But you're making it worse.”

  “Alright then, tell me why you're here,” she said, stopping in front of me.

  The bathroom was large enough for us to both stand comfortably, but she hovered right above me, her eyes boring into mine like she was trying to see straight into my soul.

  “My ex came back in town,” I said.

  “The one from California?”

  “Yes,” I said softly. “And let's just say – he's not too happy about me leaving him.”

  I filled her on the rest of the details – glossing over how I fucked both Quinn and Bennett in my childhood bedroom, but mentioning that “stuff did happen.”

  She stared at me, slack-jawed. “Last night? This happened last night?”

  “Yeah,” I mumbled.

  “Oh honey,” she said, laughing as she shook her head. “Then there's no need for a pregnancy test. You can't be pregnant from having sex last night.”

  I stared at her. “I know that,” I said. “I'm not a total moron.”

  “So, what are you saying then?”

  I couldn't find the words, so instead, I glanced down at the test.

  “Two lines,” I said.

  I frantically looked for the instructions which I'd tossed in the trash can. Pulling it out, I tried to find out what having two lines meant.

  “Hailey, it's positive,” she said.

  “What is?”

  “The pregnancy test,” Jenn said.

  My heart fell into my stomach as I stared down at the two pink lines, clear as day. I was too shocked too cry. I felt nothing. No joy, no sadness. Nothing. Just when I thought my life couldn't get more complicated.

  “I'm pregnant,” I said, finally pulling myself together and looking up at Jenn.

  “It appears so,” Jenn said.

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the bedroom, and together, we sat on the bed facing one another. She held my hands as she looked deep into my eyes.

  “Hailey, do you know who the father is?”

  I nodded, feeling nauseous and not even wanting to admit it to myself.

  “Good,” Jenn said. “Now, we need to talk about the next steps.”

  “Next steps?” I choked out.

  “Yes, like telling the father, and –”

  “No, I can't tell him,” I said. “I won't tell him.”

  Jenn cocked her head to the side. “Why not?”

  “Because it's Leo,” I said.

  Jenn missed everything that happened the night before. She didn't see the way he acted. She didn't know the things he'd done to me. The harmful, hurtful things.

  “Jenn, Leo is-”

  She waited a moment and then looked at me, encouraging me with her eyes. “Leo is what, hon?”

  I tried to tell her he was abusive, but the words were lost on me. Instead, I lifted my shirt and showed her the bruises which were healing on my body. At last.

  With her eyes full of tears, she hugged me close, not saying a word. Not needing to say anything at all.


  I'd left Driftwood a little early. Nate, one of the cooks we'd hired, had it handled, and it was a slow night. Besides, it would give Cason a chance to get over here. When I opened the door to the house though, I found it empty. Or at least the living room was.

  I walked down the hallway. “Hailey? Cason?” I called out.

  “We're in here,” a small, feminine voice called out from the master bedroom.

  I poked my head in the door and found Hailey sitting on the bed with Jenn. Hailey was curled in a fetal position, sleeping. Jenn stared up at me with tired brown eyes.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, she's had a rough day,” Jenn said, stroking her best friend's hair.

  My heart raced. “Did Leo –”

  “Oh no,” Jenn said, trying to keep her voice low.

  She didn't elaborate, however, and I had a feeling she wouldn't talk no matter how many questions I'd asked. Jenn had always been a good friend to her and a stalwart guardian for Hailey, so I knew better than to press.

  “Do you need anything?”

  “I have to head home soon, my kids need me,” Jenn said, but she didn't move from the bed. “I just
don't know what to do.”

  “I'm here,” I said. “I'll keep an eye on her.”

  “I don't know about –” her phone buzzed, and she muttered under her breath. “Dammit. My son needs my boob, they're out of milk. Do you think you could keep an eye on her? I can be right back?”

  “Sure thing, Jenn,” I said.

  She pulled herself off the bed as if it was a struggle to leave her best friend's side. I had no idea what had happened, and as much as I wanted to find Cason, I wasn't sure I should leave her alone. I sat down on the bed beside her and stared down at her. Her face was mostly covered by her long hair, but her perfectly upturned nose peeked out from it and I fought the urge to kiss it.

  “I'll be right back,” Jenn said.

  “No rush,” I said, pushing the hair from Hailey's face. “I'm here for her.”

  Jenn's face softened, and she looked like she might melt into the carpet. I had to urge her, again, to go.

  “Your baby needs the boob, remember?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I'm going,” she said.

  Her footsteps echoed down the hall, and I heard the front door open and close. I looked down at the beautiful woman beside me and wondered what might be going through her mind. Why her day had been so difficult. I curled up beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist, suddenly feeling very protective of her. I heard more footsteps, this time it was Cason.

  “You're home early,” he said, standing in the open doorway.

  “Yeah, it was slow, Nate had it covered,” I said. I looked up at Cason and asked, “So what's going on with her?”

  He shrugged. “Jenn and Hailey have been shut in here all day,” he said. “I didn't want to bother them.”

  Hailey jerked in her sleep, pulling away from me and muttering something I couldn't make out. Her eyes flew open and she stared up at me, eyes wide and full of fear.

  “Quinn?” she said.

  “Yes, it's me,” I said, trying to keep my voice low and calm. “Cason is here too. You're okay. You're safe.”


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