After the Earth Wars

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After the Earth Wars Page 8

by Shana Rae

  "Zareli is, he doesn't like the change in me apparently, but you don't seem to mind."

  "Evahlia, I've got more important things to think about. Now I've managed to find a change of clothes for you. But understand one thing, this does not mean you are a member of the NightStorm Clan. I made a declaration earlier, agreed by all Clans, that we will now accept the dispossessed, but we can discuss that later. Now we'll leave you to get changed. Then we prepare to free Iosera."

  Vysani indicated to Zareli and Dumarrak to follow him out of the room. They went through to the room next door.

  "I can't believe it's the same Evahlia…"

  "Get over it Zareli and focus on what lies ahead. I've got a team assembled, we'll wait until nightfall, then we'll go into land. They will systematically take out the military, we will deal with Gabriel and Ari."

  "Correction…I will deal with Ari, personally."

  Vysani turned round as Evahlia walked into the room. She was dressed in the traditional black leather outfit of the Clan, with her long blonde hair left loose, Vysani couldn't take his eyes off her. She walked over to him.

  "Like what you see?"

  "Indeed…so if you're ready…"

  Evahlia nodded.

  "Good, you'll be with me in the battle cruiser, Zareli you and Dumarrak follow us in, I think we all know what we have to do. Any questions?"

  Vysani looked at each of them in turn.

  "Then let's go and free Iosera and finish off the last remnants of the military."


  As Vysani's cruiser approached Iosera, he turned to Evahlia.

  "How are you feeling?"


  "I can sense that."

  "My thoughts have been a bit erratic haven't they?"

  "It is understandable considering what you've been through."

  "You understand me better than Zareli, and I do remember the moment we shared when you'd had your implant fitted. Zareli is jealous that he isn't allowed to share such an experience with me. His thoughts are of no interest to me."

  "He wanted to offer you the opportunity to join his Clan."

  "I'm not interested in joining any Clan, I have other plans once this mission is over."

  "You're going back to Kalocia aren't you?"


  Vysani didn't respond, he turned to his crew and ordered them to go into land.

  "You know what you have to do Evahlia…"

  "Wait until you've cleared the way, then deal with Ari."

  Vysani sent a telepathic message to Zareli and Dumarrak to provide cover, then follow him into land. He stood up to disembark.

  "I'll send you a message when we're ready Evahlia."


  Evahlia sat and watched as Vysani left the flight deck.

  Vysani and his Clan moved swiftly under the cover of darkness. They quickly located where the troops were and took them out one by one. As they approached the Vaults, the military finally realised they were under attack and the fighting became more intense.

  Sending a telepathic message to Zareli and Dumarrak to join him, Vysani made his way into the Vaults. On board Vysani's ship, Evahlia received the message she'd been waiting for and hurried to join the others.

  When Evahlia got to The Vaults, Vysani, Zareli and Dumarrak were waiting.

  "Where are they?"

  "They're not here."

  "But I sensed Ari…"

  Vysani held up a small device.

  "This is what we all sensed, it appears that Ari and Gabriel have disappeared. We're searching for them, but Ari is more than capable of masking his and Gabriel's thoughts."


  Evahlia started pacing up and down.

  "What about their ship Vysani, is that disabled?"

  "Yes, my Clan dealt with it."

  "Then there is no way they can escape."

  "Unless they weren't here in the first place."

  Evahlia stared at Vysani, then saw Tarais standing in the doorway. He staggered over to them, Vysani saw there was blood pouring from a large wound on at the side of his head. Vysani caught Tarais before he fell and helped him to a chair.

  "I tried to warn you…that…they were leaving…"

  "Evahlia, go and fetch Corin quickly."

  She ran out of the room.

  "How long ago did they leave Tarais?"

  "Just before you got here…"

  Tarais started to cough and spat out a mouthful of blood. Vysani realised he'd suffered more than a blow to the head. He looked up at Zareli.

  "Can you two go and see if you can find a trace of Ari and Gabriel, I'll take care of Tarais."

  Zareli and Dumarrak left the room as Evahlia returned with Corin who went over to Tarais and started to examine him.

  "He needs to lie down, is there somewhere we can take him?"

  "Yes, in the next room."

  Evahlia led the way as Vysani picked up Tarais, Corin followed them. As Vysani laid Tarais on the bed, he started choking again and gasping for air.

  "How bad is he Corin?"

  "I'd say there's some internal injuries as well as the blow to his head, it's pretty serious…"

  Vysani turned to Evahlia.

  "Are you all right?"

  "No, I'm bloody angry that we didn't catch Ari and Gabriel."

  "Aren't you upset about Tarais?"

  "Probably not as upset as I should be, but what do you expect from a dispossessed, this is no longer my Clan."

  "I expected more compassion."

  Brykesi, one of the Elders walked into the room.


  She turned to face him.


  "I didn't expect to find you here."

  "Do you find my presence offensive?"

  "No, and for your information, I was against you being dispossessed…"

  "Small comfort, but thanks anyway."

  "How is Tarais?"

  Corin looked up and stepped away from the bed.

  "We've lost him…I am sorry…"

  Brykesi walked over to the bed and sitting down on the edge, started to chant. Vysani and Corin looked at Evahlia.

  "The Death Chant ensures his spirit finds its way to our ancestors, we'd better leave the room."

  As they turned to walk away, Brykesi grabbed hold of Evahlia's arm.

  "I know you are dispossessed, but please stay with me and chant."

  Evahlia hesitated, then sat down next to Brykesi as Vysani and Corin left the room.

  "What do you think Evahlia will do now?"

  "I've no idea Corin, as she said, this is no longer her Clan."

  "But it was her grandfather that established Iosera…"

  "We'll have to wait and see, on the way here she mentioned going to back to Kalocia."

  "So she's not going to join our Clan?"


  Evahlia came out of the room to join them.

  "Any news from Zareli and Dumarrak?"

  "Not yet, what are your plans now?"

  "Get the hell off Iosera."

  Brykesi came running out of the room.

  "Evahlia, wait, will you please stay until after the funeral?"

  "I don't belong on Iosera, Brykesi…it is not what Tarais would have wanted."

  "As an Elder I am imploring you to stay, you know as well as I that many of us were opposed to Tarais as leader…you were always the chosen one because of your grandfather…"

  "All right, if the other Elders are in agreement, I will stay…but only until after the funeral."

  Vysani put his arm around Evahlia's shoulders.

  "I can stay if you want me to, my crew are perfectly capable of taking themselves back to Del'ghao."

  "No Vysani, the funeral will be a very personal occasion for the LightStar Clan, I'm sure you understand."

  "I do, take care Evahlia, you know where I am if you need me."

  Vysani turned to walk away, Corin followed him.

  For a moment Evahl
ia stood there in silence, then she slowly walked out of the Vaults. Brykesi joined her as she stood watching Vysani's cruiser leaving Iosera. Evahlia looked around at all the corpses of the military.

  "Brykesi, can I leave you to organise the disposal of the bodies, a mass grave will suffice. I really must get some rest."

  "Of course Evahlia, your quarters are as you left them."

  "Thank you."

  Evahlia walked over to her quarters and went inside, part of her felt pleased to be back on Iosera. But in her heart, she didn't feel that she could stay. Evahlia remembered the plans she'd made on Kalocia, then something suddenly dawned on her.

  Hurrying out of her quarters, she went to find Brykesi, he was in Tarais' office.

  "Preparing for a takeover already?"

  He looked up at Evahlia who laughed.

  "Did Tarais agree to Vysani's proposal about the dispossessed?"

  "We never got a chance to discuss it with the military being in control."

  "Well do you agree with the proposal, that the dispossessed be given another chance?"

  "If you're talking about yourself Evahlia, I don't think any of us even consider you to be dispossessed."

  "I wasn't referring to me specifically. Let me explain, when I was on Kalocia, I had plans to form a new Clan for the dispossessed. But if I were to stay on Iosera, then I would like to offer some of those on Kalocia the chance to come here. We have more than enough land, they would have to build their own homes…"

  Evahlia stopped for a moment.

  "We could take it further than that, for want of an easier way to describe my thoughts…we'll create a new Kalocia, here on Iosera, am I making sense?"

  "Are you saying that we'll start to allow businesses to trade from Iosera?"

  "Yes, the LightStar Clan will not lose its identity, we could create a whole new community purely for trading and the dispossessed. Have you ever seen Kalocia?"

  "No, but I've heard it's not pleasant."

  "That is an understatement, it rains virtually every day, it's grey and depressing. Now I'm not saying I want everyone from Kalocia to move here, the less reputable traders will probably prefer to stay. But I've got a good source on Kalocia, I know she will help us find the best people to move here."

  "Evahlia, if it means you will stay with us, then I am in agreement. And to be honest, I think our Clan has been too inward focussed for some time. Though we will have to call a meeting of the Elders to discuss it…and your leadership if you'll accept it."

  "I will only accept the leadership if all the Clan, not just the Elders, are in agreement."

  "I'll finish dealing with the clearing up, then I'll call a meeting."

  "Thank you Brykesi, now I'll get some rest."

  Evahlia left the office and returned to her quarters. She lay down on the bed and within moments, was fast asleep.

  Vysani was on the way back to Del'ghao when Zareli contacted him.

  "We've had no luck tracking Ari, it's possible he's gone to Kalocia. Is Evahlia still with you?"

  "No, I left her on Iosera, it seems like they might be trying to persuade her to take over as leader."

  "The state of mind she's in, that could be interesting."

  "I think it was a bit of a surprise for all of us, but I think she'll settle down once she gets used to the implant."

  "Well Dumarrak and I are going to head for Kalocia, at the very least we can let the right people know who to look out for if we can't find Ari."

  "Keep me informed Zareli."

  Vysani dropped the link and leaned back in his seat. All he could think about was Evahlia, he'd never wanted to be with someone so much. But if she chose to become leader of the LightStar Clan, then he would have to accept it.


  When Evahlia awoke, it took a while for her to realise where she was, still wearing the outfit that Vysani had given her, she smiled to herself.

  After she'd had a shower, Evahlia dressed in a LightStar Clan outfit and hoped it wouldn't offend anyone.

  Leaving her quarters, Evahlia stood for a moment breathing in the air and feeling the warmth on her face.

  "Does it feel good to be back home?"

  Brykesi walked over to her.

  "Yes it does, I hope I'm allowed to stay."

  "Well I've already spoken to many of the Clan and you've got their support. The Elders are just gathering in the Meeting Hall, I was coming to fetch you."

  "Then let's not keep them waiting."

  "You seem a lot calmer today Evahlia."

  "Yes, I hadn't realised just how powerful the implant would be."


  "You must have heard of the CyberTelepath implants, the data that Ari…Commander Straken was looking for…"

  "Well of course I remember the request for the data, but Tarais never said about you having an implant, I thought with you being a natural Telepath it wouldn't be necessary."

  "Didn't Tarais release any reports?"

  "No, all he told us was that you'd been kidnapped by Zareli, then decided to join the war to defeat the military and by doing so…well he insisted that you needed to be dispossessed."

  "Damn, if I'd have known what was going on…well I'll outline the details at the meeting, all the Elders might as well hear the truth."

  Arriving at the Meeting Hall, Evahlia followed Brykesi inside and stopped in front of the Elders.

  "Brykesi has just told me that you have not been kept fully informed by Tarais, this saddens me. So I hope you will allow me the time to explain all the events that have taken place since my alleged kidnap. I will lay all the facts before you, then you can decide if you will allow back into the LightStar Clan and if you still want me to be your leader."

  Evahlia detailed all that had taken place up to recent events on Iosera. She could sense that all the Elders were listening in stunned silence.

  "And now you know why I had to have one of the implants fitted. I will wait outside so you can freely debate amongst yourselves."

  Evahlia walked past the Elders and left the Meeting Hall.

  Sitting down on the seat outside, she sent a telepathic message to Vysani to let him know she was well. He responded almost immediately. Evahlia could sense his feelings for her, she knew he was upset that she'd not decided to join his Clan.


  She stood up, Brykesi was standing by the door.

  "We're ready."

  "So soon?"

  "It was an easy decision."

  He held the door open for her, she went and stood before the Elders, with Brykesi by her side.

  "I speak for all the Elders Evahlia, the decision was unanimous…we ask that you once again join the LightStar Clan as an Elder…and that you become our leader."

  "Thank you, all of you. And yes, I will be happy to be the leader of our Clan. Unlike Tarais, I will ensure you are all kept fully informed of day to day proceedings with regular reports posted on the network. I shall also be preparing a proposal for you to debate concerning establishing a community of traders and the dispossessed from Kalocia. But let me assure you, I will not proceed without full agreement from all the Clan."

  Brykesi turned to Evahlia.

  "It won't be necessary to provide a proposal, we've also discussed that and we're in agreement. Put your plan in operation Evahlia, you have our backing."

  "Then may I ask you to assist me Brykesi, if you can find a suitable area to base the community and…"

  "I will sort everything out Evahlia, you talk with your contact on Kalocia. Iosera will be ready for them when they arrive."

  Evahlia embraced Brykesi.

  "I can't say thank you enough."

  "You don't need to, you are bringing Iosera to life, the Clan are behind you all the way Evahlia."

  "Then I'd better go and start work."

  Thanking all the Elders, Evahlia left the Meeting Hall.

  When she got to the office, Evahlia noticed that Brykesi had tactfully removed all of Tarais'
personal effects. She sat down at the desk and accessed a secure link to Kalocia.

  "This is Kalocia Central Communications, how may we help?"

  "I'm trying to reach Tiarni, I don't know if she has a network link…"

  "One moment please."

  Evahlia smiled to herself, everything was still so primitive on Kalocia.

  "This is Tiarni, who am I speaking to?"

  "It's Evahlia…"

  "Where have you been, I came to find you, someone said they'd been an accident and you'd been taken away."

  "I'm alright, I'm actually back on Iosera. There's too much to explain right now. You know the plan I had on Kalocia to help the dispossessed?"

  "Yes…are you coming back?"

  "No, my plan now is to ask you and others you know, to move to Iosera. I'm now leader of the LightStar Clan and we're in the process of creating a new community where you can live and trade…are you still there Tiarni?"

  "I'm sorry Evahlia, I was overcome with emotion…I don't know what to say…"

  "Well, yes would be a start. And for now I want you to invite only those you know and trust. Let the disreputable traders stay on Kalocia."

  "Definitely yes, though I don't know how we'll get much business…"

  "Leave that to me, I'm going to make an announcement to all the Clans. They will know this is the place to come to trade with honest dealers."

  "After you first told me about your plans, I started gathering together those dispossessed who were most vulnerable. The ones with no income being exploited by traders. It wasn't easy for them, they still have their pride, but I believe they will all leave with me."

  "Well bear in mind that you will need to build your own homes, and trading premises. We will provide as much help as we can, but this will be your community…and I mean yours Tiarni. There is no one I would trust more to be the voice for all the traders and dispossessed, if you'll accept the role."

  "I have been so inspired by you Evahlia that it would be dishonourable not to accept."

  "Good, now I think the best solution is to see if any of the dispossessed you know have building skills. We can provide temporary accommodation for them here while they start the building work."


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