After the Earth Wars

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After the Earth Wars Page 11

by Shana Rae

"Thank you Brykesi, but I think what you meant to say was that all you need now is Tiarni."

  Evahlia smiled.

  "I was worried for her safety Evahlia…and yes I am looking forward to meeting her."

  "So let's get on with preparing the shelters."

  Evahlia worked with the other Clan members as they prepared the shelters. As she was finishing securing a shelter, she stopped to listen, then called Brykesi over.

  "I've just had a message from Vysani, he's just coming into orbit."

  Evahlia watched as Vysani bought his cruiser into land. He disembarked with Tiarni by his side, she ran over to Evahlia and embraced her.

  "It is good to see you again Tiarni, I'm just sorry you had to leave in such a hurry."

  Tiarni looked around.

  "I'd have come sooner if I'd have realised what a beautiful place Iosera is."

  Brykesi walked over to join them.

  "Tiarni, this is Brykesi, if you two want to work together to find everyone shelter…"

  Brykesi took hold of Tiarni's hand, she smiled at him.

  "Leave everything with me Evahlia."

  Without saying another word, Brykesi led Tiarni across to the shelters.

  Evahlia walked over to Vysani as the dispossessed from Kalocia started to disembark.

  "Thank you Vysani…I'm surprised your cruiser was able to launch with having so many on board."

  "I had everyone flapping their arms!"

  They both laughed.

  "This is a nice site for the new community, Glevyn, it's going to be a shock for them getting used to this."

  "I think between Tiarni and Brykesi, they'll soon make it their home. Do you know for certain that it was Ari that was asking about me?"

  "I spoke to the person he asked, they described Ari perfectly."

  "So I think we can assume he knows what we're planning here?"

  "Yes Evahlia, but as far as we know, there is only Ari and Gabriel, so hopefully they don't pose much of a threat, but you'd better be on your guard."

  "I think I can ensure Evahlia's safety."

  Vysani turned round as Zareli walked over to join them.

  "We've got most of the shipment sorted, so I thought I'd see if I can help out here."

  Vysani stared at Zareli.

  "Don't look so surprised Vysani, I am quite capable of working and not just fighting."

  Zareli put his arm around Evahlia's shoulders.

  "Well I'll let you get on with your work then."

  Evahlia could feel the tension between Vysani and Zareli and knew it was because of her.

  "Will both of you listen to me, you've been friends for a long time and I do not want to be the cause of any animosity between you. If you're going to be at each others throats because of me…then I would prefer to be alone. Now sort your differences out."

  Evahlia turned and walked away.

  "I think she's serious Zareli, so do we call a truce?"

  "We could always ask if she's willing to share!"

  Zareli and Vysani laughed.

  Evahlia, who'd gone over to join Tiarni and Brykesi, was watching Zareli and Vysani closely.

  "Problems Evahlia?"

  "Not really Brykesi, it's for them to sort out, I won't have them fighting over me."

  "I thought you'd chosen to be with Zareli?"

  "I think he chose to be with me, I have to admit, it's hard to forget Vysani…"

  "I hope you don't mind me asking Evahlia, but if you had to choose, who would it be?"

  Evahlia turned to Tiarni.

  "That would be a difficult decision to make, not so long ago I would have said Vysani without hesitation. But that was before I became leader. Maybe I'm only accepting Zareli because I don't have any other choice…"

  "Well they don't look like they're going to start fighting, so it looks like you've got Zareli for now."

  "I'll try and take reassurance from that Tiarni!"

  Evahlia sensed that Vysani was preparing to leave.

  "I'll leave you to carry on making the arrangements."

  Evahlia returned to Vysani and Zareli.

  "We've sorted out our differences Evahlia, there is only one option available…we're going to share you."

  Vysani grinned and started to laugh.

  "I think I'd better get going, there is nothing worse than an enraged Telepath!"

  As Vysani boarded his cruiser, Evahlia turned to Zareli.

  "So what days do I have you, and which days Vysani?"

  Zareli grabbed hold of Evahlia.

  "Don't ever ask me that again, I don't share."

  "Well neither do I."

  Evahlia pulled away, realising that Vysani had waited a moment before getting on board. She knew exactly what he was thinking. And she knew that the problem between him and Zareli would never be satisfactorily resolved.

  "Are you taking the shipment to Aquagius?"


  "Well I'm heading back to my office, want a lift?"

  Without waiting for a reply, Evahlia walked over to her ship and went on board. Moments later, Zareli joined her. Neither of them spoke as Evahlia launched and headed back to the main landing zone.

  They disembarked and Zareli walked over to the transporter, he turned to Evahlia.

  "I won't be long."

  She watched as he went aboard, as he launched into orbit, she wondered if he would come back.

  When she got to her office, Evahlia saw a small package on her desk. She hesitated for a moment, but not sensing any explosives, opened it. A military badge fell out as she unwrapped it, Evahlia stood and stared at it, then quickly sent a telepathic message to Zareli.

  Evahlia walked around the desk and sat down as a communication came through, it was Zareli.

  "I've asked Vysani to return, because there's no way I can turn this transporter around fast enough. I'll carry on to Aquagius and return as quickly as I can."

  "Zareli, I'm sorry for what I said earlier about sharing."

  "We'll talk about it when I get back, and before you ask, yes I am annoyed that I had to ask Vysani to return, but rather that than leave you unguarded. Do you think that Ari is on Iosera?"

  "I can't sense anything, but that doesn't mean a thing. And this parcel can't have just appeared out of nowhere."

  "Very disturbing, is Brykesi with you?"

  "No, he's still out on site, don't worry, I'll shut myself in my office and wait for Vysani to arrive."

  "Good idea, I'll return as soon as I can."

  As Zareli dropped the link, Evahlia got up and shut the office door, then she moved a cupboard against it and a few chairs. She was furious that the policy of the LightStar Clan was not to have any weapons on Iosera, that was going to change.


  She turned round expecting to see Ari, then realised she'd heard it telepathically. Evahlia knew that if she tried to block him, she wouldn't be able to receive any messages from Vysani or Zareli, but that was a risk she was going to have to take.

  Sitting down on the floor, Evahlia recalled an old children's song from Earth that her grandfather used to sing to her. She started to hum the tune, letting it fill her mind until it surrounded her thoughts. Closing her eyes, Evahlia visualised her grandfather sitting beside her.

  Evahlia's grandfather had taken her in as a small child after her parents were killed in an accident. Her grandfather hadn't hidden the truth from her. In fact he'd gone to great lengths to explain what happened after death, how your spirit returns to the universe where it was born.

  It was from her mother that Evahlia had inherited the gift of Telepathy, that was all her grandfather had told her, she knew very little about either of her parents.

  Amongst the death and destruction of the Earth Wars, Evahlia had found peace of mind in her grandfathers teachings. She had grown up with the LightStar Clan, it was all she had ever known. Lost deep in memories, Evahlia suddenly realised someone was banging on the door.

  Opening her eyes, sh
e stood up and heard Vysani calling out to her.

  "Just a moment."

  Evahlia quickly moved the chairs and the cupboard, then opened the door. Vysani stood there for a moment.

  "You barricaded yourself in?"

  "What else could I do, we don't have any weapons on Iosera."

  "Then I think that is the first thing that needs to be changed. So what was Ari's gift?"

  Picking up the military badge, Evahlia handed it to Vysani who looked at it closely.

  "Did you notice what rank this is for?"

  "I didn't bother to look that closely."

  "It's for a captain…Ari was a commander…"

  "So what is your point Vysani?"

  "That Ari is telling us he's in control…"

  "Do you think he's killed Gabriel?"

  "I don't think Ari would go that far, and why bother if he's controlling his mind. No he wants to make it clear, he's in charge. Now we need to work out how this parcel got here, can you account for all of your Clan while you were out on site?"

  Vysani, you're not saying one of them might be responsible, I refuse to believe that."

  "Ari can force someone to do whatever he chooses Evahlia."

  "Even so, he still had to give someone the parcel, if there had been a ship out there, our defence system would have alerted us."

  "Not if he was here before the system was activated, he could have left the parcel anywhere, then forced one of your Clan to collect it and bring it here. You don't just need Zareli for security, you need guards…armed guards to take charge of security on Iosera."

  "No Vysani, I am not about to change our entire belief system for one person, however much of a threat they may appear to be."

  "Evahlia, don't be so naive, this community that you are establishing will open up Iosera to the whole galaxy. And in doing so, Iosera becomes a target. If you're not prepared to allowed armed guards on Iosera, then maybe you should forget the idea of the community."

  Evahlia sat down and sighed deeply.

  "I have been naive haven't I Vysani…but you have to realise that all I have ever known is the Clan, the ways of the Clan, the belief system of the Clan. I foolishly thought that in creating the new community, they would come to embrace our ideals. Now I realise why I refused to be leader before, it is not my place to lead the LightStar Clan."

  "I'm sorry to bring your dreams crashing around you Evahlia, I suppose I should have talked to you before it got this far."

  "Yes you should have Vysani, I wouldn't be surprised if you, Zareli and Dumarrak were laughing amongst yourselves at my pitiful attempts to be a leader…"

  "I can assure you we were not Evahlia, we were all concerned for your safety after what Ari did. But it was not our place to intervene in the running of another Clan. We all thought that if you needed help or advice, then you would ask."

  Evahlia looked up and saw Brykesi stood in the doorway.

  "If you've got a problem, I don't want to hear it."

  "I was just going to inform you that everything was settled in Glevyn, my apologies for interrupting."

  "Brykesi, do you consider yourself capable of running the LightStar Clan?"

  "Why are you asking Evahlia?"

  "Because as long as I stay here, I am putting the whole Clan in danger because of one damn military commander who won't take no for an answer."

  "Please don't tell me you're thinking of leaving…"

  Evahlia picked up the military badge.

  "I've had my warning…Vysani informs me that the only way to ensure the safety of Iosera is for us to have armed guards…I don't find that acceptable. Yes we need some security for Glevyn, but not for Iosera as a whole. So if I leave…"

  "Evahlia, you may not find armed guards acceptable, but there will be no objection from the Elders, or the rest of the Clan if that is what it takes to make you stay."

  Vysani put his hand on Evahlia's shoulder.

  "There is another alternative…Telepaths."

  "I don't think either of you are listening to me, I am the problem, remove the problem, Iosera is safe."

  "All right, so tell me where you'll go Evahlia, to Kalocia and deliver yourself into Ari's hands?"

  Evahlia stood up and stared at Vysani.

  "Well wouldn't that be the ideal solution, thank you for the idea."

  Vysani grabbed hold of Evahlia's arm.

  "Where do you think you're going?"

  "Kalocia of course, I am going to deal with Ari…alone."

  "Don't be crazy, he'll just take your mind apart…and this time we won't be there to help you."

  "I don't care."

  Evahlia pulled free of Vysani, as she walked out of the office she looked at Brykesi.

  "You're now the leader of the LightStar Clan, do a better job than I did."

  Evahlia left the office.

  "Vysani, you can't just let her go."

  "It's none of my business Brykesi, now if you'll excuse me, I will return to my own Clan and leave you to deal with yours."

  Brykesi stood in stunned silence as Vysani left the room.

  As Vysani walked over to his cruiser, he saw Evahlia getting into her ship and thought about trying to stop her. But as he'd said to Brykesi, it was none of his business.


  As Evahlia launched into orbit, she sent a message to Zareli that she had left Iosera and if he wanted any more details, to contact Vysani. Then she switched her comm system off.

  Heading out into space, Evahlia felt a compulsion to go to the site of the Pentaugh space station. Entering what had once been military space, Evahlia approached the space station with caution. It was barely more than a blackened shell, some parts were still intact, including the docking bay.

  Evahlia took her ship into land, she had no idea why she was here, it was just something she felt she had to do. Hearing the familiar sound of the pressure seal, Evahlia was relieved that she wouldn't need an oxygen mask, there was still some air left on the station.

  Disembarking, Evahlia looked around, apart from the creaking of the structure, an eerie silence hung over the station. Walking down the corridor, Evahlia eventually reached what had been Ari's quarters. The door was open so she stepped into the room.

  Memories of the first meeting she'd had with Ari flashed before her eyes…

  …she saw the commander standing by a window staring out in to space. He turned to face her, dressed in a black military uniform, he was almost as tall as Zareli, with jet black hair swept back from his face. Evahlia didn't like what she was sensing, it immediately made her put up her guard…

  Evahlia shuddered at the thought, but as the memory faded, it became crystal clear what she had to do. She ran back to the docking bay, boarded her ship and launched into space. She set a course for Kalocia.

  Zareli had been on his way to Iosera when he got Evahlia's message. He quickly altered his course and headed for Del'ghao instead. Taking his fighter into land, Zareli found Vysani waiting for him.

  "What the hell did you say to Evahlia?"

  "I only told her the truth."

  "Which was?"

  "That she was naive to assume that the new community would automatically embrace the ideals of the LightStar Clan. And that she needed armed guards on Iosera."

  "I think you said more than that, well certainly inferred it. Do you know where she has gone, or do I need to ask?"

  "Evahlia has gone to face her nemesis on Kalocia."

  Zareli stared at Vysani in disbelief as a realisation slowly dawned on him.

  "Shi-kelryn…that is what you had planned all along isn't it?"


  "But you never explained the rules to Evahlia, you never even told her that she was undertaking Shi-kelryn."

  "No one ever gets told Zareli, that is the whole point of the ordeal. Every persons Shi-kelryn is unique, there are no hard and fast rules. What it actually entails depends on many factors."

  "But it can result in death."

Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be an ordeal. In Evahlia's case she has to kill Ari, it's as simple as that."

  "You are crazy Vysani, last time they met he tore her mind apart."

  "Zareli…Evahlia now has an implant…"

  "Which if I recall was your idea…just how long have you been planning this Vysani?"

  "For a lot longer than you realise. But understand one thing, I am sorry that you got involved with Evahlia, I didn't release you'd go so far as to resign as leader…"

  "I didn't do it for Evahlia, I did it for me. Now if you'll excuse me I am going to Iosera to help Brykesi deal with the aftermath of Evahlia leaving. I hope our paths don't cross again for a long while Vysani, I can't forgive you for what you have done."

  Zareli turned and walked over to his fighter, Vysani smiled to himself as he watched Zareli's fighter launch into orbit.

  Evahlia took her ship into land on Kalocia, she disembarked to find Ari waiting for her. He was carrying a cloak, he walked over to Evahlia and put it around her shoulders.

  "I knew you would come back to me Evahlia, come, we have much to discuss."

  He led Evahlia down a side street and into a small building. As they walked into the room, Evahlia saw Gabriel sat in a chair looking very pale and gaunt. She had no doubt that Ari's control of Gabriel was taking its toll.

  "So what do you have planned for me this time Ari?"

  "Precisely what we planned to do originally, create the GhostWraith Clan, but this time, we will turn the dispossessed into CyberTelepaths."

  "Then your plan is doomed to failure, I destroyed the data needed to create the implants."

  "But I already have the data Evahlia."


  "It's standing in front of me…you have an implant don't you?"

  Evahlia stared at Ari in horror.

  "You can't remove my implant…"

  "I don't intend to, I will merely link to it and let it tell me everything I need to know to create more. I believe the implants were designed with their schematics encoded into them. So as you can see, you have finally given me the data I want."


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