Death of a Nation

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Death of a Nation Page 101

by Stephen R A'Barrow

  recovery post-Seven Years War ref1

  reform ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  religious tolerance ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  and Russia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  and Saxony ref1, ref2

  and Silesia ref1

  as a state ref1

  and Sweden ref1, ref2

  taxation ref1, ref2, ref3

  territorial expansion ref1nxc

  Teutonic Order ref1, ref2

  and Thirty Years War ref1

  trade ref1

  and united Germany ref1, ref2, ref3

  Weimar Republic ref1, ref2nclxvii

  see also Brandenburg-Prussia, House of; East Prussia; West Prussia

  Prussian Academy of Sciences ref1

  Prussian League ref1

  Putin, Vladimir ref1, ref2

  Quedlinburg Cathedral ref1

  Quigley, Carroll ref1

  Rabe, John ref1

  race ref1

  racial cleansing ref1 see also ethnic cleansing

  RAF see Royal Air Force

  railways ref1

  Ramsden, John ref1

  Don’t Mention The War ref1

  Rapallo, Treaty of (1923) ref1nclxx, ref2, ref3ncccxx

  Rasin, Alois ref1

  Rathenau, Walter ref1

  Rathenau dynasty ref1

  Ratibor ref1, ref2

  rationing ref1

  Ratisbona see Regensburg

  Ravenna ref1, ref2nx

  Reck-Malleczewen, Friedrich, Diary of a Man in Despair ref1

  Red Army

  atrocities by ref1, ref2

  capture of Berlin ref1

  casualties ref1

  and collapse of Third Reich ref1

  and communist expansion ref1

  deserters from ref1ncxcvi, ref2

  and East Germany ref1nccliii

  and East Prussia ref1

  and Finland ref1

  Kharkov, second battle of (1942) ref1

  killing of Germans ref1

  looting by ref1

  and Poland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  and Prussia ref1

  Stalin’s purge of ref1

  Wehrmacht’s defeat of ref1

  Red Cross ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Red Rollo ref1

  Rees, Laurence ref1

  Behind Closed Doors ref1


  Charles V and ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  and division of Germany ref1

  German ref1

  Holy Roman Empire and ref1

  Netherlands ref1

  and peasants’ revolts ref1, ref2

  see also Counter-Reformation

  refugees ref1

  Baltic ports ref1

  European Union of Refugees and Expellees ref1

  Jewish ref1, ref2

  post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Regensburg ref1, ref2nxiii, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  regionalism ref1

  Reich-Ranicki, Marcel ref1

  Reichenbach, Convention of (1790) ref1

  Reichsbank ref1

  Reichskristallnacht ref1, ref2

  Reichsstädte ref1

  Reinhard, Max ref1

  Reinisch, Anton ref1

  religious beliefs ref1 see also Christianity

  Remarque, Erich, All Quiet on the Western Front ref1

  Renaissance ref1

  Renner, Karl ref1, ref2, ref3ncclxxxv

  restructuring, post-Second World War ref1

  Reuter, Ernst ref1

  Reval (Tallinn) ref1, ref2, ref3

  Review of World Affairs (newsletter) ref1

  revisionism ref1


  and democtacy ref1

  England ref1, ref2nxliii

  fear of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  France ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Germany ref1

  Marxist ref1

  Russia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Rhine, river ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nxi, ref5, ref6

  Rhinebund (League of the Rhine) ref1, ref2

  Rhineland ref1, ref2

  Rhineland-Palatinate ref1, ref2

  ‘Rhineland Republic’ ref1nclxix

  Rhodes, Cecil ref1

  Rhodesia ref1

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von ref1, ref2, ref3

  Richard I, King of England (Richard the Lionheart) ref1

  Richelieu, Cardinal Armand Jean Duplessis, Duc de ref1, ref2, ref3

  Richthofen, Manfred, Baron von ref1

  Riemenschneider, Tilman ref1

  Riga ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Rijswijk, Peace of (1697) ref1

  Rilke, Rainer Maria ref1

  Rillinger, Barbara ref1

  Rimini, Golden Bull of (1226) ref1

  Ritter, Gerhard ref1

  Röhm, Ernst ref1nclxxv

  Roma people ref1 see also Gypsies

  Roman Catholic Church see Catholic Church

  Roman civilisation ref1

  Roman Empire

  Eastern ref1, ref2

  fracture of ref1

  frontier ref1

  and Germania ref1

  and Germanic tribes ref1, ref2

  treatment of Jews ref1

  Western ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Roman law ref1, ref2, ref3


  and Allies ref1

  and Axis ref1

  German communities ref1, ref2nccxxv

  post-First World War ref1

  Siebenbürger Sachsen ref1ni, ref2nxxx, ref3

  and statehood ref1

  Romano-Britons ref1

  Romantic Movement ref1, ref2


  Jewish ghetto ref1nccvi

  sack of ref1

  Rommel, Erwin ref1, ref2, ref3

  Romulus Augustalus, Emperor ref1

  Roncaglia (Piacenza), Imperial Assembly (1158) ref1

  Röntgen, Wilhelm ref1

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. ref1, ref2nclxiv, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15

  Rossbach, battle of (1757) ref1, ref2

  Rostock ref1, ref2

  Rothenburg ref1

  Rothfels, Hans ref1

  Rothschild dynasty ref1, ref2

  Rotterdam ref1, ref2ncclxvi, ref3

  Roy, Charles ref1, ref2

  Royal Air Force (RAF) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Royal Navy ref1, ref2, ref3nclxxxviii, ref4

  Rubens, Peter Paul ref1

  ‘Rucksack Germans’ ref1

  Rudolf I, Emperor ref1

  Rudolf II, Emperor ref1

  Ruhr ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Runstedt, Field Marshal ref1ncxc

  Rus ref1, ref2


  anti-Semitism ref1, ref2

  and Austria ref1

  and Balkans ref1, ref2, ref3

  Cossacks ref1

  and Crimea (2014) ref1

  expansion of ref1

  First World War ref1, ref2, ref3

  historical links with Germany ref1ncccxx

  Hitler’s attitude to ref1, ref2, ref3

  industries ref1

  Jewish Holocaust ref1

  Jewish persecution ref1

  liberation celebrations ref1

  modernisation ref1

  and Napoleon I ref1

  and Poland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  populations ref1ncxliv, ref2

  press ref1ncv

  and Prussia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  reform ref1

  Seven Years War ref1

  territorial expansion ref1nclxxiii

  threat to Eastern Europe by ref1, ref2, ref3

  and Three Eagle Alliance ref1

  and Treaty of Berlin ref1

  see also Soviet Union

  Russian Revolution ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5


  looting by ref

  post-Second World War ref1

  vandalism by ref1

  see also Red Army

  Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) ref1, ref2, ref3ncxci

  Ruthenia ref1

  Ruthenians ref1, ref2, ref3

  Saalburg ref1

  Saarland ref1, ref2, ref3nclxix, ref4ncclxxxi

  Saaz (Zatec) ref1

  St Petersburg

  Hermitage Museum ref1

  Treaty of (1907) ref1

  Saladin, Sultan ref1

  Salian (Franconian) dynasty ref1, ref2

  Salii tribe (Salians) ref1

  Saracens ref1, ref2

  Saxon Ottonian dynasty ref1

  Saxons ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Siebenburgen ref1nxxx, ref2, ref3

  Saxony ref1nccxlviii

  and Edict of Restitution ref1

  Elector of ref1, ref2, ref3

  electors ref1

  as a kingdom ref1

  militias in ref1

  Polish influence on ref1

  and Prussia ref1, ref2

  Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johann ref1, ref2

  Schäßburg (Sighisora) ref1nxxx

  Schily, Otto ref1

  Schindler, Oskar ref1, ref2

  Schindler’s List (film) ref1

  Schinkel, Karl Friedrich ref1

  Schleicher, Kurt von ref1nclxxv

  Schlesian see Silesia

  Schleswig ref1, ref2

  Schleswig Holstein ref1, ref2, ref3ncxliv, ref4

  Schlettstadt (Selestat) ref1

  Schliemann, Heinrich ref1, ref2

  Schmalkaldian Protestant League. ref1

  Schmalkaldischen Bund ref1

  Schmidt, Thomas ref1

  Schmundt, Rudolf ref1ncccxxiii

  Schoenberg, Arnold ref1, ref2

  Scholl, Hans and Sophie ref1

  Schönerer, Georg Ritter von ref1, ref2


  post-Second World War ref1

  Silesia ref1

  see also education

  Schopenhauer, Arthur ref1

  Schreck, Johannes ref1

  Schröder, Gerhard ref1nccxcix

  Schröder, Gerhardt ref1, ref2

  Schulze, Hagen, Germany: A New History ref1

  Schulzenwalde ref1

  Schumacher, Karl ref1

  Schumacher, Kurt ref1, ref2

  Schwarzenberg, Felix zu, Prince ref1

  Schwarzenberg, Karel ref1nlxv

  Schwertbrüder Order (Knights of the Sword) ref1, ref2, ref3

  Schwientochlowitz (Swietochlowice) concentration camp ref1

  scientific discovery ref1, ref2

  Scotland, independence of ref1nlxxxii

  Sebald, W. G. (Max) ref1, ref2

  On The Natural History of Destruction ref1

  Sebes see Mühlbach

  Second Reich see Imperial Germany

  Second World War

  Allied bombing campaigns ref1

  Anglo-French alliances ref1

  annexations ref1

  Anschluß ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Ardennes Offensive ref1

  Atlantic Charter (1941) ref1

  Atlantic Wall ref1

  battle for France ref1

  Battle of the Atlantic (1943) ref1

  Battle of the Bulge (1945) ref1

  Blitzkrieg ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  bombing campaigns ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12nccxcvii, ref13nccciv

  British Expeditionary Force ref1, ref2

  causes ref1, ref2

  Churchill’s biography of ref1

  conscription ref1

  consequences of ref1

  declaration of ref1

  Eastern Front ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  food shortages ref1

  Hamburg, bombing of ref1

  JCS 1067 Directive ref1, ref2ncclxix, ref3

  Kharkov, second battle of (1942) ref1, ref2

  Maginot Line ref1, ref2, ref3

  Morgenthau Plan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  myth of ref1

  navies ref1

  North African campaign ref1, ref2

  ‘Operation Barbarossa’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Operation Sea Lion (invasion of Britain), ref1

  orphans ref1, ref2

  Ostwall ref1, ref2

  ‘Phoney War’ ref1

  populations ref1

  Potsdam Conference (1945) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7ncclxx, ref8, ref9

  Potsdam Protocol ref1

  reparations ref1

  reparations for ref1

  Russian advance ref1

  Sixth Army ref1

  start and end of ref1

  total war ref1, ref2

  Vistula offensive ref1

  Winter War ref1

  Yalta Conference (1945) ref1nclxiv, ref2nclxiv, ref3, ref4, ref5

  secularism, Holy Roman Empire ref1

  Seeckt, Hans von ref1

  Seibt, Ferdinand ref1

  Seifert, Heribert ref1

  Selborne, Lord ref1

  Selestat see Schlettstadt

  self-determination ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Austria ref1

  Central Europe ref1, ref2

  Germany ref1, ref2,

  Selten, Reinhard ref1ncccxv

  Serbia ref1, ref2

  Seton-Watson, Robert William ref1

  Seven Years War ref1nxxxv, ref2

  Seward, Desmond ref1

  The Monks of War ref1

  Shaw, George Bernard ref1

  Shirer, William ref1, ref2

  Sibiu see Hermannstadt

  Sicambri tribe ref1

  Siebenburgen Germans ref1, ref2

  Siebenbürger Sachsen ref1

  Siemens ref1, ref2

  Sigesmund, King of Poland ref1

  Sighisora see Schäßburg

  Sikorski, General Wladyslaw ref1, ref2

  Silbermann, Gottfried ref1


  as part of Bohemia ref1nxl

  cultural heritage ref1, ref2

  economy ref1ncccviii

  history ref1ncccxiv

  industries ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Napoleonic Wars ref1, ref2

  Nazi incursion into ref1

  origin of name ref1ni

  overview ref1

  as a Polish territory ref1, ref2

  possibilities for ref1

  post-First World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  self-determination ref1

  settlements ref1

  wars ref1, ref2

  see also Lower Silesia; Upper Silesia

  Silingen tribe ref1ni

  Simon de Montfort ref1

  Simson, Eduard von ref1

  Skladkowski, Felijan Slawoj ref1

  Slaughter Czech Style (TV documentary) ref1

  slave labour ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10ncclxiii, ref11, ref12, ref13ncclxxii, ref14, ref15, ref16ncclxxvi, ref17nccxcix

  slavery ref1

  Americas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Jews ref1

  South Africa ref1


  and Generalplan Ost ref1, ref2, ref3

  Holy Roman Empire ref1

  Nazis’ prejudices against ref1nliii, ref2

  Poland ref1

  ‘Slav Congress’ (1848) ref1

  tribes ref1

  Vienna ref1

  Slovakia ref1nlxiii, ref2, ref3nclxxx

  Slovaks ref1, ref2nxlvi, ref3, ref4, ref5nxlviii, ref6nl, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Slovenes ref1nclxii

  Slovenia ref1

  Slowacki, Juliusz ref1nccxliv, ref2

  smallpox ref1

  Smeral, Bohumir ref1

  Smith, Howard K. ref1nccxvii

  Smolensk ref1

  Smuts, General Jan Christian ref1, ref2

  Sobibor ref1

  Sobieski, General Jan ref1, ref2 />
  Social Darwinism ref1

  Social Democrats (SPD)

  Bohemia and Moravia ref1

  cooperation with Czechs ref1

  Imperial Germany ref1, ref2, ref3nclii

  Jewish membership ref1, ref2

  as opponents of Nazis ref1

  post-Second World War ref1

  Sudetenland ref1

  Weimar Republic ref1, ref2, ref3nclxviii, ref4, ref5, ref6

  see also SOPADE

  socialism ref1, ref2

  socialists ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Soderbergh, Steven, The Good German (film) ref1, ref2

  Sokol gymnastics movement ref1

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander ref1, ref2

  Sonderweg ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  SOPADE (the Social Democratic Party of Germany) ref1

  Sophie Charlotte, Queen of Prussia ref1

  Sorau (Zary) ref1

  South Africa ref1, ref2, ref3 see also Boer Wars

  Soviet Union

  and Allied Control Council ref1, ref2

  armaments ref1, ref2, ref3

  army see Red Army

  and bombing war ref1, ref2

  borders, post-Second World War ref1

  and East Germany ref1, ref2

  expansion of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5ncclxxi

  and German POWs ref1

  and global expansion ref1

  Hitler’s invasion of ref1, ref2

  Hitler’s non-aggression pact with ref1

  invasion of Silesia ref1

  Jewish genocide ref1nclxxiii, ref2

  and Memelland ref1

  NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  and ‘Operation Barbarossa’ ref1

  and Poland ref1

  and Prussia ref1

  Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  slave labourers ref1, ref2, ref3

  and ‘trophies of war’ ref1

  and West Germany ref1

  see also Russia

  Spaight, J. M. ref1


  Catholic Church ref1

  colonies ref1

  and Germany, post-Second World War ref1

  Inquistion ref1

  Kaiser’s succession ref1, ref2

  minority populations ref1ncxliv

  Muslim invasions ref1

  persecution of Jews ref1

  wars of Spanish Succession ref1, ref2

  see also Hispania

  Spanish Netherlands

  Calvinism ref1

  heresy ref1

  independence ref1, ref2

  Louis XIV’s invasion of ref1, ref2

  Napoleon I’s invasion of ref1, ref2

  Spartacist movement ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nclxvi, ref5

  Spartacus ref1

  Speer, Albert ref1ncciii, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Spengler, Oswald, The Decline of the West ref1

  Speyer ref1nvii, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Cathedral ref1, ref2nxiii, ref3

  Spiro, Eugen ref1

  Stalin, Joseph

  alliance with Hitler ref1, ref2

  annexation of German territories ref1

  and deserters ref1ncxcvi

  and ethnic nationalism ref1nxliv

  ‘Five Year Plans’ ref1, ref2ncxciii, ref3

  genocide ref1


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