Queen of Empire: A fantasy romance (The Relic Trilogy Book 1)

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Queen of Empire: A fantasy romance (The Relic Trilogy Book 1) Page 10

by HR Moore

  Silence reigned for a few moments as all eyes tracked the procession, and then, just as Anita and Marcus reached the entrance, the band started to play. Anita could not have been more appreciative and from the moment it began, the experience was abstract, almost dream-like. She floated through the hall in her own little bubble of a world. It was surprisingly easy to block out the indelicate eyes that followed her.

  The hall contained three enormous banqueting tables, one down each side and a third across the top to form a horseshoe. They were heading for the top table, where the dates of the other Descendants, along with some of the most senior councilors, were waiting. They processed past the other two, packed tables, set with an impressive array of silver and glassware, all eyes fixed intently on them.

  They passed underneath many spectacular crystal chandeliers, mesmerizing works of art hanging on the walls. They were modern pieces, depicting energy waves in abstract ways, yet were somehow perfect for the grand, old environment. It made the place almost contemporary, devoid of stuffiness.

  As they neared the top table, Anita noticed Cleo, already looking bored, next to Henry, who was positively beaming. That's going as expected then, thought Anita, spotting Bass sitting next to a girl she could only assume was Missy. Missy looked nice, although very plain, and she needed someone like Cleo to take her shopping, her dress extremely conservative.

  Anita felt Bass' energy pick up as she went past, and she shot him a warm smile. Elistair was sitting the other side of Missy, but looked preoccupied with something. He seemed to barely notice the procession. Anita wondered what it could be, realizing just in time that they had reached the top table, where they had to split from the others to get to the far side. Anita, Marcus and Alexander went to the right and Austin, Peter and Gwyn to the left.

  Austin sat in the middle of the top table, which Anita thought reasonable, it being his castle after all. Anita sat to his left, as the guest of honor, and Gwyn to his right. Marcus sat on Anita's other side, and he had some councilor's daughter, then Alexander, and then Helena to his left.

  Other than Gwyn and Peter, Anita didn't recognize anyone at the other end of the table. Peter's wife and Gwyn's mother, Olivia, had died during childbirth and Peter had never had another public relationship. Anita hadn't yet spoken to Peter. He seemed to keep himself to himself and she imagined him to be shy.

  Everyone sat except Austin, who remained standing to make the opening speech, his voice creamy as ever. 'Descendants, councilors, Children of the Temples of the Mind, Body and Spirit. I welcome you to my home for the celebration of a truly significant moment in our history; the Crowning of not one, but two Descendants.

  'Tonight, we bring to a close the Crowning traditions, having had a fantastic Chase and a poignant Crowning ceremony, both with record turnouts. We shall, of course, look forward to our Chase Champion and tonight's guest of honor, Anita, leading this evening's dancing. But first, let us toast our new Descendants, Peter, son of Christiana, and Alexander, son of Theon.' Austin picked up his Ginger Champagne, saying, 'To Peter and Alexander,' as he lifted his glass in the air.

  The rest of the hall mirrored his actions, standing and lifting their champagne, echoing, 'To Peter and Alexander.'

  Austin finished his uncharacteristically short speech with, 'Bon appétit.' Austin sat and the gossip erupted, accompanied by many very obviously glances, and even some pointing.

  'Just as I thought,' said Anita, leaning into Marcus, as a mountain of food was placed in front of them.

  He squeezed her hand under the table and whispered, 'They're saying how beautiful you are.' Her energy spiked and she forced herself to look away, not wanting to give the crowd any more fodder.

  Anita managed to make it through dinner without enraging Austin. He asked her a series of probing question, such as how Alexander had managed to run so fast at the Chase. Apparently he had never previously displayed Body skills quite like it. Anita replied that she'd had to slow down to Alexander's speed as her energy meter was broken, although this was definitely a lie.

  Austin asked about Anita's family life and her parents in a way that suggested he already knew the answers. He asked why Marcus had kept it a secret that he was bringing her to the ball, to which she replied, truthfully, that she didn't know. But most surprisingly, he was interested in her relationship with Helena, and why, given her considerable Body skills, Anita had chosen not to become an academic. Anita told him the truth; that she had wanted to study the energy. He did not seem satisfied with her answer.

  Luckily, at that point, Gwyn interrupted with some inane comment, shooting Anita a death glare, drawing Austin into conversation with her. Anita couldn't have been more pleased and turned towards Marcus, ensuring that by the time Austin turned back, she would be engaged in another conversation.

  As she turned, she spotted Cleo speaking animatedly with the man to her right and Henry trying desperately to get involved. She also glanced in Bass' direction. He was, ever the gentleman, doing his best to chat to Missy, although this appeared to be a struggle. Elistair, she noticed, still didn't seem to be in the mood for a party.

  Marcus was discussing the Chase with the girl to his left. On the other side of her, Alexander was talking in low tones with Helena. Anita sat for a moment, looking down at her food, following the ebb and flow of Alexander's energy as he conversed with Helena. She found it comforting.

  Alexander's energy picked up and Anita felt a warm pressure at the edge of her energy field. She had never experienced anything like it and looked up cautiously to see what was happening, but Alexander wasn't looking at her, he was still deep in conversation with Helena…

  After three, enormous courses and a significant quantity of various types of wine, Anita decided it was time to open the dancing. In line with tradition, there would be no announcement. Anita and Marcus would take to the floor at a time of their choosing, throwing a signal to the band and surprising the audience by launching into their dance.

  Marcus reached over and took Anita's hand. She inclined her head in the direction of the open space between the banquet tables and he smiled in agreement. He led Anita around the top table, waving to the band as they passed. The band changed pace, beginning a jaunty number and the room quietened in expectant anticipation.

  Anita could hardly contain her excitement. She loved to dance, and, leaving Marcus by the edge of the tables, she spun her way to the middle of the floor. Marcus ran after her and caught her just as she stopped spinning. He leant her backwards, then restored her to an upright position in a slow, fluid, silky movement. They smiled at each other as they came face to face, each reminded of their dance on the cliff. Then Marcus, almost violently, spun Anita out and back in again.

  They tangoed around the floor, paying no attention to the audience, who watched open-mouthed at the display. A polite waltz was the customary dance to kick off proceedings. No one had expected this.

  After a couple of minutes of the borderline inappropriate spectacle, complete with too much body contact, a number of improper looks, and suggestive backing track, the others eligible to join the first dance got up and made their way to the floor. All except Austin, whose face was like thunder as he watched the exhibition.

  Marcus and Anita finished their opener with a flourish, Marcus spinning Anita around so they were back to back before lifting her high on his shoulders, her arms outstretched. He spun several times before letting her slide back to the floor, having masterfully positioned them to join the formal dancing. He kissed her hand racily, throwing her one last risqué look as they took their places.

  This part was a group dance, where two couples danced a set routine together before moving round to dance with another pair. The band changed the tone significantly, launching into what was almost a jig. Marcus and Anita started with Alexander and his date. Anita still had no idea what she was called.

  First Anita and Marcus, and Alexander and his date danced a few steps with each other, then they all danced a few ste
ps together, before they swapped partners for a couple of twirls. Anita took Alexander's proffered hand when it came to the partner swap and a tingle of energy ran through her. If he felt it too, he didn't let on, looking at her indifferently for the whole time they danced together, Anita frustrated that she had no idea at all what he was thinking.

  The music went on and Anita and Marcus cycled through many more couples. They danced with Gwyn and her date, Cleo and Henry, where Cleo threw Anita so many meaningful looks that Anita almost burst out laughing, and Bass and Missy. Missy was an uninspiring dancer, moving in a stiff, uncomfortable way. Bass, on the other hand, danced easily and gracefully, and lifted and twirled Anita when they came to dance together, embellishing the set routine and looking dashing while he did it. Anita beamed at him as they moved on.

  The dance came to a close when Anita and Marcus met up with Alexander and his date again. The band finished their jig with a flourish and the couples bowed and curtsied. Alexander led his date away and Marcus took hold of Anita's elbow, steering her as far away from Austin as he could. He'd noticed Austin's expression too then.

  Marcus led Anita out through the doors of the great hall, across the lobby, and into another large room. The room had a bar that, during the day, had views over where Anita and Marcus had danced by the cliff edge. Marcus grabbed two glasses of Ginger Champagne, handed one to Anita, and headed for the open door out onto the balcony.

  'You do like to ruffle feathers, don't you,' said Marcus, with mock disapproval, his eyes glinting.

  'Me?' said Anita. 'I think you'll find you were leading.'

  'Well, we'll just have to agree to blame the band then, who, for some reason, selected a raunchy number for the first dance.' He over-emphasized the shrug of his shoulders and perplexed look.

  Anita's eyes flew open. 'That was you?' she said, punching his arm not quite hard enough to cause any harm.

  'I don't know what you're talking about,' he said, raising his arms in protest. Luckily for Marcus, before Anita could launch a proper attack, a squeal invaded the air. Cleo bounded over to Anita and wrapped her in a hug.

  'You. Looked. A-MAZING,' she sang. 'You should have seen everyone watching you. I cannot believe you just did that. But the way your dress kicked out…definitely a great choice, and he isn't a half bad dancer,' she gushed, nodding her head in Marcus' direction, squeezing his arm.

  'Thanks,' replied Marcus, rolling his eyes. 'I'll get more drinks.'

  * * * * *

  Alexander had finally managed to ditch his date. She'd proven a great deal more clingy than he'd expected, so it had taken a bit of work. Luckily, Cleo seemed to have done the same thing to Henry, so Alexander had left her with him.

  He made his way into the library, where, thankfully, no one else had ventured, and helped himself to a shimmering crystal glass full of Austin's brandy. He sat down heavily in a chair by the open doors onto the balcony and contemplated the night's events so far.

  Firstly, there was the conversation he'd overheard two of Austin's security guards having just before the procession. They'd been talking about Austin's hit list, and it was clear from what he'd overheard that Anita was at the top. Austin was always scouring for powerful people, to either recruit or get rid of, but this search was more frenzied than usual. It must have something to do with the bloodline; was Anita the girl Christiana had wanted to find?

  Alexander needed to find a way to tap Austin for information. His trip to the archives had left him with nothing to work with, and there was no one else to ask.

  Then there was his conversation at dinner with Helena. She'd all but tried to recruit him into the Institution, an underground movement that wanted to set aside the return of the Relic, in favor of some other method of stabilizing the energy. Trying to recruit him would have been a bold move under any circumstances, but was downright dangerous under Austin's roof, and right under his nose.

  Austin hated the Institution and would no doubt hate them even more right now, with all the controversy around the prophecy. And Anita…her energy was extraordinary, like nothing he had ever known; such a strong mix of Body and Spirit. The tingle when they'd touched…so rare that no one knew what caused them.

  Anita fascinated him, and although he was trying to keep it firmly hidden, he was drawn to her. She was reckless. The way she'd won the Chase, exposing her reader abilities to everyone…the way she'd danced around the floor earlier…she was incredible, but it would only serve to enrage Austin. She was already in danger. Alexander was relying on Marcus to keep her out of harm's way, but with stunts like this evening, that would be difficult. Austin hadn't even tried to hide his fury.

  Alexander's thoughts were interrupted by voices on the balcony moving in his direction. 'I'm looking for Alexander, have you seen him?' said a whiny female voice that Alexander recognized as his date's. In one swift movement, Alexander rose from the worn leather chair and made his way to the library's side door. He ducked through just as the voices reached the window, heading for the stairs.

  Only Descendants and a handful of the senior councilors would dare to go upstairs in Austin's castle without permission; he would be safe up there. Alexander took the steps two at a time and turned left when he reached the top. He headed out onto a large internal balcony that wrapped its way around the four sides of a courtyard below.

  This was his favorite part of Austin's castle. The courtyard was exposed to the night sky, but the balcony was covered, with pillars all the way around holding up the roof. Climbing plants crawled all over the pillars, wispy braches covered in flowers falling down over the stone benches below.

  The courtyard was the creation of Marcus' mother, Melia, and was a perfect demonstration of why Austin and Melia now lived separate lives. Austin was transactional and controlling, but Melia was hard yet fair, with far-reaching openness, just like her plants.

  Alexander walked to the far side of the balcony and lay down on one of the stone benches. He placed the brandy glass, which he had fortunately had the foresight to pick up during his escape, on the floor.

  He found it wearing being around other people for too long, all their energy waves bouncing around. It was a relief to be on his own, where he could think without interruption.

  He'd been lying there for only a few minutes, listening to the muffled sounds of the party, when he heard the courtyard door creek open below. Two sets of cautious footsteps make their way though, Alexander easily picking up their energy, one anxious and the other angry.

  'What is it?' questioned a fierce voice that Alexander recognized as Elistair's. 'We agreed we'd never talk about this again.'

  The anxious person didn't immediately reply, pacing around the courtyard. 'That was before Austin went on this vendetta.'

  Alexander was surprised to hear Peter's thin voice and his interest piqued. What could Peter possibly be wrapped up in?

  'What is that supposed to mean?' asked Elistair, surprised.

  'It means that Austin's put together a hit list of powerful girls. Anyone between twenty-three and twenty-seven years of age. He's trying to track her down to finish off the prophecy for good.'

  Alexander couldn't believe his ears. Peter knew what Austin was looking for? Had Christiana told him? So their being here did have something to do with the prophecy and the bloodline…

  'But how does he know?' Elistair spat.

  'He knew there was a chance she'd got away, but assumed even if she had, she would never resurface. When Christiana told him why she wanted to come to Empire, Austin went crazy. He ordered Amber to double her 'researchers' and told her we're not leaving Empire until she's tracked the missing girl down.'

  'Does he know?' The concern in his voice was palpable.

  'No. Not for sure, but she's at the top of his hit list. Just her winning the Chase would have been enough to keep her there, but her reader stunt has wound him into a frenzy. He wasn't hiding his feelings about the display earlier either. She's signing her own death warrant; you've got to do so

  Alexander's mind raced. How did Elistair and Peter know anything about this? And more importantly, why was it Elistair's responsibility to do something?

  'What exactly do you suggest I do?'

  'Take her into the Wild Lands and keep her there.'

  Elistair laughed. 'Aside from the obvious difficulty of kidnapping someone as adept as Anita, how do you suggest I keep here there? Lock her up? Stay there and supervise her myself?'

  'Persuade her to go with you. Say you're going on a trip to record the energy or something.'

  'That would never fool her, or my son. And even if it did work, Marcus is besotted with her. You think he would just let her go? He's Austin's son, regardless of how much of Melia he has in him. He'll turn out to be just as ruthless and just as possessive; you can see it in the way he looks at her.'

  'Well, you've got to do something, otherwise she's going to wind up dead.'

  Elistair turned angry. 'I should never have got involved. Anything we do now to try and save her will be the final nail in her coffin, and will expose us too. Listen to me very carefully, Peter. Do nothing. Absolutely nothing, you hear me? Do not so much as mention her name to anyone. Do not try and contact anyone who knows. And never, I repeat, never, talk to me about this again.'

  A silent chill filled the courtyard as the enormity of Elistair's words sunk in. Elistair turned sharply and left, furious. Peter, now beside himself with worry, hung around for a few minutes more. He paced up and down, getting his emotions under control before following Elistair out.

  Alexander lay there in shock; he couldn't believe what he'd heard. The prophecy wasn't dead? There was a female heir to the Body bloodline? That's why Christiana had insisted they come to Empire…to find her…and…Anita was that girl. Anita was a Descendant. That was the only thing they could have meant. Unless there was some other way to fulfil the prophecy…but everyone knew there was only one way; the Descendants had to send back the Relic. Either way, Anita was in serious trouble.


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