Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 1

by Lucy Darling

  Stalking His Bride

  Lucy Darling

  "True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart." Unknown



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Also by Lucy Darling



  One glance was all it took for her to steal my heart. That brief moment had changed the path of my life. I didn’t know anything about Carly, but I got this feeling. An undeniable one, and I knew then and there she was mine.

  But I can’t let her know, not when her mother has all these plans for her. I’m finding I too am trying to plan out her life but one that includes me.

  I slip into her life helping her check off her list of dreams one by one. Keeping her close to me but trying to hide my growing obsession that might send her running.

  I knew in an instant that there was no living without her, but keeping her will be a fight--one I’m prepared to win, no matter her mother’s future plans for her.

  The only bride Carly will be is mine.



  “Who told you?” Reed snatches the book right out of my hand. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize the woman he’s rushing to the altar is knocked up. He flips through a few pages of the book before dropping it down onto his desk. Both are things I thought I’d never want in my life. Marriage and babies weren't for me. Or so I’d thought.

  “That Tinsley is knocked up?” He glares at me. For someone who was finally getting everything he’s ever wanted, he’s sure in a pissy mood. I thought Tinsley would get him to lighten up. He’s been after the girl his whole life and now he has her.

  “We haven't told anyone yet.” He drops down in his chair, picking up the glass of scotch I poured for him and taking a healthy swig of it. My eyes glance toward the door when I hear Carly and Tinsley’s laughter ring out from down the hallway. I shift in my chair, trying to hide my hard on.

  Carly is making me lose my mind. Even her sweet giggles seem to do something to me. I rub the center of my chest. The weird ache that has formed since she entered my life lingers. I am turning into my fucking cousin. Obsessed. I don’t even know the girl. How can I be obsessed with her? I shouldn't be anything.

  “Your hand is always on her stomach.” I point out the tell I noticed a while back. I think I only noticed because I’d wanted to reach out and touch Carly’s too. Reed’s lips twitch in a rare smile.

  “She doesn't want to tell anyone until she’s further along,” he admits. I grab the book back off his desk and start thumbing through it again. “I’ve read it if you want to borrow it.” He thinks he’s fucking with me. Little does he know I’ve also read it. I toss it back on his desk. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t check on my cousin?” This isn’t out of the ordinary for us. I usually try to check on him. It’s a little less now than it used to be. But that’s only because he has Tinsley. Plus, I have other things to worry about. Carly being at the top of that list.

  In saying all that, someone has to keep an eye on Reed. As much of an asshole as he can be, I do love him. He is more like a brother to me than anything else. My mom always tried to shower Reed with attention after he lost his own mom. No matter how much attention we tried to give him, it never worked. He always remained distant. Always a little bit out of reach. Still, he never fully pushed me out of his life. He might act like a dick most days, but the bastard loves me too. Even if he won’t outwardly admit it.

  There has been a cold side to him that has been there since he lost his mom. Except if Tinsley was near. I am happy that he finally got his head out of his ass and staked his claim on her. Some of that frostiness he’s always had is melting away. Not all of it. I still think he’s naturally just a dick. I am happy for him. He might actually start living for once.

  “I don’t need you to check on me.” He doesn’t but I’m not ready to admit the real reason I am here. Not after all the shit I gave him about Tinsley. It would be open season then. I am here for Carly. The one girl who won’t give me the time of day. The one who won’t budge when it comes to me. I’m still trying to find out if she’s pregnant.

  “Your wedding is days away,” I remind him. “I’m the best man. I’m supposed to be here if you need anything.”

  “For the amount I’m paying this wedding planner I shouldn't need anyone else's help.”

  “You’re putting a wedding together in a week.” He isn’t fucking around. He and Tinsley finally admitted their feelings for one another, and Reed wasn’t going another minute without making it official.

  “Do you have a point?” His eyes flick toward the door again. He wants the girls to be done with whatever it is they are doing as much as I do. I’m just doing a better job at hiding it. Then again, Reed doesn't have to hide his want for Tinsley anymore. I’m still trying to navigate whatever this thing is that I’m feeling toward Carly.

  “Just reminding you that I’m here if you need anything.”

  “I’m fine.” He sits up a little straighter when the sounds of the girls’ laughter draw closer.

  “Reed.” Tinsley calls for him. He’s on his feet instantly heading out of his office to find his soon-to-be wife. “Reed, stop.” I hear Tinsley laugh more. “I’m seeing Carly out.” Now I’m on my feet. That’s something I can definitely help with.

  “I can find my own way out. See you love birds later.” I head for the door to see Carly coming down the hallway as Reed is taking off with Tinsley. I’m sure they are headed to the bedroom. The more time he’s with her the more barbaric he becomes.

  “Hi,” Carly chirps when she sees me. Her big brown eyes stare up at me in surprise. “I swear every time I turn around I’m almost running into you.” She lets out a small laugh. I am really starting to understand some of my cousin’s ways. Maybe I should take a page from his playbook. I wonder if simply picking up the girl and taking her back to my bedroom would work for me the same way it seemed to work for him. The only difference is, I’m not with the girl yet, and there’s a possibility that she could already be pregnant. So I don’t think his method is going to work for me.

  I paste an easy smile on my face. “I’m around a lot.” I lean up against the door frame.” It’s been a week since I came face to face with Carly Becks. She has no idea she’s taken over my life. But she has. I couldn’t stop thinking about her standing in the middle of a pharmacy with a pregnancy test in hand. There are so many questions I need answered but haven't had the opportunity to ask.

  “I guess we’ll see each other a lot. You want to grab dinner?” She leans in closer to me. “I’ve got to plan the bachelorette party. I’m sure you’re doing the bachelor party.”

  “Dinner sounds good.” I push off the doorframe. Not letting her know there is no way Reed would ever go for a bachelorette party. Fuck, there is also no way I am getting his ass to agree to a bachelor party either. I hadn't even brought it up. Because I know the answer will be no. “Are you craving anything in particular? I know sometimes you may want something specific.” At least that’s what the pregnancy book said.

  “Not really.” She looks at me, confused. “I’m just hungry.” She reaches down to pa
t her belly. My eyes follow. She’s soft all over.

  “Any allergies? Sensitivities? Anything that makes you sick?” I can’t seem to stop my mouth. She shakes her head no. The need to know everything rides me hard. She’s looking at me as if I’m out of my damn mind now. I need to get myself under control. She’s going to think I’m fucking nuts. After this last week she might be right. “How about we hit up the diner down the street?” They have a good selection so I know she’ll find something there.

  “Sounds like a plan.” She is still giving me a puzzled look. I offer her my arm to take. She hesitates for a minute before she does.

  I don’t care if she is pregnant or not. I haven’t seen her with a man around her in the last week. That is their loss.

  Carly Becks is now mine. Pregnant or not.



  I swear James gets more attractive every time I see him. And I almost see him every freaking day, one way or another. I either run into him at the store or on the street, but without fail it seems like we frequent a lot of the same places. I’ve begun to look forward to seeing him at Reed and Tinsley’s. I was surprised today when I noticed he wasn’t in his normal suit.

  It is impossible not to notice him when he’s in jeans and a black shirt that stretches across his broad chest. I had to stop myself from reaching out to run my hand down it. I stopped myself because I don’t want him to think I'm a weirdo.

  I keep my arm locked around his as we head down the street to whatever restaurant he picked. I am still getting used to the city and have no idea where anything is. I’ve spent my whole life in suburbia. I’ve felt like a baby bird that stepped out of the nest for the first time since I arrived a few weeks ago. I haven’t been able to get my bearings. Everything here seems so big and overwhelming. James is no different.

  “Watch it, sugar.” He maneuvers me so I don’t step into a small pothole in the sidewalk. “Should you be wearing shoes like that?” I glance down at my wedges. He asks me the strangest questions. Why the heck wouldn’t I be able to wear wedges?

  “Yes.” I can wear whatever I want. My mom isn’t here to toss her two cents in. I finally have sweet freedom. Well, as free as you can get being a trust fund baby. I am no longer under my parents’ roof but they still have a say in what I do.

  I’m still shocked they'd let me make this move. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t fear that they will go back on it. That only means one thing: time is ticking for me. I need to experience as much as possible. Need to tick as many things as I can off my bucket list. This may be the only opportunity I get to live free before my parents’ expectations come back into play.

  “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He stops in front of a diner, opening the door for me.

  “What’s the worst that can happen? I fall? I can just get back up if that happens.” I shrug, stepping into the restaurant. I know this for a fact because I tend to fall a lot. I guess you could say I’m sort of a klutz. At least that’s what Mom always says. The one thing I am good at, though, is heels. I walk worse in sneakers or flats. In heels I glide. I only own one pair of sneakers and that’s only because you can’t exercise in heels. Believe me, I’ve tried. I don’t recommend it.

  “I like that, but if you’re pregnant maybe falling isn't the best idea right now.” Oh my God. How did I forget about that? The first time I’d met James I was holding a pregnancy test. I thought he was some random man in the store. When he’d asked if it was mine, I just said It’s in my hand, isn't it? It hadn't been mine. It was my best friend Tinsley’s. Who is very much pregnant, by the way.

  “Two?” the hostess asks, cutting us off before I can respond. Thank goodness because I’m not sure what to say. Tin doesn’t plan on telling anyone she’s knocked up. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that knows at this point. But I could be wrong, and James could know. He’s around Reed enough, and they are family. I also think he might be Reed’s only friend.

  James puts his hand on the small of my back as we follow the hostess to a table. He pulls out a chair for me. I take a menu from her. I have to say it’s nice to have someone tend to me like this. Usually I’m left to fend for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never wanted for anything monetarily but affection and caring aren’t my parents’ strong points. I grew up without a lot of those two things. The only time my parents really gave a crap was if it somehow benefited them or reflected on them.

  “Did you take the test?” He asks when the hostess leaves us alone.

  “No.” I haven't. It’s not a lie.

  “Don’t you think you should?” He sets his menu down, not bothering to look at it. “I know one of the top OBGYNs in the city. I can take you to see her.”

  “You want to take me to the doctor?” I snort a laugh, picking up my water to take a drink.

  “If the father hasn't done it already then it’s his loss. I’d gladly fill the position.”

  I almost choke on my water. He’s on his feet patting my back.

  “I’m okay. Just went down wrong.”

  “Are you sure?” He looks panicked.

  “I’m fine. Really.” His words had shocked me. He sits back down in his chair. “Are you saying that If I’m pregnant you want to- '' I trail off, not sure what to say or what he really meant. I had to have heard him wrong.

  “Be there for you,” he offers.

  “We don’t know each other.” That would be crazy. Still, it warms something inside of me.

  “We will.” He responds as the server arrives at the table. Why does that make my insides melt? I know James is a good man. I asked Tinsley about him. That first day we met he'd followed me around and kept trying to talk to me. I was attracted to him instantly, but I couldn’t act on it because I had to cover for Tinsley with the whole pregnancy test thing. Yet, here he sits thinking I’m pregnant and he’s still trying to get to know me. It’s very endearing to me. It’s also a bit funny since I’m a grown woman who hasn’t lost her virginity yet. In all fairness, Tinsley only just lost hers. Both our parents kept us on a tight leash. I’m going to have to tell him the truth. It feels wrong to keep the lie going. Before I thought he was some random man. Not so much anymore. He is going to be around a lot.

  “You feel okay?” He breaks me from my thoughts. I look up to see that his gorgeous green eyes have a look of concern in them. Is this man real?

  “I’m fine. Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts for a minute.” I want to tell him those thoughts were about him, but I don’t. “It’s a habit of mine.” One my parents despise.

  “It’s understandable. You have a lot on your mind. Don’t worry; we’ll figure everything out. I’ll be here for whatever you and the baby might need.” I’m about to tell him that I’m not pregnant, but before I get a word out, the waitress appears at the table, ready to take our order.

  My stomach makes a loud growling noise as I quickly look over the extensive menu. There are so many things to choose from that I can’t pick. To be honest, if I order everything that I want, James is really going to think that I am pregnant.

  “I can’t decide.” When I look up from the menu, those concerned green eyes are staring back at me. To tell you the truth, he hasn’t taken his eyes off me since we got here. My stomach growls again. I feel myself blush. How embarrassing.

  The next thing I know James is rattling off a bunch of menu items to the waitress. He orders enough to feed a small army. He thanks the server, asking her to put a rush on the food. He tells her to bring out the dishes one by one as soon as they’re ready.

  I swear I want to lean over this table and kiss the heck out of this man. I know Tinsley said he’s a good man, but I never dreamed he could be this good.

  “Now, you don't have to worry about it. Sit back and relax until the food gets here.”

  “You’re really sweet.”

  “Good, keep thinking I’m sweet.” He winks at me as someone swings by, dropping off a basket of bread. James grabs a roll out. He cuts it open and bu
tters it before putting it on my plate.

  “Now you’re trying to make me fall in love with you.” I pick up the bread, taking a giant bite.

  “You shouldn’t go so long without eating.” He reaches over, tucking my hair behind my ear and out of my face. “Eating for two.”

  “Right. About that.” He stares at me, waiting. “I’m not really pregnant. The test wasn't for me,” I blurt out. “I mean I’ve never even done it before. Unless it's a miraculous conception there is nothing in here but a food baby.” Oh God. I did not just ramble all that. “I kind of overshared there for a second.”

  “Not at all.” He has a sexy smile on his lips.

  “I would wish that a hole would open up and swallow me, but then I’d miss all that food you ordered and it would be rude of me to not help you eat it.”

  “It would be.” He reaches out, buttering another piece of bread for me. I pick up the first one and let out a small breath, happy I got that stupid lie off my chest.



  Not pregnant. At least for now. I keep that thought to myself. No need to scare the little fawn. I watch as she eats and wish that she’d let me feed her every last bite. I have this need to take care of her that I don’t quite understand yet. I want to know everything about her, hear every story she has to tell and make all of her dreams come true. But I don’t want to overwhelm her with my questions. Nor do I want to scare her. I’m starting to even scare myself.


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