Just Married?

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Just Married? Page 14

by Natasha West

  ‘Ruby, you know I don’t think that’s funny’ Denise said in a cool tone.

  ‘Sorry, Mommy. I mean, Mom. What’s up?’

  ‘Couple of things I just thought you’d like an update on. First off, there’s a party Friday night and I have it on good authority Barry’s going. So you’re going. With Emily.’

  Ruby gave a small moan. She should have seen this coming. ‘Really? Because I feel like running into him ‘accidently’ again might start to seem like stalking.’

  ‘I don’t have time to get into this, but I heard that it’s come down to you and Marisa Benson.’

  ‘Really?’ Ruby exclaimed. ‘I’m on the short-short list now?’

  ‘Yes. Congratulations’ Denise said with no feeling.

  ‘With Marisa Benson?’ Ruby added. That part was more unbelievable. Marisa Benson was a serious actor with real awards. Not just Teen Choice. Ruby hadn’t realised Marisa was on the list, apparently willing to consider trading her artistic cred for the big time. Ruby was proud to occupy the slate with her.

  ‘But she’s apparently asking three times what we are’ Denise explained.

  ‘She should. She’s worth it’ Ruby said, and she meant it. She didn’t consider herself remotely in the same league as Marisa.

  ‘Well, regardless, it’s a bone of contention with Barry and her people aren’t backing down.’

  ‘If you have to sell your soul, you might as well get a good price’ Ruby said dryly. ‘And this is a step down for her.’

  ‘A step down? A lead in a blockbuster?’

  ‘Have you seen Summer Rain? She’s amazing. She could do this movie in her sleep.’

  ‘Do you think we could knock the girl-crush off for a sec and talk business?’

  ‘You do know for me it’s just considered a standard crush, right?’ Ruby asked.

  ‘Ruby, shut up and listen.’

  Ruby’s jaw tightened and she waited.

  ‘So I want this to be a last push. We’re selling love, we’re selling commitment, we’re selling stability. You’re the couple people are talking about. You’re the actress people are talking about. You’re a woman ready for the big time, Ruby. You got it?’

  ‘Sure, fine’ Ruby muttered quickly. ‘Is that it?’

  ‘Yes’ Denise replied and then, as though it were an afterthought, said, ‘Oh, while I’ve got you, one last thing. Emily’s staying with me now. She thought it was best and I agreed. I’ll make sure she’s at the place at eight. You be there the same time. OK, bye.’

  Ruby was slack-jawed for a moment. ‘Wait, what?!’ eventually made it out of her mouth, but she’d made the mistake of pausing in her shock and the call was terminated before she got the words out. She thought about calling her mother back. And then didn’t. Then she decided to call Emily. And then didn’t.

  She stopped to take a breath before reacting, rolling this news dump over in her mind before she said something to someone that might give the game away. After all, she was not supposed to care about this. How would she explain to her mother that Emily’s abrupt departure - which not long ago, she might have been pleased about - was now cause for anxiety? How could she explain that she couldn’t deal with the thought of Emily being ripped away from her like this? And after last night, that’s how it felt. A tearing.

  But what had Denise said about Emily? That it was her idea? What possible reason would lead her to request a move to Denise’s when she’d made it clear that she couldn’t stand her? This had to be about them sleeping together. Whatever they’d agreed, even though Ruby had assured her that there were no consequences to it, maybe Emily had decided she couldn’t look Ruby in the eye now, at least not in private. That was the British way, wasn’t it? Repression, denial, avoidance. Emily had said so herself.

  It was now obvious why Emily had been gone this morning. She’d contacted Denise first thing and gotten the hell out, not wanting to deal.

  When Ruby arrived at the set, her shoulders were slung low with such breath-taking disappointment, she didn’t know how in the hell she was going to do her job. But when the director approached, she found it somehow, the will to pretend everything was just dandy. And then she was safely on the other side of the call of ‘Action!’ and things were easier. She was Elise Wolfwater now, she of the tragic taste in men.

  It was the kiss scene. And Ruby did exactly as she’d vowed. She thought of Emily. It lessened the suffering of kissing Rock considerably. But other pains, underneath, where the real Ruby still lived? They were sharpened.


  Emily was done up like a dog’s dinner. She’d endured a shopping trip this afternoon that was right out of Pretty Woman – Emily as the common hooker, Denise as Richard Gere - and she was now wearing something Denise had assured her was right for the occasion, a dress that seemed cheap despite the big price-tag. Emily hated it. It was too long whilst also being restrictive – Emily had to suck everything in just to get the zipper up - and too dark for Emily’s skin tone, it washed her right out. But according to Denise, it was, ‘Wifely.’ Emily missed Ruby’s wardrobe. She also missed Ruby.

  It had been a long three days locked in Denise’s place, a place much bigger than Ruby’s with about a tenth of the warmth. It was something Emily had heard about; called a McMansion it was filled with soulless art and uncomfortable furniture. Emily was staying in a room that Denise had assured her was as far from her own room as possible within the confines of the property. But most of the day, Denise was gone anyway, no doubt powerbroking her way around LA. She only saw her in the morning, when Emily scuttled out of her room to make a cup of tea. That was the best that could be said of the situation. Minimal Denise.

  So Emily had some peace and she’d used it to lay in the backyard by Denise’s pool, reading Valley of the Dolls (found on a well-stocked bookshelf in Denise’s living room, all the spines tellingly unbroken) under a bright sun and looking at her phone every two minutes. Ruby didn’t call, didn’t text. Emily didn’t contact Ruby either. She wanted to, dearly. But she was afraid. She still wasn’t sure what Ruby knew or didn’t know. It was no good asking Denise, though she’d tried. Denise had just said, ‘I told her this was a better arrangement. She didn’t argue.’

  Knowing Ruby as she now did, Emily found that hard to believe. Though Denise won every war, Ruby didn’t usually go down without a fight. Unless… Oh, that hurt. That hurt a lot. What if Ruby had jumped at the chance to be shot of Emily? She might be sitting around now in her flat thinking ‘Good riddance’. Because now she had her place back to herself and she didn’t have to face the person she’d had ill-advised casual sex with, did she? Emily was in Siberia and Ruby was absolutely fine to keep her there, to be pulled out only when needed.

  Emily became convinced over those isolated days that she was right. She was crushed.

  And now it was party time. She had to get the terrible dress on, not to mention her game face, such as it was. She didn’t know how the hell she was going to get through this.

  As she stood looking at herself in the mirror and wondering if it was too late to catch a flight to literally anywhere but here, there was a harsh knock on the door. ‘Come on, Emily. Showtime.’

  Emily sighed and turned away from the mirror, disappointed in what she’d seen. Because even though she was pretty sure she was on the out with Ruby, she still wanted to look nice for her. She hated it, but there it was. She’d been pining for days, not sure whether to be angry or sad about the situation. But the truth of it was, rightly or wrongly, Emily wanted to see Ruby.

  ‘Hold on a second’ Emily said, even though she was finished getting ready. She needed to brace herself.

  The door suddenly flew open. ‘Hey, what’s the hold up?’ Denise demanded.

  ‘Denise!’ Emily exclaimed. ‘What if I’d been naked?’

  ‘Then I’d be pissed you weren’t dressed yet. Because we’re due to leave now’ Denise said and then something in the room caught her eye. The TV was paused on something. Em
ily quickly picked up a remote and turned the TV off.

  ‘What was that?’ Denise asked with dark suspicion.

  ‘Nothing, I don’t know’ Emily muttered, flustered.

  ‘It looked like Wolfwater Cove’ Denise said.

  ‘It might have been, I wasn’t really watching it’ Emily said, rushing to the door, pushing Denise out. ‘Come on, you said we were late.’

  Denise was going nowhere. ‘I feel like maybe you didn’t heed my warning. That worries me, Emily.’

  ‘I’m doing my best here’ Emily replied. ‘Anyway, you’re supervising any contact I have with Ruby, aren’t you? What am I going to get away with?’

  Denise paused and Emily thought she was about to get even more of a telling off, but Denise just said ‘Alright then. Let’s go.’


  They pulled up to the place in the Hollywood Hills and got out of the car. A valet jumped in and drove Denise’s BMW away while Emily took in the sight of the house. She couldn’t help but be impressed by the large cream and pink art deco split-level structure, but she supposed that was the point.

  ‘You gonna stare up at this place with your mouth open like some kind of hick a while longer or shall we go in?’ Denise asked.

  Emily gave Denise a withering look that had precisely no impact and said, ‘Where’s Ruby?’

  Denise made a show of looking in her pockets and her purse and said, ‘Well, I don’t seem to have her on me…’

  Emily rolled her eyes and she was just about say something to Denise about how bloody unhelpful her sarcasm was, but she was interrupted.

  ‘I’m here’ said a voice and Emily spun around to see Ruby wearing a stunning white dress cut short as hell and dangerously steep stiletto heels making those luscious legs even longer, that thick mane of blonde hair falling down her back like a waterfall. She was pure sex, as always. If Emily had been gaping at the fancy house, she dreaded to think what face she’d made at the sight of Ruby. She tried to correct it to something neutral as quick as she could. ‘Ruby, hi’ she said, thinking about how she’d wanted to be with Ruby, all cool and nonchalant. She was already coming up short in the first three seconds.

  Ruby gave a small smile. ‘Hello’ she said quietly. Emily couldn’t begin to pull out every nuance from those two syllables.

  ‘If we’re done with dramatic entrances, can we go in now?’ Denise asked.

  Ruby ignored her and walked over to Emily, holding out a hand. ‘Come on’ she said quietly, and Emily took her hand, a chill going up her spine despite the warm evening. They walked slowly up the drive and Emily was able to enjoy the touch, just for a moment.

  Denise ruined the moment, as ever. ‘Well, if I didn’t know this was bullshit, I might just buy it’ she muttered from behind them.

  They walked into the house, Denise at their backs. She muttered ‘Game-faces, everyone’ as they stepped over the threshold, guided in by a guy wearing a sharp suit and a leer. Emily looked up throughout the open plan house to see it was as fancy inside as it was out and jammed to the rafters with beautiful people and crab puffs.

  ‘So this is a Hollywood party?’ Emily muttered to herself.

  ‘Yep. It’s like any other party except the people here really need you to know how much money they have’ Ruby told her.

  ‘Easy, Ruby’ Denise warned.

  ‘Mom, go and get a drink’ Ruby said sharply.

  Emily’s gaze whipped to Denise, expecting a retort. But Denise said, ‘Whatever you say. But I want an Instagram post with the pair of you in the next ten minutes. If Barry’s here, he’ll see it.’ She waltzed off. She didn’t go too far, a bar at one end of the room. Emily sensed her eyes on them. Not just hers, either. People were looking at them. Emily didn’t care for it.

  But technically, they were alone, the din of the party covering anything they might say. Emily felt that if there was a moment to say something about what had happened, a chance to get the absolute facts on her own surprise change of address, this was it. But of course, she did nothing of the sort. ‘So how have you been?’

  ‘Since you shacked up with my mom? Oh, great’ Ruby said wryly.

  Emily gave a little nod. ‘Good. Good, great.’

  ‘How’s life at Casa Denise?’ Ruby asked.

  ‘I don’t really see her a lot’ Emily said.

  ‘Yeah, that sounds about right’ Ruby breathed. She gave Emily a brief look up and down. ‘She pick that out for you?’

  ‘How did you know that?’ Emily gasped.

  ‘Because she used to do that to me too, until I moved out. She still gives it a shot now and again, texts me ‘Suggestions’ for events.’

  Emily shook her head. ‘I shouldn’t have let her. I hate this dress.’

  ‘With Denise, you have to choose your battles’ Ruby said. ‘And anyway, you’re pulling it off.’

  ‘Am I?’

  ‘Come on. You’d look good in a trash bag’ Ruby said casually.

  Emily said, ‘Oh, err… Well…’ She started coughing, though she didn’t need to.

  ‘I’ll get you some water’ Ruby said and walked off.

  Emily watched Ruby going to fetch the water and she wondered at how nice she was being to her. It didn’t match up to the theory that Ruby had been glad to see the back of her. Then again, they were in public, so it was probably part of painting a convincing picture for the outside world. Still, it was hard to believe that Ruby’s warmth could be faked like that. But Emily reminded herself that was exactly what actors did, and Ruby was better than most.


  Ruby came back with water and handed it to Emily.

  ‘Thank you’ Emily said and quickly took a sip. ‘I suppose we’d better get that snap?’

  ‘I’m surprised you’re up for that’ Ruby exclaimed. ‘Aren’t you still worried about this leaking back home to Oxford?’

  Emily gave a light shrug. ‘I’ve had some time to think about that and I’ve decided, if I’m going to be known for this, there’s not a lot I can do about it. The barn door is wide open now. Anyway, I was being stupid. So I got married to a hot American actress and it didn’t work out? I’m not exactly the Croydon cat-killer, am I?’

  ‘The what?’ Ruby said with a laugh.

  ‘In England, we have this person going around murdering people’s pets and the police say it’s just foxes, but everyone knows that’s bullshit’ Emily said conversationally. ‘Personally, I think it’s someone high up in Scotland Yard. Total cover up.’

  Ruby grinned. ‘Not exactly Jack the Ripper.’

  ‘The stakes aren’t as high, I’ll grant you. But we can’t let that person be running around murdering tabbies! It’s crazy!’ Emily finished and then seemed to remember her original point. ‘Anyway, my point is that I might have freaked out but I’m feeling alright about it now. It could actually be good for my cred. I might be able to try the bad girl thing, which would be a nice change of pace’ she said with an easy smile.

  Ruby listened to Emily talk, charmed by her little speech, when it hit her what she’d just heard. ‘Hot actress’, that’s what Emily had described her as. Did she mean hot as in attractive or hot as in ‘In’? Tough to say. Ruby knew she shouldn’t be concerning herself with these silly fixations on every little thing Emily said or did. She should have been distancing herself. But this was the first time in days she’d seen Emily and whatever vows she’d made when she was alone about letting all this nonsense go, it was harder to keep them now.

  ‘Alright’ Ruby said, trying to sound light, ‘Let’s take the pic.’

  ‘How did you want to pose?’ Emily asked.

  Ruby licked her lips without meaning to. ‘Don’t we have one last kiss in the bank?’

  Emily’s eyes flitted away from Ruby for a moment, embarrassed. ‘You wanna spend that now?’

  ‘We had three and they were supposed to be in public. So the first two were technically wasted’ she heard herself say. ‘We should try to at least use one for its intended pur
pose. Don’t you think?’ What the hell was she doing? This was a really bad idea.

  But Emily said, ‘Alright.’ And she slipped in next to Ruby while Ruby got her phone out. She felt abruptly nervous, so much so that she couldn’t seem to remember how to unlock her phone for an embarrassing second. Eventually, she got the damn thing in camera mode and she slipped an arm around Emily’s waist and pulled her close, her heart banging, her pulse racing with anticipation. She turned to face Emily, her lips only inches away. ‘You ready?’

  Emily smiled nervously. ‘When you are.’

  Ruby turned back to her phone and got her finger ready. She turned back to Emily, looking right at her, so close. She leaned in…


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