Miles' Christmas Roundup (Holiday Hunks Book 2)

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Miles' Christmas Roundup (Holiday Hunks Book 2) Page 6

by Angela Stevens

  “Oh, miserable, as you can imagine.”

  “Why, what happened?” Damn it, he knew there must be something wrong. When she stopped replying to his text and phone calls, he should have called Juliet to find out what was wrong.

  “Well, with Pebbles dying…”

  “Oh, jeez. She loved that dog.”

  “… and then losing her job…”

  “Wait, Paul fired her?”

  “Yeah. The asshole went and gave Cady’s job to his mistress. Well, as you can imagine, she is feeling pretty down. That’s why I thought it would cheer her up to spend Christmas with us.”

  “Wait! You’re bringing Cady? I thought the plus one was a boyfriend!”

  “No. Sorry, did I not say? It’s still okay if I bring her, isn’t it? I bought her a plane ticket already.”

  Was it okay? Of course it was fucking okay! Miles’s hands began to sweat, and something fluttered in his stomach. What the fuck! He would finally meet Cady in person and now he felt like a teenager anticipating his first date.

  He cleared his throat and tried to act a little cooler. “Sure, why not? It’d be nice to meet your mysterious roommate after all this time.”

  Juliet turned playful. “Only nice, Miles? You two have been flirting with each other for months…”

  “We have not been flirting. We just chat… sometimes.”

  “Sometimes? You mean all the time. Come on, admit it Miles, you’re a teensy bit attracted to her.”

  “Jules, stop it. Cady and I are… friends. How can I be attracted to her? I don’t even know what she looks like. Hmm, maybe you could send me a picture.”

  There was another GPS announcement, and it was a moment or two before Juliet answered him. “Actually, I don’t have any. She has this whole paranoia thing about her image getting on the internet. But anyway, you’ll meet her tomorrow. Speak to you later, bye.”

  With that, Miles phone went silent. He took a deep breath and lay back on his bed. Cady was coming here! He could hardly believe it. Miles wasn’t prone to getting excited, but with that tiny snippet of news, he was looking forward to this Carmichael Christmas roundup more than he had looked forward to any other.

  * * *

  Miles found himself whistling as he went about his work in the stables. The beautiful watery sunshine reflected on a fresh new layer of snow, adding to his buoyant mood. Even though he was shoveling manure, he couldn’t have been more content.

  “Someone’s fucking jolly today.” Caleb appeared at the stable entrance rubbing his bleary eyes. Miles hadn’t heard him come in last night and suspected he had just rolled home.

  “And why not? It’s a beautiful day and it’s almost Christmas.”

  Caleb shrugged and grabbed another pitchfork. “Did I tell you, Harriet has agreed to come.”

  Miles leaned on the handle of his fork. “She has? That is good news. Um, did she say anything about me?”

  Caleb shook his head and sighed. “Nope. Look, talk to her. She can’t carry this grudge for much longer, it has been over two fucking years.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know. Seriously, it wasn’t like I went out of my way to fuck up her friendship with Clarissa.”

  The two men set about working side by side. After a few minutes, Caleb stopped. “Look, I’m not taking sides or anything, but…”

  “Shit. But what? You saw what Clarissa was like. Did you expect me to stay married to her after the shit she pulled?”

  Caleb shook his head. “No. I just think that, in hindsight… well, for fuck’s sake, Miles she was way too young for you. Plus, dating your sister’s best friend? You fucked up there. It’s in the code.”

  “The code? Oh, never mind. Honestly, I wish I could turn back the clock. I really fucking do. Those two years with Clarissa were the worst two years of my life.”

  Caleb studied him. “Don’t you think it’s time to get back in the saddle?”


  “Well, I can’t help noticing that you aren’t dating. All you ever do is fuck around with other people’s wives. Now, I’m no psychologist but isn’t that—”

  Miles glared at Caleb. “Did I ask your opinion?”

  Without altering his tone, Caleb made eye contact with him. “No, but you’re going to get it. Your wife cheated on you, so now you’re paying the world back? How long are you going to carry on punishing yourself in this way?”

  Miles opened his mouth but then shut it again. Was that what he was really doing? He hadn’t consciously made that decision. The first few flirtations with guests had been with women who were single, divorcees, lonely widows, or career-minded women that weren’t interested in relationships, but rather in just a night of fun. He wasn’t sure when he crossed that line, but certainly Caleb was right, the last three women he fooled around with had all been married.

  “Give me a break. Those women came on to me, and they made it very clear that they had done this before.”

  “You used to have standards, Miles. Did Clarissa leave you so jaded that you don’t care anymore? Shit, Dad would have a blue fit if he could see what you are doing.”

  Miles seethed inside, but the anger wasn’t directed towards his brother—only himself. Everything Caleb said was true, even if it did hurt like a bitch. “Excuse me, I need to bring the horses in.” He stepped around Caleb and hurried out the door. His good mood had soured quickly.

  No wonder Harriet couldn’t bear to be in the same room as him; at this exact moment in time, he couldn’t stomach being in his own skin. Miles found himself leaning against the back of the stables, his hand rubbing his stubbled chin. Over the last two years he’d put a lot of work into the ranch and he’d loved every fucking minute of it. In some respects, he’d found his rhythm, and developed a passion he hadn’t known he was capable of. But his brother’s words resonated inside him. Did he really plan on staying alone forever?

  Sometimes, Miles wondered if that was the only option open to him. He was almost thirty-five, past his prime, and a divorced man that threw himself into his work because he had nothing else. The one-night stands came easy—too easy probably. It allowed him to ignore his loneliness and pretend this was what he wanted when in fact, Miles wanted so much more.

  Christ, when he was Caleb’s age he’d dreamed about a whirlwind romance and settling down with a good woman. Marriage was something he valued. His dad had been a great role model in that respect, having two separate, happy marriages.

  Miles thoughts strayed to Cady and her arrival tomorrow. That tingle of excitement that had filled his belly after Juliet told him she was coming had surprised him, but he had recognized it. He’d had the feeling before—a few times, actually. It was that feeling when you met someone that lit you up, that you wanted to see more of. It was the signal you got when you found someone special. It was something Miles had not thought he’d feel again, yet now knew he sorely missed.

  He set off to the paddock to collect the horses. All this introspection was doing his head in. Deep down, Miles knew he was an old romantic, but that attitude had got his fucking heart broken once before, and it led to him distancing himself from his emotions and keeping people—especially women—at arm’s length.

  But after almost four months of getting to know Cady, their relationship restricted by distance and the unusual circumstances of how they had become acquainted, perhaps that old romantic was still in there, waiting for an opportunity to live again. Maybe Cady coming tomorrow was a sign. The status quo was what he had made it and he could break away from it, too. All he had to do was be open to love again—and of course, cross his fingers she would feel the same.



  Alexandria, Virginia

  It’s almost four, why aren’t you dressed?” Juliet stood with her hands on her hips glaring at Cady.

  “Hmff.” Cady looked up from her bag of chips, mid-crunch. She had crumbs down the front of her pjs and her hair had been pulled back into a messy bun. Since she’d come ho
me from the office two nights ago, she had neither dressed nor showered and had lived on a diet of chips, chocolate, and Chardonnay.

  “What’s the point? I don’t have anywhere to be.”

  Okay, maybe she was being a little melodramatic, but since she’d been fired and lost Pebbles, she didn’t feel much like being rational. She just needed a few days to wallow and then she would reset. Cady had done this “starting again” thing before, and deep down she knew she could find another job and make another go of things. All she had to do was decide if she wanted to do that in Virginia, or whether she was going to stick a pin in the map and try somewhere new.

  “Well, that is where you are wrong.” Juliet presented her with an envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  “Your Christmas present.”

  “Oh, thanks, I’ll put it under the tree and open it on Christmas morning.”

  “No, you have to open it now.”


  “Jeez, just open it, Cady.”

  It was unlike Juliet to be so forceful, so Cady put down her chips and wiped her hands on her lap. Carefully, she pried open the envelope. “A plane ticket?”

  “To Colorado. You’re spending Christmas with me and my family.”

  “I…? Fucking hell, Juliet that makes the silver bangle I bought you look pathetic.”

  “You bought me a bangle? The one I have been salivating over from Amulets?”

  Cady rolled her eyes, now she’d ruined the surprise. “You’ll have to wait until Christmas to find out. But take my word for it, a plane ticket is a way over the top gift. I can’t accept this.”

  “Oh, yes, you can. Besides, your mom chipped in and so did your sister. When they heard what Paul did, they wanted to get you onto that Christmas cruise with them, but it was fully booked. So, I talked it over with your family and we agreed you shouldn’t be moping alone, and that you deserved a real winter wonderland Christmas.”

  “Okay, I’m going to ignore the fact that you went behind my back to my family and told them I lost my job. And I’m going to ignore how you just assumed I didn’t have anything else planned.”

  “You didn’t, did you?”

  “No, but I might have. And, I will overlook the fact that you have given me zero time to plan for this trip. Shit, the malls close in six hours!”

  Juliet’s grin supersized. “So… you’ll come?”

  Cady threw her arms around her friend. “Of course, I freaking will! Oh, my God, Jules, this will be the best Christmas ever!”

  Juliet burst out laughing. “I’ll come with you to the mall and then help you pack. We have to be at the airport for six a.m. tomorrow, so we had better hurry and get you ready.”

  Cady suddenly froze. “Oh, God. I just realized, I’m going to meet Miles.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Does he know? Shit, I have to call him. Ahh damn, I wish I hadn’t left my phone at the office. God, I’m so stupid, I should have gone back for it today. Can you give me his number again? Jeez, I need to explain why I have been AWOL.”

  Juliet went to her purse and pulled something out of it. Turning, she held out Cady’s phone to her. “Here you go. I called in on the way home, as I knew you might be worried about going back for it. I also have your stuff from your desk, um, that Libby had packed up for you. It’s in the kitchen in a carton.”

  “You’re a good friend, Jules.”

  “I know, so just remember that my heart was in the right place when my family starts to get on your nerves.”

  * * *

  It was several hours later when Cady put her pjs back on and climbed into bed with her phone. She’d texted Miles a couple of times while she was shopping with Juliet for winter boots and a few little gifts for the Carmichael family. Actually, she had been in a complete panic, not knowing what to buy, but Juliet was a speed shopper and had them all done and dusted by eight. When they got back, Cady spent another couple of hours packing.

  She chewed on her lip as she replied to Miles last text. Her heart was beating a teensy bit fast.

  All done! Can’t believe in eight hours I’ll be on my way!

  Neither can I. We’ll finally meet in person.

  She attached a gif of Anna from Frozen doing a conservative excited wriggle and sent it. A moment later, he sent her one of Rachel and Phoebe from “Friends” jumping up and down and clapping.

  You still have snow right? Or I might have to cancel.

  Lol. We have snow. Tons of the stuff. You’ll be sick of it before you leave.

  She sent the emoji with hearts for eyes and added,

  NEVER! There is no such thing as too much snow.

  I will ask you that again before you leave. Weather forecast says we have six inches to a foot coming in on Christmas Eve.

  Could this trip get any better? It had been years since she’d seen a white Christmas. The Hallmark movies she’d binged watched since she lost her job came to mind, and she disappeared into a romantically festive bubble filled with roaring fires, hot cocoa, and mittens. Damn, she knew she’d forgotten something at the mall. Mittens! Now she’d have to take her old gloves she used for clearing her car off in the winter. Hmm, could old gloves be as romantic as colorful mittens? Well, it was too late now, they’d have to do.

  Doubt started to creep into her mind. Meeting Miles after all this time was big. She’d grown fond of him and looked forward to their late night texting and chats. They were never stuck for something to say to each other, and even if they were, they’d send each other a gif or he’d send her a picture he took from around the ranch and then the conversation would just start right back up again. But what if meeting each other in person spoiled that. Perhaps the reason they got on so well now was all down to the distance between them… and the anonymity.

  Do you think it will be weird?


  Speaking to each other in the same room?

  Well, if it is, we could always text each other from different rooms, lol.

  I’ll make sure I bring my phone then! Well, I should get some sleep. Be there soon.

  There were a few moments of rolling dots and Cady was expecting a long message to conclude their conversation. But when it eventually appeared on her screen, it simply said,

  Counting the hours.

  Her heart skipped a beat and she fell back against her pillows, clutching her phone against her chest. She tried to imagine Miles saying that out loud. When they talked on the phone, generally he was more guarded. Sometimes she got the impression he was choosing his words carefully. But when they text, sometimes he wasn’t as careful, and occasionally, she thought she detected a double entendre in his words.

  Oh, come on, Cady. You know he is probably looking forward to seeing Jules more than you. He was just being nice, trying to make you feel welcome after all this crap you just went through with Paul and Pebbles. We are just friends. Her thoughts were starting to delude her.

  The screen on her phone lit up, and she scooped it off the bed. Rolling onto her stomach, she opened up the message from Miles

  Sorry. That sounded creepy didn’t it. I meant I’m excited to meet you and to show you the foal (he still hasn’t got a name so that will be your first job) and it’s been ages since I saw Jules, and even though I still have chores around the ranch, I will still get to take a mini-vacation and spend time with my family, and eat tons of food, and dress the tree–did Jules tell you we have this tree decorating thing? Sorry, I should let you sleep.

  She laughed at the long stream of consciousness and imagined him sounding a little nervous. But despite the rambling excuses, she now believed the message about “counting the hours” was about meeting her and it sent tingles across her body.

  You’re rambling.

  She added a laughing emoji so her message couldn’t be misconstrued as accusatory.

  What made you think that?

  That was the longest run-on sentence ever.

  He sent her back the goofy-looking e
moji and then added,

  Night Cady. I really am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow–in a non-creepy, non-rambling way.

  Despite her excitement, Cady fell asleep quickly and was soon lost in a dream about snowy fields. Her red-mittened hands clasped the leather sheepskin gloved hand of an unseen man. He wore light blue jeans and a denim jacket lined with more sheepskin, but throughout the entire dream, she never quite got to see his face. Whoever directed her dream had been a budding noir filmmaker. Every time the shot widened, shadows obliterated the man’s features. But the man in her dream was Miles, as she recognized the jacket from the photograph in Juliet’s room. She also knew the deep chuckle that rumbled from his chest just from some of the phone calls they had exchanged.

  Cady woke up hot and a little breathless, her phone alarm tugging her out of her dream just as she got to the most delicious part. Miles’ arm was wrapped around her waist, and his other hand gently cupped her face. With the brim of his hat obscuring his eyes so she couldn’t see their color, he lowered his lips to hers.

  “You up?” Juliet’s head appeared around the door.

  “Yeah, ten minutes and I’ll be showered and dressed.”

  “I thought we’d grab breakfast at the airport. We don’t have any creamer left for coffee anyways.”

  “Sure. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  At the airport, they checked in the luggage and made their way through security. As they negotiated a packed Regan Airport, Cady’s nerves completely vanished, and in their place excitement and a little giddiness replaced them.

  She hadn’t realized how miserable she was feeling about spending Christmas all by her lonesome. Now she felt like an eight-year-old kid who’d hit the mother lode and was going to see Santa in Lapland.


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