No Time for Intrigue (The No Brides Club Book 13)

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No Time for Intrigue (The No Brides Club Book 13) Page 7

by Raine English

  Maxi raised his glass. “Here’s to us going out on the town. We definitely deserve it.”

  Lizzy raised hers and said, “We do, indeed. I’ve been looking forward to tonight all day.”

  “Me too.” When her eyes locked with his, he quickly took a drink, afraid she might see in them what he felt in his heart.

  He had instructed Henry to take the long way to the theater, giving them plenty of time to finish their champagne and arrive just before showtime. As he’d hoped, they made it to their seats without incident. About halfway through the performance, he slipped his hand into hers, and when he curled his fingers around it, she didn’t pull away. Every now and then, instead of looking at the stage, he’d glance over at her profile and think how very beautiful she was.

  Afterward, when they were on their way to Delforo’s, they discussed the show, both agreeing how much they enjoyed it. That was something he never would’ve done with Bryony. Their taste had been very different. If he liked a show, she hated it, so after a while they’d both decided it was wiser to not discuss it at all, and just be pleased that they’d had a night out. That never worked though. It was no fun going out with your mate, when you knew they wouldn’t enjoy it.

  With Lizzy, it was the complete opposite. She liked the same things he did, and so far, they got on swimmingly. They even wound up ordering the same entrees at dinner.

  “What do you say, we split an order of steamers for an appetizer?” he asked, knowing without a doubt that she would agree. “I want to see if your technique with them is as good as it was with oysters.”

  “You’re on.”

  The smile she flashed him sent a tingling into the pit of his stomach. However, the dizzying current racing through him evaporated into peals of laughter when the waiter set the bowl of steamers in front of them and the first one she tried to open, slipped through her fingers and shot across the room. Luckily, the table it landed on was empty, but that didn’t prevent her face from turning bright red. They laughed together for a long time, and later admitted it was the best meal they’d ever had. Of course, the company had a lot to do with how much they enjoyed the night out.

  When they were back at Harte Manor, he walked her to the door. Before she went inside, he took her into his arms and summoned the courage to kiss her. Her lips were just as soft and sweet as he’d thought they would be. But it was her hunger for him that took him by surprise, and it left his mouth burning with fire.

  “I’m not sure what we’re doing or where this is leading, but I sure want to find out,” he said softly against her cheek.

  “I do too. I don’t know if I’m ready for it, but I sure don’t want this to end.”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “Then let’s keep it going. When things are this good, it would be stupid to end them.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she said.

  This time her lips were on his, and the kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy through him. He needed to let Lizzy know his true identity, and there was only one place where he wanted to do it. The white chalk cliffs. He would take her there tomorrow and hope the truth didn’t make her despise him.


  Lizzy looped her arm through Dale’s as they walked along the craggy shore. The waves crashed against the sand, sending sprays of water onto the beach. It was a beautiful, yet wild place, and as she looked up at the white chalk cliffs in front of them, she was well aware of their danger. One wrong move could send a person tumbling into the rocky water below. Ever since she arrived, Maxi’s wife had been at the back of her mind. It was as if Harte Manor and all the land surrounding it still belonged to her.

  “What’s wrong?” Dale asked as if sensing her change in mood.

  “I was just thinking of how dangerous those cliffs looked. It would be easy for someone to slip and fall.”

  His tanned face paled a little, and he shifted his gaze down to the ocean. “They’re not the only thing dangerous around here. High tide comes in quickly and violently, so if you’re not aware of the change in cycles, you could wind up trapped with the only escape being to climb the cliff.”

  Her nerves tensed immediately as she viewed the choppy water just feet away. “Are we safe?”

  Dale pulled her into his arms. “Do you think I’d let anything happen to you?”

  She gazed up at his engaging hazel eyes. “I hope not.”

  “Not a chance,” he said quietly, before adding, “not ever.”

  His mouth was just inches from hers, and when he pulled her closer, his kiss was inevitable. It sent her stomach into a wild swirl. His lips were more persuasive than she cared to admit, sending shivers of desire racing through her, and she forgot about being in the path of the dangerous sea. That was until the cold waves nipped at her toes.

  “I have something I need to tell you, and I wanted to do it here, but there isn’t time now. I’ll have to do it later. However, we do have time for one more kiss,” he said as if reading her mind.

  This time his lips were hard and searching, leaving her mouth burning with fire. A minute later, they were running across the sand hand in hand, laughing as the wind whipped her hair around, making it a disheveled mess. She didn’t care, though. All that mattered was that she felt deliciously free. Free to be herself without worrying about a man judging her. Dale liked her the way she was. He didn’t want to make her into something or someone she wasn’t, and because of that, she trusted him. Completely.

  The past couple of days, she’d gotten to know him better than she’d known a lot of the guys she saw over a longer period. Much of that was due to his openness and honesty—traits lacking in the men from her past.

  When they reached Harte Manor, they were out of breath and in need of something to drink. While on their way to the kitchen, another set of footsteps rang out not far behind them.

  “There you are, old chap,” a male voice said, and before either one of them had time to say a word, he added, “Maxi, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”

  Maxi? Lizzy froze, as her body stiffened in shock.

  Dale spun around to face the man. “What are you doing here?” he asked bitingly.

  “I thought I’d spend the night, seeing as we’re leaving for New York in the morning,” he replied.

  A sickening feeling began to spread throughout Lizzy’s body. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  “I told him to go straight up to the guest rooms, that you were busy, that now wasn’t a good time to talk, but you know how he is. Never listens to anyone,” Scarlett said in a shaky voice as she ran down the hall toward them.

  “I thought you were sick?” Dale asked.

  “Is that what Scarlett told you?” the man asked in return. “Naw, I was occupied with a new lady friend.”

  The gorgeous blonde turned a bright tomato red. “I can explain.”

  “Oh, you’d better. Only I’m not in the mood to hear it now.” Dale’s voice was cold as ice.

  Lizzy slowly turned around so that she faced all of them.

  “I’m Dale,” the man said, extending his hand to her. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Lizzy’s mouth dropped open, and she realized the man she’d thought was Dale White was someone else. Someone she didn’t know at all—someone who’d deceived her. “If you’re Dale, then who are you?” she asked the handsome man standing beside her. She knew the answer before he replied. The real Dale had called him Maxi, but she wanted to hear it from the imposter. The man she’d fallen in love with.

  “I’m Maximillian Harte.”

  She stared in him, wordlessly, trying to catch her breath, but it was stuck in her lungs.

  “Excuse us,” Maxi said to Scarlett and Dale, “but I need to talk to Lizzy. In private.” Without waiting for their response, he gently took hold of her hand and led her into his study, where he quietly closed the door. “Please, have a seat,” he said, ushering her over to the sofa. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I never meant for you to find out this way. I wanted to tell
you as soon as we got to the cliffs… Should have told you…but I couldn’t find the right words so I put it off, as I’d been doing for days.”

  Her throat felt like sandpaper, and when she tried to speak, all that came out was, “Why?”

  He sank onto the sofa beside her. “I hadn’t gone out in public in ten years, and when Scarlett asked me to go to New York, I was afraid the media would have a field day. I didn’t want my marriage rehashed in the press, or Bryony’s death, for that matter. It was bad enough that I had to live with the memories, but to read about it in the papers or see it on TV, would’ve been too much to bear, so when Scarlett suggested I go as Dale, that seemed like an acceptable solution. I shouldn’t have deceived you. I’m sorry.”

  Lizzy didn’t know what to think or what to believe. A tumble of confused thoughts and feelings assailed her. Had he not trusted her enough to tell her the truth? Or did he think she might go to the media if he had? She tried to force her confused emotions into order, but it was too soon. Her mind reeled, and everything seemed out of control.

  “I don’t know what to think right now,” she said, lacing her fingers together in her lap to try to stop their trembling. “Was any of this real?”

  He reached out to touch her, but the look she shot him made him stop in mid-air. “Of course, it was. My feelings for you are genuine.”

  She bit her bottom lip to keep it from quivering. “But I don’t know you. I don’t know anything about you. The person I thought you were doesn’t exist at all.” The last thing she wanted to do was cry, but hot tears burned beneath her lids and threatened to break free.

  “That’s not true. You do know me. The man you’ve spent the last six days with was me. And that’s a part of me I haven’t shown anyone for a very long time, not even myself.” A deep sense of shame hung on the edge of his words.

  She stared at him as if seeing him for the first time. She wanted to believe him. Desperately wanted to believe him, but she just wasn’t sure. “This is all too much to take in right now. I need some time to think, to decide where to go from here, if anywhere.”

  “I understand. Just don’t give up on me, Lizzy. I need you in my life.”

  Lizzy got up slowly. Her legs felt heavy. Her misery was like a steel weight. She left the study without looking back, and when she got up to her room, she collapsed on the bed and let loose the tears she’d been holding back.

  She should’ve known better than to open her heart, yet as soon as she’d met Dale—Maxi—she’d felt a spark. An instant attraction that she’d tried unsuccessfully to deny.

  It was going to take a while for her to think of him as that mysterious recluse whose wife had died so tragically. That was so different from the man she’d come to know, or thought she knew.

  The logical part of her could understand why he’d felt the need to carry out such a charade. But the other part, the emotional part, felt hurt and betrayed, and she didn’t know if that would ever go away. How could she trust anything that he’d say would be the truth?

  Maximillian Harte was a slick businessman, and despite having locked himself away from society for years, he was capable of manipulating people so that he got what he wanted. Did she want that kind of man in her life? Did she want a man at all? Up until a week ago, she’d been a happy member of the No Brides Club, meeting her friends Thursday evenings at the Briarwood Tavern. She’d considered giving that up so that she could see where this new relationship might lead. Did she really want to do that now?

  Lizzy had a lot to think about and a tough decision to make. One that she wasn’t ready to decide right now. She needed to do that with a clear head and a less emotional heart.


  Maxi followed Scarlett into his study and then firmly closed the door behind him. “Whatever were you thinking to lie to me about Dale being sick?” Fury almost choked him. “I suppose you thought that was the only way to get me to go to New York.”

  She stared at him with eyes darkened by worry. “Wasn’t it?” she asked in a small, scared voice.

  “But why, Scarlett? Why me? Why not Dale? Obviously, he wasn’t doing anything that couldn’t wait until he got back.” He glowered at her.

  She tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but he pushed it away. “You have no idea how worried I’ve been about you. Each passing year, each month, even each day, I watched you drift further and further away from the world. How much longer was I supposed to stand by and let that continue to go on? When Dale refused to help me, I reached out to you. Not just because I wanted someone to check up on how Lizzy was doing with the wedding, but for you. And when you came back on Sunday, you were like a different person. You were the old you before Bryony sucked the life out of you. The way you looked at Lizzy and hung on her every word brought such joy to my heart. You have no idea. Can you stand there and tell me I made a mistake? Tell me that you’re not in love with her.” A slight chill lingered on her words.

  He turned away and walked over to the window, peering out at the white chalk cliffs. “You know I can’t do that.” His voice broke a little when he spoke. “If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t be so upset right now. All that I’ve wished for disappeared the second Dale walked into the house. I feel like I’m mourning another death, and both were of my doing.” His misery was so acute that it was physical pain. This time when Scarlett touched him, he didn’t push her away.

  “Maxi, I’m sorry for what you’re feeling, but I’m not sorry that you fell in love again. It brought you back to life, and don’t you dare let it take it away again.”

  He turned to her and opened his arms, wrapping them tightly around her back as she accepted his embrace.

  “You weren’t responsible for Bryony’s death,” Scarlett said, resting her head on his shoulder. “Just like no one is responsible for another person’s actions. You were unhappy for years, and you should’ve asked for a divorce long before you did. Bryony was controlling and wanted you to have no life outside of the one you shared with her. That was unrealistic and selfish. For you to blame yourself for her running out on the rocks during a storm, is just as selfish.”

  He stared at her in confusion. “How can you say that?”

  “Because it’s true. Locking yourself away because of misplaced guilt was selfish and not fair to those who loved you. Especially me.” Her eyes were clouded by sadness.

  “Why didn’t you say all this before?”

  “I did, but you were so absorbed with sorrow that you didn’t hear me. It took you falling in love again for that to happen.”

  “What now, Scarlett? I’m afraid I’ve lost Lizzy.”

  “You don’t know that. Give her time. What she found out today was a huge shock, but not the end of the world. If she’s the woman I think she is, she’ll come around. She may not agree with what you did, but she’ll come to understand it. Maybe it would help if I talked to her.”

  Maxi held his sister out at arms-length so that his gaze locked with hers. “Listen to me, Scarlett. Do not interfere. I need to handle this my way. Promise me.” He looked at her sternly.

  “You have my word. But if I think you’re letting her slip away, I just might have to go back on it and do things my way.”

  That caused him to chuckle. “I give thanks every day that you’re a part of my life.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “As I do you, and I’m especially thankful today to have my witty, considerate, and loving brother back.” She smiled up at him. “Are we finished being all mushy because it’s almost time for the seamstress to arrive with my gown?”

  “Yes. No more talk about me and my problems. Where’s Roger, by the way?”

  “He’s going over the pictures from yesterday’s shoot. He should be back soon.”

  “Have I ever told you what a great match I think you two are?”

  Her full mouth curved up into a huge smile. “Many times. Now if we can just survive the wedding…”

  Someone knocked on the door just before it opened, and his h
ousekeeper said, “Miss Scarlett, the seamstress is here with your dress.”

  “Thank you, Helen. Will you go upstairs and tell Lizzy she’s here and to meet us in my room?” his sister asked.

  “Yes, miss. Of course.”

  After Helen left, Scarlett turned to Maxi and said, “Cross your fingers that it fits.”

  He waited about thirty minutes before going up to see how she was doing. As he approached her room, he heard Lizzy’s lilting voice. His heart nearly turned over in his chest. It took all of his willpower to appear composed, but when he saw her red eyes, it was apparent that she’d been crying, and his reserve nearly crumbled. Thankfully, Scarlett came out of her dressing room, and all attention turned to her.

  Lizzy gasped and said, “You’re so beautiful; it takes my breath away.”

  Scarlett beamed and spun around so that they could see the back.

  “How does it feel?” the seamstress asked.

  “Like a dream,” Scarlett replied, swishing the skirt with her hands.

  “Let me just check all the seams,” the woman said, taking a close look at her work.

  “You’re a magician,” Scarlett said happily. “Thank you so much for altering my dress. I wasn’t sure if it could be done, but you came through with flying colors. And Maxi, thank you for all you’ve done for me. Without you, there wouldn’t be a dress.”

  His face warmed at her words, and he went over to her and kissed her cheek. “You know I’d do anything for you, sis,” he said against her skin. When he turned around, his gaze caught Lizzy’s and held it a little longer than he’d expected before she looked away. Maybe there was hope that she’d forgive him. That thought brought him some comfort, at least for now.


  It took more strength than Lizzy thought she possessed to act normal that night at dinner. Scarlett and Roger behaved like love birds. No surprise as their wedding day was quickly approaching. She sat beside Dale. The real Dale. She found him dull and too full of himself, but she smiled at his unfunny jokes and remained as pleasant as possible. Maxi was seated on the other side of the table, across from his sister. Lizzy caught him looking at her, but she gave him no indication that she wanted to speak to him.


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