Runaway Royal

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Runaway Royal Page 16

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Zara wanted to reach for him. Wanted to throw herself in his arms and never let go. Instead of answering him, the words escaped her.

  “Princess?” The king strode off the platform. “This is what you wanted, is it not?”

  Corinne nodded. “Zara?”

  Luke smiled. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  The king elbowed her. “You’d better accept this poor man’s proposal, Zara. I’ve already blessed the union. He wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t.”

  This time, Charlie nodded. “He did. I know because I witnessed it.”

  “I thought he was going to execute me,” Luke said. “Zara?”

  She had everything she wanted. All she had to do was say yes.

  “You deserve the marriage I thought I had for a second time,” the king said. “One born of love and respect.”

  Zara enfolded Luke in her embrace. Holding him righted her world. “I’ll marry you, yes.”

  “Yes?” Luke kissed her. “My princess?”

  “Your Zara.” Tears blurred at the corners of her eyes. “I will marry you and follow you to the ends of the earth.” She’d run away to find her heart and found it in Luke’s hands.

  “Then we should celebrate,” the king said. “A toast to my daughter, the princess, and her soon-to-be husband. Hooray!”

  The room erupted in cheers as Luke removed the thick diamond band and slipped the engagement ring onto her finger. “I’ll put this in my pocket,” he said and tucked the other ring into his breast pocket. He kissed her again. “You had me worried.”

  “I did?” She clung to him as he walked her to the table. “I love you, Luke Cobb, so much.”

  “I love you, too.” He stopped behind the table and away from the crowd. “It’s true. They helped me set this all up. Charlie pled my case with the video and your father grilled me so much I wasn’t sure I made him happy. I thought for sure they’d put me on the rack.”

  “He’s tough to read sometimes.” She gazed into his eyes. “I stood up to them. I found my backbone because of you.”

  “It was always there.” He smoothed a loose lock of her hair behind her ear. “Dance with me?”

  “Yes.” She allowed him to walk her back out to the dance floor, then tucked into his embrace. “I can’t wait to finish tonight so we can enjoy the rest of our evening—in bed.” She’d been so lucky when she’d stepped onto the Kenton campus. She couldn’t wait to start her life with him and show him how much she loved him.

  “Where else?” Luke kissed her as they slow danced. “First, we should enjoy the party. You need the good time, and the kingdom needs some normalcy.”

  “You’re right.” Once the song finished, she made her way back to the dais and sat beside her brother.

  The king stood. “Announcing the official engagement of Princess Catherine Zara to Luke Cobb, our royal photographer and artist. Raise your glass in a toast. Hooray!”

  The crowd broke out in cheers.

  She held tight to Luke’s hand. The evening had started out awful and ended in the perfect way—well, mostly perfect.

  “What’s wrong?” Luke asked. “Don’t you like me in a tuxedo? I’m lucky this one of Charlie’s fit.”

  “He has five.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “You look handsome and I’m the luckiest woman in the room.”


  “I’m torn.” She wasn’t sure how to feel. Luke was by her side, but her mother and now stepmother weren’t. Her mother had died, but her stepmother could’ve been the hero Zara needed. “How could the queen do that? How could she try to marry me to that rotten man?”

  “I don’t know,” Luke said.

  The king leaned back in his seat. “You’ve been told the queen and I weren’t married out of love, yes?”

  She paid rapt attention to her father. “Yes.” She squeezed Luke’s fingers. Her father didn’t speak much about his personal life and if he wanted to talk, she’d listen.

  “We weren’t. She wanted a place in society and I thought I loved her. You and your brother mirror her in a lot of ways, even if she’s not your biological mother. You’ve both got her cunning and craftiness. Unlike her, I trust you both. Charlie will be a fitting king and you, Zara, have the makings of a great advisor. You see what’s the best for the people.”

  She sagged against Luke, honored by her father’s words.

  “Your stepmother cared only about herself. She tried to ingratiate herself to Charlie to ensure she’d never have to leave the court. She saw you, Zara, as nothing but the spare and a nuisance. Once the coronation happened, she froze me out. There was no love to begin with, but I kept hoping she’d change.” The king shook his head. “She didn’t.”

  “Daddy, I’m sorry.” Knowing the truth and hearing it from him broke her heart.

  “She picked the duke because she wanted to keep the traitor close for her own use. It never had anything to do with your happiness or him being the only suitable candidate,” the king said. “You should marry the person who makes you happy and brings out the best in you. This country needs a court worthy of its citizens.”

  “You’re worthy,” she said.

  “So is Charlie.” The king sighed, but smiled. The weight seemed to leave his shoulders. “It’ll be formal at the end of the month, but I’m stepping down and Charlie is going to be crowned. You and Luke will assist him.”

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “It’s time I found my heart’s desire. I had it once with your mother and I’ve got the best children. You can handle the kingdom. But I need to be happy.” The king nodded once. “It’s time to step down.”

  “What about Corinne?” she asked. “It was a true mistake. Is she still banished?”

  “No. She and Elisa are your ladies, but Corinne has the freedom to move in and out of the castle.” The king left the table. “I must discuss my situation with my lawyer, but the queen is no longer part of the court.”

  Zara couldn’t believe her ears. She’d gained everything she’d ever wanted and the bad actors were getting their just deserts.

  Luke kissed her hand. “Would you care to dance again? We can’t leave yet.”

  “Yes, please.” She allowed him to lead her to the center of the room again. “You have no idea how happy I am.”

  “I bet I do.” He held her close and his breath warmed her skin. “We fell into this pretty fast.”

  “We did.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “My heart knew before my head made sense of this.”

  “Doesn’t matter. We’re here now and together.” He nuzzled her hair. “Your father and brother grilled me for four hours, wanting to know my motivations for loving you.”

  “They wanted to be sure you love me.” Being in his arms felt good. “Charlie should’ve trusted you.”

  “He did, but he got a cheap thrill out of seeing me squirm.” He chuckled against her neck. “I didn’t care what they did or said because I knew I’d be with you. That was enough reward.” He held her tighter. “I’ve been truly hired as the court artist.”

  She leaned back in his embrace. “You have?”

  “I was. Charlie paid me to finish the series I started,” Luke said. “I’m not showing it in public, but it’s done.”

  “You should make it public.” It seemed a shame to keep his work under lock and key. “What will you do next?”

  “I’m teaching art here in the kingdom to whomever wants to learn and you’re going to head up the art museum. I’m told it’s in sorry shape and needs someone who understands history to sort it all out. Charlie wants you to organize it.”

  Working at a museum did fulfill one of her dreams. “What about our degrees? We worked hard.”

  “We can finish those once Charlie finds his perfect man and can focus on the kingdom. He’ll need your help to keep the country running smoothly,” Luke said. “Your father is tired and wants a rest.”

  “We’ll be a team.” She held on to her man. “I got what I wanted—yo
u. Now it’s time my father and brother got the same.”

  “I’m all yours.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Luke couldn’t keep his eyes open. He’d never danced and laughed so much in his life. The ball had been more than he expected, too. The noise, the lights, the sheer luxury of the event… Some of the gowns had to cost more than a car and the extravagance shocked him. But this was a kingdom and the crown possessed great wealth.

  He yawned. He’d started the morning in jail. Now he wore a tuxedo and was engaged to the love of his life.

  Zara patted his thigh. “Time to cash in. I want to go upstairs.” She nodded to her brother. “Goodnight, Charlie, Corinne.”

  “Night,” her brother said. “Behave.”

  She laughed, but Luke hesitated. “Thank you,” he said. “Really.”

  Charlie half-shrugged. “Find me my happy ending and we’ll be even.” He waved. “Night.”

  Zara led the way back to her suite. She wore the tuxedo jacket, having stolen it when she’d gotten cold earlier in the evening, and the garment swallowed her frame. He couldn’t wait to strip her down and kiss every inch of her body.

  Once in her suite, Luke sighed. Being there was like coming home. He didn’t believe he belonged in a castle. He wasn’t born to have such luxury, but he knew his destiny and Zara was it. She closed the door and tossed her shoes onto the floor.

  “Finally.” She shrugged out of his jacket and eased into his arms. “You said you’d teach me new positions. We’re alone and no one will interrupt us.”

  Electricity shot through his veins. “I did.” He kissed her. “Follow my lead.” He wanted to be inside her and make her fly.

  “What are you going to do?” She nibbled on his chin. “Show me.”

  He would. He let go of her and tugged her to the bed. “Stand.” He sat on the edge of the mattress with Zara between his knees.

  “Now what?” When she reached for him, he stilled her hands.

  “Trust me.” Luke tugged the zipper of her dress. The garment parted and exposed her to his view. She wore a lacy strapless bra and matching black panties. The dress landed at her feet. His mouth watered. He could draw her right now. Christ. So sexy and all mine. He planted his mouth on her belly.

  She whimpered and threaded her fingers into his hair. He swirled his tongue around her navel. He wanted to taste her everywhere. When she whimpered again, he slid one hand between her legs and caressed her pussy through the fabric of her panties. Wet already.

  “Been thinking about me all day?” he asked against her stomach.

  “All day.” She caressed his head. “Luke.”

  He palmed her ass, loving the feel of her soft skin under his hand. She parted her legs, welcoming him.

  “How do you know how to make me feel so good?” She shuddered. “I need you.”

  That was what he wanted to hear. Luke moved up her back to her bra catch and unhooked it. The lacy bra landed on the carpet with her dress.

  Her nipples beaded, taut and rosy. Her skin glittered and she embodied every naughty fantasy he’d ever had just by standing before him. He latched onto her breast. The jolt of electricity shot through him. She tasted like wine and he was hooked on her.

  “Luke.” She arched into him. “Feels good.” She ruffled his hair. “I need more.”

  He switched to her other nipple, hooked his fingers into the thin elastic of her panties and dragged the lingerie down her legs.

  Zara tensed again. “Luke.”

  He parted her pussy lips and caressed her clit. When she jerked forward, he speared his digit into her cunt.

  “Oh God.” She grasped his shoulders. “Luke.” She trembled and squeezed him from within. “More.”

  He switched nipples again. She tasted divine and he could nibble on her forever because she intoxicated him. Her cream coated his fingers. God, she was wet for him. He wanted to lick her pussy, but he might not last long enough to taste, then fuck her.

  She writhed on his finger. “Fuck me.” Another tremble rocked through her.

  “Such a dirty mouth.” He withdrew and grasped her hips. “On your knees.” He needed her to prep him—not that it’d take long.

  Desire filled her eyes. She sank to the floor and stared up at him and, without a word, opened his trousers. He unhooked his cummerbund and yanked his shirt free from his pants. His cock pressed against the fabric of his trousers.

  She freed his dick from his underwear. Pre-cum shimmered on the blunt head of his erection.

  “Want me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She licked her lips. “Please?”

  “Get me ready.” He toyed with her hair, twisting a curl around his finger. When he stared into her eyes, he saw forever.

  “Yes.” She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, stroking and licking.

  God, she was beautiful on her knees. She knew how to touch him in all the right ways. He loved her. “Yes.” He guided her head. “Take me in.” She overwhelmed him. His synapses misfired and he couldn’t think straight. He needed her surrounding him, in and out of her heat.

  Her hair tickled his legs. When she plunged down on him, he pushed deep. She took him to the back of her throat and swallowed.

  “Holy fuck.” Her move turned his senses inside out. His balls ached and he craved her. “Zara.”

  She fondled his sac. “Yes?” she asked between licks. “More?”

  “God, yes.” He jerked his hips. Everything centered on her.

  She stopped licking him and her voice turned curt. “Don’t you come until you’re inside me. I want you in me.”

  His thoughts scattered at her commanding tone. Damn, she sounded so official and fucking sexy. “Yes.” He wasn’t sure he could hold back. He gritted his teeth. “Zara.”

  She withdrew again and sat back on her heels. “Good?”

  “I’m gonna blow.” He panted. “On the bed on your hands and knees. Show me your ass.”

  “Luke?” The flicker of concern shimmered in her eyes.

  “I’ve got you.” He let go of her hair. “You’ll love it.”

  Zara scampered onto the bed. As she settled in place, she waved her ass.

  “Naughty.” He swatted her bottom. “You need me?”

  “I do.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Fuck me.”

  “That’s my girl.” He stood behind her and rubbed his erection between her pussy lips, smearing her cream. He liked the forthright demand.

  She whimpered. “Luke.” A shiver rocked through her. “More.”

  “Not yet.” Warmth surged through his body. Blood rushed to his cock and the need overwhelmed her. He lined himself up with her pussy and pushed. Inch by inch, he sank into her tight hole.

  She squeezed him. When she glanced over her shoulder, the corner of her mouth kinked.

  God, she was the sexiest woman alive. He grasped her hips. Nothing could stop him now. His heart belonged to her and she belonged to him. He lost himself in the simple pleasure of fucking her.

  “Luke.” She rocked back into him, meeting him thrust for thrust. He slid his palms along her ribs to her chest and tweaked her nipples.

  Zara cried out. “Oh…” She trembled. “More.”

  He moved faster as the orgasm blossomed within him. He needed her to come with him. Luke abandoned her chest in favor of her clit. With each thrust, he rubbed her tender bud. The different angle sent him deeper into her body.

  “More.” She wriggled on her hips. “Luke.”

  He pushed to the hilt and pulled nearly out. He held tight to her hip and leaned over her as he massaged her clit.

  “Luke.” She shuddered. “Fuck.” She flexed her cunt around him as she came.

  Feeling and seeing her lose control destroyed his restraint. He surged into her with feral strokes. The more he leaned over her, the more they were one body moving in perfect rhythm. “Love you, Zara.” He pushed hard as he hit his climax.

  She buried her face in the bedding and moaned.
br />   His sentiments exactly. No words were needed. He kissed her shoulder and knew he’d never be the same. She wore him out in every way and he loved it. His life revolved around hers. He threaded his arms about her waist and stayed in her pussy. This moment mattered more than anything because it made them one.

  She sighed. “I felt you in my soul. Still do.”

  He couldn’t answer in coherent sentences, not right now. “Uh-huh.”

  She laced her fingers with his and nuzzled the sheets. “This night went how I hoped but never dreamed was possible.” She kissed his hand. “I love you, Luke.”

  “Love you, too, babe.” He gathered his wits and pulled out. She’d worn him to a frazzle. He collapsed beside her on the bed.

  She tangled up with him. “You were right. It felt very good.”

  “Yeah.” He nipped her earlobe. “I’ve never lied to you.” Never will, either.

  “You haven’t.” She slid her arm across his belly. “You truly love me?”

  “I do.” His words came from his heart. “You mean everything to me. Princess or not, college girl or not, you’re the one I want. I would be drawn to you. My soul knew you were my perfect match.”

  “You’re mine, too.” She kissed him. “You wore me out.”

  “Sleep, princess. I’ll be right here when you wake. This is our chance to have everything we want,” he said and kissed her again. Now that he’d found his way back to her, he’d never let her go.

  “We do.” She snuggled up to him. In minutes, her breathing evened. Her arm stretched heavy on his belly and she’d twined her legs with his.

  He closed his eyes. He had the perfect ending to his day and the best start to the rest of his life. He had the woman of his dreams—his princess.

  * * * *

  Luke spent the next three months at the castle, getting himself acclimated to the life of a royal. He loved Zara and the time seemed to fly by, but he didn’t care. He didn’t miss Kenton. Over the first month, he’d retrieved his things, cleaned out the apartment and moved into her suite. Each night he slept beside her and every morning he woke to her in his arms. He’d adjusted to Lysianna well and even managed to score a couple of gallery showings of his work. Zara had her job at the museum and quickly made the collection the best around. Soon, the museum would be open for public tours.


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