The Fighter

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The Fighter Page 29

by Leslie Georgeson

  They all joined me, surrounding the woman where I had her cornered against the wall.

  Fear swam in the woman’s eyes before she straightened her spine and held my gaze. “I didn’t hurt her,” she repeated. “When I saw what she could do, I knew I had to hide her. If the Spartans knew she was like you, they would kidnap her and hurt her. So I took her and ran. I saved her.”

  Confusion swamped me. What was she talking about? “What do you mean by that? What can she do?”

  The woman’s eyes widened. “You don’t know?” Shock was evident in her words. “She’s just like you. Fast. Almost invisible. A ghost. I had a heck of a time convincing her to wait for me when we were fleeing to safety. She kept flashing away like a tumbleweed in a hurricane. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Here one second, gone the next. Leaving me in the dust.”

  What? Hazel had my gift? No fucking way. I let out a soft chuckle.

  “All be dammed,” Nate murmured. “You must have passed your gift on to her.”

  “This I gotta see,” Tony said, exchanging a glance with Tracker.

  “How many people saw her?” I demanded.

  “Just me.” The woman lifted her chin another notch. She was one of the tallest women I’d ever met, standing close to six feet. But her spirit had been damaged. I sensed it. She’d been beaten down, broken at some point in her life. Probably from her brother, Kenny, or her association with him. I felt no ill-will toward her. How could I, when she’d saved Hazel?

  “Thank you,” I said, meaning it. She’d saved Hazel, risked her life to keep my kid safe. For that, I owed her. “If we can help you in some way, repay you somehow, just let us know.”

  She nodded slowly, her gaze filling with surprise. “You’re welcome. Is Anna okay? I was worried about her, too. Tell her I’m sorry for everything that happened. If I could have found a way to free her, I would have.”

  “She’s fine.” I stepped back.

  “You going to be all right?” Nate asked the woman.

  She glanced at him, her eyes widening. She flushed. “Yeah. I’m…fine. I’m pretty resourceful. Having a brother like Kenny has taught me to always be wary.”

  Nate jerked his head in a nod. “You have a phone?”

  She went into the small kitchen area and came back with a cell phone. Nate took it from her and typed in a number. Moments later, his phone rang. He handed her phone back to her.

  “Now you have my number. If you need anything, call or text. I can help you get out of the city. I can protect you.”

  She nodded again, her eyes filling with shock. Tony let out a loud snort, looking as stunned by Nate’s offer as the woman. He narrowed his eyes at Nate, his expression darkening in disbelief.

  Nate had just broken one of our rules. Never give our phone number to a stranger.

  Nate was obviously quite taken with the woman. He never broke the rules.

  I turned away, heading to find Hazel, a smile on my lips. He’d deal with it.

  I found Hazel exactly where Tracker said she was, sound asleep in the second bedroom on a twin-sized bed. I rushed into the room, kneeling before the bed.

  Brushing a lock of curly blonde hair off her brow, I leaned over and kissed her soft cheek. She stirred, her eyelids fluttering. Then she gazed up at me with big blue eyes.

  She bolted upright and launched herself at me, her tiny arms wrapping around my neck and squeezing tightly.

  “Daddy! You came! You came! I knew you would. I felt you. I heard your voice in my head.” She leaned back and patted her chest. “And in here. I felt you. I knew you were coming. You said to be brave, to be strong, so I was. I was brave. I was a ghost, like you. I hid from the bad guys.”

  Emotion clogged my throat. My heart squeezed. I swallowed hard, hugging her against me again. “Of course I came for you, sweetheart. It just took a little while to find you.” I gently set her away and searched her sweet, innocent face. “How did you know Daddy was a ghost?”

  She shrugged. “I always knew. That’s why no one hears you.”

  Damn, the kid was more observant than I’d expected.

  “Can you show me your ghost?” I asked gently.

  She nodded and I set her on her feet. Nate, Tracker and Tony all stepped into the room, their gazes filling with curiosity. The woman, Alissa, stood out in the hallway with smile on her face.

  Hazel closed her eyes and spun in a circle. With a barely perceptible blur, she appeared out in the hallway next to Alissa. Then, with another flash, she returned to my side, grinning widely.

  “Holy fuck,” Tony murmured. “She really does have your talent.”

  Tracker and Nate exchanged a glance.

  Hazel giggled. “I’m a ghost just like you, Daddy.”

  My chest squeezed. Yes, she was. Just like me.

  “How long have you been a ghost?” I wondered, figuring she’d just found out.

  She shrugged. “Ever since I was teeny tiny.”

  Holy shit. Had she been born with it?

  “Did your mother know about this?”

  Hazel nodded. “Mommy said not to tell anyone, that the bad guys might take me. But you won’t let the bad guys take me.”

  “No, of course I won’t. I won’t let anyone take you ever again.” Celia had protected Hazel from The Company these past five years, keeping Hazel’s secret from everyone. Even from me.

  I hugged Hazel again, so thankful Celia had been smart enough to keep her secret.

  Hazel leaned back. “Are we going home now? Back to Anna?”

  “Yes.” A great relief swept through me. “We’re going home. Back to Anna.”

  There was no other place I wanted to be.



  Luke pulled me aside after the “truth or lies” game. “Hey. No hard feelings? I wasn’t trying to be an ass. I just want you to realize it’s not going to be all peaches and cream. Jacob’s going to need some help dealing with this. I sincerely hope you’re as tough as you think and that you won’t abandon him. I would really like for him to be happy.”

  I cleared my throat and nodded. Luke wasn’t a bad guy. He was just looking out for Jacob. I didn’t blame him. I was glad Jacob had people who cared so much about him.

  The night dragged on.

  Finally, around eight o’clock the next morning, the dregs returned with Hazel. Jacob carried her in the door and set her down. Hazel let out a soft squeal and ran to me. I plucked her up, squeezing her tightly, and pressed happy kisses to her cheeks. She giggled and batted me away. Then she grabbed my face in her hands and planted her own sloppy kiss on my mouth.

  “I missed you,” I breathed, brushing her curly hair out of her face. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

  “Me, too.” She let out a soft squeal of laughter as I set her down and tickled her belly.

  “Why don’t you show Anna your ghost?” Jacob suggested gently.

  I glanced up at him curiously, but he just smiled.

  Hazel giggled. “Watch me, Anna. Watch real close.” She spun in a circle, then, with a sudden blur, she disappeared and reappeared next to Jacob. She grinned, then spun again, moving so fast, it was barely perceptible, disappearing and reappearing back in front of me.

  Jessica let out a soft laugh next to me. “That’s amazing!”

  “Oh my God!” I whispered, bending before Hazel. “You’re just like your daddy!”

  She nodded widely. “Yep. I’m a ghost. I can hide from the bad guys.”

  “Jesus,” Luke murmured, glancing at Jacob. “You’ll have to teach her some MMA moves. She’ll be a kid no one will ever want to mess with.”

  The other dregs all nodded. Some chuckled. Others looked stunned.

  “You can’t ever let The Company know about this,” Noah said, drawing everyone’s gaze. “There’s no telling what they might do to her.”

  A sudden silence fell. What did that mean? What would The Company do with Hazel?

  Jacob sighed. “I know. I’ve been thinkin
g about that.” He turned to Tracker and shook his hand. “Thanks, man. I appreciate all your help. I owe you.”

  Tracker pulled him in for one of those manly shoulder-bumps. “No, you don’t. Jessica convinced me I was being a stubborn ass, and she was right. I don’t blame you for what you did. Everything worked out all right in the end.”

  Their gazes locked. Jacob nodded. “I’m thinking about buying a place up your way. I want to take Hazel away from here. Would you mind sending me some listings in the area to check out?”

  Tracker grinned. “Sure. That would be cool having you guys close by. It’s beautiful there. You’ll love it.” He wrapped an arm around Jessica’s waist and pulled her against his side. “We should probably hit the road. I’ll send you some listings when we get home.”

  I hugged Jessica and thanked Tracker, then stood aside as they left.

  Hazel pulled on my hand. “Can we make breakfast now? I’m hungry.”

  “Of course. Should we make hungry pancake monsters? Or bob for Cheerios?”

  “Pancake monsters!” Hazel shouted, dancing up and down with excitement.

  Nate snorted in laughter and exchanged glances with Tony. “Bob for Cheerios? Pancake monsters? Are you for real?”

  Jacob let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “She’s serious. Those two always play with their food. I’m still trying to get used to it.”

  Tony rolled his eyes. “You’re a strange one, Anna. But I like you.” He bared his teeth in a rare smile, then smacked Nate’s arm. “Let’s roll.”

  Nate caught my gaze as they were heading for the door, a warning in his eyes. He was trying to tell me something with that look, but I wasn’t sure what. Had something happened while they were out searching for Hazel? Was Jacob okay? He seemed okay. He was obviously happy Hazel was back.

  Noah, Logan, Luke and Ryan all hesitated in the entryway, exchanging glances. Nate and Tony paused to speak with them in hushed tones.

  Jacob tensed next to me, his gaze narrowing on them. “Go make Hazel’s breakfast,” he whispered, urging me into the kitchen with her. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  While I understood Hazel shouldn’t overhear whatever they were about to say, I wanted to hear what was going on. But Hazel was my first priority, so I had no choice but to take her into the kitchen and start breakfast.

  Murmured voices came from the living room, then louder, disapproving voices.

  “You’re making a mistake,” Tony growled. “How can you put Anna or your own kid in danger like this?”

  My breath caught. That wasn’t fair. Jacob would never hurt me or Hazel. I wanted to rush to his defense.

  “Get out!” Jacob shouted. “All of you! You made it plain I’m no longer a part of your group, so where do you get off thinking you have the right to butt into my life now? I don’t need any of you!”

  A tense silence followed. My heart pounded. I tried to keep Hazel occupied with mixing the pancake batter, hoping she wouldn’t notice the fight in the other room.

  “We’re only trying to help you,” Nate said quietly. “We wouldn’t have saved you if we didn’t care. You know that.”

  “Come on, man,” Ryan murmured. “Let us help you.”

  “Just go,” Jacob said, his voice cold. “I appreciate your help, but I’m not about to hurt Anna or Hazel. Stop making me feel like I’m going to hurt them.”

  There were more murmurs, then, at last, the door clicked shut. I tensed, eyeing the living room, waiting as Jacob came around the corner.

  “Sorry,” he murmured, not meeting my gaze. “I’m going to get some rest. It was a long night. You and Hazel going to be okay for a bit?”

  “Of course.” I wanted to run to him and fling my arms around him. But his manner was standoffish, so I remained where I was.

  He disappeared down the hallway as silently as he’d arrived.

  Hazel and I made pancake monsters, then smothered them with syrup and strawberry jam. I tried hard to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering to Jacob and the exchange with the other dregs before they’d gone. After breakfast, Hazel and I cleaned up the mess, then we spent several hours doing schoolwork. Later, we played a couple of games. Jacob had still not emerged by lunchtime, so Hazel and I ate lunch, then I read her a story and settled her down for a short afternoon nap.

  I was concerned about Jacob and decided to go check on him. I knocked on his door, but he didn’t answer. So I turned the knob and pushed open the door. He wasn’t in the bed. A noise from the master bathroom urged me to go investigate. The sound of water running reached my ears, but that wasn’t the noise that had captured my attention. It was the strange keening sound coming from behind the shower curtain that made my hair stand on end.

  “Jacob?” I rushed into the room and pulled the shower curtain back. “Jacob?”

  What happened next, happened so fast, it was just a blur. He leapt up from a crouched position, flying out of the tub and knocking my feet out from underneath me with a swipe of his leg. One second I was peering into the tub at him, the next I was tumbling backward, my open palms cracking against the ceramic-tile floor. Pain careened up my arms and into my shoulders. My tailbone screamed in agony as my butt struck the hard floor. I winced, scrambling backward as Jacob stalked toward me, a wild look in his eyes, water dripping off his naked body.

  He reached down and snagged my foot, dragging me toward the door.

  “Jacob!” I screamed, pulling back. “It’s me, Anna! It’s only me!”

  He kept dragging me across the floor and into the bedroom, either not hearing me or not comprehending. I knew in that moment that I was in trouble. He didn’t recognize me. He was lost in some type of flashback. He must think I was the enemy.

  I kicked against his hand, trying to break free. But his hand was like a vice around my ankle and didn’t loosen an inch.

  “Jacob!” I screamed in desperation. “It’s me, Anna! I’m not here to hurt you. Please…”

  “You’re all here to hurt me. Hurt me.” He yanked me farther into the room, dragging me across the carpet on my ass. I spied his cell phone sitting on the night stand. If I could get to his phone, I could call for help.

  Fight back, Anna. Use the moves he taught you. You have to escape. He’s not himself. Something’s seriously wrong.

  I twisted my legs around his, tripping him. He stumbled forward, caught off guard, and crashed to the floor next to me. I lunged for the phone, snatching it off the night stand.

  Jacob knocked the phone out of my hand and tackled me, his big body smothering mine, pressing me into the hard floor. I struck out at all the weak areas of the body he’d told me about—groin, abdomen, eyes—but he deflected each blow and soon had my wrists captured in his. His other hand wrapped around my throat and slowly squeezed.

  “That’s enough!” he hissed. “Why don’t you people leave me alone? I can’t kill any more. No more hurting. No more pain. No more killing. No more.” His breath hitched, and he squeezed his eyes shut. “No more. Never again. I can’t take it anymore.” He moaned and opened his eyes, staring down at me. He gasped suddenly and fell back, horror flickering across his face as he released me. “Oh fuck. Anna. I’m sorry.” He pressed his palms against his eyes, his body shuddering.

  I sucked in air as he fell back against the bed and started to shake violently.

  My heart pinched, twisted, aching for him. I scrambled upright, then crawled to him, wrapping my arms around him. “It’s okay, Jacob. I’m here. It’s okay.”

  He let out a sob, then dragged me tighter against him. “Fuck. I’m so sorry. I hurt you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know it was you. Oh God, I’m so fucked up. They were right. I should have gone with them. I’m so sorry, Anna.”

  Jacob was back, the demon from his past or whatever had overtaken him, was gone. I grasped his face in my hands, looking him in the eye. “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  He shook his head back and forth. “No. It’s not okay. I hur
t you. Fuck.” He lunged to his feet and began to pace back and forth across the bedroom, still buck naked. “Not okay. It’s not okay.”

  He yanked open a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers, yanking them on. He turned back to me, his eyes filled with so much pain my chest constricted, pinching in agony for him.

  “I want to help you,” I whispered, slowly rising to my feet. “Please, tell me what I can do.”

  He pointed at the door. “Get out. Stay away from me. Take my phone and call the other dregs. Tell them to come and get me before I hurt you anymore.”

  I hesitated.

  “Go!” he shouted. “Get the fuck out of here!”

  I snatched up his phone from off the floor and ran for the door. I paused when I reached it, turning back to him. “I’m not going to abandon you, Jacob. I won’t.”

  He hissed out a breath, his gaze coming back to mine. “Just go, Anna. Please. I can’t…” He sighed, swallowing hard. “Go.”

  I left. As soon as the door closed behind me, the lock clicked. He was locking me out. Locking himself in.

  With tears streaming down my cheeks, I punched Nate’s icon on the phone, but it just rang and rang. It was only one o’clock in the afternoon. The dregs were probably underground and didn’t get cell service. It might be hours before they came out and were able to answer their phones. Jacob didn’t have hours. The longer he was alone in there with his tortured thoughts, the worse he would become.

  I went back to Jacob’s room and knocked on the door.

  “What?” he snapped. “I said to go away.”

  “They’re not answering their phones,” I said quietly. “I can’t get a hold of them.”

  Silence. Then he jerked the door open. “Call Tommy. He has a two-way radio. He’s probably in school, but he usually answers. Keep calling him until he picks up. He’ll reach them. Now please, stay away from me.” He slammed the door and locked it.

  Taking a deep breath, I scrolled through the contacts on his phone until I found Tommy. It rang and rang, then went to voicemail. So I called again. This time, he picked up.

  “Jacob!” a young voice said excitedly. “How are you, dude?”


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