The Wide Receiver Outcast

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The Wide Receiver Outcast Page 11

by Emma Wolfe

  I hurt, sitting there with my hands pulled behind my back and my legs tied so tightly together that circulation was slowly being cut off. My face stung as the rope dug into my skin. My throat burned with the want to expel the fabric from my mouth.

  But all of that dulled in comparison to the pain that was coursing through me now that I could see exactly what they had done to Rose. I could feel her pain as acutely as mine. I could sense her fear. It was coating my body and causing my muscles to itch.

  I had one desire and one desire alone. I needed to get to her. I needed to protect her.

  That was what I had been put on this earth to do. She was the reason I lived. The reason I breathed. I’d never felt anything as clearly as what I felt for her. She was the one person in the world I was meant to love.

  And I loved her.

  Let her go. I’ll do what you want, I said as I pushed into my father’s thoughts. I didn’t hide my desperation now. She was here, and I would do anything to free her.

  Dad chuckled as he shook his head. He paused but didn’t speak to me, and before I could say anything, two of my father’s thugs reached down and pulled Rose up. I heard her whimper, and fire coursed through my entire body.

  I pulled at the ropes that bound me, but nothing happened.

  I was too weak. Why was I so weak? I needed to be stronger. That was how I was going to protect Rose. The way I was right now wasn’t going to work. I needed to be bigger, faster, stronger if I was going to have any hope of taking her far away from here.

  “Yes,” Dad whispered as he stared at me.

  I glowered at him and flicked my gaze over to Rose for a moment. She had been set in front of me. She was ten feet away, but I could feel her. I longed to be closer to her. To wrap my arms around her and never let her go.

  One of my father’s henchmen reached down and removed the bag they had placed over her head. Her hair was pulled down in front of her face, but as soon as they tossed the bag to the side, she glanced up.

  My entire body lunged against my bonds when I saw the gash across her forehead and the pure terror that was in her gaze. She glanced around at the men that surrounded her, and then, suddenly, her gaze landed on me.

  It was in that moment that I wished I could enter her mind. I wanted to be able to tell her not to be scared. That I would protect her no matter what. I begged for her to understand through my gaze. I stared so hard into her eyes, hoping she could feel what I felt for her.

  That I knew she was going to be safe or I would die trying.

  “You love her,” Dad spat as he stepped between us. His hand struck my cheek, and my face was whipped to the side. “You’re disgusting. She’s a human. How could you want to taint our blood with her weakness?” He turned and stilled. He was talking to his henchmen. I didn’t need to hear him to know what he was saying.

  Suddenly, the man who had removed the bag stepped forward and raised his hand. He slapped Rose, the force of it throwing her to the ground. She cried out. It was muffled and weak, but I could hear it. I could feel her pain.

  I growled and strained against the ropes that bound me. The fire inside of me turned hotter and more concentrated. I allowed it to flow through me. It gave me a power that I’d never felt before. I was stronger and more aware when I allowed it to course through my veins instead of fighting against it.

  My hearing changed. My sight sharpened. I could see things, smell things that I hadn’t been able to sense before. The fabric that bound me to the wolves around me felt tighter, more pronounced. I could feel their anger and fear. It was as palpable as my own.

  And it scared me. I knew what was happening. I didn’t need anyone to tell me that I was evolving. Even though I’d fought it for so long, it felt natural and needed. Like I was meant to become this wolf. This stronger, braver man.

  I could only imagine what I could do with this change inside of me. No one would ever hurt Rose or Brielle again. I would sense them before it happened. They were my world right now, and the thought of being able to protect them made my heart pound hard in my chest.

  “Yes, yes. Let the change flow.” Dad’s voice broke through the cloudy fog in my mind. I blinked a few times as reality crashed down around me.

  I was doing exactly what Dad wanted me to do. He was pushing me to evolve, and I’d let him. He’d won. I growled. I was angry. What kind of parent did this to his child? What would he use me for?

  I wanted to pretend that me evolving didn’t change anything. I wanted to pretend that I could keep living the same life that I had been living. But I knew that wasn’t possible.

  There were some truths spoken by my father. Ones that I couldn’t ignore anymore.

  I was going to want to be alpha. No matter how much I cared about my best friend, I was born to be an alpha. Which meant I could no longer be part of Liam’s pack. There was a chance—a slim one—that if the Bronsons took over the Mother pack, I may be able to follow the head alpha’s command. If Mr. Bronson told me to be subordinate, there was a slight chance I could do it.

  But if my father was the alpha?

  That would be the end of our friendship.

  Sadness clung to my soul as I fisted my hands and stared at Rose. She was the one thing that was grounding me in all of this. She was all that mattered to me. As long as she was safe, that was all that mattered.

  Her eyes were wide, and I could see the fear inside of them. I wondered if she understood what was happening to me. The fear that she might leave me because of what I’d become had never felt more poignant or painful than right now.

  Could she forgive me for what my family was doing to her? Could she forgive me if I had to leave Smoky Hills?

  I cared about Liam enough to leave. I didn’t want to fight him for dominance. I could leave and look for my own territory. A place to call my own.

  Would Rose leave with me? Could she?

  I dropped my gaze and let it fall to the ground next to me. Through my evolution, I felt more connected to my wolf than I ever had. It made sense, the animal inside of me.

  But the sacrifices I was going to have to make because of it seemed too great. I wished I could just denounce who I was. I loved Rose too much to walk away from her, but I knew it might be just what she needed.

  I couldn’t ask her to give up her family and her life in Smoky Hills. She had so much of her future in front of her, and I knew I couldn’t ask her to walk away from that. She was a human. I was a shifter.

  Our paths weren’t meant to cross.

  It must have been the adrenaline mixed with my pain that gave me the strength to break the bonds that were wrapped around me. I reveled in the feeling of the ropes breaking. Dad’s eyes widened as I stood and pulled the fabric gag from my mouth. My throat burned as I faced my father. I glowered at him.

  I was his equal now. I didn’t need to bow to him. And right now, while the fate of the Mother pack was still up in the air, I leaned into him. I wanted him to feel the full weight of my words.

  “If you ever touch my fate again, I will kill you.” I met his gaze. He looked as if he were trying to stand strong, but I could see the fear in his eyes.

  “You have to understand why I did this, Grayson,” Dad said as he held up his hands. “The feeling you have inside of you right now, that’s who you are meant to be. You think you can just go live with the humans. You think you have the strength. But you’re going back a changed man. There’s nothing for you there.”

  I flipped him off as I walked over to Rose. I could see the fear in her eyes as she stared up at me. I broke the rope that was tied around her wrists and ankles. Rage pulsed through me as I took in the rawness of her skin as the rope slipped away.

  I wanted to pummel my dad. I wanted to show him what he’d done. That encouraging me to evolve was the worst mistake he could have made.

  But I needed to get Rose to safety first. She was my one and only concern.

  I gently undid the rope that held the fabric in her mouth. Once it was removed,
tears began to flow down her cheeks. I reached up, catching them with my fingertips. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and take away all her pain. I wanted to love her like my entire body begged me to do.

  But I knew where that would lead us. I knew, with the way things were right now, it would only lead to heartache and pain.

  For myself, I could handle that. But for Rose? I didn’t know if I had the strength to walk away. But I needed to find it.

  With one hand on her back, I reached down and slipped my other arm under her knees and pulled her to my chest. Her warmth washed over me, and when she slipped her arm around my neck and buried her face into my skin, my heart leapt in my chest.

  All I wanted was to take her far, far away from here. To set her down and heal the wounds she felt.

  “Where are you going?” Dad asked as I walked by. I could feel his presence as he followed after me. “You are meant to be part of this family.”

  “Leave me alone,” I growled as I made my way out of the camp. I knew where I was going. I was taking Rose back home. After that, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. But for now, Rose’s safety was my number one concern.

  “You’ll be back, you know. The draw will pull you to me. You and I are connected now. You’re my son. Your bloodline can’t be ignored.” Dad’s words were low. I paused as I turned to face him.

  A small light flickered in my gut. One that told me he was right. I knew he was right. My blood—my desire for our family to reign—would call me back here. I was going to struggle being in the presence of a Bronson. At least until they figured out the Mother pack.

  But I wasn’t going to give my father the satisfaction of knowing his words affected me.

  So I growled at him and then turned and focused back on Smoky Hills. I was going to return Rose. I was going to make sure she was okay before I faced my future. Before I faced this draw I now felt to stay in the woods.

  To stay where my father was and fight.

  Fight for dominance. Fight for the power to reign.

  No matter how much I wanted to fight it, it was there. Pulling me like I’d never felt before.



  It was faint. I could barely smell it. But as soon as I caught a whiff of Grayson’s scent, I zeroed in on it.

  Never mind the fact that I picked up on a few other wolves as well. I couldn’t let that bother me. Not when we were so close to finding him. We would rescue my brother and bring him back home. Back where he belonged, where life could return to normal.

  What are you doing? Matthew asked, turning to study me.

  I shook my head, not wanting the distraction he brought me.

  I was going to find Grayson, and I wasn’t going to deviate from that.

  We need to come up with a plan, he tried again, this time releasing a low growl as he neared.

  No. I can’t let this trace go, I said as I dipped my head down and ran faster.

  You don’t know where he’s at or what he’s doing. We can’t just ambush his camp if he’s there. Matthew’s voice was louder and more desperate.

  I glanced in his direction to see him watching me.

  Frustrated that he was pulling back and forcing me to see reason, I veered off to the left. I wanted to get away from him. I knew what he was saying made sense, but I didn’t want to listen to it.

  Not right now.

  Suddenly, Matthew appeared next to me, and before I could brace myself, he rammed into me. Not hard, but enough to fling me to the side.

  I growled as I stumbled and collapsed on the ground. Frustration and anger coursed through me as I stood and turned to face him. Matthew was staring at me with a desperate look in his eye.

  What did you do that for? I screamed as I lunged at him.

  He allowed me to tackle him to the ground.

  That just enraged me more. He thought I was a joke. That I was someone he could patronize. Why was he even here? I never asked him to come. If anything, I’d told him to stay back in Smoky Hills.

  Realizing that there was no way I was going to be able to force him to fight me, I pulled back and shifted into human form. I was frustrated. I fought the tears that threatened to spill. There was no way I wanted Matthew to know how angry, frustrated, and alone I felt.

  Why was he keeping me from my brother? Who was he to tell me what to do? Whatever I was about to face, I could handle it. I was strong. I didn’t need someone to protect me. For once, I could be brave enough to help Grayson.

  Rage burned inside of me as I turned to glare at Matthew. He was standing next to me in human form. His eyes were wide, and worry etched his face. It made me want to punch him.

  Here was yet another person in my life who thought I wasn’t strong enough. That I needed to be protected.

  “I don’t need you. I can help Grayson if I want to.” I lunged toward him, my hands landing squarely on his chest. If I thought that would move him, I was sorely wrong. I was like a fly running into a windshield. He didn’t move, and I was left standing there.

  Matthew’s hands engulfed mine, pressing my palms against his chest. I could feel his heartbeat. It raced like mine.

  I struggled to pull my hands away. There was no way I was going to let him hold me like this. There was no way I wanted to touch him—even if my body screamed for more. My hands itched to explore his chest, arms, and back. For a split second, my guard lowered, and I wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

  Did his lips feel as good as they looked?

  Get a grip, I scolded myself as I forced a glare in Matthew’s direction.

  This had been his plan all along. Distract me from what I was meant to do. Keeping me away from Grayson was guaranteeing a win for whatever side he was on. The fact that he was still holding onto me told me he wasn’t on my side.

  Not now. Not ever.

  And that made the emotions that were coursing through me feel like a betrayal. I was betraying myself and my brother. I shouldn’t feel this for a stranger. Especially not one that would keep me from Grayson.

  “Let me go,” I snapped as I wiggled and pulled. But nothing I did freed my hands.

  Instead, Matthew just tightened his grip. “Brielle, stop. You can’t do this,” he mumbled. He furrowed his brow and gave me his best desperate look. Like he was truly worried that I was in danger.

  Which was laughable.

  “I don’t need your help. You’re not in charge of me. I can take care of myself,” I growled. I contemplated shifting, but then pushed that thought out. Matthew had already proved stronger than me as a wolf. At least I’d been a human more than he had. I could outwit him if I wanted to.

  Or, at least, I hoped I could.

  Matthew glared at me as he started to approach. I could see desire flickering in his gaze. I backed up at his advance but stopped when I felt the rough bark of a tree press into my back, halting my retreat.

  Matthew didn’t seem to mind. Instead, he let my hands go and moved to press his hands against the tree, caging me in. He dipped down so he could study my gaze. “There are things going on out here that you don’t understand,” he said. His voice was low, and for a moment, I wondered if I heard a hint of concern there.

  But I pushed that out. We’d only just met. There was no reason for him to care about me. I wasn’t his concern—even if his eyes told a different story.

  “Matthew, you don’t have to worry about me,” I said and then felt stupid. Who’d even said he cared?

  His brows furrowed as he studied me. Then his gaze slipped down to my lips, and my heart began to pound. What was he thinking? And why?

  “Brielle,” he said. His voice was low and gravely and sent shivers across my skin. “I know I shouldn’t worry about you.” He inched closer to me. I could feel his warmth cascade across my skin. “But I can’t help it. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  My heart was hammering so hard that I could hear it in my ears. My breath hitched in my throat as my entire being responded to his proxim
ity. I wanted to touch him. There was a part of me that ached to feel his body close to my own.

  I wasn’t sure of a lot of things, but I was pretty sure that this wasn’t a normal reaction. The feelings that were coursing through me weren’t from a run-of-the-mill crush. They were deeper. And even though it felt stupid to think it, what I was feeling felt like destiny.

  Like I was meant to touch him. Kiss him. Love him.

  And I wanted to.

  I grasped the front of his shirt with my hands and pulled him down. I must have startled him because confusion flashed in his gaze before I crushed my lips to his.

  Heat exploded across my skin as I held him there. His smell. His touch. The way he tasted. All of it filled the ache inside of my soul.

  If Matthew was shocked, it wore off quickly. Suddenly, his hand was on my cheek, and his lips were moving against my own. I didn’t have to tell him what I wanted, he already seemed to know.

  He teased my lips open and I responded. We fell into a dance as we touched and explored. I felt myself falling, hard and fast. His hands were in my hair, on my neck, and then on my back as he pulled me toward him.

  I gripped the back of his neck, tangling my fingers into his hair. Our breaths were shallow, and I could hear his heartbeat. It matched the cadence of my own.

  The entire world felt as if it had faded away, and all that mattered right now was Matthew and me. Our souls were bonding in a way that I’d never imagined possible. He was my person. My fate.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  In the cloudy haze of my mind, I heard Grayson’s voice. It sounded tired. I pulled back and blinked a few times as I stared up at Matthew. He looked confused as he stared back at me.

  Then, together, we slowly turned to my left. There, standing with Rose cradled in his arms, was Grayson. He looked different. The fabric between us felt different. Even though his skin was bruised he looked…alive. Like every part of his body was heightened.

  His glare was pronounced as his gaze ran over me and then over Matthew. I could feel his anger boil inside of him as he refused to break his gaze.


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