Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 40

by L M Lacee

  ‘Are you sure?’ She asked, and no one misheard the sob in her voice. ‘We are all she has, we are her family.’

  Brenda said. ‘I know dearle and I am very sure.’

  Melody softened her tone as she touched her shoulder. ‘I know what you are saying, Esther, we all do. We have not turned tail and run. Look at us standing here in her presence because we are her family. And we will stick because we are family, regardless of what is coming. This is what we do.’

  Esther nodded as she felt the knot in her chest loosen, then more so when Darby put her hand out and she clasped it. Together they held on tightly to each other as they stood with everyone else and watched their friend become something more than just human.


  The three Entity’s said. Star Daughter, we did...

  Peyton raged. ‘No… no more words. I am angry, very angry. You allowed this to happen. You have allowed these atrocities to take place and did nothing. You allowed them to hunt whoever they wanted, while you sat back in your smug little pocket of space and did, NOTHING.’

  How dare you?

  Peyton spoke as if they had not uttered a word. ‘What right did you have? Where is your honor?’

  Our honor is intact. These lesser ones are of no concern of ours.

  Peyton’s voice throbbed with emotion when she said. ‘You allowed the planet’s original inhabitants to be hunted. These peaceful people, who have lived in harmony with their world for thousands of years. Through your inaction, they are now reduced from thousands to a mere seven hundred, and you who were assigned to protect them. Did nothing.’

  Her loud voice made the ground swell and deep furrows snake out from where they stood. Before the entities could voice another protest at her accusations, she said. ‘You allowed these outsiders to bring others here to be hurt, to be victimized and to be hunted. They ripped mothers from their babes, fathers from their families. They stole children to be used and discarded, they hunted the most vulnerable of us and still, you did nothing. They hunted the Sene’s who should be revered, and you did nothing. They hunted Turqualls, a gift from the Tuarillians, and you still did nothing.’

  She shook her head, as sadness threaded through her soft words. ‘I am disappointed beyond belief to be your Daughter.’

  The ground shook and the figures shimmered as they growled their fury at Peyton. You dare to admonish us, we have been here eons. We have shined our greatness since before your species crawled from the primordial soup you call creation. We have been here before you were even a thought and have watched worlds come into being and lived long enough to watch their lights extinguish. You, Star Daughter have been here a mere moment in time. We will be here long after your light is taken by the Star Child. You are but a spark to our greatness, you should be on your knees before...

  SILENCE. Thundered a voice that made the skies darken and the galaxy tremble.

  The Sene whispered. ‘Oh my, the Star Child is here.’


  The figures cowered back from the flaming figure that had been Peyton.

  Star Child... please.

  ENOUGH! You have dishonored yourselves, arguing with our Daughter. She is right. You have disappointed not only her. Their voice became harder, colder as they said. We are greatly displeased.

  The three figures cringed and wrung what could have been hands as they pleaded as one. Star Child, what was there for us to do? This is not the affairs of our kind.

  The Star Child stilled the flames, and they fell to a ring around the feet of the glowing white figure that was Peyton, as they asked. If this is so, why did you call for our Daughter, was it not to tell her of the hidden Warriors?

  The three said as one. We wished to meet her. It has been so long since...

  You wanted to shine, to show her your brilliance. Your behavior is that of a spark seeking approval for what? For doing as our Daughter says. NOTHING.

  You have shamed us and that we will not tolerate. Leave our presence.

  Instantly they were gone, and the skies lightened once more. Peyton asked. What will happen to them?

  They will face my judgement. You have three of your days to remove yourselves from this sector.


  Because after three days, nothing will remain.

  What of the moons?

  Non sentient, always caring, gentle daughter. We are pleased with you. Do what you must, then leave.


  Peyton turned around and looked over the throng of people, touching each one with her black flaming eyes, finally landing on the Sene. She breathed her question rather than spoke it. ‘Who are you, little Sene?’

  ‘I am Avana Hananva. Sene from Yanarah. I was captured three wekens ago.’

  ‘The babe’s mother?’

  ‘I was told she was used for a hunt. They waited until the babe was born. Her father was never captured.’

  ‘The young girls?’

  ‘I believe they are from the Solverea family of Assaens and have been here less than a lunera.’

  ‘The Turqualls?’

  ‘I was told they were captured three luneras ago, it takes time to weaken them.’

  ‘Wekens means weeks and luneras means months.’ Darby murmured for the older ladies, who were still having trouble with some of the translations.

  ‘Thank you dearle.’ Whispered Brenda.

  ‘If you are a Sene and castque and it was not for the babe that you are here, explain to me why you are in my presence.’ The Star Daughter asked as she stalked toward the patio and as they watched, an amazing transformation was happening. Her hair, which was normally sandy blonde and of shoulder length was growing and becoming ice-white, the color of the stars.

  The others moved away a distance from the Sene, who stood still as her knees trembled from the violence directed at her by the Star Daughter. ‘Sene, why did you not see this?’

  With her voice trembling only a little, Avana kicked up her chin and bravely stared into the black flaming eyes and stated. ‘Who said I did not?’

  The Star Daughter laughed a harsh sound that made everyone cringe. It was so unlike Peyton’s normal cheerful tones. ‘Tell me, Sene Avana Hananva, what did you hoped to gain, by allowing yourself to be abducted.’

  Avana sucked in her cheeks before she replied. ‘Star Daughter, allowing may be an action that does not apply here.’

  At the look directed at her from the flame filled eyes she hurriedly said. ‘I wished to settle on Maikonia with my brothers. We need a safe home and all the signs pointed to you. I had a vision of the Star Daughter searching for Jenersar Warriors. Fortunately, I was captured and brought here, where I saw your arrival.’

  She murmured. ‘Also, I needed to rescue the baby.’

  ‘How many and where are your brothers?’

  ‘Three brothers, I should tell you Star Daughter. They are mind walkers or what is normally termed Masters. I am hoping they are still where I arranged to meet them.’

  ‘They do not know you were captured?’

  ‘No, they do not.’

  ‘We would not have anyone to question if they did.’ Hawk told her. ‘Star Daughter, we may have a problem. They may be her brothers, but Masters do not always ask before they kill.’

  ‘Oh, I have no doubt Commander Roeah, no doubt at all.’ She stared at Avana for a minute, then as though she came to a decision she said. ‘Residency is granted for you and all your family. Talk to Commander Roeah about transport and guards after we leave this world. Then contact your brothers to arrange a meeting. You must give them the choice to take up the residency I have granted you.’

  ‘Thank you, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Remember Sene Avana, you are mine now, as are my Warriors. I will not be pleased if any of you are hurt or killed, am I clear?’

  Avana swallowed hard. ‘Definitely Star Daughter. Very clear.’

  Peyton stepped away, backing on to the gr
ass, lifting her face to the sky and closing her eyes.

  Netta took Avana’s shaking hand in hers and said. ‘She likes you.’

  Avana asked. ‘How do you know?’

  Melody answered. ‘You are alive, are you not?’

  ‘Oh good point.’ Avana faintly replied as she snuggled her baby closer to her.

  Darby admonished Melody by saying. ‘Do not scare her like that.’

  ‘Is there another way?’ Esther asked with a twinkle in her eyes, causing several to smother relieved laughter as Darby smiled and shook her head at the outrageous female.

  Peyton turned her head toward the house, her eyes were only the deep black of space now, the flames having disappeared. Suddenly the two Turqualls walked from the house, she told them. You look better.

  Thank you, we go to the spring. We will return.

  You have three days.

  We heard Star Daughter.

  Well take care, do not overdo it, we have someone on the ships to see you, if you need treatment.

  Thank you Star Daughter. We will think on it.

  She opened her eyes, unaware she had closed them again, they had reset back to her normal green color. She addressed the waiting people, her voice once more her own. ‘Alright, we need a meeting, everyone to Darby’s base. Sene Avana, please make use of the facilities, you two girls as well. Then go up to the Warship.’

  Brenda said. ‘I will have someone stay with them, Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Thank you, Brenda.’

  Peyton looked up toward the windows at the watching faces and said with a strained smile. ‘Back to work, we only have three days to accomplish everything. The Star Child is unhappy.’

  The faces disappeared, except for Trina’s. She smiled and waved to her before she moved from view. Peyton inclined her head and with that one small gesture, she felt her chest release a little of the tightness that gripped her.

  Everyone but Melody, Heather, Netta and Darby moved back into the house. Heather whispered to the little girls. ‘Go with the Sene. I will come when I can.’

  ‘That is the Star Daughter.’ One of them said, awe coating her voice. Heather was unsure which of the twins it was that had spoken, she was still unable to tell them apart. ‘I know, she is my sister, now go.’

  She watched as they ran after the Sene and straight into Brenda’s opened arms. Peyton eyed her sisters as they approached her. ‘What?’

  Melody said. ‘Peyton, your hair grew and has turned white.’

  ‘I know, the anger started the change and the Star Child likes it like this.’ She refrained from mentioning the changes that were happening within her mind.

  Darby asked. ‘Are you hurting Peyton?’

  She nodded her head and said on a sob. ‘I am, so much.’

  ‘Come on hon.’ Heather said as she walked to her. ‘We have you.’ She was enfolded in her arms and just as quickly the others placed their arms around them both.

  Darby whispered. ‘You are glowing, Peyton.’

  Peyton placed her head on Heather’s shoulder. ‘They did nothing, not once, all those people and all those Turqualls. They just left them, how could they do that?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Heather answered. ‘With their immense power they must have been able to do something.’

  Melody said regretfully. ‘It seems they did not care, and not caring is as bad as doing nothing. I wish I could explain their reasoning, but I cannot.’

  ‘Maybe, it is because they think they are the only ones with value and everyone else are expendable.’ Netta whispered sadly.

  Peyton nodded. ‘Maybe so, they are wrong.’

  Heather stated. ‘Of course they are, but they are stars and who can know their minds. What angers me, are these royals who think they are above justice. Now that is just wrong.’

  Darby whispered. ‘I just do not see why people have to be so cruel toward each other.’

  Melody sighed. ‘These people did this, because simply put, they could. They knew there would never be any repercussions.’

  Peyton’s head was still on Heather’s shoulder as she said. ‘Yeah, that sounds about right.’

  Netta murmured. ‘To hunt is a gift that should be conducted with honor and respect. What these creatures did here was neither. This was murder and slaughter for pleasure. There is nothing honorable about that.’

  ‘No… no, there is not.’ Peyton agreed with a sigh as she removed her head from Heather’s shoulder.

  Darby softly stated. ‘Thank goodness we have you, and you have us, and we have everyone else. We will never let ourselves get like them up there, or them inside. Esther is right, we need to harden up and face our responsibilities.’

  Netta placed a hand on Peyton’s shoulder and looked into her sorrowful green eyes. ‘We are more than just military. We are an armee for justice, and that means we need to do what is right. We did not come out here just to find a new home or hopefully have families. We also came out here for people like these who are left alive, and the ones who have died. Because if we do not remedy behavior like this. Who will?’

  Darby pulled away looking at the other four and said. ‘So all of us need to decide are we in this or not, because I have to tell you. I want to kick assbutt so bad.’

  They laughed at her vehement bad cursing, which broke the tension that clung to them like a cloak.

  Melody grinned. ‘Right, we are agreed, we will kick ass and we do it for everyone who cannot do it for themselves.’

  Netta put her fist out. ‘All for one… One for all!’

  ‘That is nice, I like it. Where did that come from?’ Melody asked as she placed her own hand on Netta’s fisted hand.

  ‘Old vid about Warriors.’

  ‘Alright, we like it.’ Heather said as she placed her hand over Melody’s as the others all followed suit. Esther came back out as they broke apart and stated.

  ‘Of course the real ones at fault are the ones who perpetuated this horrendous practice.’

  Peyton walked to her and hugged her. ‘Yes, little mother. I will make sure they understand how wrong they have been.’ She looked at her and then her sisters and told them. ‘They will not survive.’

  ‘We know and accept our place in this.’ Melody stated for them all.

  ‘It is what we stand for, justice Star Daughter style.’ Netta told her as she started moving toward the house.

  ‘I like that.’ Peyton smiled with relief then said. ‘Let’s go have us a meeting.’

  Her glow had receded, although her hair was now below her knees. The Star Crystal glowed a soft blue as it twisted and twirled through her now snow white tresses.


  Peyton led them along the dim hallway, meeting no one on their way. Five sisters, not of the same blood but definitely united by their desire for justice.

  Finally, they entered the dining room only to be greeted by some of her people who were seated around the table. They all stood as she arrived and bowed.

  ‘Well, this will have to stop, no bowing. I am not that type of deity. Dearle stars, in truth I am no deity at all. So no bowing, you did not do it before, do not do it now. I am the same person I was this morn, the same one I will be tomorrow.’

  When she had finished explaining her position on bowing, there were smiles and sighs of either relief or exasperation; she was unsure and decided not to ask.

  The prisoners had been moved to the far end of the room, Peyton could see the Sene was not in the room nor were the little girls. Peyton asked. ‘Are the Sene and girls alright?’

  Helen answered. ‘Karen has taken her and the little girls to the ship, to shower and be seen in medical.’ Brenda told her. ‘We decided that would be for the best as everyone is in and out of the rooms, plus the baby needs to see a healer.’

  ‘She is alright?’

  ‘Oh yes, but she is only just born.’

  ‘Okay, well, that is probably for the best.’

  Helen could not hold it back any longer and she burst out
. ‘Wow! I am so sorry, but that is just so startling different.’

  Peyton using English replied. ‘Yes, Helen, thank you, I know. It sure is going to take time to get used to.’

  Brenda looking at her with wide eyes nodded her agreement. ‘You are never going to be able to wash it by yourself.’

  Esther’s comment had them all smiling. ‘I don’t think we have enough shampoo and conditioner in storage, you will use loads of the stuff.’

  ‘Are we done here?’ Peyton inquired very politely. The three ladies all closed their mouths, although they had grins on their faces.

  Still in English, Peyton said to everyone else. ‘As you can see a few changes.’ She smiled to let them know she was okay with what had happened. ‘Apparently the Star Child likes hair that is long and reminds them of the heart of the stars, who knew.’

  They laughed as she hoped they would, relaxing the tension in the room. ‘I am speaking English because it annoys our prisoners, as they cannot understand what we are saying.’

  That was proved by the disgruntled looks on all their faces. Peyton smirked. ‘Surprisingly, I am alright with that. So this is what is happening. We have found four thousand Warriors beneath the house, in what passes for a basement in this mausoleum. They will be transported to the ships as soon as we can make that happen. We also discovered two Turqualls who I assume are still running around outside, and we found a Seer otherwise known as a Sene with a baby. Also, twin girls around ten who belong to a family of Assassins, otherwise known as Assaens. They will be coming with us as well as the six Raparthen children we found earlier. The remaining villages also wish to come with us.’

  She took a breath and looked around at the people present, hoping she would not receive any opposition to her plan. ‘We also are emptying the house and vaults. We may as well use the valuables for trade and at least it will put some credits in everyone’s accounts.’

  The Warriors all looked puzzled. Peyton finally found something to smile about as she told them.

  ‘Yes, for you, who do not realize you get paid for being Warriors of Maikonia.’


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