Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 42

by L M Lacee

‘No... No... Star Daughter, stay your anult woue’s hand.’

  Melody re-holstered her blaster and smiled as she asked Kerol. ‘Was that an insult?’


  Darby told her. ‘It means attack dog.’

  ‘Huh, as insults go, I’ve heard worse.’

  Peyton ignored her sisters as they smirked at the male, then cautioned him. ‘Be very careful, Sether Jenerika, my patience has run out.’

  He shrugged nonchalantly. ‘I am the Emperor’s favorite brother.’ He said this with a sneer then nodding to Kerol told her. ‘The Warrior will tell you this is true. If you take our lives, you will force our Emperor into a war you will not win and one the Universe may never recover from.’

  ‘I see.’ Peyton said as she tipped her head to the side. ‘One question for you though, truly just a small one for you to answer. Who will he use to fight his war?’

  Sether’s eyes shifted back to the Kerol then to Peyton as he lied. ‘He has Warriors on Jenersar who will fight for their Emperor.’

  ‘Captain Kerol, is that true?’

  Kerol gave his head a slight shake in the negative as he blandly looked at the five prisoners. ‘No Madam, there are no Warriors left on Jenersar.’ He mind-sent to her. We still have people sympathetic to us, looking for sleepers hidden there.

  Peyton responded with surprise. On Jenersar! They would not have kept them there. Well, I wouldn’t, but then they are very arrogant and stupid.

  Kerol nodded with a smile. Peyton raised her eyebrows and said. ‘As you heard Sether, you have been out of touch for too long. There are no Warriors remaining on Jenersar and none for your Emperor can pit against me.’

  ‘You and your woue lie.’

  ‘Why would we?’

  Sether had no comment about that because he knew she did not lie. Only the day before, Uthar had reached out to him, explaining the position he was in and demanding he and his family return home. Which they had planned to do in three days.

  When he did not speak, Peyton asked him. ‘I wonder if your brother every came here to hunt, he does not seem the type but one never knows.’

  ‘No, and if you know of Thanikis, you know he is a powerful member of the Coalition.’

  ‘Duly noted, did he?’

  ‘No, he never did.’

  ‘Did your brother, the Emperor ever visit and hunt on this world?’

  ‘No, my brother never did.’

  ‘His Empress?’


  ‘Why do you lie Sether?’

  ‘I do not lie.’

  ‘Your brother must be very powerful and honorable for you to protect him as you do.’

  Sether moved a little as he let his eyes travel over her, noting the changes to her appearance, almost by rote he stated. ‘He is more powerful than some trumped up impoef of a Star Daughter. Surely it would have behoved the world you come from, to understand our Emperor better. To think he will be taken in by someone who wears the persona of a mythical being is ludicrous.’ He laughed as he said. ‘The Star Daughter.’

  Peyton smiled and ignored his infantile attempt to enrage her. Even though he had already seen what she would do and the changes she had undergone. He seemed to be very sure she would not kill him or his family. The thought crossed her mind, that maybe he convinced himself they had been affected by some kind of mind-altering magic or technological wizardry. His next words seemed to say she was right.

  When he smirked and asked. ‘What planet do you come from, anyway?’


  He raised an eyebrow and mocked. ‘I have never heard of it, another myth perhaps.’

  ‘Did any other member of your family ever hunt on this world?’

  Sether made himself comfortable in his chair, so sure of his position as brother to the Emperor. His whole bearing became one of royalty humoring a servant, knowing she would never understand the way of a superior.

  ‘No one has hunted here. I do not know what you think you have found or what you assume this planet is used for, but whatever it is, you are wrong. We vacation here, this is all we do.’

  ‘Yet we already have heard that there is hunting. Why I wonder, do you insist on hiding that fact?’

  ‘Was that a question?’

  Peyton sighed, then asked. ‘Why are there Raparthen pups here?’

  He shrugged and looked bored even as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his spine. How did she know what race the pups were? Raparthen were almost extinct. He only happened upon them occasionally, when he was in the right place at the right time. Which sadly only happened infrequently ‘We trade for them, they work for a time. Their parents allow this for remuneration of course.’

  Peyton smiled at the blatant lie. ‘So they are returned to their packs?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘And the Turquall and Sene?’

  ‘Guests, we have them occasionally.’

  ‘I see.’

  Before she could ask anything else, he smiled and said. ‘I think you have been misled, probably by this one.’ He indicated Kerol. ‘Or the renegade Roeah who is always running his own agenda.’ He sneered as he looked around at the Warriors and Darby, his eyes lingering on Melody as he said. ‘You know they are useless for anything other than killing. It was all they were created for, death. If you don’t keep a tight leash on them, you may find your throats slit in the middle of the night or your pretty little scallut.’ He sneered at Melody. ‘Will find herself having to look for another bed partner, one with more… Ahh… height to her.’

  The younger male laughed and the females twittered at his insinuation. Only the older male stayed silent, his face revealed nothing but his eyes were watchful and what he saw frightened him. His sister’s mate was playing a dangerous game. This was not a prelude to a hunt where he could bait their prey. This female was powerful and very dangerous, how Sether could not see this, amazed him and increased his fear.

  Melody grinned as she saw the laughter in Peyton’s eyes, especially when they heard Darby’s snort.

  Kerol stared at the male in bewilderment, could the male not see who was sitting in front of him. It was not like he was a fool, although calling Melody a scallut proved he may be.

  Sether was confused, this female was like none he had ever seen before. It was obvious something had happened when she had left the room. Something or someone had wrought a change on her, and yet his brain could not seem to register anything other than her small figure and ordinary features. Could she be one of those earthlings his brother Thanikis had reported about to Uthar? The ones with the wonderful, malleable DNA. He looked around at the others in the room. Were they all these earthlings, and if they were, what were they doing here of all places. How did they even find out about this world? The Warriors knew nothing of it; this world was a well-guarded secret. Even the servants were extended family and had never left since coming here.

  Peyton refused to be a participant in his twisted game of words. Instead she asked. ‘What of the Warriors found beneath the house?’

  ‘I do not know, what you speak of.’

  ‘Four thousand Warriors placed in stasis tubes in the cavern beneath this house.’

  Sether felt another bead of sweat slide down his spine as he twitched his shoulders. ‘I still do not know what you are talking about.’

  Peyton’s eyebrows rose in amazement at the blatant lie. ‘Are you so sure I will not kill you, that you willingly risk your life and the lives of your mate and her family by lying.’

  Sether grinned and sighed heartily. ‘Again, I tell you, as you do not seem to be listening to me. I. Am. Not. Lying.’

  Peyton switched her focus. ‘Orotha, who killed all the young ones we found in the grave?’

  The female called Orotha flicked her eyes over Peyton, her eyes held as much contempt as her voice did, when she answered. ‘What graves? We have killed animals that have disturbed the farmers that is all.’

  ‘Why do you lie Orotha?’

I do not lie.’

  ‘Who Orotha, tell me or someone dies.’

  Sighing, she looked at the ceiling and seemed to be counting. Then she returned her gaze to Peyton and said with a smirk. ‘Very well, if there are graves. I suppose it would be the servants they live here all yenta.’

  ‘I see, kill the youngest one.’

  Before they could protest, Melody raised her blaster and shot the male through the head. He fell from the chair as blood sluggishly seeped from the hole in his wide forehead. His body gave one long quiver and stilled.

  The older male, Meins, closed his eyes on the death as the two females fell from their chairs, dashing to the side of the dead male and sobbing.

  Sether’s expression shifted from hatred to fear and back again. ‘You killed him.’ He stated almost like he did not believe it.

  Orotha cradled her brother’s head against her breast as she screamed at Melody. ‘You killed him, you scallut, you killed my brother. I will kill you for that.’

  Melody holstered her blaster and moved back to stand with Kerol and Darby, her face set, as if it had been chiseled from stone.

  Orotha then turned her hate-filled eyes on Peyton and screamed. ‘You are a Desoul.’

  Peyton unmoved by the female’s words, said one word. ‘SIT!’

  The males tenderly pulled their females from the cooling body and sat them back on their chairs as they sobbed into their hands.

  Sether snarled. ‘You are a cold, heartless bitchre.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Maybe, but I do not hunt innocents. So a win for me!’

  ‘Why?’ Celinna asked. ‘Why would you kill him? He was only young.’

  ‘Older than the children hunted by all of you. I wonder if all the parents of the missing young you have murdered are mourning their lost children as you are mourning him. Did you hunt the children and the Turqualls?’

  ‘Yes.’ She sobbed. ‘I did, we all did. Is that what you want to hear?’

  Peyton said softly. ‘I want the truth.’

  The older brother Meins answered, tears staining his voice ‘Yes, we all did, we hunted as did the Emperor and his Empress. All the members of our families.’

  He whispered as he hung his head. ‘It was Fantha’s first hunt.’

  Disbelief held Peyton’s tongue still for a minute, finally she said. ‘There are no words I can find to describe my thoughts at this moment.’ After another few minutes in silence, except for the sounds of weeping from the females, she shook herself and stood. ‘Well okay then, Darby?’

  ‘Done, Star Daughter. I have all the names of the victims. They seemed to have taken pride in listing who they were and where they collected them from.’

  Kerol looked at Darby and in a voice that suppressed rage explained. ‘Trophies, to remember the hunt. All hunters do it.’

  Peyton felt her heartbreak at the thought of the cruelty inflicted on their victims. She addressed the four people. ‘I as Star Daughter condemn you to my justice. You know what you did wrong and show no remorse. So you will die with the world you have slowly killed with your depravity. I have spent too much time on you as it is. Be thankful I do not do to you, what you did to all your victims. Take them to the cells please, Commander.’

  Stunned, the four prisoners looked at her, unable to believe their brother was dead and they were to die.

  Sether stood and hissed. ‘You cannot do this. We have done nothing wrong. It is what we and they were created for, predator and prey.’ He looked at his brother-in-law and saw resignation and defeat in his eyes. He turned to Peyton and stated in no uncertain terms. ‘Uthar will not allow this. You are dead.’

  Peyton shook her head as she stared at the four people. ‘Even now, you do not see. I am saddened for you all. Your Emperor will not save you, and there will be no war. You will die because your victims cry out for justice. I suggest you make your peace with whoever it is you worship. May they have mercy for you, I do not.’

  Flames appeared in her eyes when she spoke, and her voice held anger. ‘I would kill you myself, but it upsets my people.’ She looked toward Janet as she said. ‘So, I will spare them having to witness that today.’

  Janet looked away from those burning eyes as Melody looked at her and wondered what had happened between the two. Peyton blinked and her eyes returned to normal. She smiled sadly at Melody and said. ‘Thank you Commander, Captain and Warriors, you have done well. Darby, are you ready?’

  She stood and started shutting down her computers. ‘I will need a few mins.’

  ‘Find me please. I will be in the kitchen, Warrior Janet please remain with Lady Darby.’

  ‘As you wish Madam.’ Janet replied quietly.

  Peyton left the room with a nod to Melody, who stayed behind and organized the removal of the prisoners.


  Hawk and Netta walked out from the sleeper’s vault just as the four people were entering the cell, catching sight of him. Sether called out. ‘Roeah, I demand you do something.’

  Hawk walked to where he and the others stood and punched him in the face. Causing him to lift slightly off his feet and fly backward until he came up against the stone wall of the cell where he slid to the floor.

  Netta grunted. ‘Well, that was something.’

  Hawk grinned and rubbed his hand. ‘That felt good. Lock them up Kerol. Today is a good day.’

  ‘Nice punch.’ Melody said admiringly from behind him.

  ‘Thank you.’ He replied as he turned to her. ‘I have been practicing.’

  She and Netta laughed at the innocuous statement, then Melody asked him as they moved slightly away from the cells. ‘How far along are we?’

  ‘The wall will be down in fifteen mins and we will speed up then. We will be finished tomorrow by second- meal, if we work through the night.’

  ‘That is not going to happen. We will break for meals and sleep, then start in the morn fresh.’ A voice that sounded suspiciously like Peyton’s floated down the stairs.

  Hawk called back. ‘As you wish, although Warrior Kolin says we can work in relays, but I will tell him no.’

  ‘That would work. Nice punch.’

  They all grinned at her sheepish tone and with a salute to Hawk. Melody, Netta and Kerol left without another look at the prisoners. Left alone, Hawk walked to the door of the cell and pulled the shuttered window opened and came face to face with Celinna, who had tears running from her glazed eyes.

  ‘She killed Fantha.’

  ‘You killed hundreds.’

  ‘Why have you turned against us? Uthar is beside himself with anger. He said it was your orders that made the Warriors rebel. You have left our home world defenseless.’

  ‘It was never our home world. It was the yoke around our necks.’

  ‘Do you not care, we could be invaded? Uthar has placed the blame of your rebellion on Thanikis, and he has been demoted. He is now bonded to the royal court.’

  ‘I do not care. Tell me why I should care about Thanikis or your precious Emperor. The same male who would kill me as soon as I stepped foot on Jenersar.’

  Celinna tightened her grasp on the bars as she hissed. ‘Empress Quara is contacting all her family members, they will start hunting the Warriors. You know what will happen when they find them. Death will reign all over the Universe, and you will be unable to protect your precious males then. And when they are finished killing them, they will come for you and your precious Star Daughter. She cannot protect you, Hawk release us, do not allow her to take our lives. Come home, you know we will protect you. Uthar will forgive you, if you help us escape.’

  ‘I cannot.’ He raised an eyebrow as he amended that to. ‘I will not.’

  ‘Why?’ She hit the bars with her hands and hissed again. ‘What does she hold over you? Is it credits, titles? Tell me my friend, and I will grant you the same.’

  Hawk shook his head. ‘It has been many yentas since we shared any type of friendship Celinna. And as I look back on that time, with the knowle
dge and understanding of what genuine friendship is. I realize what you called friendship was in fact servitude. Those days are long past for both of us Celinna, you could never give me what she has.’

  She pleaded in desperation. ‘What can she possibly give you?’

  Hawk let loose one of his rare smiles. ‘A home Celinna. A home and a mate with young ones of our own.’

  ‘Impossible, she lies it cannot be done.’ She scoffed at his naivety as she stepped back away from the bars, saying again as an icy hand of despair slipped down her back. ‘Impossible, she lies to you and fool that you are, you believe her.’

  ‘Yet it is true, my Warriors are mating already.’ Hawk told her with that same smile still in place. ‘She will do what your Emperor would never do, return my brothers to me. We know about all the Warriors in stasis that your Emperor and Thanikis have hidden.’ He said as she looked away. ‘Oh yes, Celinna. We will find all my Warriors.’

  Meins came to the bars and asked. ‘How can you do so?’

  It was not lost on Hawk that neither of them denied his assertions. ‘We are here on this small world, why would you think we will not find the others?’

  ‘She will not, Uthar and Thanikis will not allow it.’ Orotha told him starkly as she sat on the floor beside her mate.

  Hawk did something he had picked up from the females, he shrugged. ‘I pity you for your beliefs. You should have read your histories on who the Star Daughter is. Regardless of your thoughts, the safety of my Warriors is assured, and she has returned to me something I thought was lost forever.’

  ‘What could a small plain thing like her? Give you, the great Commander Roeah.’ Sether asked as he struggled to stand.

  Holding his smile in place, Hawk refused to be drawn into an argument. ‘The return of my dignity and honor.’

  ‘No, my friend, you never lost your honor or your dignity.’ Said a very feminine voice, startling him into turning swiftly to confront her. Esther smiled as she walked toward him. ‘I have never met a more dignified male and as for your honor, it may have become tarnished a little, but lost, never! You are the second most honorable male I have ever met, and I was mated to the other.’ Esther reached up and placed her hand on his cheek, and for once he did not react. ‘I recognize an honorable male when I see him.’


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