Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 52

by L M Lacee

  Sometime later when it appeared that there was a lull in trading. Reeico, Savo and Teelu’s first son and Rose’s older cousin took the opportunity while his parents were involved in a discussion with Rose. To ask Peyton if he may speak with her. She consented, and he, Netta and Hawk moved away from the group surrounding the table.

  Reeico looked at the other two and with a nod said in his quiet way. ‘I apologize, I should have realized.’

  ‘It is understandable, we do not take offense.’ Hawk assured him. ‘Our Star Daughter is new to our Universe. She is easily confused on some matters.’

  Peyton secretly grinned, this was untrue but it let the male off the hook. Protocol dictated he should have made the request through Hawk or Netta. Hawk was also allowing his mistake to slide, but making him aware the blunder was noted and they were unoffended.

  Reeico apologized with a bow and an uneasy expression. ‘Forgive my forwardness. I truly did not mean any disrespect.’

  Peyton gave his arm a pat. ‘Be at ease, I forget things all the time. I am not offended. Now before Darby realizes she is missing out on something, what can I do for you?’

  With a nod from Hawk, he said. ‘Madam Peyton, I wondered if you and your worlds would be interested in having inventors join you?’

  Netta asked. ‘What do you invent?’

  He smiled with a mixture of pride and enjoyment. ‘I and my sister Teenarlo and three of our cousins invented the floating trunks and beds that Rose showed you. We also have updated and remodeled a regeneration tube. We also have several medical projects under development and are working on a storage cube, triggered to lock and unlock by a person’s breath. They will be small enough to slip inside a pocket or large enough to accommodate the contents of a dwelling. We are modifying them to interlock; this will allow them to remain stable, so they can be used in cargo holds. Soon there will be no need for containment fields or tie downs.’

  Hawk was impressed, as he said. ‘Shipping cargo would be changed forever.’

  Reeico grinned with pride as he told them. ‘This is so. We will revolutionize cargo transportation. We also have developed water that cleans, but not in the normal way. It will strip the dirt and other soils off a body without the use of an agent and leaves the skin, soft and clean. I can give you a demonstration of its use, we call it Schrouse water. It is very experimental, but we are well on the way to completion.’

  Netta asked. ‘So, you cannot drink it?’

  ‘No Captain, it is purely for cleaning a body.’

  ‘Why is it not completed?’ Jean asked as she arrived.

  Netta made the introductions. ‘This is Jean, our analyst and all around systems expert.’

  They shook hands as Jean stepped back next to Netta. Reeico spread his hands wide as he smiled and answered her question. ‘What all inventors and scientists as well as engineers need. Credits, and a place to work.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Jean comm Engineer Kolin please.’ She then addressed Reeico. ‘With your parent’s permission. I would like to welcome you to Maikonia as our Chief Inventor, Reeico Leesungha.’ He beamed a smile as she said. ‘As for your unasked question. Yes, we will eagerly accept your people and fund your company.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘That easy.’

  Peyton laughed, then said. ‘Oh my stars, did he just say easy?’

  Netta shook her head and said. ‘I know.’

  Peyton shook her head as well, saying. ‘This will not be easy, you have to negotiate with our new chief trader and Lady Darby.’ She laughed again as she and Netta moved away.

  Reeico scratched his head and said to Hawk. ‘I do not understand.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘It happens when talking to Madam. I am sure when you think on it you will realize why they laugh, if not, tomorrow should give you some understanding.’ He turned from the puzzled male to Jean and asked. ‘Specialist Jean, when Kolin arrives, could you sit with him and chief Reeico and obtain understanding on what it is he and his people do and need? Then tomorrow meet with chief trader Rose and Lady Darby please.’

  ‘You betcha.’

  They heard groaning as Reeico realized what Hawk meant and why Peyton and Netta had laughed. Jean grinned at the sound as Hawk asked her again as he was unsure she had understood him. ‘I can leave this with you?’

  She nodded as she agreed. ‘You sure can. I gotcha Commander Hawk.’

  He looked at Netta who had returned, she grinned and told the two bewildered males. ‘She has it.’

  Hawk sighed and said, ‘Good.’

  He walked away, shaking his head just as Kolin arrived. Netta grinned and high-fived Jean and together they said. ‘So cool.’

  The saying was becoming very catchy. After Netta had introduced Reeico to Kolin, they walked over to a corner where seating had been placed. Reeico was joined by his sister, Teenarlo. Once the introductions had been made, they got down to explaining what their fledgling company was doing and what they would need.

  Peyton went back to watching the traders. Savo looked to where his son and daughter sat huddled talking to the others with their tablets out and then at Peyton. Sadness for what was to happen and resignation entered his eyes. He gave her a small nod and turned his attention back to the screens as well.

  After an hour several more deals were struck and Rose was established as the Maikonia chief trader.

  Savo agreed to act as an intermediary until Maikonia was established. He would open a sub-account in Rose’s name under his family house, where all the credits would go until the next trader gathering. Where she and her siblings would be established as an official house and then be awarded their own accounts.

  Savo assured Peyton and Hawk they would have enough credits for everything they needed. Which instantly had Darby, Heather, and the three ladies writing lists for equipment and foods that were required.

  Peyton offered the family hospitality for the following two days before they would have to leave for their next trade, they happily accepted.

  Then the Leesungha family were taken on a tour of the Warship by Lukkas and Netta, ostensibly to see what a Jenersar Warship was like. In reality, Peyton asked them to take note of what needed immediate updating, so it could be ordered. By the time eve-meal, rolled around, people were comfortable with each other and the extended Leesungha family had been accepted and integrated into Peyton’s ever growing one.

  As they talked over the meal, Peyton told Savo and Teelu she was calling Rose’s mother. She then shared her thoughts on Rose and Frand’s crash with the older couple, and in return they shared their opinions as to the way some trading families were organized.

  When they had finished swapping theories, Savo admitted to Peyton he was furious with his brother’s mate who thought she could do something so outrageous to her own young. He told Peyton that he was unsure if the head of their house, her brother Lasing Undinly, would be involved. He rather thought not.


  Later that night, Darby tracked down the Undinly family trading ships with Rose’s mother Leanii Undinly on board. It seemed she had never taken her mate’s last name. Teelu said not all trading females did so, although she had taken Savo’s. She believed it had more to do with the female and how much control her family had over her and of course credits. She had looked sternly at Peyton and told her.

  ‘Follow the credits, Peyton, and you will have your answer as to why some strange and unusual things occur.’

  Peyton thought that was rather a cynical view of looking at the Universe, but maybe more accurate than she wanted to admit, even to herself. When they retired to the war room where several couches and armchairs had been placed to enlarge the lounge area, everyone was relaxed and happy.

  The three ladies sat with Teelu sipping tea that she had made for them and seemed very happy. Peyton thought that maybe the tea was more alcohol than actual tea.

  Darby ordered. ‘Comp, connect to the Undinly trading ship.’

  Directing connection.

>   ‘Audio and Holo screen.’


  Savo had supplied the codes for this comm, so the male that answered the transmission wore a confused expression on seeing Peyton. It was obvious why he was the head of the family. He did not leap to any conclusions, just politely greeted her by inclining his head and saying. ‘Greetings, I am Lasing Undinly, head of Undinly Trading house.’

  ‘Greetings.’ Peyton returned just as politely. ‘I am the Star Daughter. Ruler of Maikonia. I thank you for taking my comm as you can see, I am using the Leesungha transmission codes.’

  The male was very different to Savo, although Frand had the look of him, as he too was tall and slim. Lasing Undinly had a narrow handsome face with piercing amber eyes, but although his skin tone was green. It was a more emerald green which was not as pleasing to the eye as Rose and Miko’s was.

  Apprehensively, he said. ‘Yes, I assume you are using the codes with the permission of the head of Leesungha house.’

  ‘Of course.’

  He hesitantly smiled and made the trader sign of respect then said. ‘Good-eve, Star Daughter. We had not heard of your return to the Universe.’

  Peyton returned the smile. ‘It was rather sudden, no doubt the news will travel soon enough.’

  He inclined his head with a small nod. Savo had said traders were always a good source of information, and as they traveled widely, news always followed in their wake. He told her the news of the Star Daughter would be too good a titbit to not share.

  Lasing Undinly said. ‘I apologize, Star Daughter. I do not know of this place you call Maikonia.’

  Peyton inclined her head in acknowledgment as she said. ‘I would be surprised if you did. It is the Star Child’s system.’

  He paled or Peyton thought he did as he seemed to go a lime color. ‘I see. What may my humble trading family do for the Star Daughter?’

  Peyton acknowledged the respect with a nod of her head. ‘I have comm’d to advise you as head of your house. I have granted Rose, Frand and Miko Leesungha the sole trading contract to the worlds of Maikonia, and they can no longer join with your family.’

  ‘Lies!’ A tall female cried out as she pushed in front of Lasing.

  Peyton heard Rose softy say. ‘Oh Darma, no.’

  The female was an almost identical copy of her brother. She too had the same amber eye color and long black hair. Except hers was twisted into a knot on top of her head. Lasing Undinly’s face revealed his horror as his sister addressed Peyton with so much disrespect. ‘You tell lies to my brother.’

  ‘Who am I addressing?’ Peyton asked politely.

  ‘I am Leanii Undinly, sister to the head of house Undinly as well as Darma to Rose, Frand and Miko Leesungha.’

  Rose whispered to all who were not traders. ‘Darma in our language means Mama.’

  Peyton’s eyebrows rose as she said. ‘I see, and you Leanii Undinly call me a liar because?’

  ‘There is no such place as Maikonia.’

  ‘You know of every world in every Universe and especially those that are shielded by the Star Child. I am overwhelmed by your knowledge.’

  ‘Of course I do not.’ She said scornfully. ‘You tell lies, my young must be returned to me immediately. They have no right to be away from their family.’

  ‘Oh is that all, be at peace they are not. I am sure they will be in touch with their Papa’s side of the family.’

  ‘That is unacceptable.’


  ‘Because his family are hiesies.’

  Frand sardonically told the others. ‘Translated, that means, tricksters.’

  Peyton looked shocked as she called out, ‘Savo, Teelu, you are being called hiesies and worse.’

  Savo and Teelu moved into view, Teelu wobbled a little and Savo slipped his arm around her, helping her to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

  Leanii’s color deepened to a dark green, a blush or fear, Peyton wondered. Savo asked in a voice made of steel. ‘Do you wish to repeat that Leanii?’

  She swallowed hard as she shook her head and replied. ‘No, I find I do not Savo.’

  Savo said in his deep voice. ‘As I thought, be very careful Leanii, you are not so important to me and my family that I will not bring you before the guild. You know as well as I do, they will not tolerate the slander of others. Surely you do not want your family house to be sanctioned for misconduct.’ He nodded to Lasing who looked pissed at his sister as Savo and Teelu stepped from view.

  Teelu grinned broadly and patted Savo on the cheek and not the one on his face. He grinned in return and whispered something in her ear. Which made her throw back her head and belly laugh as she stumbled back to the ladies and her tea.

  Leanii hissed. ‘I want my young back.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Do you know where your young have been for the last four luneras, Leanii?’

  ‘Why would I know this?’

  ‘Because they are dearle to you.’

  ‘Who are you that think you know better than their Darma about what is best for my young? Their family… my family awaits their return.’

  ‘You know who I am and if they were my young. I would not have diverted them to a fake trade on a hostile planet.’

  Rose gasped as Frand held her hand. By the look on his face he had already figured it out. Miko sat, head bent with Savo’s hand on her shoulder as her mother snarled at Peyton. ‘You think I had my young sent there, to a planet that trapped them?’

  ‘I said hostile, not trapped. Leanii you almost had your young killed. What greater sin is there?’

  Leanii stumbled back a little and dramatically gasped as she shook her head and clasped a hand over her heart. ‘You lie… you lie.’

  ‘You know I do not.’ Peyton glowed as her voice became a little sharper, a little clearer as she said.

  ‘I am the Star Daughter and resent your choice of words when addressing me. I find you contemptible Leanii Undinly and give you fair warning. Do not pursue your young. You will remain away from them until I decide you are trustworthy.’

  Then she glowed brighter and her voice changed to the singsong tones of the Star Childs.

  Lasing Undinly, we hold you accountable for the lives of Leanii’s young. Do not make our Daughter render our justice on your family.

  Peyton’s glow dimmed and her voice was her own again as she cautioned. ‘I would listen if I was you, Lasing Undinly. One warning is all you will receive.’

  None of the sweet female Savo and Teelu had been with for the last day was in evidence. In her place was a being of immense power.

  Netta stood with her arms crossed, Hawk and Melody on either side of her, standing between the others in the room and Peyton. Teelu shifted uneasily in her seat as she wondered if the three Warriors were there to protect them from the Star Daughter or her from them.

  Sensing her unease, Esther whispered. ‘It is still her; this is just another side of our Peyton.’

  ‘You do not find her frightening?’ Teelu whispered back.

  ‘No.’ Helen answered for Esther and Brenda. ‘She is ours. Why would we be frightened of her?’

  Esther asked her. ‘Are you scared of your young?’

  Teelu shook her head as she whispered. ‘No, but none of my young can destroy the Universe with a thought.’

  ‘Neither will ours.’ Brenda assured her.

  ‘And yet you do not deny she could.’

  Helen smiled sadly as she stated. ‘Why deny a fact, it will not change what is true.’

  ‘She is not like that. You have spent time with her would you believe she could, or we would allow her too.’ Brenda asked Teelu, who went back over everything she had heard, seen and witnessed since coming on board.

  She had to admit that Rose was an excellent judge of character, just like her Savo. Frand was no fool, and neither was she, and to be truthful until this moment she had been unconcerned. In fact, she could already tell Savo and her young had fallen under Peyton’s gentle spell and tr
uth to tell, she had too.

  Sighing, she said. ‘No... No, I would not, in fact I believe it would be difficult for her to do so.’

  She raised her cup to the others. ‘It seems we are in a new era, to be honest this is wonderful, as the old one was becoming stale.’

  The three ladies raised their own cups in agreement as Esther said. ‘Welcome to the family’

  Teelu heard an echo of the same words glide through her mind. She was unsure if they came from the Star Daughter or the Star Child. Whoever it was, they gave her a warm glow of acceptance that seemed to be reflected in the eyes of every member of her family.

  The sharp uncompromising tones of the Star Daughter rang with authority as she said. ‘Listen well to my words, Leanii Undinly. I will not tolerate any interference in the lives of the Leesungha family, remember they are mine now. Lasing Undinly, I suggest you keep a tight hold on your family and stay clear of mine, all of mine. The consequences, if you do not, will be swift and final. Do I make myself clear?’

  Leanii and Lasing Undinly both were pale now, and with her mouth in a tight line Leanii bowed her head. Lasing looked like he wished to be anywhere but where he was, as he too bowed his head. ‘Very clear Star Daughter?’

  ‘Comp off.’ Peyton turned to the people in the room.

  They all bowed their heads as Darby said. ‘Peyton, you are glowing.’

  ‘Oh dayam it, sorry.’

  When the glow faded, she took a deep breath and became Peyton once more.

  ‘You okay?’ Melody asked, as she handed her a glass of water.

  ‘Yep… just you know, annoyed.’

  ‘Yep, I get that. You did well. I think you scared the tuap out of them.’

  Peyton grinned and asked. ‘Too much, you think?’

  Netta snorted inelegantly. ‘No, seriously, it was probably not enough, but it should work.’

  ‘I hope so.’ Darby said as she nodded toward Rose who stood with her brother and sister. ‘Because that is just sad.’

  Peyton finished her drink and agreed.


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